
Solomon’s Daughters: Patricia’s Chapter

Patricia’s Chapter

Author’s Note[/b]: Thank you to all who follow my stories and a special thanks to Darthel0101 for giving me the idea to use the goblins in the manufacturing process. There will also at some point thanks to Darthel0101 be a goblin chapter since to incorporate them into my story line they will need more face time then I can give them as a sideline species.

[b]WARNING: This story contains lesbianism and incest if you were to stupid to read the tags and do not like these subjects then DO NOT proceed any further.

Solomon’s Daughters: Patricia’s Chapter

After their romp in the theatre Eliza and Anthony cleaned up in the bathroom and got outside and to the bus stop just in time to see it pulling away. Sitting on the bench they waited in comfortable silence, Eliza leaning against Anthony’s shoulder. Eliza a little embarrassed about their actions in the theatre kept flicking glances under her eyelashes at Anthony.

“Do you do that often,” she suddenly asked him.

“Do what,” was his confused reply.

“Have sex with girls in the movie theatre.”

“Nope, that was a first and so far you’re only the third girl I’ve had sex with. Sar-Rah was my first.”

“Who was your second?”


“Your little sister,” she asked. There was no disgust or condemnation in her voice only a fascinated

“Yes, you don’t seem to be upset about that.”

“I am not, back in our day it wasn’t a taboo so it doesn’t bother me.”

“Have you ever thought of your sisters that way,” Anthony asked her. He was trying to feel her out to see if she may be willing to grant Sar-Rah’s desire to make to love to her sisters.

“Up until you whispered what you did in there I hadn’t. But when you said that Sar-Rah would….” she trailed off her face flushing red and the speed of her breathing increased noticeably. Her eyes glazed over and she began to pant. He watched her intently as she began to rub her legs together and let out little moans. Her nipples tightened under her shirt and were poking out, it was obvious she wasn’t wearing a bra. Looking around to make sure no one was close enough to see or Anthony reached out and light pinched her nipples and pulled gently. With her jaw clenched to trap her scream she came from just the thought of her sister pleasuring her and his one gentle touch. Releasing her nipples Anthony sat back against the bench trying to adjust his aching erection to a more comfortable position. The satiated content look on her face made his discomfort worth it. After a few moments she began to focus on the world around her and her gaze immediately went to his face as an embarrassed flush swept up her face. Tilting her head down she allowed her hair to swing forward and obscure her face.

“Don’t,” Anthony said reaching out and tipping her head back up while pushing her hair back behind her ear.

“I don’t want you to think I am some kind of loose woman,” she said trying to lower her head again but his grip on her jaw prevented her.

“Why would I think that? Until less than an hour ago you were still a virgin.”

“But I just climaxed from you barely touching me and the thought of…,” she trailed off her eyes glazed and she shuddered slightly before her eyes once again focused on his face.

“Don’t be ashamed about something like that. The pleased look on your face when you get off is a big turn on and Sar-Rah will want to do you as much as you want her to do you.”

Eliza was saved from having to come up with a response to that by the bus pulling up to the stop. Sitting side by side on the bus they returned to the comfortable silence. As they sat there Eliza dozing against his side his arm across the seat behind her head and his fingers lightly stroking her hair he sighed. Now that his hard-on had finally subsided he could think of other things and his happiness warred with his worry. He now had to more mouths to feed on an income that only barely fed and clothed him and Liz. He thought of all the things he could invent with Eliza’s help and how much money those inventions could possibly be worth. The thought that soon he wouldn’t have to scrounge for every cent just to give Liz a little pocket money lifted his spirit. He reorganized his thought and forced them to a more grateful path.

“Come on your alive, well fed, and have a beautiful girl asleep in your arms after a few amazing rounds of sex your blessed,” Anthony thought to himself while looking down into Eliza’s peaceful angelic face. Looking out the window he saw that they were almost to their stop. Looking back to Eliza he gave into his desire to kiss her awake. Lightly touching his lips to hers he slid his tongue over the seam of her lips. In her sleep she moaned at the feel. Taking advantage of her moan Anthony kissed her deeply, exploring her hot mouth. She still tasted lightly of hot sauce. Eliza came awake passionately kissing him back. He almost got pulled into making out with her more causing them to almost miss their stop. The bus driver grinned at him as they disembarked, Anthony with a sheepish grin, and Eliza with her face so red it looked like she would set her hair on fire. Looking at his cellphone Anthony they still had a little over an hour until school got out so taking Eliza’s hand he led her inside.

He headed for the office to say hello to the elderly lady who worked the desk. He had spent a lot of time in the office helping out her and the principle input all the hard copy info on to their computer network, which he had re-setup for them after the installation guys had made a mess of it. He thought back a few years and remembered how Jen was always kind to him, bringing him cookies and food whenever she knew he’d be helping out. He also thought of the principal and how he flirted with her because he had a crush on her. He’d wolf whistle every time he saw her and say “Looking good teach” even if they were at opposite ends of a crowded hallway. He had made the tall beautiful blonde amazon of a woman blush more than once and it had made her look adorable so he tried to make it happen more often.

“I’m taking you to the office to meet the secretary her name is Jen she is the nicest old lady ever born. She is a little wily and mischievous so watch out for that. Also you might even get to meet my second unrequited love, Ms. Yearling. She’s the principal and she falls into the same tier of beautiful that you, Sar-Rah, and Liz occupy.”

“Who is your first unrequited love,” Eliza asked him. He looked back over his shoulder at her and she saw the pain that flashed across his face before he hid it behind a grin.

“That is classified top secret information. If I told you I would have to kill you,” he said grabbing the door
and pulling it open.

“After you my lady,” he said in a horrible fake British accent and motioned her in.

Eliza walked into the office with Anthony on her heels. She saw the back of a tall blonde woman as she leaned lightly on the counter infront of an elderly woman that must be Jen. Anthony following Eliza saw Ms. Yearling as soon as he got in the door. Even though he could only see her back he recognized he slim toned body and that ass that had entranced him for all of his high school years.

“What’s up teach,” he said after giving a loud wolf whistle that echoed in the small office. Turning with a
small half smile on her face.

“It is good to see you again Mr. Caine. How did you recognize me without seeing my face,” Patricia Yearling asked. Behind her Jen gave a snort and Anthony grinned wickedly.

“Well, I have never seen a tall blonde that matched your goddess like beauty,” he said and smiled when he saw a light blush rise in her cheeks.

“Plus, I spent four long years admiring your very fine backside I would recognize it with my eyes closed,” he continued and was rewarded with the light blush deepening to a crimson flush that reached her ears.

“Anthony, what would your fiancee say if she heard you saying that,” Patricia asked. Wrapping an arm around Eliza waist and pulling her against his side he looked up into her face.

“Well sweet heart what do have to say,” he asked her. Eliza ran a lecherous hungry look up and down Patricia’s body and licked her lips.

“I say she has an awesome ass. I somehow feeling the urge to just walk up to her and grab and knead it.”

“Now you have an inkling of my torment. For four unendingly long years I had to suppress that urge,” he told her. Over by the counter Patricia’s face was so red Anthony thought that all of her blood might have flooded to her face and hoped she didn’t get a nose bleed from it.

“Who is this Anthony,” Jen asked barely suppressing her snickers.

“Oh, how rude of me. This is Eliza Solomon, Sar-Rah’s youngest older sister. Eliza this vision of loveliness is Patricia Yearling and the gorgeous Jennifer White aka Jen,” he said introducing them.

“Bah your brain has been addled in your old age if you think me gorgeous,” Jen said as Patricia’s blush continued. Anthony walked up to the counter and leaned over grabbing Jen’s wrinkled hand. Leaning forward he placed a kiss on the back.

“Jen, from your looks I can tell once you were outwardly so beautiful you could caused traffic jams just by walking down the street. However that beauty is only skin deep and all physical things fade in time. But inside you are still the cheerful, kind, mischievous, sexy woman that could make a man’s blood run hot with a single glance,” he said seriously as he stared her in the eyes. He was surprised when she actually blushed. He had tried for all his years in high school and never managed to get her to blush. Seeing it a grin spread across his face.

“I see you got yourself a silver tongue since we last talked,” she said unconsciously running one hand through her hair and patting his cheek with the other. Behind him Patricia finally have calmed from his flattery cleared her throat to catch his attention. Letting go of Jen’s hand he walked over to a meeting table with six chairs around it. Sitting he motioned for the others to join him. They did and when everyone was seated they continued their conversation.

“So Eliza is your fiancee then,” Patricia asked.

“Yes she is,” Anthony replied.

“I see, so Sar-Rah was just pulling my leg about you being her fiancee,” she said sighing in relief.

“Nope, afraid not,” Anthony said purposely not explaining to make her ask questions in hopes he might see her blush again.

“What do you mean afraid not? If Eliza is your fiancee then Sar-Rah can’t be which is good because she is too young to get married,” Patricia said.

“She can’t? Why ever not,” Anthony asked his voice aghast though inside he fought to keep his amusement from his face.

“Polygamy is not legal in this country and you know this. Stop be deliberately obtuse,” she huffed at him. Jen sat in her chair amusement on her face as Patricia dug herself in deeper. She watched Anthony and was impressed by the way he had changed since he graduated. His physical changes while profound weren’t what she was impressed with. During high school many of the girls had gravitated to him because he seemed to radiate a sense of maturity and safety. He had never seemed to get involved with any of them though she knew for a fact a few had asked him out. He was kind to all of them and seemed to get along with all of them even the ones he had rejected. His pulled had evolved into a full blown magnetism she had little doubt any female would be able to resist. He had even made her heart speed up with his silvered words and flattery. Remembering his words and actions the blush returned to her cheeks. Anthony and Eliza both noticed her appraisal and when she blushed they both grinned at her. Realizing she’d been noticed she jumped into the conversation.

“So exactly how many fiancees to you have,” Jen asked.

“Seven, probably,” Anthony said.

“What are you going to do with seven fiancees? And what does probably mean,” asked Patricia.

“Well probably means that something is mostly going to happen. And as to what I’m going to do with seven wives. I’m going strip them then ravish them till they tell me to stop. But I won’t I’ll keep going till they beg me to stop and I still won’t. I’ll keep going until either I can’t move anymore or they faint from the overwhelming pleasure of it,” Anthony said.

“Smart ass I meant, what does it mean for you to probably have seven fiancees,” Patricia said as her mouth went dry picturing him doing what he described to Sar-Rah and Eliza. The image of him doing the same to her flashed through her mind and heat surged through her body.

“It means that I haven’t met them yet and while they can change their minds about marrying me most likely they won’t,” Anthony replied. They talked and Anthony flirted and teased all three women until the last bell rang. Looking over at Eliza he motioned towards the door indicating that they needed to go to finish up her conversation with Patricia.

“So Patricia how would you like to come over for dinner tomorrow night,” Eliza asked the older woman.

“I don’t know,” she said hesitantly shooting sidelong glances at Anthony. Anthony not knowing what Eliza was up to just backed up her request.

“Please Ms. Yearling? I’ll get down on my knees and beg if you’ll agree,” Anthony whined at her giving her his best innocent puppy dog eyes.

“Alright, fine I’ll come by for dinner,” Patricia said with forced exasperation while her heart pounded with excitement.

“Yes,” Anthony shouted with overdone excitement.

“Why are you so happy to have me over for dinner,” Patricia asked him as she ushered Eliza to the office door. Opening it he let Eliza go out in front of him and paused, turning back to look directly into her eyes.

“Because I am planning on having you for dessert,” he said. His tone and the serious look on his face told her while he may be flirting he meant what he had said. She lost her chance to reprimand him as embarrassment and lust pinged through her.

“We’ll see you tomorrow night at seven o’clock,” he said quickly slipping out of the room before she could gather herself and call him down for his statement. Jen who had been watching Patricia through the whole conversation smiled at her fluster.

“Well it looks like you’ll be having fun tommorrow night,” she said needling the younger woman.

“He wasn’t being serious,” she said trying to convince herself that he was just joking.

“That boy was as serious as a heart attack. He’s going to do his best to seduce you tomorrow.”

“He has several beautiful fiancee’s what would be want with a old woman like me.”

“You know very well he had a crush on you when he used to attend this school and from what I have seen of his fiancees they will probably help him woo you,” Jen told her.

“He was one of my students what should I do,” Patricia asked Jen.

“Do you want my honest opinion,” she waited until Patricia nodded, “Then go to dinner wearing a nice sexy casual outfit with the sexiest lingerie you own on beneath it and let him have you. I know you’ve had a thing for him he when he was here before but you held yourself back because of the impropriety. He isn’t your student anymore and if he can satisfy two fiancees and they are still willing to share him then I’d say he’ll fulfill all of those secret fantasies you have about him.”

Patricia thinking about Jen’s advice went into her private office, with a wave to Jen, and closed the door behind her.

Anthony and Liz walked down the hall. He wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her into the sheltered of his body. She leaned into him as they made their ways through the horde of teens hurrying to escape the monotony of school.

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