Sisters in Slavery Chapter Seven part one
Sisters in Slavery Chapter Seven part one
Sex Story Author: | Hellcat41979 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | One of the female customers had made a reservation for a fantasy fulfillment session and she wanted the sisters in |
Sex Story Category: | Asian |
Sex Story Tags: | Asian, Bestiality, Body modification, Bondage and restriction, Exhibitionism, Fantasy, Latex fetish, Lesbian, Non-consensual sex, Prostitution, Rape, Slavery, Toys |
Chapter Seven Part 1
I’ve decided instead of one final chapter I’ll do it in multiple parts.
Author’s note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters as under eighteen years of age despite the obvious sexual naivety of the main characters. Also this story also features themes of rape, slavery, bestiality, and incest. It is intended as fantasy and nothing else. If you do not like such stories STOP reading now. Also don’t fill up the comments section with posts about how sick the individuals in the story are or about the people who read or write this style of story. For those looking to take some enjoyment out this tale enjoy yourselves.
Do to the confusing nature of having two sets of twin sisters with numbers instead of names I’ve come up with the system below to help readers keep track of which characters are being referenced.
Brothel Whores 3567-A and 3567-B when together will be simply referred to as the sisters.
Brothel Whores 3569-A and 3569-B when together will be referred to simply as the twins.
Brothel Whore 3567-B was watching her sister screaming in agony with each strike of the whip. Brothel Whore 3567-A was dangling from her wrist shackles while her body was flailing after each stroke of the “Enforcer’s” whip. Brothel Whore 3567-B would have loved to plead for mercy for her sister but she no longer had any strength left. Her own whipping had left her so drained that she was hanging limp from her own wrist shackles.
Brothel Whore 3567-B then looked over her shoulder at the one responsible for their current predicament. Every slave in the brothel hated this customer including “Head Madam” 3613. Though after her canine master Brutus tried to maul him for having his bitch whipped she was never request to service him again. Though that was strange since Brutus never did anything like that during “Head Madam” 3613’s punishments during the performances.
The only thing that Brothel Whore 3567-B could figure out is the dog just didn’t like the man. Looking at the conceded bastard sitting there another slave sucking his cock she could understand. If she was a dog she would try and rip his face off too. Alas she was only a sex slave and assaulting any male was grounds for a slow painful death.
Still as bad as he was there was one advantage to servicing him this way. They would be given the next week or two off and were exempted from the weekly performances. Though the sisters only took part in the monthly grand gala performance so that didn’t really help them much. Still they would be able to lounge around the pool now. They just had to make this look like they were suffering the most agonizing torture of their lives.
Unfortunately they also had to walk a fine line like with the performances they couldn’t go to far also. One if they made it look to good they run the risk of him using them more often. Plus like with the performances they had to leave room for improvement. While the audience at the shows were easier to satisfy just throw in a few extra men or dogs but this guy only wanted to see their pain and suffering. It was a fact of life besides the whippings there was other tortures available and none of the slaves wanted to incur them.
So a couple of hours later they were doing their best to pretend they were unconscious as they were dragged from the room by their hair. This was especially hard when the bouncers took the main stairs on their way to through the main floor. While being dragged that way was hard enough it was even harder not peeking at what was going on with the other slaves.
The sounds they could hear told them their fellow slaves were being fucked quite hard. Their grunting and moaning was easy to distinguish. Throw in “Head Madam” 3613’s pleading told the sisters that Brutus was fucking her again. Though as much as they wanted to look they had to keep up the act for a little while longer.
Though once they were off the floor they were released it was a different story. Their hair was released and the bouncers helped them to the basement. The sisters of course thanked the bouncers with one of their best fuckings. Before being locked in their cages for the night. It was only then they could watch what was happening on the floor as it was broadcast throughout the brothel.
As they suspected “Head Madam” 3613 had indeed been being fucked by Brutus. She was currently tied ass to ass with him while sucking a customer’s cock. The twins had a couple of men fucking them on the central pedestal. Though based on the sixty nine position they were in they were also getting some lesbian action in as well. So they definitely were enjoying themselves for a change. Most of the other slaves were either bent over or laying on their pedestals getting fucked. While a line of men waited for their turns to fuck the former “Head Madam”.
Strangely as they watched the others servicing customers. The sisters actually found themselves wishing they were on the floor. Still even though they had serviced several customers before the bastard had shown up plus the bouncers a little while ago. The sisters found themselves fingering their pussies. For some reason they had been wanting more and more sexual release each day.
It was just with the customers and each other. They had found they wanted to stay on the exercise equipment in the gym. Then there was even fucking the dogs they couldn’t get enough of. Ever since “Head Madam” 3613 took over they had become nymphomaniacs. Now when they were first enslaved this realization would of frightened them. Now it made them feel contented with their lives. Sure they were forced into sexual slavery but they were also happy about it.
Funny months ago they only wanted to be free women again and not sex slaves being fucked by customers in a brothel. Now they were sex slaves in a brothel and instead of freedom they wanted to be fucked by the customers. They wondered if it was what “Head Madam” 3613 had been talking about when she took over.
It was a whole speech about women were created to serve men. That the greatest purpose of any woman’s life was to be subservient to all males. She even said how them all being in a brothel was actually the greatest of blessings. Since it not only allowed them to serve their owner but as many other males as possible. This was also the reasoning behind “Head Madam”3613’s decision regarding being bound to Brutus.
Now “Head Madam” 3613 had said it had something to do with serving as an example to those she was supposed to represent. Now the sisters had believed that it was to represent the submissiveness of the slaves with the customers. Yet now they were wondering if “Head Madam”3613 actually meant to serve as an example to her fellow slaves. The sisters made a decision that they needed to talk to “Head Madam” 3613 about.
Though this also meant they run the risk of being fucked by Brutus. As much as the sisters enjoyed being fucked by dogs that one scared them. Granted the thought of being subservient to one like “Head Madam” 3613 was did arouse them. In fact the idea of being “Kennel Bitches” or “Puppy Slave” was starting to appeal to them as well.
Sure they were horrified when the facility had trained and sold Brothel Whore 3621 as a “Puppy Slave”. They also knew their strawberry blonde friend didn’t like it also. That girl hated being fucked by dogs worse than the twins did. So to be not only have to let dogs fuck her all the time but to spend the rest of her life acting like one was probably the worst fate she could suffer.
The sisters usually didn’t like to think about her for good reason. While they had hoped their friend had been sold to a good owner but they also knew she could have also suffered greatly before being killed. Though they preferred to think their friend was playfully bouncing around somewhere like the happy “Puppy Slave” they hoped she’d become.
This is also why they had tried to keep their emotional distance from the other slaves in the brothel. They have already come close to loosening the twins to a horrible fate. Then there was what “Head Madam” 3613 was going through with being Brutus’s bitch. He had already fucked several of the other slaves and they all said it had been the most brutal fuckings they had suffered as slaves. The thought of how their friend was suffering made up the sisters’ minds.
They would not only spend the night with “Head Madam” 3613 but they would also let Brutus fuck them. That way she would at least have a night of rest. Though they were immediately regretting the decision and were certain that they be hating the experience.
Six hours later Brothel Whore 3567-B was about to find out if they had been right as Brutus climbed onto her back. While “Head Madam” 3613 had definitely been shocked by the sisters’ request she hadn’t refused it. Though they did practically almost have to forcibly rape her in order to be able to eat out her messy pussy. Of course this was when Brutus decided to get involved.
So while her sister took care of “Head Madam” 3613 Brothel Whore 3567-B took Brutus. This was when the sisters discovered an interesting fact about the dog and “Head Madam” 3613’s relationship. While in public the fuckings were brutal. In private the dog was quite gentle with his bitch.
Now it wasn’t until Brutus rapped his fore paws around her hips that Brothel Whore 3567-B noticed something was different. Granted she was scared to death when he climbed onto her back. Yet she also was able to maintain her composure and not panic. Now Brothel Whore 3567-B didn’t know this was a signal the dog had been trained to respond to.
Or that “Head Madam” 3613’s normal fear stricken and cowering doggy slave girl persona wasn’t just an act for the customers and other slaves. Now the initial penetration was still painful for Brothel Whore 3567-B. But this was also when “Head Madam”3613 broke from Brothel Whore 3567-A’s clutches long enough to help calm Brothel Whore 3567-B as Brutus took her.
Now Brothel Whore 3567-B quickly learned Brutus still had a different definition of what gentle meant. Though compared to the fuckings they’d seen him inflict on “Head Madam” 3613 and others this pounding definitely still qualified as a gentle fucking. Even so with each powerful thrust she felt like the dog’s cock was lifting her of the floor. Then there was when he knotted her. Brothel Whore 3567-B had never had anything that big crammed into her pussy.
Finally when he turned ass to ass with her Brothel Whore 3567-B got her final instructions when Brutus started to growl. Brothel Whore 3567-B quickly assumed the same kneeling position that “Head Madam” 3613 pretty much now lived in. Yet she was then made aware of a final task Brutus required of his bitches. As soon as they finally separated and he presented his cock for Brothel Whore 3567-B to lick clean.
While the sisters had been fucked many times by dogs. They had never sucked the dog’s cocks. In fact the only thing close they had done was lick the dog cum from each other’s pussies. Yet now Brothel Whore 3567-B found her tongue swabbing down the long red shaft as her sister resumed her own task of eating out “Head Madam” 3613’s pussy.
Now about a half hour later Brutus got to fuck Brothel Whore 3567-A while her sister pleasured “Head Madam” 3613. Though like her sister Brothel Whore 3567-A wasn’t prepared for the size and power of the dog. Still she had been a slave in the brothel long enough to be able to adapt quickly enough and even get some enjoyment out of it. Now Brutus flooding her with cum was another first but it also set off a massive orgasm that she really enjoyed. However she did find cleaning his cock afterwards took some getting used to.
Now Brutus ended up having one hell of a night. He ended up fucking each of the sisters twice along with having his way with “Head Madam” 3613’s tiny body twice. Though the sisters saw while he had been gentle with them “Head Madam” 3613 fuckings were as brutal as always. Only once Brutus had finally curled up to sleep were the sisters finally able to talk to “Head Madam” 3613 and find out the truth.
While “Head Madam” 3613 was still terrified of Brutus she had actually been able to get somewhat used to the poundings. Though while he would he would occasionally fuck her gently like he had the sisters. Brutus actually preferred to dominate his personal human slave bitch. So with a exception of fucking her a few times each night gently. Most of “Head Madam” 3613’s fuckings were as brutal as the first one.
She said Brutus preferred for his personal human slave bitch to be a more unwilling participant. Since this is also the degradation she had promised the customers she would be suffering she couldn’t back out. Their owner’s rules were clear on this issue. They were to deliver on any promises to the customers. She had promised she would suffer a life humiliation and degradation as dog’s human slave bitch and now she had to see it through.
Even when it came down to how she described the relationship. Brutus was her owner and master. While she was his personal sexual plaything. Her body was his to use without regard to her comfort or pleasure or even her consent. So regardless of how she felt about it she now belonged to Master Brutus.
“Head Madam” 3613 then had to stop the sisters from offering to serve beside her to ease her suffering. Their primary purpose was to service customers and being permanently chained to Master Brutus would limit their ability to do so. She told them their owner had worked up something similar that would free her up some but them or the twins were not to get involved.
While “Head Madam” 3613 would only say it would ease her physical suffering some. It wouldn’t change anything else. She would still service customers when Master Brutus wasn’t using her. She would still serve as the ultimate example of the submissiveness of the brothel’s slaves. While she appreciated the sisters’ concern this was ultimately “Head Madam” 3613’s cross to bare not theirs.
The most they were allowed to do is occasionally spend the night. While unexpected “Head Madam” 3613 did enjoy herself. Plus “Head Madam” 3613 actually had her first orgasms while Master Brutus rapped her. Something she will try and work into the shows as something she was ashamed of. Though the sisters were always to refer to the dog by his proper title of Master Brutus and they were to spread the word that the other slaves were also expected to follow this rule at all times.
She knew that many of them especially the madams wouldn’t like this. However their owner felt the customers would love the fact that every slave in the brothel was calling a dog master. Especially since they have already been expected to bow to the dog since his arrival.
Now that “Head Madam” 3613’s situation had been discussed she ordered the sisters to get to sleep. Master Brutus and the customers didn’t give her much opportunities for rest. So “Head Madam” 3613 needed every bit of her strength just to survive her daily duties. So while Master Brutus Was curled up sleeping in his comfortable dog bed the three slaves curled up together on the floor.
The next morning the sisters were woken by “Head Madam” 3613’s screams and pleading along with growling from Master Brutus. In a panic they quickly moved into the nearest corner and cowered in each other’s arms. Once they had a hold of each other they were able to see what was happening.
When they were first awoken they believed Master Brutus was attacking “Head Madam” 3613. However now that they were fully awake they saw that they were right. Unfortunately for “Head Madam” 3613 it wasn’t a mauling but what she called her morning wake up rape. The sisters would later find out that each morning Master Brutus liked to start out his day by brutality raping “Head Madam” 3613.
Though they also learned that something was different about this time. Apparently Master Brutus didn’t have her positioned right and he had ended up in the wrong hole. Now while “Head Madam” 3613 had been taken countless times by him she had always been able to cover her ass hole with her hands. However this morning Master Brutus had taken her by surprise and she hadn’t been able to get her hands into position in time.
While the sisters could only watch helplessly “Head Madam” 3613 was desperately trying to prevent Master Brutus from shoving his knot up her ass hole. They could see her small hands wrapped around the large cock that was painfully sodomizing her. Master Brutus on the other had wasn’t happy with his bitch for resisting him like that and had started shaking her around in his jaws.
Poor “Head Madam” 3613 will to resist was almost broken when her pleas were for the first and only time answered. When Master Brutus pulled his cock from her ass hole. Acting quickly she covered her ass hole and repositioned herself so he could fuck her pussy instead.
By this time several of the “Pinks” had heard the “Head Madam’s” screams and come to investigate. As the door opened the three “Pinks” were greeted with the sight of Master Brutus finding the right hole. While the sisters hid in the corner watching in terror as they held each other.
Now this was both a blessing and a curse for “Head Madam” 3613. Yes the cock was out of her now battered ass hole. Unfortunately Master Brutus had fucked her long enough for his knot to swell up. So now “Head Madam” 3613’s pussy was set to receive it’s largest penetration to date.
The “Pinks” were quickly getting the sisters out of the room. When “Head Madam” 3613 screamed one last time before she passed out from the pain as the knot entered her pussy. The five of them could only watch as “Head Madam” 3613’s body fell to the floor.
Even though Master Brutus was still growling the sisters slowly approached him as they cautiously reentered the room. While her sister tried to calm down Master Brutus Brothel Whore 3567-B checked on “Head Madam” 3613. The first thing Brothel Whore 3567-B saw was “Head Madam” 3613 was still alive but her ass hole was bleeding and it looked like her pussy might have some tearing.
Still Brothel Whore 3567-B wasn’t experienced enough to tell how bad she was hurt without help. Unfortunately the “Pinks” were all to afraid of Master Brutus to even step in the room. The second problem was “Head Madam” 3613 was still tied to Master Brutus and they couldn’t see how bad the damage was until he was able to pull out.
When “Head Madam” 3613 finally awoke she was in her predecessor’s bed with a unknown slave watching over her. Looking around she was shocked by the fact Master Brutus wasn’t there. When she started to ask the questions that were on her mind she found she couldn’t speak.
Though when she tried to move the slave stopped her and ordered her not to move. Unable to do anything else “Head Madam” 3613 looked over this slave as she gave her a sip of water. While this slave did wear the lingerie of a Brothel Whore she definitely didn’t move like one. Also while she was definitely a very pretty woman she wasn’t quite as beautiful as normal slaves sent to this brothel. She was also older but definitely not as old as the enslaved mothers the brothel owned. Plus she had an air of experience as she began to examine “Head Madam” 3613’s body. Seeing the confusion on “Head Madam” 3613’s face the slave decided to tell her what was happening.
” I’m 3732. I’m a doctor your owner purchased from a breeding farm a week ago. Apparently he had concerns something like this was going to happen sooner or later.”
Now that #3732 explained who she was and why she was here that left one last question “Head Madam” 3613 wanted answered. Where was Master Brutus. If he couldn’t fuck her it was libel to get unpleasant for the other slaves. Though since she couldn’t speak she also couldn’t ask this question.
Now as she was trying to figure out how to ask the door opened and the sisters walked in. She was surprised to see both of them in pink teddies and immediately realized that their owner must of made them “Brothel Madams”. Unfortunately this gave her even more questions.
While she would have to wait a while longer as another question was added to the list. For once the sisters entered they first asked how she was doing. Then when the doctor said she would be fine but she wasn’t to move around. Then “Head Madam” 3613 was shocked to hear the sisters order the doctor onto the floor to service customers.
As the doctor tried to protest the sisters told her they would watch “Head Madam” 3613 while the doctor quote earned her keep for several hours. With that said the sisters shackled #3732’s hands behind her back and had a “Red” escort her to the floor. Only once she was gone did the sisters turn on “Head Madam” 3613’s predecessor’s television monitors of the brothel.
Now how cold the sisters were acting was a definite surprise. However them turning on the monitors did answer “Head Madam” 3613’s primary question. She could see her predecessor locked in a cage on her hands and knees. With Master Brutus on her back fucking the hell out of her. Seeing where “Head Madam” 3613’s attention was focused the sisters finally spoke to her.
“Our owner told her if she was Master Brutus’s bitch for the next two weeks while you recovered she would be released from the pillary. Unfortunately for her her didn’t tell her she would be immediately sent to a breeding farm as a “Kennel Bitch”. But that’s not what you wanted to know. Is it?”
They then began telling “Head Madam” 3613 what had happened. After she was released from Master Brutus she wouldn’t wake up. Apparently one of the “Pinks” had been given instructions to contact their owner of something like this happened. And hour later the crate with the doctor in it arrived. Followed shortly after by the master himself. The doctor was quickly unpackaged and put immediately to work.
The sisters then explained that the doctor used to belong to a breeding farm treating injuries on the breeders and monitoring their pregnancies. Apparently she had fallen out of favor and was about to be either made a “Kennel Bitch” or snuffed. Their owner had found out about this and purchased her for the brothel.
Ironically enough she arrived at almost the exact moment she was needed most. Though their owner insisted that she also was to be a “Brothel Whore” the same as the rest of them. Not that Brothel Whore 3732 really minded giving her other option of facing the fate she had waiting back at the breeding farm.
The sisters then explained “Head Madam” 3613’s situation. Her pussy was bad brushed but would be fine in about two weeks. Her ass hole was a different matter. Master Brutus had tore it before putting out. It would take several more weeks to heal. While their owner wasn’t going to separate “Head Madam” 3613 from Master Brutus. There was going to be changes.
First her arms would no longer be shackled behind her back at all times. Now her subservience to Master Brutus was just to popular to end and this included her being helpless do to the shackles. However now when the brothel was closed her arms would be free.
Since her arms being shackled behind her back wasn’t just about customer satisfaction. But also to serve as an example to the other slaves. She would be required to crawl on her hands and knees when her arms were free. She would still maintain her standard kneeling position during these occasions only now her arms would be behind her head.
Next whenever her ass hole wasn’t being used by a customer she would have a butt plug inserted in it. This way Master Brutus wouldn’t be able to fuck it again. Naturally the customers using it would have to wait until it had healed.
Also by his command “Head Madam” 3613 wasn’t to try and service all of the customers. She would be expected to switch out with the other madams. After two or three hours but she wasn’t to exceed three hours of servicing the customers max. Though he preferred her to switch out after two hours.
Now the “Reds duties exempted them from this one. However the all but two of the “Pinks” would now be on the floor servicing customers. Now these two would also switch out with the others on a two hour rotation. Now to this end the owner promoted three of the “Brothel Whores”.
The sisters got their promotion after the owner saw them rush to help “Head Madam” 3613. While the other “Pinks” were to afraid of Master Brutus to act. Brothel Whore 3321 was the other slave promoted. Though her daughter was also required to be her personal slave and crawl in front of her on a leash.
Now the rotation of the “Pinks was to be staggered. This way half of them were just going onto the floor. While the other half would be part way through their shift. Yet there would be a minimum of two off limits to the customers to see to the well-being of all the slaves. This included “Head Madam” 3613. She was to be inspected and cleared before going back on the floor.
To this end every slave would be examined by Brothel Whore 3732 before the brothel opens and again after it closes. Brothel Whore 3732 will also examine any slave taking part in a torture session. Now she doesn’t have the authority to relieve any slave of their duties unless they are seriously hurt but she can require lighter duties.
As to her sleeping in the same room as Master Brutus. It was now required that “Head Madam” 3613 would be locked in a cage. One of the “Pinks” would lock her up at night and release her in the morning. This “Pink” would also serve as Master Brutus’s evening and morning rape victim. This was to prevent Master Brutus from being able to take “Head Madam” 3613 by surprise again. Now this duty will fall onto the three “Pinks” that wouldn’t help “Head Madam” 3613 as a permanent punishment.
Finally their owner was in the process of purchasing another asian slave similar in appearance to “Head Madam” 3613. She would be also chained to the collar of Master Brutus. Together they would spit their canine owner’s attention. They would for all intensive purposes act like siblings. Including sharing their duties. Though this slave would be required to wear a white teddy and have no title besides “Brothel Whore”.
Now once she arrives her and “Head Madam” 3613 will share the cage at night. However they would be unchained from Master Brutus. While the chains will remain a permanent addition to their collars. They will no longer be part of Master Brutus’s collar. Now other then she was of similar appearance the sisters didn’t know anything else about this new slave.
Now “Head Madam” 3613 did know all about this slave already. The owner had been working on this deal for a while now. “Head Madam” 3613 had even met her. In fact the order about acting like siblings would be that hard since they were actually cousins. They even became sex slaves the same way.
Basically they were both sold into slavery by their fathers. Though while “Head Madam” 3613’s father had raped her before sailing her. Her cousin was sold as a virgin. So for this reason they were sent to different slave training facilities. Even though they were enslaved at the same time.
While “Head Madam” 3613 was definitely glad to be able to see her cousin again. She wasn’t sure about what was about to happen to her. Granted “Head Madam” 3613 had excepted the principle that females only exist to serve males. Though “Head Madam” 3613 was also certain that her cousin hadn’t yet. So that meant she would be suffering physiological abuse along with the physical suffering that was required of their servitude.
Still it was nice to hear that the owner was close to buying her cousin. When they had last talked about it. Her owner had told “Head Madam” 3613 her cousin’s owner had tried of her and was talking about disposing of the cousin. Now to sex slaves of Asian, African, and Hispanic descent this usually meant a staring role in a snuff film. So hopefully the life promised to her cousin at brothel would be more satisfactory to her current owner then an appearance in a snuff film.
There was also a silver lining to what happened to “Head Madam” 3613. With her not having to service Master Brutus or the customers she could focus solely on a project her owner had assigned to her when she became the “Head Madam”. Do to her restraint requirements “Head Madam” 3613 couldn’t do the required paperwork. Rather than assign another slave her owner brought in a free woman.
Now this woman was a single mother with no other family. She was also a latent submissive. Now the woman didn’t know it but both her and her daughter had been marked for enslavement. However the owner wanted to see if she would not only willingly subjugate herself but her daughter to a lifetime of sexual slavery.
She had some concerns about the woman going to the authorities. However since apparently the woman’s mother and father were both a master and mistress in the organization. The woman however wasn’t as able to afford her own slaves. Let alone pay the necessary bribes to keep her and her daughter from enslavement. To this end she took the job in the brothel.
Now at first “Head Madam” 3613 didn’t think it was possible to enslave her. However “Head Madam” 3613 has seen the woman masturbating more than once to the mother and daughter Brothel Whores pleasuring customers. She had even made a plan to see if her suspicions were correct.
It would be three days later that “Head Madam” 3613’s suspicions were confirmed. She had the woman bent over her desk naked. While “Head Madam” 3613 ate out the woman’s pussy. They were watching the mother and daughter Brothel Whores getting fucked on TV. The whole time “Head Madam” 3613 had the woman cuming on her tongue she had the woman thinking of herself and her daughter in the slaves positions.
Two days afterwards both the woman and her daughter knelt naked in front of “Head Madam” 3613 as they were shackled and collared. After she had eaten her out “Head Madam” 3613 had suggested that they would be better off surrendering themselves to enslavement. This way they could stay together in the brothel. Otherwise sooner or later the woman would be late with a bribe and they would find themselves enslaved anyway. Only that way they could be sold to different masters and never see each other again.
Not even an hour later Brothel Whores 4062 and 4062-A were being shipped off to start their training as sex slaves. Though as the shipping crate was loaded a single training requirement was added for each of them. It was vary simple the mother was to be trained for subservience to her daughter. While the daughter was to be trained to brutally subjugate her mother.
Based on the dirty looks Brothel Whore 4062-A kept shooting at her mother during their enslavement. “Head Madam” 3613 suspected it wouldn’t be that hard to train them like that. After all if “Head Madam” 3613 had the same opportunity with her father she would take it.
Though her real concern was the chastity belt she had been required to wear. She hadn’t expected them to surrender this quickly. “Head Madam” 3613 had hoped for Brothel Whore 4062 to return the favor before they were shipped off. Unfortunately Brothel Whore 4062 reached her decision faster than expected and was even able to coerce her daughter into surrendering herself. Now she won’t have to opportunity to be pleasured by either of them.
Sadly by the time they would be shipped back “Head Madam” 3613 would be back under her self imposed subservient restrictions. “Head Madam” 3613 had to remind herself the enslavement of those two was for the customers and her owner. Though the customers would be loving their performances “Head Madam” 3613 still felt let down afterwards.
Now Brothel Madam 3567-B had been wondering why a free woman was being paid to do a job when there was a house full of slaves. Though it became clear once the daughter was stripped naked. Plus when she saw the training requirements on the crate “Brothel Madam” 3567-B understood fully. Now part of her felt bad for the daughter. However she felt no sympathy for the mother.
Though “Brothel Madam” 3567-B did like watching the bouncers having their way with the mother. “Brothel Madam” 3567-B didn’t understand why the mother was so surprised. She had worked in the brothel long enough to know gang rapes were inflicted upon all the slaves.
Now the daughter’s rape wasn’t as satisfying. Yet when the two were made to pleasure the madams that was a different story. Though “Brothel Madam” 3567-B was certain the two new sex slaves didn’t find it that enjoyable. Still it was still better than being crammed into that shipping crate together.
While this was similar to what happened to the sisters it was way worse. Mistress 3567 had been a slave acting under orders of her owners. Brothel Whore 4062 was free woman only acting out of her own selfish desires for sexual gratification. Strangely she didn’t hold it against “Head Madam” 3613 after all she was also a slave acting under orders of her owner.
Though “Brothel Madam” 3567-B now had concerns about if she may have to help enslave someone one day. What really worried her was many of her old friends were known to Mistress 3567 and as such by the organization. While “Brothel Madam” 3567-B didn’t think either her or her sister would be involved in such a scheme. She wasn’t so sure about Mistress 3567.
While their stepmother was a just a slave acting under orders. She did also act with a fare amount of contempt for the sisters during their training. In fact she was almost the cruelest mistress towards them. So “Brothel Madam” 3567-B would’ve put it past her stepmother to enslave their old friends just to torment the sisters some more.
So whenever the brothel got any new slaves in. “Brothel Madam” 3567-B would now be afraid she would recognize the slave in the crate. Now she needed to get past these fears. After all if her stepmother did do something like that. She would be only liberating them from the lie of female equality. Just as “Head Madam” 3613 had just done with Brothel Whores 4062 and 4062-A.
She wasn’t supposed to be a scared Brothel Whore anymore. She was now a “Brothel Madam” one of the “Pinks”. It was now her job to help these slaves see past the lies. That women exist for any other reason than subservience to males. So if any of her old friends did show up “Brothel Madam” 3567-B should be grateful and not afraid. Besides given the work load any new brothel whores were always a welcome sight.
Besides there was another matter more important to the sisters right now.
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