Solomon’s Daughters: Sar-Rah’s Chapter
Solomon’s Daughters: Sar-Rah’s Chapter
Sex Story Author: | Karax |
Sex Story Excerpt: | She could not place its worth. It looked new a deep purple color with silver sparkles the seem to swirl |
Sex Story Category: | Alien |
Sex Story Tags: | Alien, Consensual Sex, Fantasy, First Time, Male Domination, Oral Sex, Romance, Teen Male/Teen Female |
Author’s Note: Well this is Sar-Rah’s chapter so I hope you enjoy. Also to the questions I’ve gotten of why I didn’t describe Sar-Rah or her sister. It’s because I’m going to do each girl at the beginning of their own chapter, that way I won’t have to do it more than once and you won’t have to remember information about characters that don’t exist yet. Also I only have vague outlines of the sister that may change before I write their stories. There’s finally sex in this one altough not alot this one is more meeting the main characters chapter. For those of you looking for more sex read the later chapters there will be more after this. For anyone who was waiting for this sry but i only have time to write on the weekends.
Read the prologue chapter first for back story. Enjoy!
Solomon’s Daughters: Sar-Rah’s Chapter
United States: Present Day
Anthony woke to the screech of his alarm just as his hand came instinctively slamming down on it to stopped the horrible sound. His friend Sam had bought it for him as a joke gift but it was the only alarm clock that would wake him due to that god awful screech like nails on a chalkboard. His sister started pounding on his door.
“Wake-up Ant you promised to take me to every garage sale we could find today, now get up before I come in there and ravish you, my virginal twenty year old brother.”
With a groan, he rolled out of bed on to his feet. He thought back to his promise to his little sister. He had told if she did all the cleaning the previously he would take her garage sale hopping today. For some reason today almost everyone decided hey let’s have a garage sale. And his little sister Elizabeth aka Liz love going and poking through other peoples crap. Seeing as how he knew this week was coming last week he had made the deal with her. Knowing that if she asked he would take her anyway he loved his sister. He had been taking care of her for her whole life. Their mother had died in a car wreck when Liz was five and their father was always off traveling or drunk he never came home for more than a few hours and he avoided his children when there. He had once hit Liz for asking him a question and Anthony had swung a bat at his head, His father had got his hand up in time to block the blow but it had broken three of his fingers.
“You bastard, you ever touch her again and I’ll kill you in your sleep,” shouted a 12 year old Anthony brandishing the bat before him while Liz pressed her small face into his back wrapped her arms as far around his waist as she could reach and sobbed into his t-shirt. “She only 9 you piece of crap, she only asked you a question.”
His father had just stared at him for a few seconds and then walked out of the house and Anthony had taken up all the other responsibilities of the house hold. He had a debit card his father had given him when he was eight for whatever he would need to take care of Liz since he was rarely home. The bills were paid automatically and they had only a short 15 minute bus ride to the mall, to get food clothes and whatever else they might need.
He snapped out of his reminiscence and walked into his bathroom. He mused at how comfortable it was to live in an old bed and breakfast. Each of the three rooms had a king sized bed and it own full bathroom. He took a shower and got out and started to get dressed until he caught a flicker out of the corner of his eye. He looked up it was his reflection in the mirror. He stared at himself in mild disgust. At 5’10” weighing in at nearly 300lbs. with plain brown hair and an average face and gray blue eyes that would shift to green if irritated he was not ugly exactly but he knew he was over-weight. He looks farther down past his stomach at now shrunken cock that could swell to about 5” long and 2” across and sigh in sorrow with this as well. With a small puff air in disappointment at himself for his fatness he finished dressing. As he was throwing his clothes into the laundry hamper a shriek from down the hall brought him whipping around and running down the hall to the kitchen.
“Ant, help me,” his sister screamed.
As he came into the kitchen the anxiety that had clenched his gut released and he laughed in relief. His sister stood at the stove at the stove fighting a fire she had turned breakfast into. At seventeen she was beautiful with long brown hair with the last couple inches dyed blonde, only 5’4” tall she had green eyes flashing in anger, b-cup perky breasts, and firm ass with legs that looked long and graceful.
“Don’t you laugh at me you hairy ape, help me,” she demanded as she stomped her foot.
With a smile he walked over to the cabinet grabbed the lid to the frying pan she was using, walked over turned off the stove and dropped the lid on smothering the flame. Then he turned and his hands shot out and gripped her wrists. She began to struggle a little as he began to examine her small soft hands for burns. He struggles ceased when he started to speak.
“I was not laughing at you, Liz, I was laughing in relief. I nearly had a heart attack when you screamed like that.”
He looked up, dropping her hands, into her eyes as he finished his inspection finding no burns. She is giving him this strange look almost longing but she has her lips curved into a tiny smile. He narrows his eyes and glared at her in mock rage.
“Did you just call your doting brother a hairy ape,” he asked in a low hiss.
Her eyes widened in alarm as she looked at him and took in his look, his words, and how his body was tensed up. With a squeal she spun and ran into the living room. She only made it two steps into the room before he grabbed her and slung her onto the couch. He flipped her to her back and sat on her leg, grabbed both of her wrist with one hand pinned it above her and began to tickle her.
“N-N-No, plea-please I’m sorry no more,” she gasped between little squeals and giggles while trying to suck in air.
He stopped tickling her leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. At this point he realized the he had gotten hard and when he had leaned down he had ground it against his sister. He jumped up and turned away from her hoping she wouldn’t notice while trying to push the thought he been having lately of ripping her clothes off and burying his cock in her.
“I’ll go make breakfast while you get ready to go.” His sister’s silence behind him telling him she had indeed noticed his excitement. He entered the kitchen and turned on the exhaust fan above the stove and dumping her failed attempt at cooking into the garbage. While she was changing he made them each a large super cheesy omelet each. He loved to cook, which was good because she couldn’t to save her life and she ate as much as he did but never gained any weight.
“How do I look Ant,” she ask as she bounced into the kitchen. He turned and his mind went blank as he took her in. She was wearing blue really short shorts and a spaghetti strap tank top with a little cartoon cat and words that read ‘Can you make me purr?” and as she spun I saw that the back of the back of the short had words as well, ‘Bite’ on one cheek and ‘Me’ and the other. He just stood there staring and his flannel pajama bottoms started to tent.
“Well, how do I look,” she asked with mischief and victory shining her eyes as she took in as arousal and clear loss of words.
At her question he snapped out of his stupor and realizing she had made him hard again and she couldn’t have missed it this time, he grabbed their plates of omelet and quickly walked to the table and sat down to hide his erection.
“You look good Liz, eat so we can go,” he said. Looking up into her eyes he realized she was inwardly laughing at him. ‘The little demon is doing it on purpose’ he thought as they both began shoveling the food in.
“You do the dishes and I’ll go change into my clothes and we’ll go, you’ve got your cell phone bus pass, and money?”
“Yes Daddy,” she replied mockingly as she licked up a piece of cheese hanging from the corner of her mouth.
With her words a shiver ran up his spine and he finished his food, stood and put his dish and silverware in the sink and fled to his room to get ready. And for some relief from her teasing cause he was sure she was doing it on purpose now.
Ten minutes later the siblings were getting on the public bus at the stop at the corner of their block. Even though Anthony had a license he didn’t have enough money saved up for a car his part-time job, college classes, and necessities didn’t leave a lot of spending money but what there was he gave to Liz for clothes, shoes, or other things all the other kids have. On the weekends Anthony would work a second part-time job to save up for a car. This was one of his rare weekends not working so he could take his sister around.
“Just let me know when you see one that looks promising and we’ll get off,” he told her.
Five minutes later they got off the bus. Looking around he saw starting from the house right in front of them for 8 blocks almost every house had crap in their yards for sale. He followed her up to the first house and just stood back and watched her. She had been doing this since she was twelve and I took her to a garage sale and she found a book she really liked and she was hooked. Garage sale hopping became here hobby and she developed s a sense of value for anything she saw. As she walked are looking at things she would babble to me about have much it was worth or not worth. She was looking at a watch looked so gaudy with the inset fake gems the guy running the garage sale was watching her with suspicious eyes. I looked at the price tag he was selling it for twenty bucks.
She looked up at me smiling and walked over to the guy. I was horrified it was the ugliest watched I’d ever seen. She was haggling with him to get the price down, she ended up buying it for $15. She handed it to me and I put it in my pocket while the man started talking to his next customer.
“Why would you buy that thing it’s so freaking ugly I don’t think anyone would ever wear that.”
“Well I bought it for fifteen dollar and since its real sixteen caret gold, and those diamonds are real I can probably pawn it for twenty times that.”
There was a choking sound behind us and I looked over my shoulder to see the proprietor looking like he swallowed his tongue, staring balefully at the back of my sisters head.
“I think he heard you,” Anthony laughed.
“He was supposed to, he thought the watch was a fake then he sat there and stared at you when you were over looking at those crappy fake pocket knives like you were gonna steal his crap.”
Her anger at the man and her defense of him warmed his heart.
“So is it really worth three hundred?”
“It is actually worth about five but pawning it three is all I’m go to get if I’m lucky,”
Five blocks and several hours later with the pack digging into his back they hopped on the bus stopped at their house emptied all her aquisitions into her room and went back out the door. They stopped on the way back and get some lunch at Taco Bell. Then returned to where they left off.
Several hours later ….
At the last garage sale she turned from the smiling woman manning the table with a happy feeling. After Ant had pawned that watch for her on their lunch break for $275 she’d had more money to spend with and she took her time to get everything she wanted and Ant hadn’t complained one time about her taking so long. She was about to call him back over to put her new things in his backpack but she paused. They had gotten to this garage sale forty minutes ago and almost immediately and he had gone over to the where all the crystal was on display for sale. She and the proprietress watched as he gently ran his hand over something.
“Is he with you,” the lady asked Liz.
“Yes, he is my big brother.”
“Is he gonna buy that little bottle, no one can get it open, it is only there because it is so pretty.”
“How much is it?”
“Since you’ve bought so much from me, he can have it.”
“Thanks,” Liz replied gratefully. “I’ve had him out here since before ten o’ clock and it’s the only thing he’s seriously looked at. He won’t buy anything, after taking care of me and giving me my spending money and paying the bills he has almost no spending money and what he does he’ll spend on me when he takes me out. Like today, he bought us lunch.”
“He sounds like a good kid.”
“He is awesome,” Liz told the lady. “HEY! Big brother, get over here and help me put this stuff in your backpack. Bring that bottle with you,” she said as she saw him about to put it back where he picked it up from.
He hesitated for a second than shrugged and walked over and started putting her things into his backpack after handing her the bottle.
“It is beautiful,” she said with a perplexed expression on her face.
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