Sleepover with a brat
Sleepover with a brat
Sex Story Author: | sandstorm3636 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | She pushed against Chad’s chest to lift herself up enough to see his face. “Something’s inside my butt,” she complained. |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, Blowjob, Coercion, Cruelty, Cum Swallowing, Discipline, Domination/submission, Enema, Fiction, First Time, Incest, Non-consensual sex, Oral Sex, Rape, Reluctance, Spanking, Teen, Toys, Violence, Virginity, Water Sports/Pissing, Young |
Chad was standing in the kitchen, staring at the pile of groceries his mother had bought at his request. He was mentally ticking off each thing he had asked her to get, making sure she had not missed anything. This was going to be the first time he had hosted a sleepover and he wanted everything to be perfect.
He was so engrossed in his thinking that he almost didn’t notice the tiny hand of his little sister reaching up over the counter to grab a bag of chips. “Get out of here!” he shouted at her when he did notice her.
“Come on, you don’t need all of this. Why do you get everything and I get nothing. Mom even said I have to go to bed early tonight.”
“When you’re old enough to have sleepovers, you can ask Mom for anything you want. Tonight is my night,” he explained.
She clenched her fists and stomped out of the kitchen as loudly as possible. At that same moment, their mother walked in from the garage. She was surprised when her daughter glared at her, blaming her for enabling Chad’s selfish behavior.
“You two need to get along better,” she instructed her son.
“I’ll do whatever you want with the brat later; tonight is about me and my friends though.”
“That’s right,” his mom agreed. “I was actually a little reluctant to let you have your friends over while your dad and I were going on a trip but he said he did the same thing when he was your age and I certainly wouldn’t want to deprive you of a childhood right of passage. Your father was an only child though. Casey does not understand that she will get her turn later. All she understands is you are getting to break curfew and eat all the junk food you want and she is not.”
“It’s not her day to. She can have some of whatever’s left after we’re full, but even then, you don’t want her making herself sick, do you?”
“Of course not; I just don’t want my baby girl to hate me. You’re taking the blame for all of this, mister.”
Chad rolled his eyes. “Get out of here already,” he shooed her back out to the garage where his father was waiting. He even honked the horn at his wife when he felt she was not moving fast enough.
Chad was smiling to himself and thinking about his parents’ healthy relationship when he heard the sound of a bag opening. He looked up just in time to see Casey sprinting out of the kitchen with the bag in her teeth. He very well could have let her go, but he was annoyed that she seemed to think she had the right to take his things.
As he was older and therefore bigger, it was not hard for Chad to catch up to her. She had been halfway up the stairs but had begun clamoring up on her hands and knees as fast as she could when she realized he was coming after her. He just barely missed grabbing her ankles as she reached the top. She screamed like he was some sort of monster that was going to devour her.
“Pipe down or the neighbors will think I’m murdering you,” he ordered her.
“Isn’t that exactly what you’re going to do when you catch me?” Casey complained.
“Yes, but I’m going to gag you first so it won’t make as much noise.”
Again she screamed while sprinting down the upstairs hall. She made it to the bathroom and managed to lock the door. Of course it was not hard on her brother to unlock it. Rather than a proper key hole, there was only a round slot which would unlock the door if anything the size of a screwdriver was inserted. The lock on the bathroom was built for privacy not security.
Casey was lying on her back in the bathtub eating her stolen chips as fast as she could. She would’ve screamed again when she realized her brother had entered the bathroom but instead she began to choke. She sat up and then stood up only to slip and fall onto her hands and knees.
Chad winced as he listened to her vomiting up a mouthful of chips in order to clear her blocked airway. When Casey stood up again, she presented him with a grin and a V hand sign. “Are you stupid?” he asked her bluntly.
“While almost dying, I forgot why you were chasing me. I was hoping you had to,” she admitted.
“Have you remembered?” he asked while tapping his foot. Her eyes darted toward the door behind him, proving she was thinking of a quick escape. “Come here, brat!” He grabbed her by the neck of her shirt and lifted her out of the tub. She began to choke again, though it was more exaggerated.
He lowered the lid to the toilet and sat on it like a chair before setting her down in front of his legs. “I’m sorry.” She showed him an expression of watering fearful eyes.
“Yeah right,” he scoffed as he pushed her head down so she was lying over his knees. She was small and light enough for him to suspend her in the air. He positioned her with her butt sticking out and gave it an extremely hard swat.
“I’m telling Mom you hit me,” she wailed.
“I’ll tell her why,” he was not afraid. Casey was such a brat that both of her parents had spanked her on multiple occasions. They both held back a little more than Chad planned to though.
After several hard slaps, Casey stopped screaming and began to grit her teeth. “What’s the matter with you?” Chad could tell something was wrong.
“My butt is numb, and I have to pee,” she admitted.
“Excuses,” he did not believe her. After another hard swat, he wished he had though. His hand felt extremely wet when it collided with the seat of her overalls. He moved his legs from beneath her and dropped her on the floor while standing up. Before he could say anything though, the doorbell rang; his friends had arrived for the sleepover.
He quickly ran down the stairs, leaving his sister to clean herself up on her own. When he opened the front door, both of his good friends were there, having met on the way to his house. Paul was a short stocky boy with shiny blonde hair and freckles. Gene was a slightly taller boy with dark hair and glasses. He was wearing a grey hoodie and holding a green duffle bag. Paul was wearing a blue t-shirt with a backpack.
Chad was between their heights with black hair and more built physique. He was definitely in the best shape of his friends. At the moment he was wearing a grey and black button shirt and jeans. “So we got the whole place to ourselves?” Paul asked while peering into the house as if Chad’s parents might be hiding around the corner, waiting to scare him.
“Tiny’s upstairs in the bathroom,” Chad assumed he was looking for Casey.
“Tiny?” Paul did not understand. Chad did not talk about his sister much with his friends.
“My bratty sister. Please just ignore her.”
“Wait, there’s a girl at this sleepover?” Gene was immediately alert.
“I mean, she lives here. Don’t worry; we’ll be staying up way past her bedtime.”
“Who’s going to enforce her bedtime?” Gene asked.
“I will. Or I’ll carry her upstairs when she passes out. She usually can’t keep her eyes open very long this late at night.”
Just then, Casey landed at the bottom of the stairs loudly. She was wearing different clothes entirely, a dark pink shirt along with red and white track shorts. Her maroon colored hair was wet as if she had washed it for some reason. It was only shoulder length and her bangs were just as long as the rest of it. She always kept it parted like a pair of curtains that framed her face but left her forehead exposed.
Paul moved forward to introduce himself while Gene shifted until Chad was between them. He had never really liked girls and their recent encounters with the high school upperclassmen had done little to change his established dislike of them.
Casey shook Paul’s hand and then walked toward the island in the kitchen to get some food. She kept smiling at him, trying to convince him that she was perfectly allowed to partake in their party. “Chad?” Paul turned to his friend for conformation.
Casey quickly backed up from the island. When her brother looked up, she appeared completely innocent. He looked at Paul for an explanation and received none. “Get out of here already,” he tried to shoo Casey away. She slinked to the back corner of the kitchen and leaned against the pantry.
The boys took turns carrying everything from the kitchen to the living room coffee table. Casey waited for them to leave anything unguarded but was disappointed by their thoroughness. She soon forgot her attempts at thievery when Paul retrieved an xbox from his backpack and began to set it up with their TV.
Casey looked at Chad with her mouth agape, silently asking him if he really planned to send her off to bed without letting her try even one game. “Go!” he was not sympathetic in the slightest.
Paul dropped down on the couch next to Chad and began booting up the console and one of the games he had brought. While he waited for it to load, he took a fistful of cheetos from the table and stuffed them into his mouth. He was just about to reach over again when his hand was knocked away by Casey as she ran between the couch and the table.
“Damn it, idiot!” Chad snapped at her. “Mom told you to…”
“She told me not to eat your food. She didn’t say I had to let you eat in peace,” Casey argued.
“What’s the point of doing that?” Chad demanded.
“If you want me to stop bothering you, then either let my play a round or give me some food,” she made a suggestion. Chad tried to lunge at her but she backed up and began to sprint around the back of the couch. She came between Paul and his cheetos again when she threaded herself between the couch and the coffee table a second time.
Chad tried to grab her again but she was quicker. When she came back around the front of the couch again from the other side, he stuck out his foot, tripping her and causing her to fall. Paul had no time to react to her falling in his lap. He yelped in pain when her hands landed right on his crotch. “I’m sorry,” Casey sputtered while trying to rub the sore spot through his pants.
“Stop it!” he whimpered.
She did not stop, and in fact managed to pull his pants down so she could get a better look at his injury. To her it just looked like a lump under his striped boxers though. She pulled on them as well until the lump of flesh popped through the flap opening. She jerked back in shock but quickly calmed down when she realized what it was. “Does your penis hurt?” she asked bluntly. Chad slapped his forehead. He did not know what he expected from his young and dumb sister.
“Um, yes it hurts,” Paul did not know how else to respond. Casey began rubbing it again. “Stop!” he complained again.
“It’s not red or anything. Or is it. Is it supposed to be darker than the rest of you?”
“Yes… why am I answering you?” Paul was still confused.
Chad took advantage of Casey’s misplaced attention and finally grabbed her. She started to kick as he bent her over his knee and slapped her on the butt as hard as he could. “I’m telling Mom!” she wailed and kicked as he spanked her.
“I’m telling Mom on you,” he retorted.
“You don’t need to tell anyone anything, just make her leave,” Gene was panicking. He was not comfortable around girls and he just wanted Casey to stop bothering them. He was startled when she turned to glare at him and even more so when she took a handful of cheetos to eat in the midst of being spanked. “Shouldn’t you wash your hands?” Gene was appalled at her unsanitary behavior.
“They’re clean,” she argued.
“You just touched Paul’s penis,” he reminded her.
“So?” she did not see anything wrong with her actions.
“You may as well just suck his dick,” Chad answered. Gene blushed at the suggestion.
“Why?” Casey was still confused.
“Because girls like putting boys cocks in their mouths when they like the boy,” Paul explained.
“Will that make you feel better?” Casey was still worried that Paul was in pain. Chad and Paul shared a glance before Paul nodded to Casey.
As she was still lying on Chad’s lap even though he had stopped spanking her, she was easily able to pull herself to Paul’s side of the couch. She opened her mouth as wide a she could, which wasn’t very wide at all, and pressed her lips to Paul’s exposed penis.
He jerked as an excited sensation traveled through him. Her soft wet lips felt amazing on his sensitive skin. Immediately his cock began to expand. Her eyes grew wide as she tried to get it into her mouth before it got too big. She managed to get most of it in but her cheeks quickly puffed out as he expanded to fill every corner.
After having her jaw forced open for a while she began to get tired and pulled back. Paul instinctively grabbed her by the hair to keep her still. She looked at Chad for assistance but he was just grinning at his dumb sister. He put his hand on the back of her head and pushed her down, letting Paul’s cock slide almost all the way in. The tip stopped at the entrance to her throat when she gagged.
Chad was reminded of her vomiting up chips in the bathroom earlier and was a little surprised when his own cock began to stir just from thinking about it. He had never been turned on by Casey before today and he was a little disappointed in himself.
Casey began to kick her feet as she struggled to pull off of Paul’s cock. She rolled her whole body from side to side, trying to free herself. “Don’t just stand there,” Chad shouted at Gene.
The third friend was reluctant to approach but eventually worked up the courage to grab Casey’s legs in an attempt to keep her from thrashing. She began to kick even harder, forcing him to grip her by the ankles and lift her slightly so she had nothing to push off of in order to move herself. Chad left holding her head down to Paul while he pulled her arms behind her back so she could not use them.
By then her face was turning a little green and she looked like she was getting seasick. When she retched as if to throw up, her throat opened up more, and Paul took the chance to shove his cock completely inside. Her eyes went wide, darting between the three boys with no way of escaping without one of them loosening their grip.
Gene moved his hands down her legs until he could grip the edges of her shorts. She made a muffled scream as he pulled them straight off leaving her lower half completely naked. She had not bothered to put on new panties after pissing her overalls in the bathroom while being spanked. She had been in a hurry to crash the party downstairs.
“Way to go!” Chad cheered his friend on. For Gene, who was uncomfortable around girls, it was an accomplishment for his hormonal desire to see a girl naked to win out. Feeling invigorated by his friend’s cheers, Gene pushed his thumbs into the space between Casey’s legs and pulled them apart.
Her eyes closed halfway drowsily as she felt the sensation of having her cunt touched by someone. She moaned loudly with Paul’s cock still imbedded in her throat. Gene spread her cunt and pushed his fingers inside, licking them to moisten them. She rolled her head from side to side as she tried to ignore the desire to buck her hips to shake him off.
Feeling left out, Chad adjusted to using only one hand to hold her wrists so he could slide the other one underneath her in order to play with her shirt. He lifted it up to expose her budding breasts and brushed his fingers against her nipples. She turned her head to look at him but maintained her drowsy expression. She was too young to understand what they were doing to her but he felt like she was a little too passive. She either thought they would let her go if she relaxed and did not struggle, or she was too tired to do so.
Chad was quickly overcoming his self disappointment. None of the three friends were really popular with girls at their school. Paul was the first to have a girl touch his penis at all. If settling for bratty Casey was good enough for him, Chad could probably use her to lose his virginity as well.
She was already considered a problem child by their parents. He could probably use her body under the guise of punishing her for something or other and they would not believe her when she complained.
Casey winced as she felt Chad pinching her nipples. He was staring at her in a slightly dazed state, day dreaming about what he was going to do to her the next time they were alone. He was already regretting not having just bent her over the toilet and fucked her tiny little cunt after she had wet herself earlier. It would have made his trouble worthwhile.
When Gene found he could not push his fingers any further into Casey’s cunt, he looked around for an object to assist him. He found the remote to the TV and pressed it against the outside of her cunt to compare its size. She whimpered at the sensation of cold plastic touching her sensitive spot. He tapped the remote against her cunt lips a few times before pushing the end inside. She groaned into Paul’s pubic hair and twisted her waist, trying to move away.
Gene kept pulling her back by the legs and finally just positioned himself on the couch behind her with both her ankles in hand and using the heel of his foot to push the remote the rest of the way inside. It seemed stuck on something so he gave it an extremely hard shove. She screamed out as the remote pushed past her hymen and entered her body entirely. Gene laughed as he touched her clit with his toes. Her cunt was slightly damp and squishy and he loved it.
Casey managed to roll her head to the side so she could stare at Chad. He was the only one of them she could trust to help her. The other two were complete strangers after all. Unfortunately, Chad had already given up on stopping. In his mind they had gone too far already and he may as well make the most of it.
She flinched when he began to pinch and roll both of her nipples while also squishing and mashing her practically flat breasts as best he could. With nothing she could say or do, she tried to relax so that she could breathe better and so the hard object inside her would hurt less.
Chad patted her head affectionately as he watched her eyes fluttering as if she was going to fall asleep with a cock in her mouth. Suddenly, he really wanted to see and feel all of her. With Gene’s help, he lifted her up off the couch again and slid himself underneath her so she was resting on top of him. She took the chance to relax even more, finding him more comfortable to lie on than being suspended by her head and ankles.
Chad wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her, which seemed to confuse her. She closed her eyes and basked in the warmth for a while. She winced when she felt his hands traveling down her back though. He patted her butt a few times before grabbing both cheeks and pulling it apart. Her eyes shot open and she tried to look behind herself but Paul just kept using her hair to pull her back and forth on his cock. The tip kept popping into the back of her throat repeatedly.
Gene now had a perfect view of her bare ass and more. He repositioned himself kneeling between her legs and rubbed his fingers against her cunt. It was only getting wetter as it tried to lubricate the object stuck inside. He kept using the dripping liquid to moisten further up though. She did not understand what he was doing until she felt his wet fingers pushing against something other than her cunt.
She tried to shake her head but ended up wheezing when Paul shoved her all the way down on his cock. She would have thrown up if her esophagus wasn’t blocked. Paul began to yank her head up and push it back down in rapid succession as the sensation in his cock built. Chad and Gene laughed at how much he seemed to be enjoying himself basically masturbating with a little girl’s mouth.
He only stopped fucking her throat like his fist when he began to cum. Chad thought he would let her go finally, but instead he held her head down. The cum filling her mouth had nowhere to go. Her cheeks puffed out and her eyes crossed as she struggled to keep her mouth closed. Suddenly, two jets of white goo shot out of her nostrils and right into Paul’s pubic hair. Surprised and a little upset, he threw Casey’s head back and scooted away from her.
She sucked in a large breath and then promptly leaned her head over the edge of the couch to vomit. At first it was white and then it became orange from the cheetos. Afterward she coughed and gasped for a whole minute trying to catch her breath and keep from retching again. Chad patted her back to help her while Gene massaged her asshole. He seemed to think trying to turn her on would calm her down.
“What did you put in me?” she asked when she could finally talk. She was referring to the remote in her cunt. She knew something hard was inside her but she did not know why. She could not fathom why anyone would need to put an object up into her pussy.
Rather than answering, Chad used her shirt to wipe the cum and vomit off of her face before pulling it off over her head. She had to lift her arms and ended up falling forward so her chest was pressing against his. She felt her nipples against the cloth of his shirt and winced. He pulled her up until her chest was at his face so he could put his mouth around her right nipple and suck on it.
“What? Why?” she was utterly confused. “Is this a new punishment? It doesn’t hurt like when you hit my butt. It kinda tickles and you look like you enjoy it a lot. I think I would be fine if you did this to me from now on…” her sentence was interrupted.
Having gotten bored of waiting. Gene had decided that the moment she stopped coughing and could talk again, he was going to take his turn. He spent a few moments undoing his pants and pulling them down but now he was pressing his hard cock against her asshole. The tip kept almost popping inside but ended up crossing his eyes and pushing too hard each time.
“Ow!” Casey complained. “That hurts more than usual.” She actually assumed Gene was trying to spank her.
“You silly girl,” Chad laughed at her while moving his mouth from one nipple to the other. He was no longer annoyed by her bratty behavior at all. If it meant he could have sex with her, he would let her act however she wanted. She was confused by his benevolent attitude but she was too busy moaning to complain.
At the same time Chad bit down on her left nipple, Gene finally shoved his cock into her asshole. She moaned at first but it quickly became a scream.
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