Sex Story Author: | senorlongo |
Sex Story Excerpt: | What made her really stand out was that she wore her hair down and loose. It hung in cascades all |
Sex Story Category: | Consensual Sex |
Sex Story Tags: | Consensual Sex, Fiction, Romance |
I’m usually an early riser, but I’m not accustomed to falling asleep after three in the morning. I was awakened around 9:30 by the ringing phone. Twisting away from Sheila I reached for the phone on the night table. It was Joanne telling me that Sheila’s car was in the lot, but she hadn’t come in to work and wasn’t answering her phone. “I drove her home last night and told her to stay in bed all day today. I’m pretty sure she’ll be in on Monday. Just work as best you can. If there are any delays, just tell the customers that you’re shorthanded due to illness.” I had to stop to playfully swat Sheila’s head from my cock. “I’ll see you Monday morning. Call me if you run into any problems. I should be here all day.”
Looking down at Sheila I had to laugh. Her tongue was playing with my cock and it was responding big time to her efforts. “Looks like you have a one-track mind…just like me.” I pulled her up on her left side, her back to me as I pulled her leg back and over my body. I loved this position. Her moist cunt was completely open and accessible to me and I could easily worry her nipples with my left hand while rubbing, twisting, and pinching her clit with the other.
Sheila must have really wanted it because she gripped my cock and rubbed it into her slit then pulled it into her depths. The expression on her face when I bottomed out was incredible. It showed her love and her lust—her overwhelming need for me. Twisting her head around, she kissed me passionately, her tongue actively wrestling with mine. “Oh God, Michael,” she gasped when she broke it, “tell me you want to do this every day. I love it. You’re such a wonderful lover. Give it to me…harder…faster!”
I pounded her relentlessly as I rolled and pinched her nipple with one hand and twisted her clit with the other. Her first orgasm hit her hard. It was all I could do to keep her on my cock. I continued ramming into her, pinching her nipple and twisting her clit. I didn’t know if she was experiencing one huge and long orgasm or a series of short unending ones. All I knew was that she was thrashing wildly the entire time until—almost five minutes later—my cock erupted into her, drowning her womb with millions of sperm.
Sheila was still trembling when I turned her around to hold and caress her. I gently kissed her cheek, ear, and neck as she slowly came down from her high. My hands ran freely over her semi-comatose body. Finally, after almost twenty minutes she looked up to me and smiled. “I need to go.” I kissed her cheek once again and shooed her to the bathroom.
“I’ll meet you in the kitchen. We can have some breakfast and decide what we want to do for the rest of the day–and, no—we can’t do that for the foreseeable future. I’m not Superman, you know.”
“You are in my eyes,” she giggled as she trotted off to the toilet. I walked down the hall, stopping to relieve myself in the guest bath. I had the Keurig warmed up and ready to go when Sheila slinked into the kitchen. I pulled a bottle of milk from the refrigerator and sugar from a cabinet and a few seconds later her mug of coffee was ready. Mine was done less than a minute later.
“Want breakfast or shall we wait and go out for lunch?”
“Which will be faster? I want to spend as much time as possible naked with you in bed….even if we can’t make love all the time”
“Hungry now?”
She grinned as she told me, “Yeah…but not for food.” I shook my head, but deep down inside me I was thanking my lucky stars for bringing Sheila to me. We finished our coffee and I led her back to the bed. We lay there for hours, me on my back and Sheila lying on my left side while we talked and talked. We spoke about our lives, what we had done and what we wanted to do. We shared our highs and our lows and when our growling stomachs forced us from bed I knew we were a couple…that we’d be together forever.
We went to lunch at a fine restaurant. I wasn’t at all surprised that we ordered the same drink—iced tea—and the same meal—chef’s salads. Nor was I surprised that we talked all the way through the meal. Sheila took me into her arms the very second I had locked the door once we were back home and kissed me with the same incredible passion she had shown last night. We stood, pressed together, our lips enmeshed for more than five minutes until Sheila broke it, took my hand, and led me once again down the hall to the bedroom.
I laughed when we walked in. We never did make the bed. The sheet and blanket were strewn across the bed and halfway onto the floor. Working together we had it in fair condition less than five minutes later then we worked together again to strip the clothes from our bodies.
We were patient with each other, beginning with kissing and touching. I touched her breasts, nipples, and pussy, of course. But I also touched every other part of her that I could reach, learning for the first time that touching her navel made her giggle uncontrollably.. Eventually, I climbed between her legs, but surprised her when I failed to move into her. Instead, I gripped each foot and gently kissed and sucked each toe. She squirmed beneath me in response. Only when she began to beg for it did I press forward, her ankles on my shoulders, to penetrate her.
We may have been new lovers, but we worked together like the movement of a fine Swiss watch, our bodies moving in perfect synchrony. We moved slowly as I pushed deep into her vault and Sheila rose each time to welcome me. If I wasn’t in love with Sheila when we began, I surely was by the time we ended more than twenty minutes later when I felt her body tense as her orgasm neared and erupted in a massive convulsion when it finally hit. My pressure on her clit held the orgasm for her until I was–at last–there. Six times I blew—thick ropes of slick white semen coating the walls of her womb and vagina. I released her legs and collapsed onto her body. She welcomed me again, holding me to her as our sweat mingled and pooled on her abdomen.
“I love you,” I whispered into her ear.
“I know. I didn’t know last night, but I know it now. You love me as much as I love you.” Then she shut up and kissed me again and again and again. We may have been new to each other as lovers, but we had worked very closely for more than three years. We had a level of mutual trust that many husbands and wives never found. Best of all, she was just the opposite of my greedy wife. Where Gail could never get enough, would never be satisfied–Sheila was grateful for anything she might earn. She never expected to be given anything, but always hoped she’d be able to find someone to love and some way to survive.
We stayed in bed just holding and loving each other until long after the sun had set then I pulled the blanket over us and we went to sleep in each other’s arms. I felt her stir around three and heard her use the toilet, but a minute later she was back in my arms. A brief kiss later we were back asleep. The sun shone brightly into the room by the time we roused ourselves. Sheila leaned down to kiss me then jumped from the bed to the bathroom. I joined her a few minutes later and we repeated our shower routine, taking plenty of time to kiss and grope each other.
We drove to Sheila’s apartment for some of her clothes which she placed carefully into what had once been Gail’s closet and dresser. All of her stuff had either been donated to charity or thrown into the trash months ago as I pushed her out of my life. I felt badly for my mother who had always told me that she loved Gail. However, in retrospect, I had thought recently that she had told me that too often to actually be real. Her mother? I couldn’t possibly care less. She had hated me from the moment I met her until the very end, even insisting recently that I had killed her daughter. She had telephoned our local police so often that they eventually refused to speak with her. Taking the drug had been the critical part of my plan; because of that I was never a suspect. As a pillar of the community I was above suspicion and when one really thought about it—what did I do that was wrong? I only did to them what they had planned for me. I thought that was totally fair.
Sheila never formally moved in with me, but brought a few clothes and personal items every day until her apartment was empty except for the furniture that had come with it. Sheila didn’t have much, but that would change once I was officially divorced.
We were together for almost a month when Ben phoned to ask me to dinner. “I hope you’re not going to fix me up again.”
“The reason I bring it up is that I’ll gladly come, but only if I can bring a date and I think we should get moving on the divorce.”
“A date? Anyone I know?”
“You might have met her in the pharmacy. She works for me and before you get any ideas…absolutely nothing happened until six months after Gail disappeared.” We chatted for a while until he assured me he’d have the papers for my signature later in the week.
I signed Friday morning then made one more stop before going to work. Sheila and I closed up, made the night deposit, and drove home. She walked in first and waited while I locked the door. I was on one knee when she turned around. “Now that the divorce is underway there’s no reason why I can’t propose. Ben tells me it’ll be six months maximum.”
“So?” She looked down with a smirk on her face.
“Gonna make me work for it, eh?”
“You bet! How often do you think something like this happens to a girl–especially a girl like me?”
“I’m only surprised you haven’t been asked before.” She gave me a look that told me everything. Of course, I already knew the reason—she was waiting for that someone special—until I became available. Looking up at her beautiful face, I smiled again as I drew the blue velvet box from my pocket and opened it.
“Oh my God!”
“This must be the longest and most dramatic proposal in recorded history. You don’t mind if I finish up so we can make love, do you? Sheila Erin Long, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife…” I was about to continue when Sheila stopped me.
“That’s long enough that I can tell our children how much you went on and on. Now…slip that beautiful ring on my finger and come up here and kiss me.” I had learned long ago as a child how to follow orders and I’d never followed any as eagerly as I did these. The ring had set me back more than forty thousand, and that was from a friend. The kiss was worth more than that and when we made it to the bedroom I collected with interest—three times. Then she offered me her ass!
I had to laugh—my poor cock was worn to a frazzle. “You picked a good time to make that offer,” I kidded her. “I’m about as useless as can be. Let’s just go to sleep, shall we?”
Sheila decided that we shouldn’t mention becoming engaged. “Let’s see if anyone notices my ring.”
“Damn, they’d have to be blind to miss that rock,” was my reply. It was a 3.5 carat blue-white brilliant-cut stone in a 14-karat yellow gold setting. I was pretty sure someone would notice and I was right.
Sheila wasn’t in the store more than five minutes when my two cashiers walked into the lab to tell me, “It’s about time. Really, Michael, it’s been so obvious about you two for months.” Then they walked over to see Sheila and her ring. I didn’t mind. It was early and there were no customers in the store. We had more than a dozen prescription refills that had been phoned in overnight. By noon the entire staff knew, even those who were off shift–so much for Sheila’s secret.
The week passed swiftly and Saturday—the day of Ben and Lisa’s dinner party—had arrived. Sheila was as nervous as hell—what to wear, what jewelry, what shoes? “It doesn’t matter, darling. Wear a burlap bag. You’ll still be the most beautiful woman there.” Eventually, I broke down and phoned Lisa then stepped back while she and Sheila spoke back and forth for almost half an hour.
We were out the door before six and I was right—Sheila was downright beautiful. She wore a cream-colored top with rows of sequins along the shoulders and neckline over a pair of skintight black Capri’s and three-inch black heels. For jewelry she wore a black onyx pendant I’d bought her for no reason whatsoever—just because I loved her.
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