
Sister’s Fate – Emily’s Ordeal

Chapter 2

Due to the mostly responses I have received and the private email requests here is the continuing story of this. I hope it is as well received as the first. Again – read the tag lines above. If there is something in those you absolutely don’t like – then don’t read the story as you prolly won’t like that either. It is the continuation of the first – Sister’s Fate. If you read it and liked it – you will prolly like this one too. If not – this one isn’t any better for you.

With all of that – here is part two.

Emily’s Ordeal

Rosalyn went to bed early that night, by 11pm she was sound asleep hoping that a good night’s rest would help ease her pains and also give her some clarity as to what she was going to do about Billy and his friends. There was no way they were going to get away with this! A sound night of sleeping wasn’t in the cards though. Billy came to her room around 2am. His parents had long since gone to bed and were fast asleep. Billy pulled the covers off of his lil sister – staring at her momentarily. He lifted her night shirt up and pulled her panties down and off of her. Rosalyn barely moved during all of this as she was exhausted from the events earlier that day. She didn’t stir until Billy stuck his lubricated cock into her ass. Almost immediately she awoke, startled and shocked and was about to scream when she felt his hand tighten into her blond hair and push her face into her pillow,

“Remember you lil slut! Not a word to anyone or everyone will know!”

Rosalyn started to cry into her pillow as Billy fucked her ass. She now knew which one he was earlier in the day. He clumsily forced his cock in and out of her and it didn’t take long before he shoved his cock completely into her and came inside her ass. As he pumped every drop he could into her he moaned in ecstasy. Rosalyn just lay beneath him sobbing, gaining no pleasure from his quick release into her bowels. He pulled his cock out of her and reminded her to once again keep her mouth shut.

The next morning at breakfast Billy’s parents were quite surprised at how their kids were getting along. Rosalyn was surprisingly quiet and Billy was smiling; odd as he was just punished the day before. As Billy got up from the table to leave his father followed him out of the room and asked him what was up? Naturally Billy feigned ignorance and asked what he meant. His father then went on to explain that it isn’t like the two of them to be like that. Him all smiles after his punishment the day before and his sister not pestering him about something. It wasn’t that they didn’t like it, but it never happened. Billy told his father that he had a talk with his sister and they called a truce between the two of them. His father was shocked and then he shook his hand and patted him on the back,

“Well it’s about time Billy. I knew at some point you would start to be a man and act like one.”

As his father walked away it was all Billy could do to not bust out laughing; if he only had a clue as to the real reason why things had changed. But what the hell he thought, let the old man think what he wants if it makes things easier for himself around the house.

A few blocks away it wasn’t quite the same morning for Mike. His father raked him over the coals for not taking Rosalyn home along with Emily the day before. Explained it to him how it was inconsiderate of him and how he then made someone else have to make the same trip and what a waste of energy it was to do so.

“Gas isn’t cheap you know young man?!”

Also thrown in there was what if something had happened to Rosalyn while she was there alone. Mike couldn’t help it hearing that and a small smile appeared on his face. That just infuriated his father even more as he told him that isn’t anything to smile about and things like happen all the time! His mother and Emily sat back behind Mike’s father and just watched and listened. He told him that he was grounded for the weekend, wasn’t going anywhere, watching TV or talking to his friends, no computer, no anything at all. He could sit and think about what he had done and how he could be a more responsible person from now on.

“You are almost 18 years old, it is time you start behaving like a young man and not some child! Do you understand me mister?!”

Mike nodded his head, feeling like a beat pup. His dad walked up to his room and took his laptop from his room and took the power cord for the TV. He left the Playstation as without something to watch it on – what good was it? He locked it all away in their bedroom and said he could have it back on Monday. Friday, Saturday and Sunday Mike was to sit with essentially nothing to do except think and think he did.

His father had taken his cell phone as well and if they left the house – he disconnected the house phone also. Derek had stopped by Friday afternoon and his mother had Mike tell him what was up and he couldn’t talk or anything that weekend. The conversation lasted maybe a minute and then his mother shut the door. Derek shook his head as he walked out to his car knowing that something was going to have to be done about this. He was sure his bitchy lil sister Emily was responsible for this happening.

Emily made sure to make her brother extra miserable too. Every chance she got she made sure to tell him how nice it was outside or what she had planned to do somewhere else other than the house. If she went somewhere with her parents or her friends – she made sure he heard all about it.

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