Sisters By The Pool – The ‘Utah’ Chronicles (Chapter One)_(1)
Sisters By The Pool – The ‘Utah’ Chronicles (Chapter One)_(1)
Sex Story Author: | TripleAcesHigh |
Sex Story Excerpt: | "And then what?" I paused. It was a good question. At that point, I could either stay with |
Sex Story Category: | Bi-sexual |
Sex Story Tags: | Bi-sexual, Blowjob, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, Diary, Erotica, Female Domination, Female/Female, Group Sex, Hardcore, Incest, Lesbian, Male / Females, Oral Sex, Romance, Spanking, Threesome, Young |
The time had finally arrived to make a decision. When we were all going to school together, and all younger, it seemed like the nights of sharing and cheerleader parties were going to be endless. But, sooner or later, time passes by, and it becomes time for change.
It was time to move away from home, become a true adult, and figure out who I really needed in my life. The only problem was, every time I thought about the people closest to me, I couldn’t narrow it down.
Danielle had become my best friend. I enjoyed every minute that we hung out, and we shared a lot of things in common. And, of course, she was the only one I knew worked with me in a relationship. She was sexy, and the type of girl any guy would kill for.
Hailey had become so much more than Danielle’s hyper little sister. She was probably the sexiest girl I’d ever met, but she was also intelligent, crafty, and extremely fun. The few times I spent alone with her had proven to be fantastic, and she seemed like she could be just as much wifey material as Danielle.
Melanie had gone on and off the radar, mostly because I felt guilty bringing in a third girl. But, every time she was around, our chemistry was unquestionable. Every time we touched was pure passion. She had a way of moving between chill and sexy very quickly. She also loved watching sports with me, and I felt like I could spend so much time with her without getting bored.
There had been many times over the years that I had jokingly said we should all move to Utah and live happily ever after. Most of the time, it had just been for the joke, and never really seriously entered my brain. But, the more I struggled to make a choice, the more I started to toy with the idea in my head. Could I possibly get all three girls to move with me? It didn’t even have to be Utah – there was no law against living with three women. I spent more than a few nights thinking about it.
Would they go for it? Danielle would obviously be the hardest sell, but did Hailey and Melanie even want to share me indefinitely, and possibly forever? Did they want to live around other girls? Did either Hailey or Danielle want to live with a sister, and possibly be continuously intimate together? This wasn’t going to be easy, but I hadn’t ever stopped myself from being greedy before in this situation. I decided to broach the subject with one at a time, starting with the one I thought would take least convincing.
“I haven’t seen you in a bit” Melanie smiled from her seat next to me on the couch. “I thought you were about to go off with Danielle or Hailey forever.”
I had asked Melanie to hang out, and she didn’t hesitate to accept. That’s how it usually went with her.
“I decided I’m not really ready to do that” I replied. I touched the couch on either side of my thighs, and shifted a bit uncomfortably.
“Really?” Melanie asked, and I noticed her whole attitude had perked up pretty instantly. “Are you…done with one? Both?”
“No” I chuckled lightly. “I’m sure both of them think I’m coming back with my final decision shortly or something. I kind of had other ideas though.”
Melanie looked at me with a mixture of true curiosity, and held back excitement.
“I want you to listen to what I’m about to suggest, and I need you to really think about this seriously” I started. My heart was pounding, and Melanie was already leaning more and more forward by the second. “You’re the first person I’m asking, so even if you’re cool with my idea, there’s no guarantee it will happen. But, I would like to move away from this city and get a fresh start on life.”
Melanie had to hold herself back from asking questions each time I finished a sentence or thought. I could see the wheels turning in her brain as I explained.
“I want you, Hailey and Danielle to come with me and live with me” I finally got to the point. As I finished the sentence, Melanie was already latched on tightly to me. She embraced me in a long, excited hug.
“Think about this seriously though Melanie” I continued. “You won’t have me to yourself. I’m prepared to do this forever, if it works out. You’ll be around Hailey and Danielle a lot. I’m sure we’ll all be together a lot. This is a really unconventional thing I’m suggesting here.”
“You’re right” she responded, seeming to sober up just slightly at my careful reminders. “But, until tonight, I was dealing with the thought of never being with you again. Possibly never even seeing you again. I’m crazy about you. Sexually and otherwise. I think it would be a blast! I love Hailey and Danielle is cool. I’m sure you and me will go watch football games when they’re busy doing something else. I also wasn’t even sure what I was going to do now that I’ve graduated. This seems as good as any plan I had. I’ll go look for a job wherever we go.”
I took a deep breath and hugged her strongly. One out of three, albeit the easiest to convince, was out of the way. Danielle and Hailey’s reactions separated me from my dream scenario.
“We’re still a long way from reality” I said. “Hailey might go along with it, possibly. Danielle is going to be really tough.”
“Go to Hailey” Melanie said. “We all work well together. If she’s game, let’s meet back here and figure out how we’ll go after Danielle’s approval.”
For the first time that I could remember, Melanie and I hung out and didn’t fuck. There were much more important things at stake, and if successful, there would be plenty of time for that in the near future.
“Good luck” Melanie said as I gave her a kiss goodbye. It sounded like she meant it as much for her sake as for mine.
“Have you come to tell me it’s Danielle?” Hailey asked skeptically. She was dressed in a tank top and cheer shorts, legs together and pulled in on her bed.
“Why do you think that was my decision?” I asked. I had texted Hailey not long after leaving Melanie’s that we should get together and talk. She told me Danielle was out, so that I could come over without worrying.
“Because I’ve gotten to know you over the years” she responded, a sad smile on her face. “You’re nice. Maybe too nice sometimes. You’re the kind of person who will choose to do the least harm. You don’t want to destroy my sister.”
She grabbed Larry, the huge stuffed dog that I won her at the school carnival a while back, and held him. I don’t know if she had a plan in place in case I really was telling her this was it.
“It’s not that simple” I told her. “i’ve grown to care so much about you. And Danielle. And Melanie. All this time, I’ve been trying to make a decision that I don’t know if I can even make.”
“So…what? Utah?” she asked, in a tone that seemed sarcastic, if not a bit hopeful.
“Well, kind of” I responded. Hailey raised an eyebrow and sic’ed her hypnotic eyes on me. “I want to move out of this town. But, I want you all to come with me. I want you and Danielle and Melanie to all live with me.”
Hailey looked at me for a few seconds, then looked every which way, trying to process things. I knew I didn’t have to explain all of the complexities I tossed out to Melanie. Hailey was sharp with this sort of thing, and was processing everything as we sat there.
“So, you want to live with us…forever?” she finally asked, working through things.
“If it all works out, definitely” I responded. “You’re my favorite three people in the world. And you’re all so different. You all bring fun and excitement to my life. I know you probably want me to yourself, but I’m sure we’ll get those moments. Everyone is going to find work and there will be plenty of time for normal. I just don’t want to lose any of you. I really can’t imagine my life without Hailey.”
That brought a smile to her face. Just as she seemed to be coming around fully, she stopped.
“You haven’t asked Danielle yet, have you?” she asked suddenly.
“No” I said, and the soberness brought my mood down. As I had accurately predicted so far, Melanie was all too willing, and Hailey was going to come around and go for it. But, I always knew it would come down to one person.
“I’m not sure she’s going to do it” Hailey said.
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