Sleepover At Misty’s
Sleepover At Misty’s
Sex Story Author: | Lubrican |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Ceeeeeee." Bob was in deep, so he bored on. "The only ones who aren't dressed to catch a |
Sex Story Category: | First Time |
Sex Story Tags: | Fiction, First Time, Male / Female Teens, Pregnant |
Sleepover At Misty’s
by Lubrican
Misty bounced and bobbed as she skipped toward her father down the drive. He had just gotten home and she was obviously very excited about something. Bob watched happily as she came toward him. She was fun to watch. Misty had taken after her mother, growing nice big handfuls of breasts, with prominent and usually hard nipples. She didn’t like to wear bras. The fact she was his daughter didn’t bother him. She was a babe, pure and simple, and babes were fun to watch. He envied the boy who would eventually get into her panties. At fourteen she was still forbidden to date, mostly because Bob knew what he had done when he was fourteen. He’d stuck his peter in as many girls as he could.
The thought of some pimply faced boy sticking his stiffy in Misty made him go red, partly from anger at the thought, and partly because the idea of a stiff prick entering Misty’s pretty little cunny made blood flow to his face and his own stiffening prick.
As usual she slammed up against him, pushing those lovely boobs against him.
“DADDY!” she yelled “I’m SO glad to see you! I want to have some of my friends over for the holiday, Daddy, for an extended slumber party … PLEEEEASE?” She looked up at her handsome father’s face adoringly.
Then, feeling what was pressed against her stomach she went on. “DADDY!! You have a hard on again! Why do you ALWAYS have a hard on?”
They had this conversation fairly regularly. He had originally tried to avoid talking about it when he got turned on around her, but eventually he gave up.
“Sweetie, you know why I have an erection. Your bouncing boobies make me horny darling. You really should wear a bra, you know.”
“Oh Daddy!” she squealed, like she always did. “I’m your DAUGHTER! You can’t be horny about ME!” She very subtly rubbed her abdomen against the lump in his pants.
“Sweetie, one of these days you’re going to do something you can’t get out of” he growled. Then he tickled the sides of her breasts, making sure no one in the neighborhood was watching. She squealed like she always did when he touched her breasts.
That had started as play, but as she grew up it was getting harder and harder to keep it on a playful level. “And now you want to bring a bunch of your sexy friends over and torment me with them running around in who knows what kind of skimpy pajamas. What if I get a hardon when they’re around? What then?”
His daughter looked up at him smiling. “Well, if you get one around Melody she’ll probably try to touch it. She thinks you’re dreamy!.” He couldn’t tell if she was kidding or not. “But you don’t even have to be around the girls if you don’t want to Daddy. I’ll make them behave and leave you alone if you want me to.”
The holiday she was talking about was a four day weekend due to teacher’s conferences and the fact that school was out for that Thursday and Friday. They talked about what would be needed to get ready for such an extended party … food … sleeping arrangements … the number of girls she wanted to invite and so on. Finally he gave his consent and she wriggled against him again until it was obvious she was intentionally rubbing up against his boner.
“You never know, Daddy” she said “I might want to touch it one of these days too!” Then she skipped off to call her friends.
Bob knew his relationship with his daughter wasn’t normal. But since his wife had run off with the family dentist he didn’t much care what other people thought. He’d raised Misty from when she was a year old, building a business up at the same time. Now he was wealthy and his daughter loved him, even if some of the ways she showed it – and he showed it to her – were unacceptable to society.
Thursday night arrived, and with it four girls. Bob was on his best behavior, dressed conservatively and acting very grown up as the parents of the girls dropped them off. The girls all disappeared into Misty’s room, giggling and making enough noise for ten people. Bob made the snacks that were planned and set them out where the girls could find them, and then went into the den where he put on a movie and settled down to watch. About an hour later Misty came into the den. He looked up and gulped. She was in her nightgown, a teddy she’d bought at Victoria’s Secret without telling him. It was sheer, almost see through, and the only reason he couldn’t see her perky teen titties clearly was that the cloth was wrinkled across them. It came down to her hips, where a miniscule pair of panties perched, just covering her pussy and nothing else.
“Daddy?” she said, standing there completely unembarrassed by her near nudity. “We want to watch a movie. Would it be OK?”
“Sure baby” he said. He needed to go upstairs to his bedroom and beat off anyway. Seeing her in that outfit had gotten him horny again. “I’ll just go upstairs.”
“You don’t have to Daddy” she chirped. “All the girls said you can watch it too if you want to.” Just then the other four girls came bouncing and laughing into the room.
Melody was first. She was a tall slim girl whose body belonged on that of a girl three or four years older than she was. Every time Bob looked at Melody the word “ripe” popped into his mind. She had long straight midnight black hair to match her long slender legs, and a slightly oriental cast to her eyes.
She was wearing a white T shirt that exposed her belly button and matching white panties. Her dark pubic hair was visible through the thin cloth. Her nipples were apparently very dark because they showed through too, as two spots on her T shirt. “Hey Mr. Cummins” she said lightly, and flopped down on the couch with her nice round rump sticking up in the air.
Valerie and Amanda were next. They may as well have been twins. Both had ash blond hair, almost always worn in a pony tail and full pouting lips. They both smiled a lot and that was different because both had braces. Both had the same athletic swimmer’s build, with small breasts, but wide hips. And both of them were wearing baggy shapeless flannel pajamas, which seemed odd, since it was a warm night.
Anne wandered in last. She was the odd one out in this group. She was more serious than the others, got better grades, and was always the one who exerted social control over the group. If they’d been old enough to drink (or drive, for that matter) she’d have been the designated driver. She wore glasses that, in Bob’s mind, shouted “LIBRARIAN!” and made her hazel eyes look a little bigger than they were. Her body was lush, though, with a maturity that astounded Bob. She could pass for twenty one with a little makeup. Her breasts were probably 36 Cs, and were always firmly encased in a bra. She wore plain, though not cheap clothes. She was no-nonsense all the way.
Which was why Bob gasped as she walked in. Her outfit consisted of a bra with two sunflowers covering the nipples. Those sunflowers were connected by strings that went various places, but didn’t cover anything at all. Her breasts didn’t sag, but jutted proudly out from her chest. They were so revealed it met the community standard for “obscene” and Bob’s cock, which had been thickening as he looked at the girls, stiffened completely. Anne’s panties were also made of sunflowers that didn’t quite overlap, but were overlayed on a fine mesh cloth. Her dark brown pubic hair was plainly visible between the sunflowers and even stuck through the mesh in a few places.
She saw Bob staring at her and blushed. One arm came up to cover both of her upper sunflowers, while the other hand went to block her panties from his sight. “MISTEEEEEEE!” she whined. “He’s looking at meeeeee” She turned her back to Bob, at which time he saw her plump round ass cradled in more mesh-connected sunflowers.
Misty came and stood in front of her father. “DADDY!” she barked. “I told the girls they could wear whatever they wanted to and it would be OK and that you wouldn’t gawk at them and would behave yourself.” Bob realized he was now staring at his own daughter’s pert breasts and his cock was harder than ever.
“Sweetie, you gotta give a guy a little warning!” he said. “I mean springing a group of the most beautiful women in town on him without giving him time to prepare is like throwing cold water on him.” The girls all giggled at being called beautiful.
Melody came and stood right beside Misty “Gee Mr. C, it looks like getting drenched with cold water might not be a bad idea for you right now.” She laughed, making it obvious she was looking at the huge tent in the front of his pants. Two more faces peeked around Melody and Misty, also looking at his lap.
“Wow” said Valerie. “Cool!” yipped Amanda “Annie, Mr. C has a boner!”
“MISTEEEEEEEEE” wailed Anne, obviously embarrassed at the topic of conversation.
Bob didn’t know what to do. If he covered his cock it would be an admission that he was acting improperly. Anne seemed to be the only one who was actually embarrassed by his inspection of them, though Valerie and Amanda weren’t wearing anything revealing.
So he went on. “I mean, come on girls. Why do women put on things like that, which, I might add are DESIGNED to draw a man’s attention, and then expect men NOT to look at them? Look at you, Melody. I can see your cute nipples through that shirt, and your panties aren’t hiding much either.”
Melody just dimpled a big smile at him.
“And Misty” he went on. “A guy can almost see through that outfit, and your butt is completely naked! I’m your DAD and I still can’t help looking.” His daughter just grinned as widely as Melody had. “And I’m sorry, Annie, but you might be less sexy looking if you were actually naked!”
Anne moaned again.
“I mean those sunflowers cover your nipples, but your luscious breasts are right out there, and a man just can’t resist that kind of thing. And what those panties do is just about shout out ‘Hey, there’s a pretty pussy behind this!!!’ and I couldn’t help but react.”
Anne gasped “Ohh Mr.
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