
Son Takes Mother’s Anal Virginity


I wake up in the morning before Dylan and see the sun is still down outside the window. We must have gotten warm during the night because the covers have been kicked off. I roll off of Dylan’s naked body and onto my left side to look at the clock. 4:48 AM. I lie there reflecting on the night before and feel peaceful/relaxed like I did after the first time Trevor and I had sex. Only this time, it was with my son and I’m happier than the first time with Trevor. Just like a week ago when Dylan used my mouth for his own pleasure, last night was filled with more passion than any time Trevor and I have been together.

Don’t get me wrong, I love Trevor and have been happily married for a long time. But being with Dylan feels different. And it’s not just because we’re committing incest, though that certainly adds another spark to the experience. I’ve felt Dylan wanted to possess me as his own both times we’ve been together. Sex with Trevor is more like a respectful partnership. It still feels good, but lacks the animalistic passion Dylan and I have for each other. All of these years, I thought I’ve been having good sex and was happy because I didn’t know any better. Before I took my son’s virginity, Trevor was my only sexual partner. Now knowing what it feels like to be truly wanted by and irreristible to someone, it’s like an addictive drug. I want last night to be a non-stop experience. Seemingly on cue, I feel my son’s naked body shift and press against me from behind. He’s the big spoon and I’m the little spoon.


After waking up from Mom rolling over, I lie still for a few minutes and stare at her naked backside as the moonlight comes through the window’s blinds and softly lands on her skin. The curve between her torso and hips looks like something from a classic sculpture. Seeing her naked and thinking of last night sends the blood flowing to my crotch as I feel an erection coming on.

I know I shouldn’t have these feelings for her. I know they’re supposed to be forbidden. But I can’t stop wanting to be inside of her and making her mine. When I thought to myself last night about trying to breed my mother, I really wanted to do just that in the moment. I wanted to get my sperm as deep inside of her that I could in order to get her pregnant. The idea of not only having sex with my mom, but also putting a baby in her, turns me on so much. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Does every kid think this way about their mom and just stay silent? Am I a freak? I don’t know. But her naked body lying next to mine looks inviting, so I roll over and press myself against her. I want her again.


“Hey, baby.” Dylan slides his right arm under mine and starts rubbing my stomach. His body’s so warm. I feel his erection flat against his stomach and pressing against my butt crack.


Mom feels so warm pressed against me and I feel more heat from between her ass cheeks hit my erection. I start grinding myself into her ass in an attempt to bury my dick in the crevice I saw in the yoga pants a week ago. Mom starts grinding back, which puts me in the position I wanted. I feel her dry asshole slowly rubbing against me.


I feel Dylan’s warm breath on the back of my neck as he grinds against my asshole. This feels amazing. Trevor is repulsed by the idea of touching that hole, so this is the first time anybody in my life has touched it. His right hand is caressing me from my waist up to my breasts as he continues splitting my ass.


Mom’s getting wet now and some of it has gotten onto my dick, making it easier to slide up and down along her little pink butthole. I feel like I’m prepping it for insertion.


Nope, we’re not doing anal right now. As much as I want it, I’m not ready. I lift my right leg into the air and whisper to Dylan. “Fuck my pussy, sweetie.”


I guess I’m not prepping her asshole for insertion. At least, not yet. I WILL have it later, though. I pull my right arm out from under hers, direct my dick down, and push it into her wet cunt. My right arm goes back under hers and I grab her right breast while I slowly thrust into her.


“God, yes. Make love to me slowly.” Dylan follows my order and patiently goes in and out, allowing me to completely feel every inch of his magnificent rod inside my pussy. I begin slowly pushing back into him and we become a connected fucking machine. His cock pushing in and pulling out, my hips shoving back and pulling forward. We rock together and enjoy each other for early morning sex. Neither of us could even wait until the sun came up. This is the epitome of passion.


After about 2 minutes, I pick up the pace and start driving harder. The smacking sound of my pelvis colliding with her cushioned ass grows louder along with the speed of her fucking me back.


After a few minutes, I roll onto my back, lift my right leg into the air, and drive myself down onto my son. He can’t get in as far in this position, but it lets him go in and out faster. “Play with my clit.”


I move my right hand down Mom’s body and come in contact with my wet dick sliding into her. I move my fingers up a few inches and find the crest of her labia. I feel her clit hiding and start rolling my fingers around it. This makes her inhale deeply and turn her head toward me.


“YES, you motherfucker.”


“What’d you call me?”


“You heard me. I called you a motherfucker because you are one. I’m your mother and you’re fucking me.”


“That’s right. I’m YOUR motherfucker. You like that?”


“Ohhhhhh, yes. I love it. Keep fucking your mother and playing with her clit.”


A few minutes later, Mom drops her right foot onto the bed and keeps her knee bent so I can continue accessing her with ease. Then, her leg starts shaking. “You about to cum?”




“Good. Me too. Cum on my cock, Mom.”


I roll back onto my left side so he can drive himself deeper again. His dick feels like a kidney scraper far inside of me. I start throwing myself back onto him at a furious pace and pull his right hand to my right breast again. He starts massaging and it squeezing it all over as he picks up his pace too.


“I’m about to cum.”


“Do it. Shoot it deep into me.” I feel my son’s hot jizz spraying deep into my womb, which makes me cum too. “Aaaaaaahhhhhh!!!”


I’m again trying to breed my mom and push my sperm as deep into her as possible as it flies from my balls. I feel her vagina convulsing and a wave of wetness covers my cock. Mom and I are cumming together. This allows me to fuck her faster and deeper, so I take advantage of it and throw myself as hard into her as I can to force as much jizz into her as I can. “Take my sperm, Mom. I want you to have my baby.” I get nervous after saying that, unsure of how she’ll react.


“Shit, that’s so hot. Say it again.”


“I want you to have my baby. I want to impregnate you.”


“Ohhhh God, Dylan. Yes. Give Mommy your babies. Drain your balls in my cunt.” Knowing Dylan’s mindset at this point turns me on BIG TIME. I’m on the pill and can’t get pregnant. But the thought of him wanting to do that to me makes me cum again. “Shit! I’m cumming all over your big dick again!”


Mom telling me to impregnate her sends me over the edge. My erection doesn’t die and I continue plowing into her as she has her second orgasm. I roll her onto her back and lie on top of her while having my way with her pussy. I can still barely see her because it’s dark in the room, but enough moonlight is hitting her face that I can see her looking at me. I find her mouth and start kissing her deep as I slam my dick into her.


I suck on my son’s tongue as he continues trying to impregnate me. I feel like I’m in Heaven and couldn’t be happier. Dylan is controlling me again and making me his personal cum dump with fast thrusts into my snatch. A few seconds go by and he releases my mouth. I put my arms over my head and enjoy the ride I’m being given. Dylan notices my arm placement and pulls my wrists together, pinning them down into the pillow with a tight grip from his left hand while holding himself up with his right arm. This is the greatest morning of my life.


I hold Mom’s wrists in place and pin her body down with mine. She’s not going anywhere until I’m finished and say she can move. I continue relentlessly using her for my own pleasure. I want to do something I’ve never done, which is have two consecutive orgasms.


I can see my son’s face just above mine and encourage him with a smile on my face. “Come on, Dylan. Fuck me hard and cum in me again. I want another load from your balls. Fucking give it to me.”


“Whose bitch are you, Mom? I want to hear you say it.”


“I’m your bitch, son.” I am and couldn’t be happier about it.


“Are you my whore?”


“I’m your whore. Use me to get yourself off.”


“Are you my sex servant now?”


“Yes. Take anything you want from me.”


“Are you in love with me, Mom?”


“God, yes.”


“Do I fuck you better than Dad does?”


“Absolutely. And your cock is bigger than his. I love your cock and never want you to stop fucking me with it.”


Mom really is MY slut. Her words have me ready to cum again. I let go of her wrists and drop my head beside hers while continuing to pound her. “Are you ready for me to cum in you again?”


“Aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!! Yeeeeeees!!!” I have another orgasm from being controlled and completely giving myself to my son. His massive dick punches my g-spot a few more times, then he tenses up and deposits another load into me. As he shoots, I throw my hips up into him from underneath in an effort to collect as much of his precious semen as possible. “Breed your mother, baby. Breed me with gallons of your cum.”


Somehow, this orgasm is bigger than my first. I shoot 5 or 6 strong sprays into her drenching wet pussy and drive my cock into her. Even after I’m done unloading my balls, I continue pushing into her. I can feel my dick hole being pulled open against her cunt walls as I scrape her soft insides. I love this woman.


“Yes, get it all out.”


I finish thrusting and completely collapse on top of her, exhausted. She squirms out from underneath and finds my cock with her mouth. She curls up on her side to suck it up and fuck her mouth with it. I lose control and hold her head in place and start forcing my dick deep into her throat. I feel a few more drops of cum escape from my dick hole as I quickly smash into her face. “You fucking whore, take the rest of my sperm down your throat!”


Dylan is unexpectedly drilling my mouth again like a week ago. I just wanted to get the last drops out of him, but he decided to go another route and is using me however he wants.


I start pulling her head into my pelvis as I fuck her face. She told me to use her however I want, so I am. Mom starts belching on my shaft as I plow deep and fast. She puts her hands on my hips and tries to push away, but I’m having none of it. “You told me you’re my whore and to use however I want. So gag on your son’s big cock.”


Shit. I wasn’t ready for this. Every time he slams into my throat, I belch and feel like puking. Spit is flying everywhere along with remnants of my pussy juice and his cum. I try to push him back for a breather, but can’t. He’s too strong and has my head locked in position. I swear his dick’s bigger than I’ve felt to this point. I’m helpless in this position as he lies on his left slide abusing my face. I start sniffling and crying a little bit. The feeling of helplessness is overwhelming, even though I told him to use me. I should have carefully chosen my words. I can’t blame him for this.


“Ohhhhh, Mom. You like getting used by your son like this? Fucking choke on it.”


I can’t reply. I can only focus on trying to breathe. Then, snot shoots from my nose as I gasp for any air I can get. Dylan hears that.


“Did you just blow snot onto my cock? That’s fucking hot!” My dick is coated with slimy snot, mucus, and spit. And this face fucking is lasting forever since I’ve already cum twice. I pull her head back and roll off the bed to stand next to it. I hear a huge gasp for air from her. Still holding Mom’s hair, I pull her off the bed so she’s sitting her ass atop the heels of her feet with her head pressed against the side of the bed with nowhere to go. I reach over to turn on the bedside lamp and get a good look at how much of a mess we’ve created. Snot is dripping from Mom’s nose and other juices are all over her body and on my lower body. There’s a puddle of sticky fluids on the edge of the bed where her face had been.


Being used like this has me panicking, but also turned on. I have no control and am serving my son like I told him I’d do. I inhale deeply as I’m pulled off the bed and onto the floor. How far does he plan on taking this face fucking? Time for thought runs out as he pushes his dick back into my mouth and begins screwing it deep. I start gagging and belching again.


As I force myself down Mom’s esophagus again, another shot of clear snot sprays from her nose and onto my cock. She’s getting used and can’t do anything about it. “Yes, Mom. This is what I want from you.” I begin violently shoving into her throat.


Jackhammer after jackhammer of cock into my mouth brings a burning feeling up my esophagus. He’s going to make me puke on his dick. Holy shit. I grab his ass tightly in an attempt to hurt him into stopping, but that seems to turn him on more. I can’t breathe through my snot.


I feel a small amount of hot liquid on the tip of my mushroom. Mom grabs my ass hard, which only makes me want her more. She’s looking up at me with a panicked expression as I look down at her gritting my teeth. I continue shoving deep into her when an explosion of snot and hot vomit shoot from her nose and mouth. “FUCK YES! Puke on my dick, Mom!” I’m shocked since this didn’t happen last week when I skull fucked her. The hot vomit splashes all over my cock and onto my pelvis as I continue driving in and out of her wide open mouth. Puke is dripping onto my balls, down my thighs, all over Mom, and on the floor. It smells rancid, but I can’t stop.

I lean over to place my left hand into the puddle on the bed from earlier as I keep pulling her head back and forth along with drilling her face as fast and hard as possible. “You’re mine, Mom.”


I can’t believe this is happening. It felt awful to vomit, I hate that feeling. But at the same time, being used so hard in this manner by my own son has my pussy dripping. Like other times before, I’m so confused with mixed emotions. I think I’m actually enjoying this abuse and I’m stunned by that. Then the feeling comes back and I splash more creamy vomit onto my son’s giant cock. As I look up at him, he stares down with a huge smile. I start using my tongue more after puking this time.


“You actually like this, don’t you?”


“Mmm-hmmm.” He lets go of my head and I pull back to release his cock from my throat. “I fucking love it.” I grab the base with my right hand and lick along his veiny shaft and big purple tip. My puke stinks so bad, but I can’t stop myself. I suck his balls into my mouth and jerk off his puke-coated dick.


“Oh, Mom. Service me with your mouth.” After a few more minutes of licking and sucking, I cum again. This time I shoot all over her messy face.


As Dylan’s jizz shoots out, I close my eyes and let it land on my face. The hot goo feels therapeutic. It’s a weaker load since it’s his third orgasm in a short amount of time. I keep jerking him off and massaging his balls to get it all out. By the time he’s done, I open my eyes and suck the tip back into my mouth to finish him off. Then I let go and sit back, looking up at him.


I look down at Mom in disbelief of what just happened, but also completely euphoric. “Fuck. Was that too much?”


With a drenched face and body, I smile up at him. “Well, it was unexpected and pretty crazy. I don’t think it’s something I want to do often, but I loved it in the moment. And I did tell you to use me however you wanted. Sooooo…”


“Did I hurt you?”


“The puking didn’t feel good. But otherwise, I was okay. Knowing you had that stored up and wanted it from me is a pretty big turn on, I’ll be honest.

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