
Special Bond-Long Weekend at the Lake Chapt 1-27 (Revised)

RJ and Candy Make New Discoveries

Long Weekend at the Lake

No institution or agency may use this work for other than the intended purpose – to provide personal entertainment. All characters are fictional.

This is a work of fiction. Of fantasy. It’s called ‘My Right of Free Speech.’ If you do not approve of youngsters engaged in various sexual acts . . . or if you live in one of the God-forsaken States that bans possessing/reading such material . . then please, PLEASE, go someplace else.

This is not some 4 page fuck/suck story. This story consists of 35 Chapters! It has the main story, the back story, lots of detail, enough sex to satisfy almost everyone and some humor. It will be posted in multiple segments.

Lastly, ‘A Special Bond’ is a Trilogy. ‘Long Weekend at the Lake’ is the second part and will be followed by the Prequel and finally by The Later Years.

I’ve spell-checked and re-read the chapters multiple times. Yet I am sure there are spelling errors, grammatical problems and incorrect words. I don’t have an editor! Just read and enjoy.

Many of you provided constructive comments, resulting in changes. This includes some of the names (too many ‘K’ names) that caused confusion. As the other two parts are still under development – I ask you provide comments and suggestions. If you don’t like it – let me know why. If you DO, let me know also.

Kathy Evans – Age 31
Rob Evans – Age 36
RJ Evans – Age 16
Kayla Evans – Age 15
Aunt Christy Peters – Age 36
Uncle Tom Peters – Age 37
Ken Peters – Age 17
Candace Peters – Age 14

Chapter 1 of 35

School had been out for the summer for weeks now. Robert Jr, or RJ as everyone called him, was starting to feel that edge of boredom. Certainly he had a whole group of school chums, most of who were on the High School Football Team with him. However, several of his buddies were gone on vacation with their parents and siblings. Those that were still in town had started to become a little repetitive to hang out with every day.

Kayla had a gaggle of girlfriends and like most 15 year old teens seemed to spend an eternity on the phone talking to them. Kayla had just finished her freshman year while RJ had completed his sophomore year and he was looking forward to his Junior year and advancement to the Varsity Football Team.

Kayla had blossomed into quite a beauty. She now stood over 5’6” tall and her wavy strawberry blond hair flowed below her shoulder blades and she had pale hazel eyes that seemed to change color with their surroundings. Puberty had come early, no it was more like puberty had arrived like a freight train, upon Kayla. From the age of 11 she started having periods, her hips flared out, her waist narrowed, her strawberry mane seemed to thicken and grow and inch a month, and her breast went from non-existent, to a ‘B’ cup at 12, and now a 34 ‘C’ at age 15. Kayla was not only tall, but athletically built from years of gymnastics, with legs that seemed to go up forever, 34 inch hips and a 21 inch waist. Her stomach was flat and toned, unlike many of the teen girls at Cheyenne High School who had flabby guts!

Kayla’s mother, Kathy, as well as her Aunt Christy, were both natural blonds. Kayla’s father, Rob, had light red hair. The combination of her Mother and Father no doubt accounted for the beautiful head of strawberry blond hair Kayla had. It also gave her just a smattering of freckles about her face, and across her chest. Her father had always told her that freckles were “angel kisses”.

RJ had blond hair like his mother and both he and his sister had very fair complexions.

Shortly after his 16th birthday, RJ approached his father one afternoon. Rob Sr. worked long hours and commuted home on the weekends from Washington DC. RJ understood his father was often exhausted from his work-schedule, so he bided his time in approaching his father.

“Dad, may I have a word with you” RJ asked as he approached his father while lounging on the patio one Saturday afternoon.

“Sure RJ, what’s on your mind, son?”

“Dad, I’ve been thinking that now that I have my driver’s licenses and all, well, I was thinking that I’d like to buy a car.”

“Oh, you have, have you? You know RJ a car is a pretty expensive investment. What were you thinking about getting?”

“Well Dad, I’m thinking that I’d like to get a pickup truck. That way I can have transportation, and if I find a job this summer while school is out, I’d have a truck for my job. I’ve been saving all my money for some time now . . .over two years, and I have about $3,500. I’d like to get a Toyota Tundra like your truck some day, but I know they cost a lot more then what I have right now . . so I figured I could find something older, and maybe smaller. What do you think Dad?”

“Your mother had told me you were saving all your money, for some time now. But you are correct RJ in that you will have a hard time finding a reliable truck for $3,500. How about you let me think about it for a while, and I’ll talk to your Mom about it. OK?”

“Sure Dad. Thanks for thinking it over for me.” RJ knew better than to press when his dad said ‘he’d think about it.’ To press his point further would result in a definite ‘No’!

Late Sunday afternoon RJ and Kayla were watching TV in the Family Room when their parents returned from town. Nothing was said, and Kathy set about making dinner, while Rob got the barbecue fired up. The family sat down to dinner together and after a while, Rob cleared his throat.

“RJ, your mom and I discussed what you approached me with yesterday . . . you know about buying a pickup truck. Well son, we don’t think you should be wasting your $3,500 on some truck that in all probability will be a piece of junk . . . which is about all you could get for that price.”

RJ tried to mask his disappointment, but it showed through on his face. He put on a brave face never the less, and said “I understand, sir. Maybe after I save some more money we can talk about this again,” RJ questioned.

“Well RJ, you Mom and I thought that we’d make you a proposition.”

“What’s that sir?”

“Before I tell you the proposition RJ, I haven’t seen your report card for end of year yet, how are your grades doing in school,” his dad questioned.

“Doing good Dad, I have two ‘A’s and three ‘B’s” RJ reported in a chipper manner. Actually Kayla was a straight ‘A’ student but both Rob and Kathy knew that while school was harder for RJ, he worked at it very diligently.

“Two ‘A’s and three ‘B’s is pretty good RJ . . . which one of those grades is your math grade?”

“Math is one of the ‘B’s Dad” RJ reported.

“Well son, I wish that math was one of the ‘A’s and I’d like you to try and bring that grade up for me next year. OK?”

“Yes Sir, I’ll try . . but I have a hard time with Geometry Dad.”

“Well RJ, those grades are certainly good enough for me to tell you our proposal. As I said your Mom and I don’t think you’ll get much of a truck for $3,500. So our proposal is, we’d like you to put that $3,500 in an account for your college. We’ll match the $3,500 in your college fund if you promise to keep putting your savings in the college fund from here on in.”

RJ swallowed hard. “But Dad if I do that then I’ll never get the money for a car of my own!”

“Oh, I guess I forgot to mention the part where I give you the key and the Pink Slip to what used to be my Toyota Tundra!” Rob passed the ignition keys to RJ attached to a new key fob.

RJ didn’t know what to say. At first he was not sure he grasped what his Dad had just done. His father’s Toyota Tundra was beautiful, about 3 years old, jet black with crew cab and only had about 30,000 miles on it! Finding his voice, RJ finally said “But Dad, if you give me your truck, what are you going to drive when you’re home?”

Rob grinned. You Mom and I just came home from the Toyota dealer, and MY brand new White Toyota Tundra is sitting in the driveway beside your truck!”

Again RJ didn’t know what to say. Kayla however said “Kool. Daddy does this mean that when I get my driver’s license next year I can have Mom’s Mercedes?”

“NO it certainly does not mean that Kayla . . . for what your mother’s Mercedes cost, you could buy a couple of Tundra’s. We’ll cross your bridge when we get to it.”

At that, the whole family went out to the driveway to see Rob’s new truck, complete with all the options available, and for RJ to slide into what was now his new ride.

“Hey big brother,” Kayla grinned, “take me for a ride in your new truck?”

RJ looked questioningly at his dad, and then his mom. They just nodded and Kathy told her children not be gone too long as it was getting dark and she would worry.

RJ gave his dad and mom a huge hug and thanked them profusely. Kayla ran into the house and grabbed her purse. As Kayla flew out of the house she slid into the passenger door of the truck and fastened her seatbelt.

As RJ gingerly backed out of the driveway, Kathy loudly admonished RJ to drive carefully.

As Kathy and Rob walked into the house, Katy lamented “I worry about them being out on the road, particularly at dusk.”

“Relax honey, RJ took Driver’s Training and from what I’ve seen of his driving he seems to be very conscientious” Rob replied. With that, he slapped his wife’s ass to hurry her along inside!

Chapter 2 of 35

“Where would you like to go ‘K’” which was RJ’s pet name for Kayla.

“Let’s go down to our spot at Big Bend, down off Johnson Road” Kayla said to her brother with a wicked grin. Big Bend was a secluded spot along Johnson Creek that Kayla and RJ had discovered some time back. It was ‘their special place.’ They had been there many times to skinny dip and partake of other extracurricular activities!

“You’re kidding ‘K’” RJ said. “Mom told us not to be long.”

“Oh we won’t be very long” Kayla said with an evil look.

Johnson road was two-lane and twisty. RJ kept his eyes glued to the road, carefully approaching each switchback in case there was a slow hay wagon just around the next corner. Kayla had slid over to the center of the seat, once they were out of visual range of both their parents and the general public, including any of their friends they might happen to pass.

Kayla had pulled her blouse out of the skirt she wore and RJ was wondering what all the squirming about was for. Kayla reached her hands up behind her back and under her blouse and unclasped her bra. As only a girl can do, she then shrugged her shoulders and snaked her arms out of the bra straps, still under her blouse. Finally she reached up through and arm hole and withdrew the whole bra. Folding the bra Kayla placed it on the seat and for the First Time RJ was fully aware of his sister’s actions.

“Kayla, you are crazy – do you know that” RJ asked?

“Crazy for you big brother” Kayla grinned.

RJ reached the dirt turnoff on Johnson Road that wound its way to the spot they affectionately had named Big Bend. A spot where the creek widened inordinately, it had sandy beaches on both sides and huge overgrown Oak Trees hung over the creek itself extending out from the shores.

The dirt path narrowed and as RJ carefully guided his new truck so as not to scratch the doors on an overhanging bushes, Kayla worked the buttons on her blouse such that it hung open to her waist, barely concealing her light pink areola and darker nipples. Excitement coursed through her, and her nipples stood erect like the erasers on a pencil.

Big Bend was technically on Twin Peaks Ranch, through which Johnson Creek flowed. However, in all the times RJ and Kayla had come to this place, always on bikes before, they had never encountered another soul.

RJ pulled into a wide spot at the end of the dirt path, and cut the engine.

No sooner had he started to turn towards his sister, than she thrust herself into his arms and started kissing him wantonly. Conditioned mouths opened for one another and tongues started to swirl. As RJ returned his sister’s passionate kisses, instinctively his hand rose to her breast as it always did at these times. RJ’s hand found Kayla’s blouse already open and her ample and firm breasts exposed to his touch, absent her bra.

Kayla finally came up for air as RJ rolled Kayla’s engorged nipple between his thumb and forefinger, causing an involuntary shiver from his sister. “God I needed this RJ” Kayla whispered in his ear breathlessly.

“My, aren’t you a horny little thing this evening” RJ teased her.

“Damn right I am” Kayla said, “what with Daddy home for the weekend, we haven’t had sex since Friday afternoon!”

“K, sometimes I think you are a nymphomaniac!” RJ continued to tease his sister, all the while fondling her wonderful tits.

“Look who’s talking. I suppose you aren’t horny at all RJ?” Kayla leaned in and started planting kisses all over his face, increasing her sense of urgency.

RJ ran his fee hand up his sister’s thigh and Kayla automatically spread her legs wider, urging her brother to touch her female treasure.

RJ cupped her sex. “Jesus K, you’re absolutely dripping sex. What’s gotten into you tonight?”

“What’s gotten into me is that I have thought about nothing else but you fucking me, for two days now!”

RJ snaked his finger under the elastic of his sister’s panties and was greeted by a gooey mess. “I don’t think I’ve ever felt you so wet as you are now, sis” RJ again said.

“God RJ, I want you to fuck me so bad . . . .but I’m mid cycle right now, and we don’t have any rubbers!” RJ knew his sister was right, they both understood the rules and understood they were inviolate. Still he had the urge to rip off her panties and pound his cock into her soppy pussy right this instant.

RJ thrust two fingers into her swampy womanhood and there was so much sex-lube it made squishy sounds. “God Yes! RJ finger fuck me. Rub my clitty brother, I really need to get off!”

RJ pushed his two fingers into his younger sister as far as they would go and started to rub Kayla’s most sensitive spot with his thumb. “YES . . . oh Jesus, RJ, . . . . I’m gonna cum so quick baby . . . . fuck, you make me so hot big brother . . .”

RJ continued finger-fucking his sister through the leg-hole of her panties, Each time his fingers thrust, more girl-goo would ooze out making Kayla’s panties sodden. Kayla’s cries and moans were stifled only in that RJ had his mouth glued to hers and was busy plunging her mouth with his tongue. Each time RJ thrust his fingers in, Kayla would buck wildly on his hand.

Suddenly Kayla pushed back, breaking the kiss. She let out a shrill scream and her whole body went rigid. Kayla grabbed RJ’s wrist and held it hard against her pelvis, pressed on RJs thumb with her clit with all her might. She was panting so hard, her whole body rigid, and focused on the volcano erupting in her loins, that RJ feared she would hyperventilate.

After a minute, Kayla collapsed into a heap and tried to catch her breath. “You alright K?” RJ looked as his panting sister with concern.

“No I’m not OK you fool” Kayla laughed, “I am in ecstasy! RJ, I just can’t imagine that there is another guy on the planet that can bring a girl off with their fingers . . . like you can.” With that Kayla struggled to sit up and again planted a very wet ‘thank-you’ kiss on her brothers lips.

As Kayla started to try and straighten her dripping panties and skirt, RJ spun in his seat and looked like he was going to start the truck.

“What are you doing, RJ? Hold on a minute” Kayla said to her brother. She then grasped the passenger door handle and leaped out of the truck.

RJ thought that his sister needed to pee and was going to squat behind a bush. Instead, she raced around the truck and opened his driver’s side door. “Turn sideways big brother,” Kayla said, “turn-about is fair play.” As he did Kayla reached into his lap and began to unzip his pants. She had to be careful as RJ’s ample cock was straining at full erection against his blue jeans.

“You don’t have to do that K,” RJ said.

“Maybe I don’t, but I really want to. You just gave me a super orgasm and I love you so much, I want to make you feel good too” Kayla told her brother.

“What I SHOULD do, is let you fuck me with that giant cock of yours RJ . . . . mid-cycle or not . . . . rubbers or no rubbers . . . . I really should let you dump your load in me!”

“It’s OK sis . . . I really don’t mind waiting” RJ assured her.

“No it’s not OK, RJ . . . .you’ll just wind up jacking-off later . . . I know you are very horny and we won’t be able to sleep together with Daddy home for the weekend. I’m so stupid, I don’t know why I didn’t think to grab some rubbers before we left” Kayla finished.

Kayla had worked the zipper down on RJs Levis and had his cock free of his underwear.

RJ had an unusual cock for a 16 year old, in that it was approaching 9 inches. They knew because he and Kayla had measured it once. They had a debate about whether you were supposed to measure a guy’s cock from the top, from tip to public bone, or on bottom from tip to ball-sack. RJ had assured his sister you were supposed to measure on the top. So, they had measured on the top and found it just short of 9 inches, and almost 2 1/4 inches around.

Kayla had asked RJ if he was done growing his penis yet and RJ had said he wasn’t sure. Kayla was OK if he didn’t get any longer, as sometimes he would hurt her a little bit when he hit bottom. However, RJ said he would like to get thicker.

Kayla said she didn’t know why boys were so concerned with their penis size, as she couldn’t believe that being thicker could provide her any greater pleasure that RJ gave her now. RJ told her that boys worry about size, for the same reason girls worry about how big their tits are gonna get!

Once Kayla had RJs cock free of his underwear, she started to stroke him up and down, as she had a hundred times before.

“RJ, don’t hold back . . we don’t have a lot of time and I want to make you feel good for tonight.” With that Kayla wrapped her lips around the head of RJs cock while she continued to stroke his shaft for all she was worth.

RJ moaned as his sister’s warm lips engulfed his manhood. She had this technique of swirling her tongue all around his Glans, followed by a sudden and strong sucking sensation. This drove RJ mad every time she did this. RJ knew that at some point she would bite him. RJ had admonished his sister a hundred times not to nip at the head of his cock! Kayla always laughed and told him to ‘be a man about it . . . besides a little pain is good for you!’

Somehow, Kayla would sense when RJ was getting close. Perhaps it was the imperceptible (to him) swelling and widening of the head of his cock. At that point, just as RJ would be feeling the stirring in his balls, she would strike. She called it a ‘love bite’ . . . just a little nip, she would say. But to RJ’s engorged and ready to pop member, it would feel like a dragon had chomped down on him!

Perhaps Kayla had some masochistic genes. Secretly, RJ had to admit to himself that although it was painful to have the head of one’s penis bitten, it only lasted a second and the heightened rush it gave him when he ejaculated was immense!

Kayla practiced her technique and each time she sucked hard, RJ bucked his hips against his sister’s warm mouth. After just a few minutes, Kayla has him worked to a fever pitch. He wondered how she had become so excellent at this, as he knew for a fact that his sister had never performed this act with anyone but him.

Suddenly he felt it, the stirring deep in his loins. The guttural urge to release. He bucked his hips and there it was . . .the painful nip on the head of his cock, which in turn sent him over the edge. RJ saw an explosion of stars as the combination of the painful bite and the surge of his semen created an exquisite orgasm for the 16 year old boy.

RJ had another sexual oddity. He produced an unusual amount of seminal fluid. When he popped, squirt after squirt roped it way into his sister’s sucking mouth and down her throat. Kayla loved his taste and would love to drink his cum all day, if she could.

After about 5 or 6 very strong ejaculations, followed by a couple of minor contractions RJ felt in his balls and prostate, he collapsed in a heap in the driver’s seat. Kayla licked him clean and stood upright now in the door.

“So, big brother, was I a passable cock-sucker for you this evening?”

“Kayla, you know I don’t like it when you call yourself a cock-sucker. But yes, you are one very accomplished person at oral sex!” RJ could only grin back at Kayla’s smile, knowing she had just given her brother . . . her lover . . . much pleasure this evening.

Kayla walked around the truck, buttoning and tucking in her blouse to her skirt, and jumped in the passenger side. “We better be getting back” Kayla said, “mom will be getting worried. She told us not to be gone long.”

RJ put the truck in reverse and carefully backed out of ‘their spot’ onto Johnson road. As he accelerated out of sight, 11 year old Penny Benjamin stood up from the spot where she had been crouched in the bushes. Penny was dressed in a two-piece bathing suit and she had a towel around her neck. The bottoms of her two piece suit were around her knees and she was furiously rubbing that ‘special spot’ she had recently discovered between her legs. She was there now, and felt the tightening in her tummy that signaled that ‘good feeling’ that rubbing her ’special spot’ always created.

As Penny rubbed her clit furiously, suddenly there it was. She shuddered and became totally rigid as she pushed on her magic place. Her breathing was ragged and her chest had a deep flush to it. She had had yet another ‘good feeling’ as she called it.

As Penny pulled her bathing suit up, she thought to herself, ‘I don’t know who those kids were, but I hope I can see them again some time!’ While Penny could not see what the boy in the truck had done to the girl, she certainly had a bird’s eye view of what the girl had done to the boy. She and her girlfriends had giggled about ‘blow jobs’, as her girlfriend called them, but she had never seen one before.

It didn’t take RJ long to drive home. As he and Kayla entered the house through the garage they found their father sitting at the kitchen table reading the paper and their mother at the sink just finishing the dishes.

Rob Evans didn’t look up from his paper but he asked his children “So, where did you two wind up going?”

Kayla hated lying to her Daddy, but she couldn’t very well tell him where they had really been. So, she said the first thing that came to her mind. “Oh we just went and had some Ice Cream.”

Kathy Evans was just turning from the sink to look at her daughter. As she did, she glanced up and down her daughter. Kathy reached out as Kayla passed, grasped Kayla’s wrist and simply said “come here honey,” pulling the teen girl toward the sink.

It took Kathy all of 1 second to note that her daughter was not wearing a bra . . .and she was quite sure she had been when they left.

Still grasping Kayla’s wrist, Kathy picked up a damp dishrag from the sink. Kathy had a bemused look on her face when she said to her daughter “looks like you got some of that ‘cream’ on your blouse honey!” Kayla’s eyes got huge and the expression on her face said ‘what are you doing, Mom?’ and gestured at her father with her eyes, as he sat, still reading the paper.

Kathy still had a smirk on her face as she said to Kayla “I wasn’t sure it would cum . . .off.” Kathy had made a very slight pause between the word ‘cum’ and ‘off’ as she rubbed the glob of semen with the dishcloth.

“Kayla, why don’t you put that blouse in the washer so it won’t stain, sweetie? Then you can go and take your shower.” Aside from the stain on the blouse, Kayla reeked of sex and Kathy could smell the girl.

As Kathy released Kayla’s wrist, Kayla’s eyes were still wide. It was all Kathy could do not to burst into laughter. As Kayla exited the room, Rob sat there still reading the paper and totally unawares.

A couple of minutes later, RJ reappeared in the kitchen. “where is K” he asked his mom.

“She’s doing some laundry, why don’t you see if you can give her a hand RJ”

“OK” he said cheerfully, and went in search of his sister.

Bt the time RJ found Kayla, she was already in the shower. He was tempted to jump in with her, but that was way too risky with their father home. Sometime later, RJ entered Kayla’s bedroom and found her already propped up in bed, reading.

“Going to bed early tonight K?”

“Yea, I’m kind of tired tonight. I think you wore me out” she said with a wide grin. “RJ I need to tell you what happened when I came in from the garage earlier though.”

Kayla then went on to explain to her brother that their mother had found a dollop of Cum on her blouse and made a show of cleaning it off. RJ just laughed. But Kayla said that she was quite sure their mother had been enjoying her discomfort with their dad in the room reading the newspaper.

RJ leaned in and gave Kayla a big hug and a very warm goodnight kiss. “God, I hate not being able to sleep together when dad is home on the weekends” RJ said.

“Daddy is off back to Washington in the morning. After he leaves why don’t you come in and surprise me? I love the way you wake me up” Kayla laughed out loud.

RJ gave her a quick peck and said “see you in the morning. Love you little sis.”

“I love you too big brother, g’nite.”

Chapter 3 of 35

A few more weeks drug by. Some of RJs school buddies returned from family vacations. Many had fun with their families’ vacations and told RJ all about it. RJ wished that his dad didn’t work so hard, and so far from home, in Washington DC. RJ remembered when they used to have family vacations or long weekends at the lake aboard their 30 ft Party Hut.

Kayla had her brood of girlfriends, including Mary Cunningham, who had been Kayla’s best friend since early grade school. Their birthdays were within weeks of each other and Mary and Kayla were inseparable, except when Kayla was spending time with RJ.

Sometimes the three of them would hang out together, but RJ and Kayla would have to be sure to avoid being too demonstrative in front of Mary. One time, while walking through a mall in an adjoining town, RJ had absentmindedly held Kayla’s hand. Mary saw this and asked “Why are you guys holding hands?”

“Don’t you ever hold your brother’s hand when you walk together” Kayla had replied nonchalantly.

“That dweeb! No, I wouldn’t hold his hand if he begged me. Probably get koodies or something” Mary said forcefully!

Kayla and RJ laughed at Mary’s remark. They both knew Mary’s brother and he was a dweeb! Kayla changed sides so that RJ was now in the middle of the two girls.

Kayla gestured to RJ that he should hold Mary’s hand also as Kayla grabbed his opposite hand. Kayla looked over at Mary and said “There, now people will think that RJ has two girlfriends.” Looking up at RJ she teased further, “You are such a stud RJ . . . keeping two girls at the same time!”

“You guys are the weirdest brother and sister I’ve ever known. You’re not supposed to even like your brother” Mary said. However, she made no attempt to release RJ’s hand. Secretly she kind of liked it. She’d had a crush on Kayla’s brother, but she would never say anything to Kayla and risk jeopardizing their special relationship.

After Mary made her comment, both RJ and Kayla had the same thought; they needed to be more careful about absentminded displays of affection after having dodged that bullet. Kayla’s thought was ‘thank goodness RJ hadn’t suddenly kissed me, as he sometimes did out of the blue!’

The more RJ thought about the family vacations and weekends at the lake with the boat, the more an idea began to take hold in the back of his head.

His father arrived home on the train late Friday evening. Now that RJ was driving and had his own truck, he volunteered to drive to the train station to pick his father up. Kathy was happy to let her son do this, as it would give her time to shower and put on the new negligee she had picked up in anticipation of this weekend with Rob. When he got home, he’d find her lounging on the bed in the new black see-through negligee . . . absent any panties of course! Rob would be too tired to do anything after his arduous week at work Kathy feared, but it would plant the seed, probably giving him cause to dream, and in the morning when he was rested she knew he would ravish her to the point where she’d have trouble walking. Both she and Rob had abnormally high sex drives, and if it wasn’t for the kids being under foot, they would probably fuck non-stop on the weekends!

The train was 10 minutes late arriving and RJ waved at his father as he walked from the platform. “Where is mom” his father asked while putting his briefcase and bag in the back seat of the truck.

“I told her I’d pick you up so she didn’t have to go out tonight. Hope you don’t mind?”

“No not at all. Thanks for giving mom a break. How are you and Kayla doing this week” his dad questioned.

“Fine. Just a little bored. I wish I could have found a summer job” RJ replied.

“Well son, the economy sucks right now. Just enjoy your summer off. Soon enough you’ll be out in the work-force with your nose to the grindstone.”

Not too much else was said on the short drive home. Rob trudged up the stairs with his bags while RJ went to look for Kayla, finding her watching TV in the Family Room.

“Where’s Daddy” Kayla asked seeing her brother come into the room alone.

“He went upstairs straight away. He probably had other things on his mind, besides searching you out” RJ said with a knowing smirk on his face.

“I don’t think they’re ‘doing it’” Kayla said. “Mom says that Daddy’s usually too exhausted, after being gone all week, to have sex with her on Friday nights.” “But we won’t bother them too early in the morning so they can have some ‘special time’”.

“Kayla, that’s just weird!”

“What’s weird?” Kayla didn’t understand what RJ meant.

“That mom talks to you about her sex life. Do you guys tell each other everything,” RJ replied.

“Yes. As a matter of fact we do tell each other everything. Mom and I don’t have any secrets from each other!”

That actually scared the hell out of RJ. While he and Kayla were both comfortable with the special relationship they had with each other, RJ knew that society frowned greatly on brothers and sisters being lovers. He shivered to think of what details of their love-making Kayla had been sharing with their mother.

“Well Kayla, all I know is that while dad is home on the weekends, doing, or not doing, whatever with mom, I don’t get to sleep with MY favorite girl!”

“RJ, don’t be such an ass. Dad only gets to sleep with mom three nights a week. You and I get to sleep together 4 nights a week. Do you know how many times we fooled around this week, in one way or the other, now that school is out?”

Kayla didn’t wait for her brother to form an answer. “15!. We’ve either had sex, done oral, or you finger-fucked me, or I jacked you off 15 times this week. And I didn’t count the 30 minute make-out session we had on Wednesday in the living room, when mom came home in a bad mood and caught us, and told us to knock it off!”

“Geese Kayla, I didn’t want to start a fight” RJ said.

“Sometimes RJ, I wonder if all I am is a convenient piece of ass to you” Kayla pouted.

RJ sat on the sofa next to her. “Don’t ever say that K. I love you, you know that. I can’t help it if the Evans’ genes make me extremely horny! Besides, tell me with a straight face that by Monday morning when Dad goes back to work, you won’t be climbing the walls with hornyness, and be begging me to fuck you” RJ said.

Kayla never could stay annoyed with her brother. Besides she knew he was right. More than once when her daddy was home, Kayla had been so horny that she considered slipping into RJs room for a ‘quickie’. But she knew the rules, and wouldn’t violate them, less her mother take away the privileges she gave to Kayla and RJ.

RJ kissed Kayla, after looking over his shoulder to make sure his mom and dad were not in sight. “Don’t be mad at me?”

“I’m not mad at you RJ. Honest. I’ll see you in the morning” Kayla said as she turned off the TV and prepared to go to her room.

RJ awoke alone in his bead. He could smell the bacon and hear it sizzling in the pan. As he trudged down the stairs in just his boxer shorts he could see Kayla was busy making breakfast consisting of bacon and scrambled eggs.

As RJ walked up behind his sister he said “Morning K”

Kayla turned around, put down the spatula, placed her arms around RJs neck and leaned in to give him a warm kiss. RJ pushed away and warned “Careful Kayla, mom and dad could be around.”

“No. I listened at their door before I came down. They’re ‘doing the deed’ so they won’t join us for about an hour.” With that Kayla leaned in and placed a passionate kiss on RJs lips and he pulled her tight to him. Kayla had on a tee shirt and panties and RJ could feel her erect nipples poking into his bare chest through the thin fabric of her tee.

As Kayla broke the kiss she said to RJ “You were right.”

“Right about what” RJ wanted to know.

“I’m so fucking horny already I want to lean over the counter and have you pound my cunt!”

RJ laughed, but the erection snaking its way out of his fly told that him that he was just as aroused as his sister. RJ kissed his sister again quickly as said “Maybe we can find an excuse to go somewhere together today and you can have your way with me!” As an afterthought RJ said, “or maybe mom and dad will go out, and we can have some play time here.”

“RJ you know the rule – no fooling around in the house when Daddy is in town!”

“Yea-yea” RJ said and changed the subject. “Breakfast smells good; can I have some of that?”

The two teens sat quietly and ate their breakfast, except for when RJ reached across to get the Salt and Pepper. He purposely rubbed his sister’s tits through the tee, causing her to shiver in delight. Then he briefly cupped her sex through her panties. Kayla had playfully swatted his hand away, all the while secretly wishing she had a way to sit on her brother’s engorged cock!

Around 10 AM their parent’s made an entrance. Kathy had on a shorty-robe over top of the black negligee but the lace bodice showed above the cut in the robe. RJ and Kayla both noticed the swell of their mother’s breasts, allowing maximum cleavage to be displayed, barely concealed by the lace top.

Rob had on his pajama bottoms and his customary robe. Kayla had already placed her and RJs dishes in the dishwasher and was sitting at the breakfast bar drinking coffee with RJ.

Kayla looked up at her mother and could see that she was absolutely glowing. ‘Geese, Daddy must have really made love to her, for her to be almost giddy’ Kayla thought to herself. “What can I make you two for breakfast” Kayla wanted to know as she poured cups of coffee for both her parents.

“You don’t have to cook for us dear, I can do that” her mother said.

“Sit. Relax” Kayla said to her mom with a knowing grin that caused Kathy to blush. Even though Kathy and Kayla shared details of their sex lives, it somehow made Kathy a little embarrassed that her 15 year old daughter obviously realized that her mother had just had her brains fucked out!

“Just the bacon and some eggs will be fine honey” Kathy told her daughter, as RJ poured both his parents a large glass of OJ.

RJ noted that both his parents seemed both well rested and in an extremely good mood. He sensed that now was the time to broach the idea that had been forming in the back of his mind for several days.

“Dad, Mom, there is something I’d like to discuss with you” RJ led off. “It’s something I have been thinking about for days.”

“Of course honey, is something wrong” his mother wanted to know. Kayla had turned in surprise. RJ had not discussed anything with her. She just hoped that RJ wasn’t going to piss off their father, and ruin any chance they had of sneaking away together today.

Rob just waited for his son to proceed while he sipped his coffee.

“Nothing is wrong mom. Well” RJ took a deep breath; “I was thinking that summer is half over already. I was thinking about how we used to do long weekends on the lake before dad started traveling to Washington DC. And the thought struck me. Dad, you know that you insisted that both Kayla and I take the Coast Guard approved USPS boating courses.”

Rob nodded his head, but had no idea where this was headed. Kayla was even more confused about what RJ was babbling about.

Continuing RJ said, “Well, I was thinking that being as Kayla and I both have our boating certification, you might allow us to take the Party Hut Pontoon Boat up to the lake for a four day weekend and do a little camping. Now that I have a drivers license and my own pickup truck, I can tow the boat . . . and, well, I thought that it would be fun for Kayla and I to go camping like we used to . . .and I understand that you have to work and can’t do this right now . . . but it seems like a nice idea . . .”

RJ ran out of gas and truly was babbling. He hadn’t rehearsed his ‘sell’ very well, as he had approached his father almost on impulse.

As soon as RJ stopped talking Kayla exclaimed “OH WOW! That would be so cool . . Can we do it Daddy? Please? Will you let us?”

Kathy started to respond, “Oh I don’t think so kids, I think you’re a little young to be going out to the lake by yourselves.”

“Well you could go with us Mom”, Kayla blurted out.

“No I couldn’t honey. You Father is only home on Saturday and Sunday so I can’t be at the lake 150 miles away, while your dad is home for the weekend. I’m sorry but I don’t think so kids.”

RJ and Kayla tried to mask their disappointment. It really did seem like a cool idea.

Rob had been strangely silent through all of this exchange.

Turning to Kathy he said, “Look honey, I don’t usually disagree with you . . certainly not in front of the kids. But we spent the money to get both our kids the training and boating certifications specifically so they would be responsible boaters.”

“And we’re both excellent swimmers” Kayla interrupted her father’s thoughts.

“Yes, and they are both accomplished swimmers” her father smiled at Kayla. “While RJ was asking, I was sitting reminiscing that my sister Christy and I did our first boating trip to camp at the lake, in a run-down 20 ft Bayliner I had purchased . . . and at the time I was only slightly older than RJ.”

“You had your own boat when you were 16, Dad?” RJ inquired.

“Yes, I’ve always owned some sort of boat. A few times when you kids were little and we moved, I was without a boat for a year or two, but generally, I’ve always had a boat. “However RJ, the Bayliner was a lot less boat to handle than the 30 ft Party Hut!”

Kathy sat there staring at her husband. It was true that they rarely had disagreements in front of the kids, particularly when the discussion was about the kids! It seemed to Kathy that her husband was actually about to approve of RJs pipedream.

“Rob, do you really think this is wise? I mean there are a hundred things that could happen to them. Maybe next year we’ll all be able to go out together?”

“Kathy, if your answer is really a ‘NO’, then I wouldn’t argue. But our children are responsible, they are mature for their age, they get good grades. They don’t do drugs . . . You DON’T do drugs do you kids????” Rob said with a grin.

“DADDY!” Kayla exclaimed “how can you even ask such a thing” Kayla lamented.

“Not even a little Mary-Jane now and then, Kayla?” Rob was enjoying teasing his daughter. Kayla gave him a disgusted look, but she realized he was being a tease.

“Can we get back to the subject at hand” Kathy pulled everyone back. “Rob it seems like you are Ok with this?”

“I’m just saying, the kids are getting older. And it isn’t like they are going out without training.”

Kathy realized she was being set up. While she had no idea why her husband wasn’t against this, she realized also that if she put her foot down, she would be viewed as the “Bad Guy”.

Changing tact Kathy said “Rob, isn’t there a lot of preparation necessary to get the boat ready for a 4 day trip to the lake?”

“Yes and no” Rob said without blinking an eye. “The storage yard maintenance guy makes sure the tires are kept properly aired up and shaded from the sun with tire covers. They also keep a trickle charger on the batteries so they won’t get sulfated. They also make sure the cover doesn’t blow off so the boat is secure while in the yard and doesn’t get totally filthy.”

“RJ, we’ll need to pick up the boat and check everything is ship-shape, and she’ll need a thorough cleaning, while I am home this weekend” Rob concluded.

That ploy had backfired on Kathy. She thought when she’d asked about ‘preparation’, that would be Rob’s queue to say yes, it was too much work for the kids to go out.

“Dad there is one problem that I thought of” RJ said.

“What’s that son?”

“Well, I have not towed something as large as the Party Hut. While I’m not too worried about towing it, I just realized I don’t know how to back it up properly” RJ told his father.

“Right” his father said, and Kathy though maybe Rob would come to his senses.

“Well RJ”, Rob continued, “While I get dressed, you go out on the shelves in the garage and get the towing mirrors for your Tundra truck. First thing on the agenda is to go get the boat and give you some towing instruction and practice. On the way home we’ll go to the big parking lot at the college, and I will teach you how to back up the boat trailer, using just your side view mirrors.”

Kathy sighed. She had been planning on getting her kids out of the house so she and Rob could run around naked and fuck their brains out all day! Now it looked like the boys were going to be playing with the boat all day.

Rob turned to Kayla who felt as though she had been watching the back-and-forth of a tennis match, with all the discussions going on. “Kayla, you have as much or more work to do than RJ does! I know you kids think that boating weekends just ‘happen’ but you are about to learn how much planning, and WORK, you mother went through to make a boating weekend pleasant for all of us. Kayla, you mother will tell you, and show you, what needs to be done, but I expect YOU to do all the planning and get everything provisioned for the weekend. Understood?

“Yes Daddy. Understood!”

Kathy still couldn’t believe that she had been sucked into this scheme. She could see however, that Kayla was as excited about this as anything she had seen her daughter get excited about in some time!

The boys had been gone 2 ½ hours already and Kayla had asked her mother to explain all the things that needed to be accomplished. Kathy said “First thing, sit down and plan out each of your meals, plus any snacks. Space is limited – even on the Part Hut – so you have to know exactly what you are taking. We have all the plastic food bins and coolers stacked in the garage. When you do your meal planning you have to think about what each one of you like to eat, how much, and the relative size of things to store. You can only fit so much in the ice chests, so you may have to think of things that don’t need cooling to be edible.”

Kayla had gone to the garage and found the stacks of plastic bins that she remembered her mother used to pack with clothes, dry goods and snacks. She also found the two Igloo Ice Chests, one of which was very large, and one being smaller.

While the men were absent, Kayla had already cleaned all the plastic cases and coolers. Unlike her mother who had always made hand written lists, Kayla went to her room and fired up her laptop. She created a spread sheet, labeled it ‘Meal Planning’ and listed Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Snacks, in four rows, underneath columns labeled Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. She then went about populating the list.

An hour later, Kayla emerged with a print out for her mother to look at. Kathy was pleasantly surprised at her daughter’s organizational skills, but felt there was too much non-nutritious food on her list. So, while they adjusted some of the meals, with Kayla making corrections on her laptop, between the two of them they actually had accomplished much of the grocery list they would need to provision.

The men arrived back at the house 2 1/2 hours later and Kathy and Kayla heard a honking out front. Looking out the window, they saw RJ at the wheel of the Tundra, and he was backing the boat so this it was closer to the curb and parallel parked.

The girls came out grinning and Kayla could not help but give her brother a warm hug. “How was it RJ? It is hard to tow the boat” Kayla asked her brother.

“No, with the extension mirrors it is easy. I just have to remember to make turns wide so I don’t run over a curb with the trailer” RJ replied.

“What about backing up” Kayla asked.

“Dad taught me this really cool method of being able to point the back of the boat in the direction I need it to go, just by hand placement on the bottom of the steering wheel Kayla. We went to the College parking lot; Dad put cones out, and had me back up a number of times between the cones, all from different angles. After a while I got the hang of it pretty good.”

Kayla jumped up and down with excitement. “Oh RJ, were going to the lake – I can’t wait!”

RJ hadn’t realized his sister would be so jazzed by the idea. But he was excited, that she was excited. Kayla talked a mile a minute about the food lists, meal planning and all the things she had done with their mother while the guys were picking up the boat.

While all this was going on, Kathy quietly went up on the Party Hut and rummaged through the drawers. When she came down, she said “You boys get some buckets and soap and clean this messy boat. Kayla, I have something I want to show you sweetie.”

While the men started hosing off 2 years worth of dust and grime, and broke out buckets of soap, the girls retired to the breakfast bar. Kathy turned to her daughter and said “I had hoped I find these still on the boat. They should make some of your chores easier to get ready.”

Kathy handed Kayla a sheath full of lists. One was marked Meals” . . . just like the one Kayla had already worked on. One said ‘Kids Items’ and dealt mostly with toys, games, blankies, teddy bears, etc. Kayla realized that these lists had been developed over many years of family outings.

One list was entitled ‘Personal Items’. As Kayla scanned it, she saw things like tooth paste, sunscreen, hand lotion, . . . birth control pills, douche . . . now Kayla realized the thought that had mother had put into the trips. Kayla would probably not have thought to bring douche apparatus on a camping trip . . but it wasn’t a bad idea, given the amount of sex that was likely to happen. Kayla shuddered, what if they had left home and she had forgotten her birth control pills . . .THAT would have put a damper on things, now wouldn’t it?!

“Mom these are fantastic” Kayla responded. “I wouldn’t have thought about some of this stuff. I will take these lists and put them on my computer. Where you have the quantities, I can just enter that in my spreadsheet any time the length of a trip changes. “Of course I don’t think we’ll be taking Blankies or Teddy along any more” Kayla laughed as did her mother.

The guys were busy going through all kinds of checklists for the mechanical preparation of the boat. “RJ there is still one thing that could ruin your whole weekend outing” his father said. “What’s that dad” RJ quickly perked up.

“Well, when we put the boat away, I ran the gas out of the carburetors, but the fuel in the tank is no doubt stale, even though I put gas stabilization into the tank. There is a possibility that there could be some problem with the carbs.” Rob explained to his son.

“So what do we do” RJ wanted to know.

“First we put the engine flush kit on and connect to the garden hose. Next let’s drain all the gas in the boat tanks into a jerry-can. Then we’ll put 5 gal of fresh gas in the boat tank, plus some carb cleaner, plus some octane booster, plus some more gas stabilization agent. If the engine won’t run, I am afraid you are out of luck son, until we can get the carbs rebuilt.”

RJ felt a slight sinking feeling, but he held out hope as his father showed him what to disconnect to drain gas, etc. 30 minutes later, they were all ready with fresh gas and additives in the boat tank.

Rob explained to RJ the technique to apply the choke briefly and try to start the engine. Rob then walked over to turn on the garden hose and said “OK RJ, give it a try.”

RJ followed the instructions his father had given him and cranked the engine. Three times he attempted to start the engine, but it would not fire. “Dad what is this little red tab on the coil-cord laying on the floor” RJ asked his father.

“That’s the reason the boat wont fire RJ. That’s the emergency stop kill switch lever!”

Rob showed RJ how to plug it in, and explained its purpose. Sure enough when RJ tried the engine again, it fired and ran sporadically with a huge cloud of smoke. Eventually the engine smoothed a bit, but even after 15 minutes, Rob had cocked his ear to the motor and said “RJ, I think we have a fouled plug. Let me go and look for a set of spare spark plugs, I think I have some in my tool box.”

While Rob rummaged trying to find the new spark plugs for the boat, Kayla came out to see how her brother was progressing.

“Hey RJ, how’s it going?”

“Looks like we have a fouled plug” RJ said to his sister.

Kayla reached out quickly and grabbed RJs crotch causing him to yelp. “Hey brother I don’t want your ‘plug’ to be fouled!’ Kayla laughed at the double-entendre. She then leaned in to whisper to her brother, ensuring that no one could overhear.

“Just think RJ, 4 whole days alone together. We can run around naked all day and you can screw me until your dick falls off!” Kayla laughed and grinned. Then seeing her father was returning, she excused herself back into the house to work on her chores.

Father and son worked into the evening to ensure that all mechanical and safety equipment had been checked. Rob showed RJ how to use and program the GPS and went over the VHF radio with him. He then opened the boats log book, and showed RJ how to reach emergency numbers for the Park Ranger, police and other services at the lake.

The very last thing he went over was to remind RJ how the shower system and porta-potty was to be operated. Rob said to his son, “The shower doesn’t afford much modesty but you and Kayla can act as lookouts for each other while showering to make sure no other boats are approaching from the rear. The curtain doesn’t exactly close properly back aft.” As an afterthought Rob said “I know that we guys can just pee off the back of the boat, but your sister will appreciate the porta-potty. Make sure you remind her of the proper sequence for flushing and locking the handle.” RJ doubted that Kayla would use the porta-potty, except to do #2 maybe, but he’d remind her how it worked.

About 7PM Kathy had dinner ready and the four of them came together in the dining room. There was endless chatter about what all each had done and found out. At one point RJ said “Boy dad, it was a good thing we checked the wheel bearings, they really needed some grease!” Rob nodded his acknowledgment.

Kathy remarked that Kayla had both updated and automated all of her old check-lists.

After dinner while RL and Kayla were doing dishes, they chatted about how much fun they were going to have, and RJ remarked about some of the interesting places on the lake that he remembered, and that he hoped they could find them again. Kayla and RJ heard the phone ring and their mother answer it. They could tell that it was someone their mother was familiar with from the general tone, but they couldn’t hear the conversation.

About a half-hour later the two teens entered the family room to find their mother had just ended the phone conversation and they all joined their father who was sitting in his recliner.

“That was your sister Christy” Kathy said to Rob.

“Oh? How are they all doing up there” Rob wanted to know.

“Everyone is fine. I got to telling Christy all about what’s going on here and all the preparations for the lake outing, and she said that it sounded like a blast. She said it reminded her of when you and she used to go camping at the lake, Rob! You’ll have to tell me about that sometime . . .I don’t recall you mentioning that before” Kathy said.

“Anyway, kids, Aunt Christy said that Candace and Kenny were driving her nuts and they were bored to tears for something to do. As Kenny has his driver’s license, I suggested that Candace and Kenny might like to come down and go to the lake with you two. Wouldn’t that be fun?”

The blood drained from Kayla’s face. She could see her plans for a getaway with RJ going down the drain. “Mom, this was supposed to be for RJ and me. We haven’t even seen Ken and Candy for three years almost. What if they are obnoxious or something? They might ruin the whole trip.”

Kathy gave her daughter a long stare. She sensed what the real agenda might be. “Kayla, when you all were small and they lived down here, you kids were together all the time and got along wonderfully. It’s unfortunate that they are about 3 hours away . . Actually it’s a shame we don’t get together more often but schedules never seem to mesh. Anyway, Kenny is 17 now and drives and Candy is 14. It should be fun to have someone along who is around the same ages as you and RJ . . and besides they are family.”

Kayla wanted to argue but she knew ‘the stare’ when her mother gave it to her. Kayla couldn’t figure out how to get their cousins ‘un-invited’ and Kayla knew her mother was really not in favor of this trip for RJ and herself anyway. So, to argue further might get the whole thing canceled!

“So, when are they going to be here” Kayla asked her mother.

“Christy hasn’t even talked to the kids yet. So it’s not even for sure” her mother responded.

Kayla thought, ‘there’s hope yet!’

However, not 15 minutes later Kayla’s hopes were dashed again as a series of rapid fire text messages started to arrive from her cousin Candace, or Candy, as everyone called her.

“OMG. Can’t believe we get to see u.” “TNX for inviting us.” “What we can bring?” “What u wearing to lake?” “RJ driving now?”

Finally Kayla sent one text message of her own. “I’ll call you” was all she said.

Kayla went to her room and called her cousin Candy. Candy was gushing as they caught up on everything. They talked rapid fire for an hour and a half and touched on every subject they could imagine.

Candy wanted to know what to bring, and Kayla said “let me email you all the check-lists. That will give you a good feel for what we’ve identified for ourselves, and you and Kenny can work off the same items. Don’t worry about any of the food stuffs as Mom and I will take care of that . . . . unless, you or Kenny have some special food you need or allergies or something.

Candy assured Kayla that she and her brother had no special food needs. Candy opened the email while they were still talking and said “Oh my God, you have so much detail, I’d of never thought of all this stuff.”

Finally the two teen girls rang off and Kayla went to find her mother and father. RJ was sitting with them in the family room.

“So, how was catching up with Candy” her mother wanted to know.

“Fine. They are very excited to be coming along. Actually after talking to her, she seemed like a really sweet girl” Kayla concluded.

“I wonder what she looks like” RJ asked without thinking. He was met with a death stare from his sister, and he felt chagrinned.

“I guess we’ll find out soon enough, they’ll be here Thursday evening about 6 PM” Kayla said. “Gee, the last time we saw them Kenny was 14 and Candy was 11 . . I’ll bet they have changed a lot by now” Kayla trailed off.

Everyone was tired from a frenetic day of doing chores in preparation for outfitting the boat for the trip. Kayla went to get her shower. Rob and Kathy retired to their bedroom, feigning fatigue.

RJ took the opportunity with his parents behind closed doors to pop into the shower while Kayla was in there. He poked his head around the shower curtain and peered at his sister’s luscious body.

“What are you doing idiot! Do you want to get caught by Daddy?” Kayla wailed.

“Relax. Mom and Dad are in the bedroom and I heard the door lock behind them. We both know what that means” RJ said.

“Still, you shouldn’t be in here RJ. It’s too risky” Kayla protested.

“I just wanted to tell you that I know you were disappointed that Kenny and Candy got invited . . but let’s just try and have a fun weekend. OK?”

“RJ, it’s just that I had things planned to be alone with you for a whole weekend, with no parents around.”

“I know, but I’m sure we’ll get to sneak away from our cousins at some point for a little hanky-panky” RJ laughed.

“It wasn’t a ‘little’ hanky-panky I had in mind” Kayla replied, “it was a ‘lot’ of hanky-panky!. “Now get out of here before you get caught!”

“OK, but I just wanted you to know I love you . . and I’m looking forward to our little get-away, cousins or no cousins” RJ said. His lips brushed Kayla’s and he was off to get his own shower and turn-in for the night.

Behind Rob and Kathy’s locked bedroom door they were locked in a passionate embrace. “I still can’t believe you are in favor of letting Kayla and RJ go off alone with that big boat,” Kathy said.

“The kids will be fine Kathy. I’ll be a great memory for them.”

“And what’s all this reminiscing about camping trips between you and your sister, Christy” Kathy wanted to know.

“Oh, I’ll tell you all about it some time when I’m not so busy” Rob said, and he slowly raised the back of Kathy’s skirt and started playing with her ass. “right now I’ve got some important things to take care of with a very beautiful lady” Rob smiled, as he inched his fingers under Kathy’s panties and began to finger her swampy hole.

“So what game do you want to play tonight” Kathy grinned lasciviously. “How about Cowboy and Indian maiden? You know the one where I ride your pony side-saddle” Kathy giggled.

Rob tossed his wife of 15 years on the bed and started to ravage her. As he worked his way down to her crotch and started to tongue her through her panties, Kathy let out a squeal.

Chapter 4 of 35

Sunday was much like Saturday had been except that their parents didn’t make an appearance until almost 11 AM. Once as Kathy went to her room to get something, she heard her mother’s muffled cry of ecstasy from behind her mother’s bedroom door. Inching closer she could hear the faint sound of bedsprings squeaking and the occasional rapping of a headboard.

Kayla stood stock-still trying not to breathe in order to hear what was going on. While she couldn’t hear very well through the wall, she did suddenly hear her mother cry out “OH FUCK ME ROB! Give me all your baby juice . . . fuck me harder!” Listening outside to her mother only made Kayla itchier between her own legs and Kayla thought briefly about returning to her own bedroom to rub her pussy to orgasm.

Kayla had retreated to the breakfast bar when her mother made an appearance at 11AM. Kathy sat at the bar and Kayla got up to pour her some coffee. RJ had gone out of the room for a moment.

Kayla came up behind her mother and sat the coffee in front of her. Kayla reached around her mother to give her a hug. “Morning Mom. You OK?”

“Never better dear” her mother replied with a song in her voice.

Kayla leaned in while still embracing her mother from the rear and whispered in her ear. “You look like the cat that ate the Canary . . your hair is wild . . your cheeks are glowing . . . do you think your legs will ever come back together Mom? How long were you guys at it???”

“Four hours and I lost track of the number of times. But that’s none of your business and don’t be rude Missy” Kathy said to her daughter giving her a friendly swat and laughing.

“Geese Mom, I didn’t think you guys could last four hours at your advanced age” Kayla teased. Kathy turned and gave Kayla a hard swat on the ass! “Advanced age? I can still take you over my knee Missy!”

The girls were still laughing when RJ came back in the room. “what’s so funny” he wanted to know.”

“Oh nothing – just girl talk” his mother replied.

“Well where’s dad? I was just re-checking everything on the boat and I found two tie down straps that are badly sun-rotted. I think we need to replace them’ RJ said to his mother.

“Kayla give your brother $40 from my cupboard hiding spot please. RJ, why don’t you go to Home Depot and buy some new straps. I’m sure your father would approve” Kathy told her son.

Kayla did as she was told and handed the money to RJ who started to leave. As he went through the garage door Kayla called to him, “wait for me RJ, I’ll go to Home Depot with you.”

As soon as RJ was out of earshot Kayla said to her mom, “No hanky-panky while we’re gone young lady!”

Kathy laughed at her daughter’s remark. “Don’t worry – we’ll be good. Now Go” her mom retorted.

Kayla raced out to RJs truck and slid into the passenger side. She immediately scooted to the middle, not caring if one of their friends might see her sitting beside her brother.

What Kayla hadn’t seen was her father standing in the upstairs bedroom window looking out at them. As Rob watched, he first wondered where RJ was going, and then seeing Kayla scoot over beside RJ; Rob wondered why Kayla was sitting so close to her brother?

As RJ drove away from the house Kayla placed her hand on RJs thigh. Then she ran her hand higher and fondled RJs rapidly swelling manhood through his Levis. “Wanna go somewhere and fuck my brains out for a while big brother?”

“Kayla, God you are one horny girl!. Look sweetie, we really need to get a lot of stuff accomplished while I have dad home with his know-how. Besides, I think Dad would question why it took us so long to run to Home Depot 15 minutes away, and not get home for 2 hours! I promise little sister that in the morning after Dad leaves for work, I’ll slide into your bed and give you the best sex you’ve had in a long, long, time!”

Kayla threw RJ a pouty look, even though she knew he was right. She slid her hand a little lower, but kept it on RJs thigh all the way to the store. Even though Kayla had stopped fondling his penis through his Levis, RJ still had to make an adjustment, before he got out of the truck, less all the customers see he had a raging bonner!

Sunday turned out to be very busy with Rob and RJ replacing straps and finding some more things in need of maintenance, including a badly leaking water pressure pump. Kayla and Kathy went to the store with the food list which Kayla had already adjusted for 4 people instead of 2.

The girls spent the afternoon packing dry goods and clothing into plastic bins. All the food stuff went into the freezer or refrigerator. Kathy explained that Thursday afternoon they would get dry-ice to keep the steaks frozen, and pack everything in the Igloo coolers, then ice everything down.

By 9 PM everything had been rechecked twice and RJ had received some further instruction from his father. They had eaten an impromptu dinner, as all four were busy. Kayla and Kathy had packed some of the clothing items RJ and Kayla would need, but her mother told her, they would put the finishing touches on clothing on Thursday afternoon. Kathy suggested that they needed to check the weather report for the weekend, as it was no use taking jackets for the evening if the heat wave continued. All four showered and collapsed for the night.

Monday morning Kathy and Rob awoke very early. Katy said “I wish you didn’t have to be gone to Washington all week. I really miss sleeping with you!”

Rob leaned in and began kissing Kathy. “I miss you too baby” he said to his beautiful wife. Rob fondled Kathy’s ample breasts and her nipple stiffed immediately, Feeling the nipples rise against the palm of his hand, Rob began to roll and squeeze each nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

Kathy gave a shiver and let out an audible moan as Rob continued to play with her tits. Rob’s hand trailed down her torso and across her flat abdomen. As his hand approached her public mound, Kathy automatically spread her legs to allow him access to her girl-treasure.

Kathy was totally shaved and Rob often told her that he liked the ‘little-girl look’ on her. “God you’re wet baby” Rob said, as his finger slipped into the folds of his wife’s hot pussy, and he sank it to the hilt.

“I’m making lots of girl juice for you – cause I need you cock in me this morning” Kathy said.

“Well I can’t just jump on you and have my way with you. That wouldn’t be fair,” Rob said.

“Yes, that’s exactly what I need. I’ve been dreaming about you fucking me all night, and I’m about to cum from just your finger . . . so get that cock in me buster! Besides, we only have about 30 minutes before we have to get up and get to the train station” Kathy said as she reached for her husband’s rigid cock.

The two lovers made no further foreplay. Rob simply mounted Kathy in conventional position and his iron hard cock sank right to her cervix, as Kathy made an ‘oomph’ noise. Kathy tilted her pelvis and locked her legs around her husband, crossing her ankles. This allowed her the leverage to drive herself up onto Rob’s manhood, each time he was thrusting downward.

Kathy moaned and cried out as Rob pounded her sodden cunt. Squishy noises could be heard as Katy lubricated so much. Kathy began urging her lover on, saying that she was about to cum all over him. Rob stroked furiously, and even though they had only been coupled for 15 minutes, Rob could feel the tension rising in his balls.

“Give me all your baby juice Rob” Katy cried. “Fill my fucking hole up!”

Rob redoubled his efforts and moaned “I’m about to cum . . I’m gonna give you a huge load this morning baby!”

“Yes . . . yes . . . YES . . .give it to me . . . fill me up” Kathy wailed as she humped upward so hard it almost threw Rob off her.

Rob could feel the head of his cock mash into the soft tissue of Kathy’s cervix each time he thrust. Finally he could take no more and jammed his cock into her snatch as hard and far as it would go. Rob suddenly felt a soft elastic like ring around the head of his cock and pulse after pulse of potent baby spunk poured into Kathy.

Feeling Rob’s cock probe into her cervix caused Kathy’s eyes to fly open and she fucked him back furiously, trying to drive his entire length into her womb. “Fuck . . . OH
GOD. . . CUMming . . . .” Kathy panted trying to breathe during the throws of one of the most intense orgasms he’d had for a while.

Finally Rob collapsed on top of her and she allowed her legs to fall to his side. Robs softening member was still lodged inside the tip of her cervix though.

“God that was intense” Kathy croaked out.

“Glad I please you” Ron whispered, as he planted a kiss on her lips.

“I don’t think you’ve ever gone up inside of me like that before. Man did that feel good!”

“Mmmmm . . .we’ll have to try that position more often” Rob replied.

Rob made an inordinate amount of seminal fluid and Kathy could feel his ample amount of cums starting to leak out of her and run down her butt towards the bed. Kathy pushed on his chest, “time to get up before we make a big mess on the bed.”

Kathy cupped her panties to her crotch as she ran to the bathroom to keep drops of cum from falling on the carpet. She jumped into the warm shower and felt glob after glob of Rob’s seed plop out of her to the shower floor.

Kathy sometimes mused that ‘with all the baby juice that Rob produced, she was amazed she hadn’t been pregnant more than twice. Thank goodness for good birth control pills!

Chapter 5 of 35 [Revised]

RJ awoke as he heard the sound of a car engine and the garage door opening. Through bleary eyes he could see his alarm clock read 5:50. He had set it for 6AM, but had beaten the alarm.

He looked out the window and saw his mother and father backing out of the driveway. He went to the bathroom and took his morning leak, willing his ‘morning wood’ to go down so he could pee properly. He then washed his hands and splashed water in his face.

He went down the hall to his sister’s room and entered through the closed door. Carelessly, as he crept into Kayla room, he left the door ajar behind him. Kayla lay on her back with the sheet midway between her waist and her chin, leaving her breast exposed. RJ stood and marveled at his sister’s tits.

Kayla had now gotten up to a ‘C cup, “usually” as she had told RJ. Her breasts were firm and stood out from her 15 year old frame nicely. As was the case with many redheads and strawberry blonds, her areolas were light pink in color with much darker nipples. Kayla had extremely sensitive nipples and sometimes RJ could just about make her climax just by playing with her nipples. The problem was that Kayla became so aroused from nipple-play that she would just about rape RJ. Kayla became very aggressive when she was highly aroused. So RJ had never actually gotten his sister off from nipple-play alone, because she always insisted on fucking at that point!

The fact that Kayla was naked on the top, meant she was also naked under the covers, as she usually liked to sleep nude. RJ’s cock had already started to swell to its full length, just under 9 inches, as he looked at Kayla’s tits and thought about what he was about to do.

Slowly he approached the foot of Kayla’s bed and carefully lifter the covers up. Kneeling, he snaked his way up under the covers and found Kayla had her legs slightly spread already. RJ wanted to surprise his sister by pleasuring her before she awoke.

Moving higher RJ nudged his sister’s thighs and she spread them further automatically. Her breathing told RJ that she was still asleep however. RJ lightly placed a kiss on the top of Kayla’s mons and stuck his tongue out to probe the top of her folds just above her clit. This elicited a moan from his sleeping sister.

RJ carefully moved his tongue lower and licked upwards along the length of her teen slit, touching her clit for the first time. A much louder moan escaped Kayla’s lips and she shifted slightly in bed. RJ thought he’d awoken her, but she breathed deeply still in the fog of slumber.

RJ zeroed in on her now engorging clit and started swirling his tongue around her sensitive spot, alternately swiping his tongue into her outer lips which were getting wetter by the second. As RJ again probed her clit Kayla said “oh . . . OH . . aahhh” and grabbed the side of RJs head thrusting it harder against her cunt.

“What a pleasant surprise” Kayla panted.

“Glad you like it” RJ mumbled with his face buried in his sister’s crotch. Now he spread her lips wide apart with his hands and began tonguing the inner folds of Kayla’s snatch in earnest. Kayla flailed about and moaned loudly.

After only a minute or so Kayla pushed her brother’s head away while simultaneously bucking her hips against his face. Shuddering in bliss Kayla said “Get up here and fuck me now!”

RJ raised his head and said, “Not a chance K!” I told you this was going to be special this morning. Your first orgasm is going to be on the tip of my tongue. I want you to lay back, concentrate on the special spot between your legs and think about the gallon of cum I am going to dump into you next!”

Kayla flopped back and closed her eyes as RJ again started lapping at her swollen pussy lips. He started tracing a ‘figure 8’ around her clit button which caused Kayla to buck and squeal. Kayla was already racing towards the abyss. Not having any sex while her father was home during the weekends just made her that much more wanton and out of control.

RJ was fucking in and out of her pussy hole with his tongue and alternately sucking on her well distended clit. Kayla’s head flopped from side to side with the sensations driving her wild. She started grunting and almost crying as her pace of humping back at her brother’s tongue increased.

RJ sensed that she was very closed to sexual release and it was at this moment that he extended his arms upward so that he could reach Kayla’s nipples while continuing to eat out her pussy. Kayla humped furiously as RJ played with her nipples.

Simultaneously RJ squeezed both nipples between his thumb and forefingers and nipped down on key clit. Kayla saw stars manufactured from both the unexpected pain of the bite, and the exotic pleasure it brought on. Suddenly her whole body arched and became stiff and she started to shudder rapidly and let out a very loud scream.

While the scream was still in her throat, RJ released her clit and started swirling his tongue around it again. All of a sudden he felt it against his lips; Kayla was convulsing and ejaculating liquid all over his mouth while he continued to suck on his sister’s engorged girl parts! Kayla convulsed out of control and kept making what could only be described as a humming sound. Suddenly she collapsed down on the bed and was panting like a race horse.

RJ had heard his buddies talk about girls ‘cuming liquid’ but he always thought it was a fairy tale.

Kayla pulled at her brother’s head and said “Fuck me quick RJ”

RJ laughed and flopped on his back beside her. “Nope, you fuck me sis. Ride me cowgirl style.”

In the blink of an eye Kayla scrambled over her brother’s prone body, grasped his rigid cock and placed the now purple head against the saturated lips of her cunt. In one bold motion she plunged down onto his member and said only “Oomph!”

Kayla started rocking her pelvis back and forth on her brother, making sure to rub her clit against his public bone, and scissoring as much of his 9 inches in and out of her as possible.

Kathy had returned home from the train station after dropping Rob off and was ascending the stairs when she heard a loud scream from upstairs. Kathy hurried up at first thinking Kayla had been hurt. The noises she heard from Kayla’s room soon became clear what the real source was.

Kathy found Kayla’s bedroom door standing open about 25% of the way. She cautiously peered around the door and saw her daughter squatting over her son and just beginning to place RJs huge erection into her vagina. As Kayla pushed downward suddenly Kathy heard her let out an “oomph” sound.

Kathy stood mesmerized as she watched her daughter rock back on forth on her son’s erection. It was obvious that Kayla was quite excited and she practically ‘mewed’ as she rode RJ faster and faster.

Kathy thought she was about to witness her daughter have an orgasm, but all of a sudden Kayla stopped and repositioned her feet. Placing her feet beside her brother’s hips, Kayla was now in a true squat over her brother. Kathy had not seen RJ naked in a long time. Kayla had mentioned that her brother had a large penis, but Kathy was taken aback. Kayla was squatted over her brother and had at least 6 inched of his cock-shaft exposed not in her vagina. Yet there was still some of RJ buried inside his sister.

She heard Kayla say “RJ I’m very close . . I want you to concentrate on dumping a really big load in your little sister’s cunt! I should be able to cum again when I feel you cumming in me.”

With that Kayla started riding up and down on RJs shaft by flexing her thigh muscles and haunches. Kathy watched her daughter slide very slowly all the way down RJs cock shaft till their public bones touched, only to raise herself back up until only the tip of his monster cock was still with her. Twice she rose too high and RJ slipped out of her. Immediately Kayla would grab his slippery member and place it back at the entrance of her hole. Kathy was amazed to see the size of RJs penis and in length it rivaled his fathers, with a fiery head that was now almost purple, but perhaps not quite as thick around as Rob’s.

Suddenly Kayla started riding up and down faster and faster. RJ had his hands on his sister’s tits and was playing with her nipples again. Kayla grasped RJs biceps for balance as she could not afford to let him slip out now.

RJ was moaning loudly and Kayla’s hips were now a blur bouncing up and down on him.

Suddenly RJ cried “Sis . . . . . cum . . . “ and that was all he got out. He arched his pelvis so high that he lifted Kayla off the bed impaled on his cock. He started spewing potent baby juice into his sister as rope after rope of his cum entered her. The sensation set Kayla over the edge and her own orgasm struck like a sledge hammer.

“OH . . Fuck, oh FUCK! . . . . yes . . . yes . . YES!” She screamed.

RJ collapsed back onto the bed and his sister shuddered on top of him for many more seconds. Kathy realized she had been rubbing her own pussy through her slacks, even though Rob had just fucked her brains out an hour earlier. Kathy slowly backed away from her daughter’s door making sure not to make any noise. She turned and went into her bedroom and in a few minutes heard the shower running. She was fairly certain her children were in the shower together!

Chapter 6 of 35 {Revised]

Monday was a busy day. Kathy took her daughter to shop, not only for the things that Kayla had put on her lists, but Kathy had decided that the curtains in the ‘Hut’ part of the Party Hut Pontoon Boat needed to be changed, as they were now badly sun-faded.

As Kenny and Candace were coming down for the weekend, Kathy wanted nice, brand new, beach-towels, bath towels and sheets on the boat also. Mother and daughter made their way to the mall. While Kathy went to Bed, Bath and Beyond for the towels and sheets, Kayla drifted away down the aisle-way after extracting some cash from her mother.

Kayla went into Frederick’s of Hollywood and went to a specially marked bathing suit rack to see if they still had a bikini she had seen and had her eye on for a couple of weeks. A 20-something clerk asked if she could help the teen girl, but Kayla said she knew what she was looking for, as she looked through the racks of Bikinis.

“Damn, it’s gone” Kayla muttered.

“If you tell me what you had your eye on, I may be able to see if we have one in stock in the back” the sales-girl said.

Kayla explained in detail what she remembered of the white Bikini. She explained the functional sting ties at the side, the brass ring between the two bra components of the top and the fact that it had a single small rose embroidered off-center along the waist band.

“I think I know the suit you are talking about” said the clerk. “What it your size” the young woman wanted to know.

Kayla told the attractive sales clerk that she was a 34 ‘C’, but depending on the bra, she sometimes fit into a ‘B’ cup and other times a ‘C’ cup.

The sales clerk said to the teen, “well it depends if you are going for maximum cover-up, or maximum display of your cleavage.”

“Umm – let’s try the ‘B’ cup Bikini, if you still have one,” the teen replied to the clerk.

After several minutes of waiting the clerk reappeared with a positive grin on her face. “You are in luck – we actually had two still in the back that we hadn’t placed on the rack yet.” “Do you want to try it on” the sales clerk asked.

Kayla held the bottoms up in front of her, and stretched the waistband out to make sure it would fit her hips. She then looked at the top. The two triangles of fabric looked like they wouldn’t cover much of her boobs. If she were going to be on a public beach, she would have worried if the fabric was going to cover her areolas or not, but that wasn’t a concern on the boat. The fact that the two triangles of cloth were joined between the cups with a brass ‘D’-shaped ring meant there was no adjustment to the top. What you saw – was what you got.

“Umm, no I’m not going to try this on; I don’t have on the right underwear. And I know you have rules about trying on a suit without them” Kayla said.

The clerk smiled knowingly. “Do you want to see the one with the larger top” the clerk questioned.

“No, I’m going to take this one” the teen grinned.

“There’s one other thing about this suit that I want to make sure you understand, before you buy it” The clerk said cautiously. Kayla just looked at her unsure of what she wanted to say.

“This suit is one of our ‘Rose’ brands . . and those suits are made of a special fabric that . . .well when it gets wet, it becomes pretty transparent. The bottoms have a tri-cot layer in the crotch, so that doesn’t show,” at this the 20ish clerk actually blushed, “but your top and your butt will show through the white suit pretty clearly. Are you sure you wanted to get this one” the clerk asked, sensing Kayla’s age and not sure she would want to show off her body.

“OH-Yea, I’m quite sure” Kayla said with a mischievous grin, “that’s why I picked this suit.”

A short time later, Kayla found her mother with arms full of packages. “What did you find dear,” her mother asked. “Oh I got a new bikini, it’s just a plain white one” was all the teen beauty said to her mom.

Kayla grabbed some of the packages and somehow the subject got changed, so there was no further questioning about the new bathing suit. The girls shopped some more and then Kathy went to Big 5 Sporting Goods. Once there, Kathy bought a new large tow-tube, quite large enough for two people to sit in. “I remember that you kids liked to use this when you were smaller and used to have a blast. I thought that maybe you guys will enjoy getting towed behind the boat when you move from place-to-place” her mother said matter-of-factly.

By Monday noon, RJ found that he did not like the feel of the boat’s steering. He disconnected the steering knuckle from the engine, and it still felt very stiff to him. He decided to call his father in Washington D.C. to ask him about it.

His father listened and told RJ that this was a ‘good catch’ and that probably there was corrosion building in the steering cable sheath. His father explained to RJ how to first elevate the cable that he had already removed, and the multiple steps involved in clearing the corrosion and then putting a lubricant in the cable sheath. It wasn’t hard, but it was time consuming.

When the girls returned home, they found RJ sitting in the captain’s seat, slowing the turning the steering wheel from full left to full right.

As the girls approached the boat, Kathy asked her son “What are you doing up there RJ?”

“The steering cable was corroded so Dad told me how to lubricate it so it won’t be so tight” RJ responded.

“Why didn’t you just put K-Y Jelly on it” Kayla said to her brother, “That always works!” Kayla laughed at her double-entendre.

“What do you know about KY Jelly, young lady” her mother retorted!

“I know the tube in your night-stand is almost empty . . so I had to buy my own” Kayla laughed out loud.

Kathy turned red, and took off running towards Kayla, packages akimbo. “When I catch you young lady, I’m gonna put you across my knee” her mother grinned.

Kayla beat-feet for the house, dropping one of the packages along the way, and laughing hilariously. RJ just shook his head at the silly things those two ladies did from time to time. RJ also kept exercising the steering cable which felt much freer than earlier.

RJ finished and reassembled the steering. The girls started packing, and repacking the dry goods they had purchased. They also started to assemble the clothes that RJ and Kayla had put on their lists. Kathy set aside 3 plastic bins for Kenny and Candace to put their things into on the boat.

Later that afternoon while the girls folded laundry, Kathy said to Kayla “There’s something I want to discuss with you sweetheart.” Kayla could tell from her mother’s tone that she was serious, and not playing around.

“Shoot Mom. What’s on your mind?” Kayla responded.

“I’m pretty sure I know why you were against inviting Kenny and Candace with you guys” Her mother paused. “I know that you thought you and RJ could have 4 days, away from the parents and over a weekend, where you could have non-stop sex” her mother concluded.

“OK. Go on” the teen said cautiously to her mother.

“Look Kayla, you and RJ can control yourself for a few days. I don’t think you will die if you go without sex for three or four days. We haven’t seen Kenny and Candy for 3 years. We don’t know what they are like these days, but you don’t need to have any public displays of affection between your brother and yourself. Candy is younger than you, and I don’t think she’s as mature as you were at 14 . . . so just cool it. OK?”

“What makes you think she’s so naive? When I was 14, RJ and I fooled around, and you knew about it” Kayla responded.

“Well Aunt Christy hasn’t seen any evidence of Ken and Candy showing any interest in each other” Kathy told her daughter.

Kayla though ‘oh right. Mom and Aunt Christy talk about everything – no matter how private! Kayla wondered if her Aunt knew about her and RJ.’ Then she realized that her mother had probably had long discussions with her aunt, about her and RJs sexuality. Her mom would have asked her aunt if her kids fooled around too, Kayla realized, that’s how she knew the Kenny and Candace didn’t.

“Mom, you know how I feel about RJ! You can’t expect me to keep my hands off of him for 4 days” Kayla lamented.

“That is exactly what I expect Kayla” her mother replied. And I want you to be more careful around the house too.”

“What are you talking about” the teen wanted to know.

“Like this morning when I got back from taking your father to the train station. I came up the stairs and was greeted by quite a show” Kayla’s mother retorted. “It would seem that someone forgot to close your bedroom door, when they came in to do your usual morning routine.”

Kayla was now embarrassed. Even though she and her mother talked about everything, the fact that Kathy had watched them ‘in the act’ somehow bothered Kayla. “How much did you see, mom” Kayla asked.

“Oh I got to see pretty much all the exciting stuff . . .including my daughter having an excruciating orgasm” Kathy said as sternly as she could muster.

“I’m sorry mom” Kayla said, “I’ll remind RJ we need to be more careful”

“Kayla, I just don’t want your cousins to see any fooling around between you and RJ. They may not understand, and they may not share our attitude about this subject. So you and RJ need to get all your sex done and out of the way before your cousins arrive Thursday evening!”

“Yes Ma’am” was all that Kayla could think of saying now. She was going to kill RJ later for not closing her bedroom door this morning!

The rest of the week flew by. Everyone was busy, but things had pretty much gotten wrapped up by Tuesday night as far as the preparations were concerned. Aside from the Igloo coolers and their cousin’s clothes, everything else was on the Party Hut.

Kathy tried to give her kids some space also, particularly on Wednesday and Thursday mornings. Kathy made an excuse to go and ‘run some errands’. She knew that Kayla and RJ would have non-stop sex while she was gone. She hoped that would help sate their high sex drives, while their cousins were in town.

By Thursday noon RJ and Kayla had finished the last of three marathon fuck-sessions. Kayla had to admit, that the final orgasm was one of the best RJ had ever provided her! Kayla and RJ were fidgety and somewhat apprehensive about the arrival of their cousins.

Kathy gathered up the pair and they went off to a supermarket that actually sold Dry Ice. Kathy asked the kids if there was anything else they needed, while they were at the store. Kayla replied that she wasn’t sure they could fit another single thing onto the boat!

When they arrived home, Kathy showed the kids how to rig the dry ice in Tupperware containers, so the water from melting ice could not get to it. Kathy then showed Kayla how to stack things that needed to stay frozen directly on top of the Tupperware. Sodas and other things that needed to be kept cold were then loaded around the Tupperware and eventually all the voids in the Igloos filled with ice cubes.

Chapter 7 of 35 [Revised]

It was only 5 PM and they were just closing the last Igloo lid, when a car drove up. Moments later the doorbell rang. As Kathy answered the door, Kayla and RJ stood back expectantly. Kathy let out a squeal and said “KIDS – I’m SO glad you could come down. And look how much you’ve grown!” Kathy was blocking the view so Kayla and RJ could not yet see their cousins.

Kathy stepped back to allow the two new teens to pass and called “Kids, Candace and Kenny are her.”

First through the door was a vision that should have been in Playboy, or some glamour magazine. Candace was in white short-shorts and a halter top with a floral scheme. She stood 5’7”, taller than Kayla, and had almost white-blond hair that hung to her waist and was bundled in a pony tail. Her teeth were like pearls and were straight beyond belief. Her completion was ‘peaches and cream’, very fair and she obviously hadn’t done much in the way of tanning so far this summer. Her eyes were striking, in that they were a bright green. Her final attribute was her breasts. They were probably an ‘A’ cup just striving to become a ‘B’ cup but they stood high and pronounced on her chest and on a very slender frame. RJ almost didn’t notice her final feature, she had a small ‘button nose’ with a very slight upturn, and a very easy smile.

Kayla was slightly behind RJ and poked him in the ribs as she moved forward to greet her girl cousin. “Hey?” RJ said lightly so that no one could hear. “Stop drooling on her dummy” Kayla whispered, and she moved forward to give Candy a hug.

Next through the door was Kenny. As he came careening through the screen door, he had armloads of bags, all but one of which belonged to Candy. He gently sat the bags on the carpet, and stuck out his hand for RJ. “Hi RJ, remember me” Kenny quipped?

RJ gripped his cousin’s hand and received not only a firm response, but Kenny’s hand was massive. RJ felt like he was shaking the hand of a bear! “Of course I remember you Kenny, but I don’t remember you being this tall” RJ responded.

As Kayla turned from Candy, her mouth dropped open. There stood her 17 year old cousin Kenny. All 6’2 inches of him. He had on a muscle shirt which showed shoulders that looked like a linebacker. His jaw was square and his hair was jet black, like his Father’s, their Uncle Tom, and was cut very neatly for a teen boy. His waist was slim, but his muscles rippled as he moved. Kayla moved forward and Kenny literally scooped her up and gave her a huge hug.
He had a broad easygoing smile and actually had slight dimples when he did. His eyes were a pale blue that gave you the impression he was looking through you.
While Kayla’s breasts were mashed against Kenny’s chest, she swore her knees became weak. “Kayla, you are even more beautiful than I remember you. Your hair has gotten a lot longer I see, but you still have those little freckles on your nose that I used to love so much.” Kayla caught his scent, mixed with delightful cologne she could not place.

“Let me show you to our rooms, so you two can freshen up from your drive” RJ said. With that, he picked up all of Candy’s bags, smiled at her and said “after you, yours is the first door on the right – that’s Kayla’s room.” As Candy started up the stairs, RJ could not take his eyes off of his cousin’s ass. The white short-shorts swayed with a rhythm while she climbed, and RJ got a very tiny glimpse of the pink panties she wore as the top rose slightly above the band of her shorts.

RJ showed Candy to Kayla’s room and carefully set down the bags. “If there’s anything you need just holler at me” RJ said and almost stammered. RJ could not take his eyes off his cousin and tried in vain not to stare at her breast which were perched prominently high on her chest, even though they were not huge. Candy smiled sweetly at RJ and said “thank you so much. I’ll be down in a few minutes.”

RJ found Kenny and his sister still chatting warmly downstairs. When Kayla saw her brother she said “RJ, why don’t you show Kenny to your messy room so he can freshen up.”

RJ showed Kenny upstairs and Kenny put his bag down. “Cool room Cuz” he said to RJ. “I see you play football also?” Kenny was looking at the various Team photos RJ had framed on the walls.

“Yes, next year I am Varsity starting Tight End” RJ replied. They chatted briefly and RJ left after pointing out the bathroom door to Kenny.

RJ came back down stairs and found Kayla in the Family Room. As he walked up to her, Kayla punched him in the bicep without warning.

“OW! What the hell was that for” RJ cried.

“That’s for leaving ‘droolie-marks all over Candy! And Geeze you were practically sniffing her butt as you followed her up the stairs” Kayla exclaimed.

“I was NOT” RJ proclaimed as he rubbed his arm to get feeling back in it. Besides, it’s not like you weren’t down hear batting your eyes at Kenny and getting damp panties” RJ shot back.

Kayla arched her brow and moved toward RJ, who was too quick and took off running before she could grab him! Eventually RJ ‘let’ Kayla catch him in the kitchen. He pulled her close and gave her a quick but warm kiss. “Jealous are we K?”

“Damn right I’m jealous. That girl is gorgeous! She is way hotter than me, and she’s a year younger! I can’t blame you for drooling over her – heck I am drooling over Candy myself” Kayla proclaimed.

“Kayla, you are still more beautiful” and with that RJ gave her another peck.

“That was the right answer, RJ” Kayla said with a huge grin.

Chapter 8 of 35 [Revised]

Kayla was still in her brother’s arms and RJ hands had now slid down to his sister’s butt. Just then Kathy turned the corner to the Kitchen and saw them. “Knock it off you two! I told you no displays of affection in front of your cousins!”

“We know mom” RJ responded. “Kenny and Candy are upstairs. This was our last hug for a while” RJ grinned.

“I meant what I said you two” Kathy said, not amused.

A brief time later Kenny and Candy came bounding down the stairs. “Boy, something smells good Aunt Kathy, what is that” Kenny wanted to know.

“It’s brats and sauerkraut” Kathy replied to her nephew. “We’ll have a salad to go with them also and whatever you guys want to drink.”

Kayla turned to look at Candy and noticed she was beat red as if blushing. “You alright Candy?”

“Yes. Fine,” the girl said.

“She’s just a little shocked” Kenny chortled. “You guys didn’t tell us the bathroom was shared between your two bedrooms . . .I was standing there going to the bathroom and Candy burst in from her room without realizing I was in there!”

Kathy walked over to her niece and put her arm around her shoulders, drawing her to her side.

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