
Sister’s Surprise, Chapter 3

Michelle and Jessica venture out of the apartment, and into a whole new world

Sister’s Surprise, Chapter 3

It was not a restful sleep. Haunting questions of my own sexuality plagued my dreams. In one such consuming dream, I was Michael again, bigger, stronger, more masculine than I had ever been before, or could imagine myself being. With this physique, I easily brought woman after woman to my bed. Each succumb to my sexual prowess, each removing their clothes as they fall backwards on an oversized bed, then spreading their toned legs to invite my powerful cock inside of their womanhood. Each one thoroughly defiled, filled with my potent cum, before moving on to the next.
And as my latest sexual conquest, a dark haired teenage girl no older than myself, lay on the bed before me, her slight, petit body became aroused. Her pink nipples hardened beneath my gaze, her chest growing with each deep breath she pulled into her lungs, but not diminished by her exhales. Her legs parted, as I inhaled her scent deeply, and as she welcomed me to her pussy. But in her arousal, she changed. I stared in awe as her clit grew to massive proportions, becoming veined, pulsing with the same sexual power my own cock had. A second look revealed her to be Jessica, my dear sister, made into a man by my dreaming mind. Without words, I was suddenly facing the thick, massive cock of my beloved sister.
As Michael, I turned away, feeling disgusted by her erection. But in the same instant it took to close my eyes and rip my gaze from Jessica’s new body, my hair grew long and wavy, and lightened to the color of straw; my chest grew heavy, giving me the large breasts I had always craved, even to the envy of my sister. But the changes to my body were not yet through, as I felt my own arousal enveloping me. What I felt was a wetness between my legs, a radiating heat coming from between my thighs, and not as a throbbing pulse in my groin. I opened my eyes to look down at my nude form, seeing the wonderful breasts with pert nipples weighing heavy on my chest. My gaze traveled further down, seeing my mound, not shaved smooth as it was last night, but with a small patch of blonde hair, neatly trimmed into a triangle. There was no sign of my cock. My head turned back to my sister as she lay there. Michael was gone, but Michelle was now there. No longer disgusted by the thought of it, I leaned forward, eager to put as much of her beautiful cock into my mouth as I could, desperate to feel the sensation of her powerful orgasm granting me load after load of her pearly cum, rewarding me with the sweet taste that I craved.
My mouth opened wide, wider than I thought it could, to accommodate Jessica’s erection. I felt my lips stretch almost painfully around her. Her hands held tightly to my head, as she pulled my head closer to her pelvis, forcing inch after inch deeper inside of my throat until all of it penetrated me, violating me. She grunted, her marvelous breasts quaking with each thrust she made, as she started to cum. I felt my mouth flood with a sudden force of liquid, as she used my mouth, all while holding my head, stopping my breath, and granting me her cum.
Once her orgasm had subsided, she pulled her cock from my used mouth. I gagged and coughed, massive globs of the thick cum falling from my lips, splattering on her cock and my breasts. “I’m not through wit you yet, Michael”, she said, using my old name, almost as a chance to hurt me emotionally. She quickly stood, and with a spin, had thrown my nubile form to the bed. I bounced slightly on the springs, as Jessica stood between my legs, forcing them open wide. She looked at me with the same fire in her eyes I had experienced before. But her gaze was not locked to my eyes, were our passions seemed to fuel each other, but transfixed on my own womanhood, that being the target of all her lust and desires. Her hands gripped tightly on my knees, pushing my thighs even further apart, my pussy now opened to her and her large cock. She said nothing as her cock angled downward to line up with me, as she leaned forward with her hips…

Even before I was fully aware of my surroundings, my mind was still able to come to a universal truth of life: Alarm clocks are the vilest invention ever created. The annoying, repetitive buzz echoed through the bedroom, seeming louder with each second that past. And as each second past, my dream faded to a distant, inaccessible corner of my mind, leaving me only with a painful erection, and a vague, erotic feeling of what had been.
Jessica’s quick arm shot out to her nightstand, putting an end to the vile noise. I breathed a sigh of relief as the blissful silence returned to the happy bedroom. But the device had done its job, and I was awake. I glanced over at the offending clock. “Did you really set your alarm for 6:30 in the morning on a Saturday?”, I asked more annoyed than curious. I was proud that despite my annoyance, I was able to ask in Michelle’s voice, rather than Michael’s.
“Yeah”, she said groggily, rising slowly from the bed, stretching her arms, and giving her back a little twist. “I told you, we have a lot to do today, love”. She didn’t offer any more explanation, but leaned over to give me a quick kiss, before scooting out of bed, and head into the master bathroom, closing the door behind her.
I could clearly hear the sound of her peeing, which only reminded me of the urgency I had. I too scooted out of bed, and made my way to the spare bathroom. I pulled my hardened clit from the panties I was wearing, and let nature take its course as best I could. My body leaned forward at the hips, desperately trying to aim the stream into the bowl. Once finished, my erection had soften slightly, and I was half a second from tucking myself back into the panties, just has Michael had done a thousand times before while wearing underwear. But I wasn’t Michael anymore, so I had to break myself of those habits. I took a little bit of toilet paper, and made sure my clit was completely dry, especially around the slit, before pulling my panties back up. I also considered that I would just sit down to pee from now on, like girls do, though there would be times when that wouldn’t be a viable option. Some habits were going to be tougher to break than others.
I returned to the bedroom, finding Jessica going through her underwear drawer, her back towards me. “You can keep wearing those panties for today, if you want”, she started, as she pulled a white bra from the drawer, and a blue thong, “But you should probably wear a bra that fits you, and that you’re comfortable wearing”. She pulled off her nightie, then pulled the straps of the bra over her shoulders. Her hands reach behind her with practiced ease, as she grabbed the hooks and secured her bra. She made some minor adjustments, ensuring that her ‘girls’ would be comfortable, and that the straps of the bra rested over her shoulders.
“Why, what are we doing today”, I asked, pulling off my nightie. I had a growing knot in my stomach, suspicious of what she had planned.
She turned her head to look back at me, a sinister smile crossing her face, “just what every teenage girl dreams of…A shopping spree”.
The knot in my stomach hardened into a lump, as tears welled in my eyes. “I can’t”, I muttered softly, not even sure she heard me.
“What’s the matter, Shelly”, she asked, genuine concern in her voice, as she quickly came to my side, ready to hold me.
With her arms to guide me, I sat down on the edge of bed, her resting beside me. “I can’t go out”, I repeated. “Look at me”, I said, looking down with disgust at my flat chest, and panties that had an obvious bulge in them, made more pronounced as I sat. “I may not be Michael any more, but I’m a long ways from being able to be Michelle in public. I have no breasts, my hair isn’t real”, I pulled the blonde wig from my head, hurtling it to the ground. “The only clothes I have are wrinkly from being shoved in a box. And”, I started, my voice suddenly lost in my throat, “I don’t think I could face seeing anyone who knew Michael”. That was the heart of it. I was afraid. If someone I knew were to see Michelle, and figure out that I was once really Michael, I just couldn’t deal with that.
Jessica held me, comforting me, as I both tried not to cry, and as I cried. Her arms never let me go, even as the minutes ticked by. Her whole concern was my happiness, and I could feel that she would have moved heaven and earth if it would bring a smile to my face. Again I felt her love envelop me, as the long minutes stretched into short eternities.
I regained a modicum of my composure, and she used her soft hand to gently lift my chin, to stare at her angelic face. “Michelle, I would never intentionally force you to face that. When the time comes, and Michael’s secret is discovered by the whole world, you can rest assured I will be there at your side”. She used her other hand to gingerly wipe the tears from my cheeks. “If you want to, really want to, we will never leave this apartment again. We will stay together, as sisters and lovers, for the rest of our lives. We will hide Michelle from the entire world.
“But I think at some point, Michelle is going to want to see the world through her new eyes, and revel at all the experiences the world has to offer a girl. From something as subtle as a light breeze wiping at your hair and at your skirt, to the raw sexual empowerment you’ll feel as a man stares at you with unabashed lust. I’m not saying any of that will happen today, but I can promise you it won’t happen until you are able to step outside, and face the world as the powerful young woman we know you’ve become”.
Inwardly, I cursed my sister. She always knew exactly what to say to make me feel better, even in spite of myself. But she wasn’t wrong. I told myself that Michelle was never going to be hidden again. That was who I was now. I was terrified; there was no doubt about that. I swallowed hard, forcing my terror and doubts down with it.
“Why don’t you get dressed”, Jessica started, seeing my apprehensions slowly fade, and my newfound resolve fortifying me for the upcoming day. “When you are dressed, meet me in the bathroom, and I’ll do your makeup”. She leaned over, and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead, then rose, picking up a pair of jeans and shirt as she headed to the bathroom. Before closing the door behind her, she pointed over to her underwear drawer, my breast forms lying on top.

It took another half hour before we were finally ready to leave the house. I was dressed in a pair of jeans, that felt way too tight around the thighs, and that didn’t come up to my waist, resting slightly below. As a result, my panties were also lower, the red waistband only visible at the right angle if someone stood behind me. I also picked out a simple blue blouse, with a thick cotton weave material, enough to conceal my bra and any sign of the breast forms, while at the same time tight enough to allow me a small measure of femininity as it hugged my curves. I had no female shoes that would fit, instead slipping on a pair of running shoes Michael had. A small silver clutch purse, filled with Michael’s wallet and cell phone completed my ensemble. Jessica assured me that I looked fine.
And I learned so much as she applied my makeup. Michael always thought more makeup was more girly, so when Michelle had used makeup before, it was layered on heavily. I must have looked more like a clown than a girl, I reminisced. She added some lipstick to my lips, a softer shade than the fire-engine red I wore the first time she met Michelle. She applied light blush to my cheeks, and carefully added mascara, giving me fuller eyelashes. She even combed my wig a few times before resting it back on my head.
Her own appearance added an extra tightness to the tight jeans I was already wearing. Her jeans were dark blue, boot-cut to show off the snake-skin pattern of the heeled boots she wore. Like mine, they were low-rise, but she had no problem letting everyone see the waistband of her blue thong. She called it a whale-tail, and made sure I understood why, by bending over directly in front of me. She smiled, noticing the obvious effect it had on me. Her top was a deep-vee, showing off every inch of her ample cleavage, while also perfectly concealing her bra. She did her make-up in a fraction of the time it took her to do mine, and then we were out the door.
Even the few steps to the car filled me with dread. What if some of the neighbors had seen Michael come over on Friday night, and now see Michelle leaving Saturday morning? I felt a little better as we got into the car, and headed out.
“We’re going to the Midland Mall”, Jessica said, as she navigated to the freeway. “That’s a good forty-five minutes out of town, and a lot less likely that you’d run into anyone you knew. Plus, I know it has every shop we need”. She placed a comforting hand on my thigh, the same thigh I hadn’t even realized that I was bouncing uncontrollably. “Relax”, she said, risking a quick glance my direction as she drove, and favoring me with a loving smile.

The parking lot was cramped, forcing us to a spot a good mile away from the mall’s entrance. I exaggerate of course, but walking any distance when you’re trying hard not to be noticed made the trek seem longer than it should have been.

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