Special Bond-Long Weekend at the Lake Chapt 28-35
Special Bond-Long Weekend at the Lake Chapt 28-35
Sex Story Author: | DSGIRLSD |
Sex Story Excerpt: | So I’ll make you an offer; If you want to stay at the old place until Kenny either graduates, or |
Sex Story Category: | Bi-sexual |
Sex Story Tags: | Bi-sexual, Fantasm, First Time, Incest, Teen Male/Teen Female |
Long Weekend at the Lake
No institution or agency may use this work for other than the intended purpose – to provide personal entertainment. All characters are fictional.
This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace else.
This is not some 4 page fuck/suck story. This story consists of 35 Chapters! It has the main story, the back story, lots of detail, enough sex to satisfy almost everyone and some humor. It will be posted in multiple segments.
Lastly, ‘A Special Bond’ is a Trilogy. ‘Long Weekend at the Lake’ is the second part and will be followed by the Prequel and finally by The Later Years.
I’ve spell-checked and re-read the chapters multiple times. Yet I am sure there are spelling errors, grammatical problems and incorrect words. I don’t have an editor! Just read and enjoy.
Many of you provided constructive comments, resulting in changes. This includes some of the names (too many ‘K’ names) that caused confusion. As the other two parts are still under development – I ask you provide comments and suggestions. If you don’t like it – let me know why. If you DO, let me know also.
Kathy Evans – Age 31
Rob Evans – Age 36
RJ Evans – Age 16
Kayla Evans – Age 15
Aunt Christy Peters – Age 36
Uncle Tom Peters – Age 37
Ken Peters – Age 17
Candace Peters – Age 14
Chapter 28 of 35
Before departing, both girls had changed into plain skirts that fell halfway down their thighs. Each had also donned a short sleeve button-front blouse. They had pulled a hairbrush through their locks and applied some makeup, trying to appear presentable for their guys.
Candy pointed out that when they ‘switched guys’ last night, they had said it was until they got home. So, she wanted to make sure Kayla was OK with Candy sitting in front with RJ, and Kayla sitting in back with Kenny. Kalya just laughed, grabbed Kenny by the bicep and pulled him into the back seat of the Tundra behind her.
RJ started to exit the marina carefully and turned onto the County Road toward the interstate. The four settled in with the girls choosing to sit in the center beside ‘their guy’ and just wear a lap belt. RJ had only gone about 10 miles or so, and the four were animatedly chatting, when disaster struck! Suddenly the trailer lurched and jerked and RJ saw smoke pouring from the left tires.
After managing to get safely onto the shoulder, he quickly determined that something had broken on the spring, allowing the trailer and fender to drop down onto the tire. He tried in vain to call his Father and Mother on their cells to no avail. He tried repeatedly for 20 minutes and had grown both frustrated at not being able to reach them, and worried at the same time.
RJ then made a management decision. He pulled the card out that Gina and Carlo had given them and called Sand Point Marina Boat Repair. He asked for Carlo, but the foreman said he was not back yet. RJ explained the situation and the foreman told him to ‘sit tight’ and he would call back in 5 minutes.
5 minutes later, the Forman was explaining to RJ that he had ‘dispatched a tow truck with flatbed trailer to pick up the boat and trailer . . . not to worry’. The four teens watched forlornly as the driver wrenched and loaded the disabled boat and trailer onto the large flatbed. It seemed huge once sitting on the flatbed. RJ gave the driver the credit card his dad had provided him and told him “For Emergencies Only” The driver was to take the boat and trailer to Carlo’s shop at Sand Point Marina.
Absent the boat the four were making good time heading home. While RJ was concerned about not being able to reach his mom or dad, he was more bummed that the damage to the boat trailer would probably mean the end of him and Kayla being allowed to use it on their own.
About an hour down the road Candy could sense the RJ was not his usual carefree self. The four teens were all lost in thought and watching the scenery roll by. Candy decided to give RJ a little treat and try to put a smile back on his face. While he drove, eyes focused on the road, she slowly and cautiously unbuttoned her blouse, one button at a time. As was usual for her, she had decided against a bra this morning and now her blouse hung open providing a glimpse of her ‘A’ Cup tits with her nipples now on ‘high-beam’. She laid her head on his shoulder and lightly grasped his bicep.
After a few minutes he was lost in thought and had not even glanced at her and still had not noticed she had her tits on display for him. She nudged his arm and caused him to look into her eyes. She directed her glance downward at her chest and his eyes followed, now seeing her erect nipples poking out into the sunlight.
“Candy, you are one crazy girl” RJ exclaimed.
“Why? What is she doing RJ” Kalya asked from the back seat.
“Right now she has her tits out for me to see” RJ replied.
“That sounds like a wonderful idea” Kayla said. In a flash she had her own blouse off, and shucked her bra and was cuddled up to Kenny with her left breast poking its firmness into his right bicep. With his left hand, Kenny smiled at Kayla as he began massaging her unencumbered tits.
RJ would steal glances at Candy’s tits every chance he could when it was safe to take his eyes off the road. He placed his hand on her thigh which sent shivers through the young girl. Instinctively she spread her legs slightly.
Candy was happy that she had taken RJ’s mind off their bad luck and he now had a smile on his face. RJ let his hand drift up her thigh, perhaps not consciously. When his fingers were mere millimeters from her hairless mound, she spread her legs wider and scooted down in her seat just enough to cause his fingers to come in contact with her womanhood. He felt it instantly.
“You’re wet” RJ whispered to Candy, trying not to be obvious to the couple in the back seat.
“Yea. You do that to me when you are looking at my tits” she whispered back to him. She spread her legs as wide as space allowed and RJ toyed with her wet and swollen vulva. Soon RJ realized that the back handed contortions he was going through, plus the loss of concentration, was not a safe way to drive.
“Baby, I’m sorry. But this isn’t safe to be doing while I’m driving” RJ explained while he withdrew his hand from her now very wet pussy.
At that very moment they heard the sound of some sort of skin rubbing, followed by a moan from Kenny. RJ looked in the rear-view but could not see, Candy spun around, took one look, and said “Oh my God, Kayla is jacking off my brother!”
“Kayla you better not get any spunk on my upholstery back there” RJ admonished her.
“Don’t worry, by the time he is ready to cum, I’ll have a rubber on his cock and it will be inside of me!”
Candy laid her head back on RJ’s shoulder and discretely buttoned just the center button of her blouse so her breasts were not exposed. In a couple of minutes the two in front heard the noises from the back change. Candy glanced over her shoulder quickly. She put her lips beside RJ ear and whispered “Your sister is doing it with my brother . . . she’s sitting on his cock facing him!”
I know . . . I can hear” RJ smiled at Candy.
Candy wanted to watch particularly as Kayla was doing all the control and riding Kenny’s bronco-buster. It was just a little bit too obvious to be hanging over the front seat and drooling over the coupling going on in the back. Candy and RJ heard all the ‘squishy’ sound until the couple in back finally was sated. RJ had noted that more than one SUV had passed them only to give RJ a huge knowing grin, or a ‘thumbs-up’ sign. RJ assumed Kayla must have been putting on quite a show through the side window of the truck.
30 minutes later RJ stopped for gas and a potty break. As the two girls exited and went to the Ladies Room, Kayla had discretely wrapped a very full condom in a tissue to dispose of.
“Wow – seems like someone can’t get enough of Kenny’s cock” Candy chider her older cousin.
“I’m sorry Candy. I know I should have asked you first . . but he was playing with my tits and . . . damn that guy turns me on!”
“NO, it’s OK” Candy replied. “I don’t mind – the deal was, that we swapped guys until we get home. I just want you to know that Kenny is going to be driving the rest of the way home, while I let RJ fuck my brains out in the back seat!”
Kayla laughed and said ‘it’s a deal’ to her younger cousin.
“And no fair watching” Candy said, “We didn’t watch you guys!”. “OK’ was Kayla’s response.
As the girls approached the truck Kayla grabbed Kenny’s arm and said “Kenny why don’t you give RJ a break and drive for a while?”
RJ gave Kenny the keys and in a minute they were back on the interstate heading to the house. Candy wasted no time and as soon as Kenny had gotten them back on the freeway and everything was settled in, Candy thrust herself into RJ’s arms and pulled him down on top of her as she fell back on the seat.
The two kissed madly, like a sailor who had not seen his lover in months. Never mind that they had just had mind-blowing sex earlier that morning. It took RJ all of 30 seconds to find the single button Candy had affixing her blouse over her breasts and expose them to his hands. He kneaded her nipple by rolling it between his fingers causing her to cry out into his open mouth that was planted on hers.
A couple of minutes later Candy grabbed one of his wrists. She brought his hand down to her crotch and under her skirt. She had a great urgency. RJ cupped her sex and moved his hand and fingers about her hairless cunny. The two were trying to be quiet, even though Kayla had turned the radio on up front.
RJ whispered in her ear; “God you are SO wet Candy.”
He thrust a finger in her swampy tight hole and felt more girl-lube squeeze out. “I get that way because I’m around you RJ” she whispered back breathlessly.
“It turns me on that you get wet for me Candy” he whispered as he began to finger-fuck his cousin in earnest. Each time his finger went in to the hilt, it seemed like more lube squeezed out on his hand.
Candy was starting to have trouble concentrating with RJ working her overheated pussy to a new frenzy. “RJ . . . I’m sorry . . . . sorry that . . . you can’t squirt . . . you’re stuff in me. God I want to feel you cum in me!” Candy was speaking haltingly, because RJ was now rubbing her G-Spot – driving her crazy.
Candy knew she was getting dangerously close. “RJ, get a rubber on, and please fuck me. I want you to fuck me for a long time. This might be our last chance for a while” she pleaded trying to be as silent as possible.
Because RJ and Candy were considerably shorter than Kenny, it was possible for them to actually lay on the seat . . .well mostly. It was still awkward, but who cared about comfort when you were about to get great sex!
Candy lay on her back, her blouse totally open with tits exposed to her lover and her legs spread as wide as the truck would allow. Her skirt was pulled up around her waist. RJ kneeled between her legs with his now condom-protected penis at the opening of his young cousin’s sex. Her gash was so lubricated that when RJ finally thrust forward, he sank all the way to the meshing of their public bones.
Candy cried out loudly, not caring who could hear, ‘Oh Christ that feels good!”
RJ felt that HE should cry out. He simply could not believe how tight his cousin’s vagina was. He would have thought that with all the sex she had in the last few days, she might have loosened up a bit. But no, RJ felt that his penis was wedged in a vise. A velvet covered vice, but a vice none-the-less! Just as RJ was thinking that, Candy bore down with all her might. Kalya had been teaching her young cousin about ‘Kegles’ and Candy decided to see if she could squeeze down with her P-K muscles.
“SHIT” RJ cried out, “don’t do that”
“Why? Don’t you like that” Candy wanted to know.
“It’s not that, Candy. But you damn near made me cum right there!”
“Oh goody” the girl said and bore down again with all she could muster.
RJ groaned loudly. “If you want me to cum I will the next time you do that, but I thought you said you wanted me to do you for a long time?”
“OK RJ, I’ll be good. But it felt so naughty doing that to you” Candy said breathlessly. “Maybe I should be punished for being so naughty.” This was the second time Candy had alluded to being punished.
“If you do that again Candy, I will beat your ass for sure!”
“Promise” the girl asked hopefully.
“Count on it” RJ growled.
RJ started to piston his 9” cock in and out of the young girl’s cunt. In just a couple of minutes Candy fell into the orgasm abyss and cried out so loudly that the car in the next lanes over could have heard her.
“Oh my fucking God RJ . . . . So fucking good! Fuck me . . . fuck me HARDER” she shouted.
RJ continued to service her with all of his tricks. He went slow and deep. He went fast and hard. He swiveled his hips as he withdrew. He would double hump her rapidly and then rest.
By the time RJ felt the ejaculate boiling up in his balls, he had brought his young female cousin to orgasmic bliss three times. Each time she would become totally rigid and whimper with ecstasy while trying not to pass out. RJ knew he was going to fill the condom with his potent seed at any moment. Secretly he wished that she were on the pill so that he could have filled her womb with his seed . . without knocking up his cousin!
“Candy . . . gonna cum any second” RJ cried.
“Give it to me baby-boy. Fill me up” Candy pleaded. RJ redoubled his efforts and pounded her till her public bone ached. One final thrust and she was there. He was there!
RJ thrust in as hard and deep as possible and the condom started to inflate with copious amounts of his jizz. Candy cried out at the top of her lungs “AAAAHHHAAGHHH.”
As the two teens in the back seat tried to catch their breath, the two in the front sat wide-eyed at Candy’s sexual prowess.
“Damn Kayla, you have got to teach ME to fuck like that!”
“Gladly Kenny. Gladly!” was her reply.
Chapter 29 of 35
Aside from RJ’s embarrassment of not knowing what to do with his used condom full of his baby juice, the four teens regained their composure and stopped to ‘freshen up’ once more before getting to the house. Before they got out of the car, RJ was tidying up things in the back seat and broke out in a loud belly laugh.
“What’s so funny back there RJ” Kayla asked him.
“Kayla this was a new 24-pack of condoms when you found this in the personal effects case right”” he said as he tossed the box up to his sister.
“Yea mom must have bought it. It was brand new, why?”
“Well, there are only four condoms left! She is gonna kill us when she finds out” RJ again broke into a fit of laughter.
RJ again tried to call his parents cell phones, with no response. Kenny also tried to call his parents, to tell them they were almost back to Aunt Kathy’s house, but he also got no answer from his parent’s cell phones!
As they drove Kayla broached the subject that was on everyone’s mind. “You Know” she said pointedly, “as Kenny has a car and his license and as RJ is now driving and has the truck, there is no reason that four of us can’t see each other more often. Maybe we could come to your house some times, and you could come down to ours?”
“That would be so cool” Candy said. But if you came to our house, where would everyone sleep?”
“Candy, it’s not like you to skirt around what you are really thinking” Kayla said while looking into her cousins eyes in the rear view mirror. “What you are really wanting to ask is who all are we gonna be sleeping with at your house?
“Well, yea, I guess that is a question too” Candy said meekly.
“I think it is up to the guys. Obviously we’re gonna be sleeping with our brothers when we’re at home alone. We all know that all of us are horn-dogs. So it’s whatever you guys say. Do you two guys think that we will be swapping around again . . . or was this a onetime thing?”
“Gee Girls, RJ and I haven’t had any time to think about this, or talk about it. What are your thoughts RJ?” Kenny passed the buck.
“I think that horse is out of the barn. From what I’ve seen I’m pretty sure you’d like to get with Kayla again, Kenny. And I’ll admit that I’d like to be with Candy again” . . .as he said this Candy and RJ smiled at each other . . . “So yea, I’m pretty sure that both of us guys will want to be sleeping with both of you girls . . . and I’m also pretty sure that you two girls will be wanting to fool around with each other too! The only thing I’m more sure about is that Kenny and I will not be fooling around with each other!!!!”
The four broke into laughter at that remark. “So does this mean we’re swingers” Kayla asked rhetorically.
“Not if the four of us are monogamous within only our group it doesn’t” RJ answered.
When RJ drove up to the house there was a strange car in the driveway beside his dad’s truck. RJ parked across the street.
“Wait a minute” Kenny said ‘that’s our parent’s car!”
“What in the world are they doing here” Candy wondered out loud.
As the teens approached the house, they could hear music playing outside coming from the pool area. The four changed paths and walked back the long concrete pathway beside the house. When they reached the wooden gate on the 6 ft privacy fence, RJ released the latch and stepped back to allow the girls to pass through first.
Inside there was a large Bougainvillea bush that hid the gate from the pool area. Kayla heard the strange noises wafting over top of the music before she could see the pool deck. She put her arms out blocking the patch of the other three and placed her finger to her lips to ‘be quiet.’
Kayla and Candy peered around the Bougainvillea, stood staring for a very long minute and snapped their bodies back with their mouths hanging open. The boys wanted to know what they saw and squeezed past. The boys stared aghast for a longer time than did the girls, before they too ducked back behind the bush. Kayla made a motion with her hands to shoo everyone back out the gate.
The four went back to RJ’s truck, not sure what to say to each other.
“Did we see what I think we just saw” Kenny said what was on everyone’s mind.
“I think so” Kayla said shakily. “But I still don’t believe it!”
Rob Evans and Christy Peters were fraternal twins. Tom Peters and Kathy Evans were brother and sister. The two pairs of brother/sisters had known each other from grade school. The four were always best friends. As they got older and started dating, Tom had fallen in love with Rob’s sister and Rob had fallen in love with Tom’s sister. Everyone thought it was pretty cool, if not a little confusing. The four of them also shared other common ‘interests’ as they were growing up.
“Well I’ll tell you what I saw” Candy started, “I saw my Aunty Kathy with my Daddy, her brother. They were both naked, sitting beside each other on that big Chaise Lounge. She was playing with his penis and he was playing with her . . her vagina!”
Then RJ said, “and I saw Aunt Christy with my Dad, HER brother. She was kneeling over him, had on her bikini bottom but no top. He was fingering her . . . you know . . through her bathing suit and he was sucking on her breast. Aunt Christy had her hand around behind her and was jacking Dad off. She was also making a lot of noise while dad played with her!”
The four were quiet for a long time. Then Kayla broke the silence.
“That’s not all. Did anyone beside me notice that my mom’s . . . er, vaginal area, was all red and stuff was running out? I’m pretty sure Uncle Tom had sex with her and came in her” Kayla said.
“Yea, and I never knew my mom shaved her . . vaginal area. Did you know yours did Kayla?”
“No I never had that conversation with her”
The next silence was even longer, while the four tried to figure out what this all meant.
”Well, the heck with it. All this means is that they are just like us” Candy stated matter-of-factly.
“NO Candy, I think it means that we are just like them! I just remembered, a long time ago, at a family get together, seeing my mom kissing your dad. It was years ago and I was pretty young, so I didn’t think anything about it” Kayla explained to them all. “I think that they may have been like us . . been this way . . . for a long, long time.”
“Well what do we do now” RJ stated. “We can’t just sit in the truck all night!”
“I’ll tell you what we are going to do” Kayla took control. “We are all going to grow up a little bit. Then we are gonna walk in there as though there is nothing out of the ordinary going on. We’re all really fine with this . . . surprised maybe . . . but it is no different than what the four of us have been doing this weekend. They might be a little embarrassed at first, but we’ll just tell them we are fine with this. It’s been over 15 minutes – hopefully they finished what they were doing. Let’s get in there before they start having sex again . . I’m not sure I want to watch that right now!” Kayla finished her speech and reached for the door handle.
The boys could not believe they were going back in there with their respective Aunts and Uncles naked with each other.
As they again crossed the street, both girls got beside their brothers and they held hands. Approaching the Gate, RJ again opened it and the four walked in and paused behind the bush. Kayla took a deep breath and she and RJ led off followed closely by Kenny and Candy.
“Hello Mom, Hi Daddy. Hi Aunt Christy and Uncle Tom, what a surprise – how nice to see you.”
The words were not even out of Kayla’s mouth when the shit storm started. The four adults has been sitting on Chaise Lounges all still in some form of nakedness and with each other’s spouses. The two women let out a little shriek and jumped up grabbing their bathing suit ‘cover-up’ and throwing them over their heads. The two Fathers had a more difficult time as they had to stand up, find their pants and put them on. This was particularly difficult for Uncle Tom, as he had a raging hard-on! It seems that Kayla’s mom was still stroking Uncle Tom’s manhood, as the four teens walked in.
“Jesus! Would everyone relax for just a minute” Kayla said, causing the adults to turn and look at her.
“Look, we saw what you were doing before . . .”
“When? What did you see” their Aunt Christy interrupted Kayla in midsentence. She wanted to know what the kids had witnessed.
“Look, we were all here about 15 or 20 minutes ago and saw you guys doing various things. The four of us went out to the truck to talk. We just want you to know that we are fine with what is going on, after all we’re all adults here.”
As Kayla said that, Candy had to laugh. She wasn’t actually feeling very adult, after just having witnessed her mother getting finger-banged by her uncle, while he sucked on her mother’s ample tits!
Christy swept over to her daughters side and put her arm around her. “Oh Candy, we are so embarrassed. Please forgive us” her mother said.
“Mom, what are you talking about? We really are serious – we are all fine with you guys partying with each other. Honest, so stop worrying about anything. But where the hell is your cell phones, RJ and Kenny have been calling you guys all day!”
“Oh, I guess our cell phones are all up in the master bedroom” Christy responded to her daughter without thinking!
“Why are all the phones in one bedroom . . . did you guys all sleep together last night or something” Kayla asked, somewhat enjoying the discomfort she was causing.
The two women instantly turned crimson red, which gave Kayla an unexpected answer.
“Never mind, we’re all ok with you guys sleeping together also” Candy stated. “Mom, Daddy, can Kenny and I talk to you in private for a little bit?”
“Sure honey is something the matter” Christy asked her daughter.
“No, in fact everything is fine, but we’d like to talk to you and this is a good a time as any.”
Christy and Tom excused themselves and went into the living room with Kenny and Candy in tow.
Rob turned to RJ, still somewhat shaken at having been caught naked with his twin sister, by his own children. “So RJ, how was the great boating trip?”
“Fantastic! Kayla and I have so much to tell you. But there is a problem. That’s why we’ve been trying to call you guys all day!”
Rob was worried so RJ immediately explained everything that had happened as they left the Marina. About how they had to have the boat and trailer towed to Sandy Point Marina. About how he had to pay the tow driver with his dad’s credit card (sorry dad). About Carlo owing the Boat Repair shop, and the fact that he was going to fix the axle. About how ‘because of the incident, RJ guessed he and Kayla would never be able to use the boat again by themselves.
Rob had listened very carefully to RJ without interrupting. Kathy listened and felt that this somehow proved her original fears were founded about the kids being on their own.
“RJ, first of all I am extremely grateful that the accident was not more serious. That is the most important thing; that no one was hurt. Next, I think you did an excellent job of coaxing the boat off the road without causing a lot of damage and creating a further hazard. That in itself was very good thinking. I gave you the credit card for emergencies, and this certainly qualifies. I’ll need to talk to this Carlo fellow to make sure he is the right guy to fix this. This just illustrates that as much work as you and I did to check everything out on the boat, we didn’t check enough! When I talk to the shop, I’ll be interested to know what we missed – so that next time we won’t miss it. And lastly, I’m very sorry that mom and I were . . . er . . unavailable . . when you tried to call us today. As to your concern that you kids won’t be able to use the boat again – well . . . of course you can. I think that when you were faced with adversity you handled the situation with intelligence, maturity and safely and you did all the right things, son.”
RJ beamed but he was embarrassed at his father’s praise. “Thank you, dad. I’m sorry I didn’t get it back home in one piece though.” RJ handed him Carlo’s Business Card and said that his personal cell number was on the back. As it was not yet 5:00 PM he was sure they could call now.
Rob went into the kitchen to call Mr. Carlo Giannini at Sand Point Marina Boat Repair.
Meanwhile Christy and Tom had reached the living room and turned to face their Daughter and Son. Christy noticed they were holding hands but initially thought nothing of it. “What’s on your mind honey” Christy said to her daughter.
“Kayla told me that I should be able to talk to you about ANYTHING . . just like she and Aunt Kathy do” Candy started to say, only to be interrupted by her mother. “Of course you can sweetie” he mom replied. “ I am always here for you.”
“Please let me go on. I’m nervous enough about this. Mom, Daddy, I’m not a little girl anymore . . “ “We know honey your growing up” this time her father interrupted.
“Will you just not interrupt and let me get this out? Mom, Daddy, what I’m trying to tell you is that I’m a woman now . . . Mom, I’m not a virgin any more” she blurted out.
Christy suddenly sat on the sofa edge now. She looked up at her daughter for a minute. She stared into the girl’s bright green eyes, bore into he soul and saw . . . happiness!
“Your Aunt and I talked and she thought this might happen. I told her I thought you were too young. And Kenny is your boyfriend?” Christy asked her daughter, motioning to them holding hands. Ton said not a word, but had placed his hands firmly on his seated wife’s shoulders.
“Yes, yes he is” Candy said almost in a whisper, afraid of her mother’s reaction. However Christy then said something odd that her children didn’t understand at the time. “I don’t know what it is about that lake, and boats and young couples” she mused.
“So Mom, there is something more we’d like to talk to you and Daddy about.”
“Ok – go on” Christy said.
“Well, we want you to know that we were responsible . . we had ‘protected sex’ – every time.” As Candy said that last bit, she wished she hadn’t said ‘every time’. “Anyway, I think it would be better if I was to get on birth control and I was hoping you would agree and make me a doctor’s appointment?”
“I am happy to hear you guys used protection and I agree that it is the responsible thing to do to get on birth control. Is there anything else Candy” her mother asked, sensing that she was not through.
“Yes mom. Kenny and I would like your blessing . . . well at least your permission, I guess, to sleep together permanently when we get back home.” As Candy said this to her parents she was afraid that this might have been the straw that broke the Camel’s back.
Christy didn’t answer right away and instead looked up at her husband, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Kenny” Tom started to speak for the first time, “you realize that having . . . .a relationship . . with one’s sister is both complicated and very special. It is much more difficult than dating other girls, particularly at your ages.”
“Yes sir, I understand. Well, I understand now . . “ meaning now that he’d seen his father with his Aunt . . . “I realize now that you can probably help me with this. But Candy and I are very serious about this, and we’ve admitted to each other that we’ve both wanted this for a long time, but were afraid to profess it to each other, sir.”
“Very well Kids” Tom said. We’ll talk about all the ins and outs of pulling this off when we get home. And Kenny I certainly hope that you realize that your sister can never be just ‘another notch on your belt’ . . . She has given you the ultimate gift.”
‘Yes sir, I understood the commitment, the moment Candy and I talked about this the first time. This wasn’t some random thing!”
The four talked for a few more minutes. Christy suggested they cal old ‘Doc Johnson’ first thing in the morning to get Candy on birth control. Then they all decided that they needed to join Rob, Kathy and the kids before they others sent out a search party. As they exited the house Christy pulled Candy aside. She gave the girl a warm hug, looked her in the eye and said “Candy, I want you to know that you really can talk to me, about any thing, any time, any place. Understand?”
Candy got tears in her eyes “I love you mommy.”
Christy whispered in her daughter’s ear “I love you too little girl. You can tell me what a great lover your brother is later.”
Candy broke into laughter and said “You are SO bad Mom!”
As the Peters clan rejoined the Evans family, Rob was just walking back from the kitchen having gotten off the phone with Sand Point Marina Boat Repair.
“How old is this Carlo Giannini” Rob asked not directing his question at any one in particularly.
“He’s 19 sir, why do you ask” RJ answered, but feared his father had an unfavorable conversation with Carlo.
“I ask because he sounded young. And his business card says he is the owner.”
“That’s correct Dad, it is his shop. We saw it when we were at Sand Point Marina. It’s huge!”
“Well for the record, your Mr. Carlo is extremely thorough. He found that a spring shackle bolt broke. What’s worse is that during his inspection he found two more that are corroded and frozen and are going to break. He is going to put in all new devices called ‘wet bolts’ that will allow the shackles to be lubricated and this will not happen again. He ordered the parts and said he will have it fixed tomorrow. He also reported that you are correct RJ, there was no damage to the trailer, boat or tires other than the loss of tread where it skidded to a stop.”
“That’s good Dad” RJ said, but felt this conversation was headed somewhere else.
“What I want to know is what the hell you four kids did up there” Rob said gruffly.
“Nothing sir. Honest, we just had dinner and spent the night at the guest dock. Why?”
Rob grinned and Kathy hadn’t yet picked up that he was teasing. “Well first Carlo told me there would be absolutely no charge for the repair. I argued with him and he told me that it was a gift for ‘Signor RJ’ and ‘Signorina Kayla’. He then went on to say that your cousins are ‘Fantastico’. When I told him we would come up next weekend to pick up the boat, he insisted that we all come up – both families – and that we would stay at his parent’s lodge . . .for free. So my question again is, what the hell did you four do to impress the owners of Sand Point and their children so much!”
“Mom you are going to love Mr. and Mrs. Giannini. They are so sweet” Kayla said. “They tried to give us two rooms when we were there for dinner, but of course we declined. We stayed on the boat. We felt it wouldn’t be proper to impose on them.”
“Dad, does that mean we can all go up to Sand Point next weekend. And maybe we could all go out on the boat together for the weekend . . I mean it will be tight sleeping 8 people, but if we work it right, we can all make do” RJ asked but he decided he was rambling and need to shut up.
Rob looked at Tom and he smiled. The women looked excited about the prospect.
“Yes Kids, it means we’ll all go up to Sand Point. We’ll leave Friday and get there early. Now you four” Tom said, pointing at the teens, “need to get everything planned and all the provisioning for 8 people. Kayla will show you what to do as she is an organizational expert I hear.”
The kids grinned at the prospect of another weekend, albeit with their parents. The kids knew it would be different now that their parent’s relationships were in the open!
“Before you four kids go running off, we want you all to sit down and tell us about all about your long weekend at the lake.”
Kayla and her mother went to the kitchen to get drinks for everybody. “Mom, there is one favor I’d like to ask.”
“Sure, what is it honey?”
“Can you please get us another box of condoms tomorrow?”
“You’re kidding? The whole box? Gone already?”
“NO . . . but they will be by morning!” Kayla said grinning at her mother.
The four teens went and showered. First, RJ showered with Kayla and then Candy showered with her brother. While the two males sprang the ubiquitous erections when naked with their sisters, there was no fooling around! When the four came bounding down the stairs, the girls with damp hair, they found the four adults had showered also. No one bothered to ask how the adults had accomplished that faster than the kids, when there was only one other shower available.
The four women threw together all the fixins for dinner while Rob and Tom barbecued some stakes. The two teen boys had managed to find a sports event on TV and were vegetating in the family room.
As everyone was famished they all dug in to the impromptu feast. However, there was an uneasy feeling hanging in the air, which more than one of the kids picked up on.
After dinner and clean up it was Aunt Christy that said “I think maybe a little family meeting is in order. The four adults and their four children all retired to the family room. The kids sat on the floor opposite their parents on the couch; Kayla was in front of RJ with his arms wrapped around her and Candy was in the same position with Kenny.
“Kathy do you want to start, or shall I” Christy asked her sister-in-law.
“You’re doing fine – go on” RJs mother responded.
“Look kids, we’re all really embarrassed about losing track of time this afternoon, and you guys finding us like that out at the pool. We certainly never meant for you guys to see that.”
Candy interrupted her mom. “Mom, we told you guys, the four of us are fine with you guys doing whatever you want to do. Our families have always been close. So relax you guys, we four are ALL ok with what you were doing . . .whatever that was . . . a little surprised was all. What we’re more curious about is what are you and Daddy doing here, and when did you come down.”
“And why is Daddy not in Washington DC?” Kayla chimed in about her father being home on a Monday.
“We’ll get to that in a minute” Christy said. “But first we want to tell you about the four of us. “You see we grew up together and we were all friends and hung out together. At some point we got to doing like all kids do and we started getting curious about the opposite sex. Unbeknownst to Rob and I, Tom and Kathy were starting to experiment, just like he and I were.”
“Wow” Candy said. “how old were you guys when you started with each other?”
“I don’t know we were like 11 or 12 . . . but it was all pretty innocent stuff. You know like looking and touching a little bit. I was older that you are Candy, when things started to get more serious. Your uncle and I were into some pretty heave ‘petting’ after school by the time I was about 14 or 15.”
Kathy took up; “And Tom and I were pretty much the same. We had learned that if you got to touching each other, my brother could make me feel pretty good, and I could make him ejaculate. Sometimes we’d have make-out sessions until our lips hurt!” at that remembrance, Kathy had to laugh.
“We wanted to start dating,” Christy interrupted, “but you couldn’t very well go out with your brother on a date. Well one day your Aunt Kathy and I got to talking and she slipped and told me about her latest make-out session with her brother. I was blown away that they were just like Rob and I and in all the years we’d know them, we had never figured out that each pair of siblings was doing the same stuff.”
“Well we struck a deal” Kathy again spoke. I would ‘date’ Christy’s brother and she would date mine. It seemed like the perfect solution and we 4 could still all be together and us girls could still be with our brothers, and no one would be the wiser!”
“That only worked until your Aunt Kathy fell head-over-heels in love with my brother, and I fell for your Dad! Christy said. “And then things got really fouled up when your Aunt Kathy found herself pregnant by my Brother!”
“Wait” Kayla said. “I thought you had RJ when you were 18 mom? How did we get from you and Aunt Christy being 15 to you being pregnant at 18?”
Kathy took a deep breath. “Kayla I’ve lied about my age so long, I have to stop and figure it out all the time. Your Daddy got me pregnant at 15! RJ was born a little before my 16th birthday. Granddaddy and Grandmama were furious. Things were a mess and the four of us were not allowed to ‘officially’ see each other. I was forbidden from ever seeing your father again! It made it difficult for your Aunt Christy and Uncle Tom to see each other with our respective parents feuding also!”
“So how did it all get straightened out then mom?” RJ asked.
“Well the four of us had to sneak around to see each other. While I was pregnant your Uncle Tom and I could be together . . . sexually . . . all I wanted. But being with your daddy was a real difficult adventure!”
“Kayla, while all this hub-bub was going on, your Dad, and I would go up to the lake in this old boat he had bought . . . remember Grandma and Grandpa only lived about 30 minutes from the lake? Well, when we were out on the lake, we had a great time . . . and could do all kinds of stuff without adults interfering. That’s where we first became really intimate with each other. There sure was something about being out in that old boat . . . on that lake . . . and running around naked all weekend!” Christy just smiled at Rob thinking back to those days.
“So you and my dad were having sex too Aunt Christy?” Kayla asked.
“Well yes and no. Your dad and I did a lot of stuff but he never had actual sexual intercourse with me. I sometimes thought that with Kathy being pregnant, he was spooked.”
“You said ‘never’ . . . you mean still, to this day, you and Daddy have never done the deed?” Kayla asked incredulously.
“Oh we have pleased each other with a lot of sexual things, but no Kayla, you dad and I have never had actual vaginal intercourse!”
“That doesn’t seem very fair” Candy said, but then thought better of it and said simply “never mind, go on please.”
Kathy picked up. “Well the four of us snuck around. After he was born it was pretty hard for me having RJ to take care of. So sneaking around took a lot of planning . . . and lies to my parents. The four of us would usually be able to get together a couple of times a week, and when we did your Dad and I would usually spend it in the back seat of his car.”
Christy took up the story; “That approach worked for several months, until your mom found out she was pregnant with you Kayla. That’s when the shit really hit the fan, as Kathy’s parents thought they had successfully blocked my brother and your mom from seeing each other. At first they accused her of whoring around, assuming she had gotten pregnant with some other guy behind their backs. When they found out that it was my brother Rob who has impregnated her for the second time in a little over a year, right under their noses, they went nuts!”
“It all came to a head when I was 3 months along and your Dad came over to try and talk to my parents” Kathy told her children. “Your Dad and my father got in a huge fist fight . . . it was terrible . . . .my father pounded on Daddy but he wouldn’t hit my father back . . . all he did was try to defend himself. As my father’s rage finally subsided, Daddy stood there with his nose bleeding all over the carpet, looked my father in the eye and said ‘I don’t care if you beat the shit out of me every day for the rest of your life – I love your daughter, I love the children I’ve made with her, and I am planning on spending the rest of my life with her!”
“What happened then?” Kayla asked in anticipation.
“Nothing at first. But my mother interceded after about a month and allowed Rob to come over for dinner, help out with RJ, and spend the night. It got to where Rob was at our house almost every night. When I was about 6 months along with you Kayla” her mother paused, “well one night Daddy said out of the blue at dinner ‘Rob you still planning on spending the rest of your life with my daughter?”
Your daddy looked him square in the eye and said “Absolutely and there is no power on earth that will keep us apart.”
My father stared at him for a long minute and said “OK then, as soon as the baby is born you two are getting hitched. No sooner cause I don’t want my daughter walking down the aisle big as a house! Nothing more was said, and a week after you were born, Kayla, your daddy and I were married.
“WOW” Candy said, “so you had two children and got married at 16, Aunt Kathy?”
“Yes, I was married a week before my 17th birthday”
“It must have been really hard being 17, having two babies at home and trying to finish school” RJ finally spoke.
“Well I had dropped out of school RJ. I was home schooled and finally got my GED. As you know both your Dad and I were able to juggle schedules and go on to college. Family responsibilities prevented me from getting my degree . . . but Daddy went on to graduate. We’ve told you this story for a reason” Kathy pointed out, “it wasn’t easy, and we certainly don’t want you guys to have any of the same difficulties. So, we thought you should know about our backgrounds.”
“Which brings us to yesterday afternoon” Christy picked up. “Kids, the four of us adults have always remained very close . . and through the years when time and family schedules have allowed, the four of us still get together and we still fool around with our brothers or sisters as the case may be. We used to do this more often, when Tom and I lived here too. Three years of not seeing each other’s family was a long time, so when we came down we got a little carried away and had a little party. We’re still a little embarrassed about our kids seeing us in the act however.”
So you came down to see Uncle Rob and Aunt Kathy. That’s cool Mom” Kenny spoke for the first time.
“Well not exactly Kenny, that’s what daddy and I really need to talk to you kids about. You see your Dad’s company is transferring him to a new job . . . and it’s back down here. So I am afraid we’re going to be moving!”
The two Evans children didn’t know what to say. A thousand things ran through their minds.
“That’s fantastic” Kayla said exuberantly.
“Yea, that will be really cool” RJ echoed, but the look on Kenny’s face told a different story.
“Well I’m not sure it is that easy” the kid’s Aunt Christy spoke. “Kenny, I already know what is going on in your head. You are going to be a Senior this year, and you have a ton of friends. And then, there IS football and the fact that you’re being scouted. Candy, I know you will hate leaving all of your girlfriends . . . believe me, I understand. But for you Candy, this will be somewhat easier just going into the 9th grade . . . you’ll have time to form new friends.” SO, you dad and I have talked this through and we have a plan” Christy paused.
“Go on mom, what’s the plan?” Kenny asked cautiously.
“Well, Daddy has to take this promotion or it would mean he’d be cut off from future advancement. We felt that you, Kenny would want to stay for his senior year. So your dad and I talked about it and I will stay behind with you at the old place. Your dad will come down here and start his new job. Kenny, if you want to stay until you graduate, next June, I’m willing to do that. Or, if you want to transfer down here and go to school with RJ and Kayla, we can move down here after football season is over . . . it’s entirely your call.” Christy paused and looked into her children’s eyes, trying to gage how they were doing with this.
“What about me” Candy voiced concern.
“Candy, I’m afraid I can’t stay up at the old place for 4 years, until you graduate, without your dad. That would just be too hard on us. When we originally planned this . . .Daddy and I . . . . we had no idea you and Kenny would become a ‘couple’ . . .that complicates things.
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