Sophie’s Summer Holiday
Sophie’s Summer Holiday
Sex Story Author: | JayneyRedd |
Sex Story Excerpt: | She felt the girl’s legs stiffen, and glanced up to see that she had grabbed a cushion and was holding |
Sex Story Category: | Bi-sexual |
Sex Story Tags: | Bi-sexual, Female / Girl, Fiction, First Time, Male / Female Teens, Male/Teen Female, Oral Sex, Teen Male/Teen Female, Threesome, Virginity, Written By Women |
The bus lurched to a halt at the stop. From her seat, Julia looked on as the petite pretty young girl impatiently waved goodbye to her mother at the stop, and got on board. As ever, the daily routine took place – the girl paid the driver for her fare, and marched down the aisle, sat at an empty seat, and gave an embarrassed wave as her mother watched the bus pull away.
Today the girl sat at the seat in front of Julia, who watched as the routine continued – the girl shuffled the skirt of her school uniform up an inch or two, so that she displayed just a little more black nylon-encased leg, and ran her fingers through the long dark ringlets of her hair, tousling and teasing them into what she obviously hoped was a more street-wise and sexy look.
Julia smiled to herself, all the girl’s actions reminded her so much of herself as a schoolgirl twenty years ago. She’d been much the same then, as soon as she was out of sight of her parents, she’d hitch her skirt up, slap on some more lipstick and try to look as cool as possible, especially if there were any boys in the vicinity.
This girl must be from a well-to-do family, Julia thought to herself. The badge on the young girl’s blazer displayed the crest of St Peter’s, an expensive fee-paying school located about twenty miles away. Julia’s journey to the office was a little shorter; the girl would be on the bus for a few more stops after Julia had alighted.
Julia suppressed a chuckle as the girl inexpertly attempted to apply lipstick whilst the bus bumped and jolted its way through town. She leaned forward and spoke quietly to her. “Why don’t you wait until we get out on to the motorway?”
“Ummm, what?” The girl replied.
Julia continued “The bus will be fairly still then for about fifteen minutes, you’ll have plenty of time to put your lippy on without it ending up all over the place.”
Realisation dawned over the girl’s elfin face “Oh yeah….guess you’re right!” she said, with a thankful tone in her voice.
Julia lowered her voice to a whisper “If you don’t mind me saying so, you were making a bit of a hash of that, sweetie. Would you like a few tips?”
The girl hesitated for a moment, and then said gratefully “If you don’t mind….”
Julia rose to her feet, and swung herself round into the seat alongside the girl.
“Julia Ward, pleased to meet you!” she said, and held out her hand.
Awkwardly, the girl took her hand and shook it. “Er…I’m …umm…Sophie.” She muttered.
Although Sophie was reticent at first, Julia soon got a dialogue going between the two of them. The younger girl had looked dumbfounded when Julia had asked her if she had a lip-pencil. She did not; nor had she even heard of liner, brush or gloss.
Julia explained that simply wiping a lipstick around your lips wasn’t the be-all and end-all of it. She managed to show Sophie how to purse her lips into an ‘O’ so that at least she would avoid getting the lipstick on her teeth.
During the course of their journey, Julia gave Sophie several more tips on make-up techniques; it seemed that the poor girl’s mother had taught her nothing. Julia felt sorry for her, especially when she learned that the main reason for Sophie’s eagerness to look as grown-up as possible was to win the affections of one ‘Luke Fazackerley’, who was apparently the captain of the school rugby team, and an all-round hunk, by the sound of it.
While Sophie had been replacing the lipstick in her bag, Julia had been surprised when she had glimpsed a packet of contraceptive pills, which were on full view as the bag had been opened, but she had said nothing, and had pretended not to have seen them.
When the bus reached Julia’s stop, she rang the bell and stood up, ready to get off. She said to Sophie “Nice to meet you, Sophie. See you tomorrow?”
“Yeah, that’d be cool!” replied Sophie. She had enjoyed talking to this older lady. She was nice. Not like her mother, who seemed to want Sophie to have no fun at all. It wasn’t fair, Sophie mused to herself. Her older sister Hannah was eighteen, and she had so much more freedom than Sophie, just because she was going to university in September.
Sophie smiled and looked in her bag again. The packet of contraceptive pills were there, obvious to the eye of anyone who looked into her bag. Sophie knew that the lady had seen them, and Sophie was going to make sure that everyone at school ‘accidentally’ saw them the same way. She would put them back in Hannah’s bedside table drawer when she got home from school, before Hannah returned from work at her ‘summer job’ working at father’s office, sorting the mail.
Even if Hannah found out, she couldn’t say anything – Father would go mad if he knew, so there was no way she could tell on her.
Sophie knew that it would impress the other girls at school; maybe they’d believe her when she said she wasn’t a virgin. She didn’t think that any of the other girls in her class had ‘lost it’ yet, except maybe that Katy Appledore, the tart.
Sophie hated Katy; Luke was far too friendly with her. All the boys were far too friendly with her; she, and her boobs, always seemed to be the centre of attention for all of them. Sophie despaired of ever getting her hands on Luke. No matter how hard Sophie tried to look grown-up, Katy had her hair in pig-tails but still managed to look more adult. “The twatshit!” Sophie muttered to herself.
The following day, Sophie got on the bus, and slowly walked down the aisle, waiting until the bus pulled away before she sat down. She approached the nice lady from yesterday, and looked enquiringly at the seat alongside her. The lady smiled and, with a sweeping gesture, invited Sophie to sit alongside her.
The two fell into conversation, more easily than the previous day.
Julia chatted away, asking Sophie how it was going, had Luke noticed her yesterday?
“Maybe” was the reply from Sophie.
A few of the girls had seen the pills in her bag. She hoped the gossip would get around the class. If Luke got to hear, maybe he’d think that he was on to a good thing with her, and he’d stop talking to that Katy Appledore.
Julia asked Sophie her age.
The response was immediate, “Sixteen” she lied proudly.
Inwardly Sophie didn’t know why she’d said that, except that she wished she was.
Sixteen was cool, you could leave home, and buy lottery tickets and have sex as much as you wanted and everything and stupid parents couldn’t stop you or anything.
Besides, she’d be sixteen next year. Her best friend in class, Mary Nelson, would be sixteen in September, less than two months away.
Julia smiled broadly. She asked Sophie what she was going to do during the upcoming Summer Holidays, as the schools were due to break up at the end of the week.
Sophie’s face fell as she told Julia how she had to go away for the first two weeks of August on holiday with her parents. It was so unfair, she grumbled.
Her sister was allowed to stay at home, but she had to go and spend two weeks in some boring posh hotel away from all her friends, and especially away from Luke.
Sophie told Julia how she feared that Katy would use the two weeks to get her claws into Luke while she was ‘out of sight and out of mind’.
Julia smiled. “Why don’t you give him something to think about, while you’re away?” she said. “If you get him really interested, he’ll spend the whole two weeks thinking about you, and by the time you get back he’ll be so desperate to see you that you’ll be able to just walk in on him anytime you like!”
“But I don’t know how!” Sophie replied, a little desperately.
“I could give you a few tips!” Julia said, winking at the girl lasciviously. “It’s a combination of things, its not just about make-up, it’s the way you dress, the way you walk, the way you look him in the eyes, all sorts of things. I could help you, if you like. Maybe take you shopping for some stuff that will make him notice you?” Her voice dropped to a whisper as she continued “I could even give you some tips about…you know…too!” She winked again, and nudged Sophie gently with her elbow.
Sophie’s head swam momentarily. She was a little scared for some reason, but she also knew that this much older woman had obviously ‘done it’ lots of times, and could help her. How cool would that be?
Maybe she could find out enough womanly tricks to get Luke all for herself.
She agreed to go out on a girlie shopping trip with Julia. She kept it quiet, but as Sophie wasn’t allowed out after school, she arranged to meet Julia on Saturday morning, in the town centre. She told her mother that she was meeting some school friends, and she was going to go shopping for some stuff for their holiday in two weeks time.
The excitement carried her all through the day at school. She felt tall, much taller than her short and slight frame actually was, as she looked down her nose at Katy Appledore. She knew she was going to be able to get one up on her, and Luke would only have eyes for one girl. Ha! That would show the twatshit who was the sexiest girl in the glass, and it wouldn’t be Katy Twatshit Appledore for a change!
Two more days passed, and the usual high-spirited capers marked the end of the term.
Sophie had been thrilled when Luke had asked her for her mobile phone number and told her he’d text her during the six week break.
Her elation had only been momentary though, because as she’d looked down at Luke’s phone whilst he scrolled through the names before programming the number in, she saw that Katy’s name and number was already in his phone.
Sophie knew she had to do something. She was pinning her hopes on Julia being able to teach her enough about being a grown-up woman that she’d be able to catch Luke all for herself.
On Saturday morning, Sophie’s stomach churned as she waited in the sunshine by the statue in the town centre where she and Julia had arranged to meet. Unable to eat breakfast due to a mixture of excitement, anticipation and nerves she’d left the house early, catching an earlier bus into town, unable to wait for the one which would have brought her in at 11am, the arranged time. The butterflies in her tummy fluttered even more when she saw Julia approaching.
Sophie registered a little surprise as she watched Julia walk towards her, smiling. She’d only ever seen the older woman in a standard jacket and knee-length skirt or trousers, dressed for her staid office job.
The woman that approached her now wore a pair of high wedge-heeled sandals and a short denim skirt which displayed a pair of long sun-tanned legs, topped off with a strappy white vest top, denim jacket and a pair of sunglasses perched on top of her head. Her long blonde hair hung on her shoulders, freed from the sober pony-tail that Julia’s hair was normally pulled back into when she saw her on the bus in the mornings.
She looked enviously at Julia’s chest, noticing for the first time the size of her boobs.
Sophie suddenly really wanted to be Julia. She thought that if she looked like Julia she would be able to get Luke, if she wanted.
She fervently hoped that the older lady could make her into the woman she wanted to be.
Julia greeted her warmly, and the two started to chat, even more freely than they had done on the bus during the week. Conversation flowed better without the self-consciousness of wondering if other passengers were overhearing, and the pair were getting to know each other better now.
Julia began to relate to Sophie her ideas for attempting to ensnare Luke. She was going to help Sophie have a bit of a ‘make-over’ and then she would be able to make Luke fancy her enough before she went away on holiday.
They ambled in and out of shops in the High Street, chatting, laughing, giggling, but all the while looking for things that Sophie could use.
In the main department store Julia found her a make-up kit that contained all the things she’d need, pencils, foundation, eye make-up and the like, all for only £15. Sophie delved into her purse and paid cash.
Next they checked out the clothes shops. Sophie found a little black dress in the sale, which she fell in love with immediately and paid another £20 for it. She also picked up a bikini for her holiday, another bargain for only £10.
Julia explained that Sophie ought to have some stockings to go with the dress. “Guys just luuuurve girls in stockings,” she explained “forget tights. Hold-ups will do, especially as that dress is so tight, but when you really REALLY want to give your guy a thrill, then get yourself a suspender belt, and some proper stockings.” She told Sophie, with another of her winks.
They found a pack of sheer black hold-ups with two pairs in, for £3.50. Sophie smiled as she paid for them.
“Shoes!” Julia exclaimed “Now you need a decent pair of high-heels. What have you got?”
When Sophie said she didn’t have a pair of proper high-heels, Julia took her by the arm and steered her towards a shoe shop, and pointed out a pair of black court shoes in the window. “A bargain! Only £25” Julia exclaimed.
Embarrassed, Sophie stammered that she really couldn’t afford much else, she’d have to make do with the shoes she already had.
“Well, at least let’s go in and try them on, eh?” Julia said, grinning. Swept along by the older woman’s enthusiasm, Sophie agreed.
With the aid of an assistant, they found a pair that fitted. Sophie agreed that they were nice as she tottered up and down the shop, before sadly taking them off and handing them back to the assistant. Before she could object, Julia had told the assistant that they’d take them, and brandished her credit card.
Even more embarrassed now, Sophie stammered that she couldn’t let Julia do this, but Julia had simply waved her hand dismissively “You’re my friend now, Sophie!” She said with a smile “Think of it as a little present for your holiday. You’ll be able to take this outfit with you, and when you go into the restaurant of that posh hotel, you’ll be able to look like a real woman, and that’ll be after we capture the heart of your Luke as well.”
“Just one more thing though…” Julia continued “Underwear. You need some sexy stuff, to go under that lovely dress” and off they went back to the department store to find some.
Sophie agreed to be measured by the assistant, the first time she had ever been measured for a bra, and was embarrassed to find that her size was 32A. Julia reassured her that she didn’t need to have enormous boobs, but she ought to get a Wonderbra, which would make them look bigger than they actually were. However, the £26 price tag meant that she was unable to afford even the cheapest of the garments that Julia was pointing out to her.
Yet again, Julia’s credit card seemed to magically appear in her hand, as she grabbed a lacy black bra in Sophie’s size, along with two matching pairs of panties “You must have matching underwear,” she explained to her younger friend “it looks so much more sophisticated and sexy.”
As they left the store, Sophie clung to Julia’s arm, humbled by her new friend’s generosity. Tears of quiet joy began to form in her eyes, as she leant her head against Julia’s upper arm.
“Right, you’ve got the make-up, the outfit, the shoes, I vote we have lunch to celebrate, whaddya say, Soph?” Julia said merrily.
Suddenly realising it was well after 2pm, and she hadn’t eaten all day, Sophie readily agreed. They walked along the street, clutching their selection of bags, and Julia steered them into a wine-bar with an upstairs balcony, where they found a table overlooking the hustle and bustle of the Saturday afternoon shoppers. Whilst Sophie looked at the menu, Julia disappeared into the bar, and returned a few minutes later carrying a bottle of chilled Chardonnay and two glasses.
Sophie’s eyes opened wide “My Dad will kill me, it’s against the law -” Sophie began to protest.
“Nonsense!” Julia dismissed her objections with a wave of her hand “You’re sixteen, and perfectly legally entitled to drink wine or beer with a meal. Trust me, I know these things!” and she poured them both a glass of the wine.
With a crafty glance around her, Sophie grinned devilishly, and took a sip. She’d drunk a little wine with meals before, at home, but her parents had always added lemonade to it. The taste overpowered her a little, and she confined herself to a little sip.
When the waiter came to the table for their food order, Julia chose for both of them and ordered Sweet Chilli Prawns with Salad for the pair of them. They continued to chat while they waited for their meal, Sophie feeling ever more grateful to her benefactor.
Julia gave Sophie a few tips on ‘how to get your guy’.
“Be bold” she told her “Guys can be pretty dumb sometimes, and you have to take the lead, and let them know you fancy them.” Smiling, she looked Sophie in the eye and repeated “Be bold!”
As they talked, Julia explained to Sophie how to let guys get an ‘accidental’ glimpse of stocking tops, by crossing your legs just ‘so’ so that the skirt would ride up a little. By twisting to the left of her seat she also showed Sophie how to climb in and out of (an imaginary) car, first by keeping your legs together and swinging them out, and then she showed her how to do it and give a deliberate flash, by moving one leg first and then the other, so that the skirt would rise right up over the opened thighs, and give a clear flash of everything between.
As she did, Julia turned to find the waiter approaching their table carrying their lunch. His eyes dropped to the expanse of Julia’s thighs, and as he gawped at the display, Julia realised he could see the tiny white strip of lace that covered her pussy, and very carefully, deliberately, and most of all, slowly, she closed her legs gently, and swung them back under the table.
Sophie realised what had happened, and tried to stifle a giggle as the somewhat flushed young man shakily placed their meals in front of them.
She failed, and snorted through the hand that she rapidly placed across her mouth.
Julia pursed her lips, and effected as prim and proper expression as she could muster whilst the waiter was at the table, then burst into a fit of giggles as soon as she thought he was out of earshot.
Sophie laughed until she thought she would burst, but after a minute or two the pair calmed down and began to eat.
The prawns were surprisingly spicy, and Sophie found herself gulping at the wine on a couple of occasions, to relieve the heat in her mouth.
Feeling just a little light-headed, she readily agreed after the meal to go back to Julia’s house to try on all her new outfit. Julia pulled her mobile phone from her handbag and ordered a taxi to carry the pair of them there.
Sophie watched as she sent a text message straight after, but thought nothing more of it.
When the cab arrived in the street below them, Julia scooped up the shopping bags and began to carry them through the bar towards the car. Sophie followed unsteadily, feeling definitely giddy, but very happy indeed.
When they reached Julia’s house, the taxi dropped them outside and they walked up the path through the garden to the front door. Sophie saw the well-tended garden with its lawn bordered by neat flower beds, and edged by trees. She was mildly surprised to find that Julia’s house was a large, expensive looking one, and consequently was even more in awe of her new best friend.
Inside, they went into the lounge, deposited the bags in the centre of the room then sat on a sofa and began to sort through the various items.
“Try them all on; let’s see you in your new outfit – sexy undies as well!” Julia cried.
Sophie looked around, unsure about undressing in front of the other woman and stammered “Er…um…ah…”
“Oh, don’t worry, no-one can see in!” Julia said, pointing towards the window, and the line of trees at the bottom of the garden which blocked the line of sight from the road beyond. “And there’s no-one else in the house. If it makes you more at ease, I’ll do the same!” Julia giggled, and crossed her arms then pulled her top up over her head, and threw it onto a nearby armchair. She stood up, reached behind herself and unbuttoned the denim skirt, pulled down the zip and allowed it to fall to the floor, stepping neatly out of it.
She smiled kindly at Sophie, and motioned for her to do the same.
Sophie didn’t know where to look, this tall woman in front of her was now only wearing a lacy white bra, matching g-string and high-heeled sandals. A snatched glance told Sophie that her friend’s sun-tanned body was everything she wished her own would be, with larger breasts, curved in at the waist, rounded hips, and long legs.
Sophie wished she was taller, and had a ‘proper’ woman’s body, like Julia.
Self-consciously, Sophie stood up and undressed, turning her back towards Julia as she took off her underwear, still feeling a little giddy from the wine earlier, and she began to put on the new clothes. She fumbled as she attempted to do up the bra, and Julia softly touched her hands to Sophie’s back, and clipped the hooks into place.
Sophie shivered at the touch of the hands on her skin, sending a peculiar sensation running through her entire body, the likes of which she had never experienced before. She wondered what had happened, it was a funny feeling, tingly, but not unpleasant. Quite nice actually, like a nice tickle, but all over her body, all at the same time.
She picked up the dress next, but Julia admonished her “Stockings next, Soph!” she laughed, but not unkindly.
Sophie sat back down on the sofa, and Julia opened the pack of hold-ups and handed her a pair. Sophie hadn’t ever worn them before, but being used to tights, she managed to pull them up correctly. Julia, still only in her bra and panties, handed her the little black dress.
After the dress the shoes followed and, encouraged by Julia, Sophie did a little walk around the lounge. Julia explained about walking in heels, and by placing one foot almost directly in front of the other, how to affect a ‘wiggle as you walk’.
“Like this…” said Julia, and walked around the lounge herself. Sophie followed, mimicking her steps as she went.
As they walked around, both began to wildly over-exaggerate their wiggles, and the pair of them once more got the giggles, then finally collapsed back on the sofa.
Sophie kicked off the shoes, and stood up to take off the dress. She fumbled behind her back with the zip. Julia stood up and undid it for her, taking the dress from Sophie as she lowered it down and stood out of it. Julia carefully laid it across the back of the sofa, and turned back to where Sophie was again struggling with the eye-hooks of the bra.
Sophie stood rooted to the spot as Julia’s hands undid the clips for her and eased the straps down off her shoulders. Fear and wonder froze her stock still as she felt Julia’s hands sweep her hair up off her shoulders, and then she felt Julia gently blow onto the back of her neck, and down her spine to the middle of her shoulder-blades.
Her heart pounded in her chest as she felt Julia softly kiss the back of her neck, and plant a line of little kisses down the centre of her back.
Strange and powerful sensations, the likes of which she had never experienced shuddered through her young body, and her mind swam with confusion.
She knew that it was wrong, but somehow it all felt right, too.
Julia whispered in her ear “I could teach you things, Sophie. Things about how to please a man, and about your own body, too.”
That clinched it for Sophie. In her mind she rationalised it as a lesson on how to get boys. She tried to relax her body, determined to learn whatever she could.
She shivered as Julia’s hands lightly caressed her shoulders, and she felt the warmth of the older woman’s body as she moved in closer to her.
Sophie gasped as the hands gently stroked her breasts, fingertips lightly caressing her nipples, and Julia softly kissed her shoulder, and nuzzled her ear, first kissing then lightly sucking on her ear lobe.
She suddenly realised that it felt incredibly hot between her legs, and without consciously realising it, she cupped her hand over her groin. A thrill of terror shot like electricity through her body as Julia’s hand ran down the length of her arm and grasped the hand she had placed over herself.
Julia’s hand moved Sophie’s away, and replaced it with her own. She applied some light pressure, gently squeezing Sophie’s pubis, who let out a tiny squeal of pleasure.
The tiny squeal was followed by a louder moan as Julia’s hand burrowed inside Sophie’s panties, and the tip of her index finger slipped between the moist lips there.
She could feel Julia pressed tightly against her now, her breasts squeezing against the back of Sophie’s head.
Julia turned the younger girl around to face her, and leaned forward to plant a kiss on her lips. As Sophie hesitated, Julia reassured her “I can teach you exactly how to kiss boys, like this…”
Julia placed a hand around the back of the young girl’s head, and softly pressed her lips onto Sophie’s, then pushed her tongue gently around her lips, and into her mouth.
The pair of them stood there, kissing passionately for some time, their tongues exploring each other’s mouths, as their hands began to run over each other’s bodies.
Sophie’s head spun with nerves as she ran her hands over Julia’s breasts, still encased in her lacy bra, and she wished she could stroke the bare skin underneath, but she didn’t dare take the lead and remove it herself.
As if she had read her mind, Julia reached behind herself and, without breaking the kiss, unclipped the bra, pulling it forward and off, letting it fall to the floor. The younger girl’s hands trembled as she fondled the large breasts, surprise and wonder marvelled in her mind as she felt the hard nipples sticking up, and the sheer size of the areolas surrounding them.
Sophie was powerless to resist when the older woman bent down and pulled her panties down her black stocking encased legs to her ankles. Sophie obediently lifted first her right then her left leg and stepped out of the panties. As she looked down Sophie saw Julia kneel before her, then it seemed as if her entire body exploded as the older woman planted first a kiss ‘down there’ and then pushed her tongue in, lightly flicking the young girls clitoris with the tip.
A squeal of delight issued forth from Sophie’s mouth, and then she allowed herself to be pulled down onto the sofa, with Julia now sitting beside her, an arm tenderly draped around her shoulders.
Julia asked her if she’d ever sucked a cock. When she shook her head, Julia took her hand and grasped Sophie’s forefinger between her own forefinger and thumb, and began to suck on it. She released the finger from her mouth to say “Like this…” and began again to suck it, slowly sliding it in and out of her mouth.
She held up her own hand, and extended a finger towards Sophie’s mouth. The young girl immediately took the hint, and she in turn began to suck Julia’s finger, using her mouth to mimic the actions happening to her own finger.
With her free hand, Julia stroked and caressed Sophie’s body, who responded in turn with her free hand.
Eventually Julia broke away from the embrace. She bent forward and removed her sandals, then stood up and pulled her panties down, kicking them to one side. “When you’ve sucked him for a while,” she said “get him to do this, for you.”
She knelt yet again between Sophie’s legs, and began to kiss and lick at the young girl’s labia, then probing once more with her tongue, wrapping it around her tender clitoris, gently holding it with her teeth, releasing it, sucking it, licking it once more, bringing forth cries of joy from the youngster.
Julia smiled to herself as the young girl lifted her legs up and placed them over her shoulders, the nylon of her stockings rubbing down Julia’s back.
Julia continued to pleasure the girl, her practised tongue expertly working Sophie to ever greater pleasure.
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