
Sisters By The Pool Part 11_(0)

Danielle definitely displayed some mixed signals after finally discovering, and taking part in, my heaven on earth situation. I knew that the whole thing was basically me playing with fire, and that I was willing to take the chance of getting burned if I didn’t stop. I decided to attend my second cheerleader slumber party, and it had finally caught up with me.

Still, it isn’t as though Danielle could claim complete anger at the situation. She could have easily freaked out, screamed at me, and left. Instead, she stayed, and joined the fun. Well, at least that is how I remember things.

Danielle hadn’t said much after the night wrapped up. She hinted that she would need a little time to process everything that had happened. I don’t think she wanted to lose me, but after discovering the situation, it was only fair to give her a little space. We didn’t talk as much at school over the next week, and whispers started to go around that perhaps we were finished. Danielle told her friends that wasn’t the case, but you know how gossip goes at school.

Meanwhile, I was taking things reasonably well. I was slightly pissed at myself for potentially screwing up a great situation. Danielle was an incredible mix of sexy, smart, caring, and passionate, and I would be stupid to throw that away. But, as I had confessed many times, I was still young and in one of those situations that was hard to give up. If things really did go bad, I would have more than a few girls to help cheer me up, literally.

Hailey had already sent me a couple of reassuring text messages, saying that she was sure Danielle would get over things quickly enough. She offered to hang out with me if I was lonely during the upcoming weekend. She was very generous.

Apparently, she wasn’t the only girl very concerned for my well being and happiness. It had only taken a little over 24 hours for Melanie to get word of my ‘hiatus’ with Danielle before she begged Hailey for my number and started texting me too. She started out sounding pretty sincere, with words of encouragement about how you never know how things go, and that she’d always be there if I needed her. Of course, words of kindness quickly turned into invitations to hang out, and it seemed as though the girl cleared off her entire weekend on the chance that I might take her up on something.

So, here I was with yet another internal conflict. Did I really want to risk this dangerous time by continuing to fool around? There was no reason Danielle had to know, but if word got back to her somehow, I’m sure she wouldn’t feel too loved. She’s reconsidering things and I’m out with other girls again. But, if I was going to continue doing things like this, what better time to do it then when Danielle and I aren’t really technically seeing each other? This might be as guilt free as it gets.

With no real word, all week, from Danielle in terms of how she was coming along, I figured there was no point in sitting around at home and wallowing. I had invitations from both Melanie and Hailey, and figured they’d have no problem hanging out together. I suggested that we all gather at Melanie’s house, to keep things as removed from Danielle as possible. They both agreed, and Melanie even went to the trouble of convincing her parents to take a date night to give us freedom. When it came to getting alone time with me, there seemed to be absolutely nothing Hailey and Melanie wouldn’t go through to make it happen.

The three of us agreed to get together on Saturday afternoon, as soon as Melanie’s parents left. She made sure that they had plans to go to the movies, dinner, and a holiday party later, to make sure they were gone as long as possible. I had never been to her house before, but Hailey mentioned that she had a pool, so bring a bathing suit, though she did mention that was optional.

Hailey asked if I would drive her over to Melanie’s, but I had thought that picking her up at her house might be a bad idea. Hailey said she’d walk over to my house and we could leave from there. I told her that was fine, and I met her out in front of my house as she arrived. She was wearing a white tank top, with a blue bikini top clearly visible underneath, to go along with short black cheer shorts. She quickly leapt into my arms for a big hug and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

“How are you holding up?” she asked, with a mixture of compassion, but also teasing, knowing I couldn’t really be all that bad.

“I’m fine” I replied with a little laugh as she got into my passenger seat and I drove us off towards Melanie’s. There seemed to be a little extra excitement in her, which is saying a lot considering how she normally acted. Having me away from her sister must have given her renewed energy in the situation.

“Good, because if you weren’t I might have to suck you off right here,” she giggled from her seat and bounced up and down a little.

“Did I say f-fine?” I stumbled, laughing. “I meant terrible. Like really, really bad.”

She laughed and gave my arm a shove. “Too late,” she said. “Besides, I wouldn’t want to make us crash or anything.”

“Hitting my arm will definitely prevent that” I winked at her. She went off into another giggle as we closed in on Melanie’s house. We pulled into her neighborhood, and as we tried to figure out which house was hers, we quickly had our answer as Melanie was in her driveway, waiting for us. She, too, was dressed in a white tank top and black cheer shorts.

“What a copy cat!” Hailey joked as we both hopped out of the car.

“Oh whatever,” Melanie laughed and wrapped her arms around me, giving me a big bear hug. “So glad you could make it” she winked at me and flashed a seductive smile as she led us inside.

“Did your parents suspect anything?” Hailey asked, glancing around Melanie’s house.

“Nope, I played it very cool,” she beamed. “They’ll be out for a long time. So how is our man doing?” she asked.

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