
Spanking our Neighbor

“Melissa, please sit down.” Steve, my husband had gestured with his hand, inviting our neighbor to sit on the sofa. “Make yourself comfortable.” Steve then sat comfortably in his recliner. When Melissa sat down, I handed her a glass of wine. I then sat on the opposite end of the sofa.

Melissa appeared nervous. For all intent purposes, she had every reason to be nervous. As for my husband, Steve was his normal self. His composure, his demeanor was that of being relaxed…seemingly, in control of his surroundings. Before he said anything, he took a sip of his wine. “JoLyn mentioned the conversation that you had with her this morning. Am I to understand that you want me to spank Karen?”

Karen was Melissa’s 14 year old daughter. For the past few months, Melissa was becoming more and more concerned with her daughter’s behavior. Her grades were in the decline, she was hanging out with a bad group of teens and her overall attitude and behavior was worsening. And so, in a rather brash manner of speaking, Steve opened the doors…the topic of discussion was going to be focused on her daughter. In the back of my mind, I knew that Steve was going to include Melissa into our discussion.

“I suspected that Karen was smoking. Aside from smelling it on her clothes, I found a pack of cigarettes in her jacket. She said that they weren’t hers…that she had loaned her jacket to someone.” Melissa sipped her wine and continued. “I’ve noticed too, that some money has been missing from my purse. When I mentioned this to Karen, she denied it. She thinks that I’m not supporting her and that I’m always picking on her.”

For the past 9 years, Melissa had been our neighbor. She was 37 years old, a bank manager…her personality was always upbeat; she was a successful and happy woman. When she moved into the neighborhood, our families became good friends. It was a sad day when we learned that her husband had an affair with his co-worker. The affair was something that Melissa wasn’t able to handle and so, she filed for a divorce. In a blink of an eye, Melissa became a single parent. Her husband had little interaction with his daughter…and so, little by little, Karen’s attitude began to change.

“What happened yesterday?” Steve knew what had happened because, I had told him about my conversation with Melissa. But I knew that he wanted to hear it from her.

“I received a call from the police. Karen had gone out with a few of her friends to the mall. She was caught shoplifting. She had attempted to steal a few cd’s…as soon as she stepped outside, the security officer approached her. She wasn’t able to produce a receipt…her friends all ran off in different directions; the store called the police.”

Steve then responded with a very practical question. “A full day…24 hours have gone by. When you went to pick up Karen at the store…were you embarrassed and humiliated?”

In soft voice, Melissa said. “Why yes…I was.”

Another question popped out from my husband’s lips. “JoLyn told me that you recognized the security officer from the bank. Did he recognize you?”

Melissa took a sip of her wine and said. “I’m quite sure he did. He didn’t say anything…but, if I recognized him, I’m sure he knew who I was.”

Steve then asked a very simple question. “What punishment if any…did you give to Karen?”

Melissa took another sip of her wine. “I didn’t really punish her. I mean, I did and I didn’t.” She had this pleading look to her face, as if she was trying to convince Steve that Karen had learned a lesson, without having been punished. “Steve, her friends abandoned her. When I went to the store, she was all alone…scared, crying. I think that experience alone…well, I think she learned a very valuable lesson. Maybe that experience was or should be her punishment?”

From where I sat, Melissa didn’t sound convincing. And Steve must have felt the same way. He was quick to speak. “If you feel that way, then why are you here?”

Melissa’s voice was weak and yet, she found the courage to speak. “Steve, this isn’t easy for me to ask…I mean…I never would have dreamed that one day…I would be asking you to spank my daughter. But I know in my heart that Karen should be spanked for the theft.”

“Melissa, if you had been caught shoplifting at your daughter’s age, or for that matter, at any age, how would your parents have punished you?”

From looking down to the floor, Melissa then looked up at Steve. Without blinking an eye, she said. “My father would have strapped me.”

Melissa than began to cry. I then moved closer to her and placed my arm around her shoulder. I looked at Steve…he seemed to understand my thoughts. Our neighbor was reaching out to us…she needed our assistance. Steve nodded his head and I felt a smile form on my face. I knew that he was going to agree to Melissa’s request; he was going to punish Karen.

“Melissa,” Steve asked, “When you suspected that Karen was stealing money from you, in order to buy cigarettes…did you punish her?”

A soft answer came from Melissa’s lips, “No.”

Steve and I had already experienced the teenage years with our own daughter. She was in her final year of college. We were very proud of her, of her accomplishments; she was a responsible, intelligent and mature young woman. From an early age, our daughter was well aware…that if she mis-behaved; she was going to be punished. We didn’t always resort to spankings…but, she was well accustomed to her father’s strap.

Melissa had regained her composure. After taking a sip of her wine, she said. “I’m disappointed in myself…at the same time; I know that Karen has to be held accountable for her actions.”

From our past conversations, Melissa knew that Steve and I believed in spanking our daughter. Our daughter wasn’t perfect…but we expected her to be respectful towards others; we expected her to be polite. When it came to her school work, if she brought home anything less than a “C”…well, she knew that she was going to feel Steve’s strap. Her school work was her job, and so too were the few chores that we expected her to complete. We believed in a reward system…our daughter earned a very nice allowance for her completed efforts.

There had been a lull, a very quiet moment. And then, Melissa asked. “What type of punishment do you think Karen deserves?” Her question was directed towards Steve.

Steve was enjoying the moment. Whether Melissa was aware of this or not, he was preparing himself; I knew that he wanted to dominate her. As he sat n his recliner, I could tell that his mind was working in overtime, thinking of what he might want to do to our neighbor. I knew that he wanted to bring her down a peg or two and Steve was well rehearsed in humiliating a person.

As Steve sipped on his wine, he said. “Melissa…based on everything that you’ve said to me. I agree with you. Karen should be punished. I think she should be held accountable…and I dare say, if I’m to become her disciplinarian, in due time…you will see a significant difference in her attitude and behavior.”

In a soft voice, Melissa asked. “Would…would you use a belt?”

“Melissa,” Steve said. “Karen will spend some quality time over my lap. My hand will leave an imprint on her bare bottom. She’ll spend some quality time in a corner. I’ll introduce her to my paddle, and finally…yes, I’ll give her a strapping that she will not soon forget.”

“Will…I mean, do you want me to be present?” Melissa asked in a soft voice.

“No, your presence won’t be needed. You’ll be standing outside of her bedroom door. JoLyn will be with you and she’ll keep you there, in the hallway and you’ll have to endure listening to your daughter’s pleas…you’ll have to listen to her screams; her crying.”

Steve had Melissa’s attention. She was nodding her head as if she was approving everything that he was saying to her. I was still sitting next to her; my hand was holding her hand. “I’ll be close to your side…and it’s very important for you to stay with me. It’s important for you to hear your daughter…no matter how bad the spanking might be; she deserves it.” My voice was re-assuring to Melissa; she continued to nod her understanding.

Steve’s voice was then heard and Melissa was quick in turning her attention to him. “We have a slight problem though…and that problem Melissa…is you. You have a decision to make and you need to make your decision now.” Melissa had a confused look to her face. Steve continued to talk. “The mere fact that you’re asking me to do something that you should be able to do…I agree with you; you should be disappointed in yourself.”

Steve had allowed his few words to settle into Melissa’s brain. And then he continued to speak. “I think you should be held accountable for your shortfalls as a parent; as a mother. And so, if you want me to punish your daughter…you first, are going to be the recipient of my strap.”

Steve’s words, the statement he had made, was a matter of fact…there was no room for confusion, there was no room for discussion. Melissa sat across from my husband…her eyes grew very wide…her mouth opened wide, as if she was in a state of shock.

“You can’t be serious.” Melissa said.

“I’m being very serious.” My husband demeanor never changed; he remained relaxed and at ease.

Melissa looked at me. It’s as if she was looking for my support…it’s as if she was waiting for me to speak up, to argue on her behalf. I sat by her side and remained quiet. Melissa stood up and walked away from the sofa. It’s as if her mind was racing in thought. Finally, she turned towards Steve and said. “There’s absolutely no way that I would ever allow you to spank me.”

My husband seemed to accept her decision. “Then, we have nothing else to discuss. You probably should go home.”

Melissa wasn’t expecting to hear Steve’s decision. His voice was a strong indication, that his mind was made up…that there was no room for discussion. Melissa stood frozen in place…confused, seemingly nervous. Her lips were quivering, as if she wanted to say something.

“But…but…I need your help. I’m at my wits end. Steve, I’m asking for your help.” Melissa appeared to be on the verge of tears. The last few drops of her wine had been swallowed. Her hand was shaking when she placed the wine glass on a table.

“Melissa,” Steve said. “You told me that you were disappointed in yourself. As I’ve already said, I agree with you.” As Steve was speaking, Melissa resigned herself to listen. “You expect, you want your daughter to be held accountable and yet, as a mother…as your daughter’s mentor…you shirk your responsibilities as a parent.”

Steve’s voice had been crisp, precise and accurate. Melissa stood frozen in place; her knees were now trembling…a tear was seen on her cheek. Steve rose from his recliner and approached Melissa. “Melissa, if you want me to punish your daughter…you’re going to have to learn what it means, to be held accountable.”

Again, Melissa looked in my direction. It’s an eerie feeling when someone looks into your eyes…wishing that you would speak up. Melissa was looking for a defense team…because Steve was her judge and jury. In that quiet moment, I’m sure that Melissa realized that I was going to defend her. Ultimately, she nodded her head in agreement.

Steve had Melissa’s attention. While he looked directly into her eyes, he said. “I’m going to humiliate you.” Steve allowed his words to settle into her brain.

And then, he continued to speak. “You think you were humiliated when you walked into the security office? As I said, I think you were. Yet, you didn’t handle the situation in the right way or in an appropriate way. You allowed your daughter to walk away…without being punished.” Again, Steve allowed his words to settle into her brain. “You’re going to cry…and I’m the man that is going to bring you to tears. You’re going to feel the same strap…that your daughter is going to feel.”

Steve turned his attention to me. “Honey, take Melissa upstairs to our bedroom.”

When Steve spoke again, Melissa knew that he was speaking to her. “JoLyn is going to take you upstairs. She’s going to lead you to a corner in our bedroom. I want you to stand in the corner. I will expect to see your nose planted into that corner. I’m going to give you a little time to reflect, to think of the reasons, as to why you’re being punished.”

Steve nodded in my direction. I took this as a cue, I quickly approached Melissa. Taking her by her hand; I led her out of the living room. We didn’t say a word to each other…and of course, I was wondering what she was thinking about. She was deep in thought, seemingly lost in thought, as we made our way upstairs to the second flood.

Once we stepped into my bedroom, I quickly led Melissa to a corner. I had never had the privilege of introducing a corner of our bedroom to another person. Never in my wildest dream, did I ever think that one day, my neighbor would be standing in a corner, in my bedroom! Typically, it was my nose that was always stationed in the corner of a room.

“You need to stand here.” My voice was soft spoken. My heart was beating a mile a minute. “Steve is expecting your nose to be resting in this corner.” Though Steve didn’t mention this…I told Melissa to stand with her arms down to her sides.

As Melissa was contemplating putting her nose in the corner of my bedroom, she suddenly spoke out. “JoLyn, what…what exactly is Steve going to do to me?” Melissa appeared to be very nervous.

In a soft voice, I said. “Melissa, you agreed to Steve’s terms. He’s going humiliate you…and I’m quite confident that you’re going to receive a strapping.”

Melissa was nodding her head…as if she was saying “no.” It’s as if she was questioning her decision. She suddenly said. “I can’t do this.” Melissa’s emotions were showing signs of inner turmoil. Her breathing was heavy.

I knew that I had to do something to soothe her nerves. I reached out and began to caress the side of her face, I lightly stroked her hair…and when I spoke; I looked directly into her eyes. “We’ve known each other for a long time. In the time we’ve known each other…have I ever lied to you? Steve cares about you…if he didn’t care…trust me, you wouldn’t be standing in my bedroom.”

Wanting to ease Melissa’s nerves, I continued to talk to her. “When my attitude, my behavior or my level of obedience falters…well, Steve disciplines me.” Pointing my finger towards the corner of my bedroom, I continued to talk. “I’ve faced this corner on many occasions…and now, it’s your turn. Steve wants to give you an opportunity to reflect…to understand the reasons for your punishment. That’s why he wants your nose in the corner.”

Melissa eyes grew wide. Even more confusion was seen in her eyes. Whispering, she said. Steve…your husband spanks you?”

“Yes, he does.” I could only provide her with a warming smile. “And now, it’s your turn. Steve is going to hold you accountable. You have to trust him. If he tells you to do something…whatever it might be…above all else; you need to obey him.”

She was nodding her understanding. “And…and you’re ok with this? This isn’t going to upset you?” Melissa asked?

“No, it’s not going to upset me. Steve is my husband. I love him and I know that he loves me.” I allowed my words to settle into her brain. I have no idea what overcame me…but at that precise moment; I brought her into my arms. I nestled my nose into her neck…her bodily fragrances were intoxicating. It proved to be too much for me…I kissed her. When my lips came into contact with her lips, her eyes were wide open…her body stiffened. I caressed her back; my tongue darted out of my mouth and touched her lips. My hand came to rest at her waist and so badly, did I want my hand to go further south.

When our lips broke free, when we stepped away from each other…my heart was pulsating…I could feel that sudden heat from between my legs; my pussy was damp. I knew that I had to prepare Melissa for the corner. I softly said, “I’ll be by your side…I won’t be able to save you from your punishment, but I won’t leave your side.”

I then turned Melissa towards the corner. “Steve expects you to be standing in the corner.” I motioned her to take the remaining few steps towards the corner. “He expects your nose to be in the center of the corner. Remember…you need to obey his every word.”

Before Melissa stood with her nose in the corner, she said. “The kiss…it was nice.”

My smile…well, it caused her smile to appear on her face. She understood the meaning of my smile. Her last words to me, before she faced the corner were. “Is it going to hurt?”

I didn’t want to lie to her. I brought my body close to hers and whispered. “Yes, it’s going to hurt.” My voice then rose with authority. “You deserve this strapping…now face the corner.”

Melissa stood very quietly in the corner. Once her nose was placed into the center of the walls; she remained motionless. I began to pace my bedroom…from pacing; I would sit on the edge of my bed. Melissa was nervous; her emotions were on display…there were times when I heard her sob. I’m sure her mind was considering the un-certainty of her situation. Melissa knew that she was going to be humiliated and strapped…but, to what degree? Even I…didn’t have the answers to those questions.

Melissa’s arms remained down to her sides, she was fidgeting; on more than one occasion; she bent her knees. She was finding it difficult to remain standing in a corner while having to wait. Sometimes, the waiting period…well, it was just as harsh…as was the actual punishment. Perhaps Melissa was reflecting on the reasons…as her nose remained tucked into the corner of the walls; she cried.

When Steve entered the bedroom…the quietness at that particular moment was un-nerving. Melissa sensed his arrival; her body became rigid. She remained motionless in the corner. I was seated on the edge of our bed…Steve walked over to me…bending at the waist; my husband kissed me. I met his tongue with my own tongue…it became a magical moment; our tongues were dancing a romantic tune together. His hand cupped my right breast…looking into my eyes, he said. “I love you JoLyn.”

As if my pussy needed a jump start! The warmth of his embrace, the taste of his mouth, his tongue…to feel his touch; my pussy was on fire. When he stood up straight, I noticed the bulge in his pants. In that precise moment, I knew that Steve was mentally prepared to discipline Melissa. I found myself becoming very curious, seemingly anxious; I wanted to watch my husband punish our neighbor.

Steve walked over to the corner where Melissa was standing. He placed his hand on her shoulder; her body shivered. Melissa was wearing a pair of dress slacks…typical clothing that was worn by a professional lady. Her blouse was pink in color…a very soft tone of pink.

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