Sister Surprise_(1)
Sister Surprise_(1)
Sex Story Author: | lesley_tara |
Sex Story Excerpt: | I squatted on my haunches in front of my sister, admiring her curvy figure and her ample thrusting breasts with |
Sex Story Category: | First Time |
Sex Story Tags: | Fiction, First Time, Incest, Lesbian, Teen Female/Teen Female, Virginity |
copyright: Lesley Tara, 2010
My older sister thought that she had the house to herself for the weekend. This was an entirely reasonable assumption: our parents were away on a 10-day cruise in the Caribbean, celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary, which left only me – and I was supposed to be spending the weekend at a Girl Scouts camp in the mountains. It was a three-hour drive to get to this, and we were more than halfway there when news came through that because of a forest fire in the area the camp site was closing for safety reasons. The camp would have to be postponed, and our bus turned and headed back to town – so here I was being dropped off at the end of our street, early on Saturday afternoon instead of my expected return time on Sunday evening. I hadn’t taken a cellphone with me because there was no reception in those steep mountain valleys, so my sister knew nothing about my return – but that did not seem important, as I thought she would probably be out somewhere anyway.
I had my own key and let myself into the house quietly, feeling rather subdued with disappointment about the cancelled trip – I really liked being in the Girl Scouts, and had been looking forward to the camp. I put my backpack and grip down in the hall, together with my uniform jacket, and then looked into the living room. There were clothes scattered across the floor – really, my sister can be so messy sometimes! I am more tidy-minded, and automatically began to gather them up – and whilst doing so, I realised that there were two pairs of panties and two bras – and one of them, an unfamiliar black lacy affair, was not in her size. The females in our family are all quite well-endowed – our Mom, even though in her late 40s, still turns the heads of guys half her age, especially in the summer when she wears a low front T-shirt or a bikini top. My sister was already a generous 30D bra size, whilst this garment was a much smaller 28B. There was a skirt as well as a pair of shorts, and a prettily-patterned camisole top that I didn’t recognise as anything from Holly’s wardrobe.
Maybe I would have put these facts together in a minute anyway – but I didn’t need to, for it was at that point that I heard the sounds from upstairs, from my big sister’s room. There were moans and sudden gasping cries, and then a voice which sounded like Holly’s shrieked out:
‘I’m coming … aaaahh! fuckit, I’m coming! … make me come, make me!!’
Without stopping to think, I ran upstairs and pulled open her bedroom door, to find a shocking surprise. My older sister, Holly, was lying on her back on her bed – completely naked, and with another nude female body on top of her. The other girl was face down and the other way round, in what I later learnt is called the ‘69’ position. I immediately recognised the head of short dark tousled hair that was buried between my sister’s widespread thighs, with lips pressed firmly against her pussy – it was her long-time best friend, Leanne. The latter’s knees were placed on either side of my sister’s chest and I realised instantly that her cunt was pressing down on my big sister’s face, where Holly was eagerly lapping at it, in between the moans and cries elicited by her friend’s similar attentions to her own pussy. Being underneath, my sister was more restricted in her viewpoint, and so it was Leanne who registered my presence first. She ceased her oral onslaught on my sister’s vagina and raised her head, wide-eyed and startled.
‘Oh, shit!’ she gasped, ‘Holly – look who’s home!
I stood in the doorway, dressed in my Girl Scout uniform, gazing open-mouthed at the entwined lovers – I was taken aback by what I saw, and yet somehow not deeply shocked or shaken by it. Leanne gave me a tentative and worried smile, as she rose to her feet and stepped aside from the bed. For a second my eyes rested on her slim form, registering the neatly-trimmed dark hair around her pussy and her small but shapely breasts – I noticed how stiffly erect her nipples were, and quickly glanced away with a flustered feeling. My gaze switched to my lovely big sister, who was now revealed in a completely new way. Holly was still sprawled on her back, her full breasts jutting upwards, her legs wide apart and her labia puffy and parted. I realised with a jolt of surprise that her pussy was completely clean shaven – I didn’t know that she had done that! My eye was irresistibly drawn to her open slit and the moist hole where Leanne’s fingers and tongue had been delving, and it gave me a strange queasy feeling in my stomach – I had never seen my sister like this before, as a sexual lustful near-adult.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I should pause for a moment to tell you more about us. My name is Susannah, but I am Suzie to my family and friends. At this time, I was just past my sixteenth birthday; Holly is my only sibling and we had always been close, in fact I rather idolised her. There is nearly two years between us, and so she was then a few weeks short of turning eighteen. We are both considered to be very pretty – we have smooth clear pale complexions and well-proportioned features with large dark brown eyes that match our rich glossy chestnut hair, we are rather taller than average (Holly is five feet ten inches; I was then three inches shorter than her but have since caught up), and most of all we take after our mother in our full and curvy figures. My body had developed quite rapidly since I was about thirteen, and my narrow waist accentuated the flare of my hips and my pertly rounded ass, and drew eyes to the thrust of my slightly conical breasts, which already needed a 28 C-cup bra for support. My sister and I are very similar in appearance – no one seeing us would doubt the relationship for an instant – although my hair is curlier than Holly’s and I keep it shorter, trimmed to collar length whilst hers fans out gloriously over her shoulders and half-way down her back. Of course, at this time Holly looked that bit older and more mature than me – I was then clearly still a mid-teenage girl, and I suddenly realised that she looked like a young woman, glowing with vitality and promise.
My shape – and, if I avoid false modesty, my outgoing and friendly personality – drew a lot of attention from the boys at my high school, and not just my fellow 9th graders. In fact, much more than I wanted and it made me rather uncomfortable; they were always asking for dates and could be quite persistent. Having a shrewd idea of how they hoped any such evening would end, I wasn’t keen or ready for this. It took all my charm and tact to put them off without upsetting anyone or making enemies, but so far I had managed to avoid having anyone as a definite ‘boyfriend’ or going beyond some French kissing in the dark at parties – but no hands were allowed to get under my top or up my skirt. One of the reasons I enjoyed the Girl Scout meetings and especially the camps away was that there were no boys to watch out for, and I did much prefer and feel more relaxed in the company of my own sex.
My early-developing body also drew interest from some of the girls, which I thought was just from the curiosity of comparison. However, I did get rather an odd vibe from one of my closest friends, Mishiko, just something in the way that she looked at me sometimes, particularly when we were changing for a gym class or softball game. She was second-generation Japanese-American, with a pretty face and dark almond-shaped eyes, and long sleek straight jet black hair. Mishiko was close to my height, but of more slender build with a boyish figure – a narrow flat pelvis and slim hips, and quite small AA cup breasts, although I noticed once when glancing her way as we stripped off, side by side in the locker-room, that her nipples were quite prominent. When we were alone, particularly at her house, she had recently started to talk quite a bit – although vaguely – about the value of ‘new experiences’ and of ‘experimenting to find out who you are’. I wasn’t quite sure what she meant by this (or, more probably, I didn’t want to let it in register in my conscious mind), but her persistence was making me feel a bit uncomfortable around her.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
My sister sat up on her bed, looking at me wordlessly – at first, in a rather stricken and guilty way, and then more thoughtfully. She got up and took me gently by the arm, leading me unresistingly to sit down on the bed next to her, nodding to Leanne to seat herself on my other side. My mind was in a whirl; I did not know what to think or say, and still less how I felt about my sister after this surprising revelation. Holly smiled at me gently and lovingly, put an arm comfortingly around my waist, and said:
‘It’s OK, sweetie, it’s just fun between friends, something us girls can do’, and then she added: ‘I’m sorry you were surprised, and found out this way – I guess I should have found a way to tell you before now, I have really been meaning to.’
This intriguing statement loosened my tongue, and looking at both of them I stammered: ‘Tell me what?’
My sister came straight to the point, in her usual clear and direct way: ‘That I’m a lesbian, and that Leanne and I are lovers, we have been for some time – but it must stay our secret, and Mom and Dad must never ever know; honey, can you promise me that?’ I swallowed my surprise, which was somehow not all that great, and nodded my agreement. Holly looked relieved, and then she added, rather wistfully: ‘Do you mind … have I let you down in some way?’
I quickly assured her not, which was quite true. I found that I didn’t mind in the slightest, and if anything it made my adored older sister seem even more grown-up. In fact, it made a lot of sense and seemed right for her somehow. I smiled shakily at my sister, and she and her girlfriend looked much happier. Holly exhaled a deep breath, and leaned her head against mine for a moment.
‘Mucho thanks, my sweet sis’, she said, and then in more of a whisper: ‘I do love you’.
There was only one thing that I could or wanted to say. ‘I love you, too’, I whispered in reply.
My big sister gave me a swift fierce hug, and then looked me up and down, with quite a different light in her eyes. She ran a hand gently through my curly mop of hair, and exchanged a look with Leanne, who then began gently to massage my back. After a few seconds, my sister spoke again, with a new husky tone in her voice that I had never heard before:
‘Oh, sweet sis, you don’t know what you’re missing – I want to show you, we’ll show you’.
I was surprised and rather shocked, and turned towards her to make some sort of protest – although in fact I felt both uncertain and intrigued – but before I could utter a word, she kissed me on the lips, in a way in which we had never kissed before: sensually, passionately, hungrily, like lovers do. She thrust her tongue into my mouth, and – almost automatically – I responded. With a jolt of shock, I felt her hands cupping my breasts, fondling and softly squeezing them through my Girl Scout uniform shirt and my soft cotton bra beneath – and, with even more shock, I realised that my nipples were hardening in arousal. My God, I thought, my sister is making out with me, and I’m turned on by it!
I was aware of Leanne’s fingers at the buttons of my uniform shirt, opening it and pulling it away down my arms, revealing my firm young breasts in their plain white bra. I gasped as my sister slid a hand inside the bra cup and scooped out the breast nearer to her, and seconds later Leanne did the same with the other, tugging the bra strap off my shoulder to dangle at the side. I was transfixed, wide-eyed, as the two of them bent their heads in unison, each taking one of my nipples into her mouth and then, after a quick lick around it, sucking hard – and during all of this, I made no protest, no resistance of any kind. I was just amazed, and yet also entranced – I never stopped to think about it being wrong, because it seemed so tender, so loving.
As my sister and her lover nuzzled my breasts, I gasped with the waves of arousal that this sent coursing through me – I gave a soft whimper of pleasure, and my head went back, arching my back. To keep my balance, my legs parted almost instinctively, and in an instant my sister undid the fastening of my uniform skirt, which had a button and zip at the side that was next to her. Holly shifted her position, dropping off the bed to kneel in front of me, and she pulled the skirt over my hips and away in one firm motion. Then, before I realised how far this was going, or could think of objecting or preventing her (not that I cared any more by this point), she whisked my plain white panties down my legs as well, flinging them away behind her with a theatrical and saucy flourish which nearly made me laugh aloud.
Holly winked at me, and then – as she spread my knees wide apart with a gentle but authoritative pressure – she licked her lips, and said:
‘I declared this sweet sister-pussy open!’
I glanced downwards, and with a flush of embarrassment realised that she was not just making a joke – my pussy lips had engorged and were visibly jutting out, partly open! Holly gazed at my private place with a expression of hot desire on her face, and then she looked me straight in the eyes.
‘Oh, my sweet baby sister, you don’t know how much I’ve longed for this, for us to be together like this – you are so sweet, so cute, I’ve wanted you for ages!’ she breathed softly.
My big sister stroked my cunt with her fingertips, tracing around the sides and then – making me gasp and shudder – up and down my very cleft, parting the labial lips and giving me the strangest but most wonderful tingling feeling all over. Leanne moved behind me on the bed, and cradled my suddenly limp and boneless body – she unsnapped my bra and removed it, and I felt her naked breasts and hard firm nipples pressing against my bare back. She reached round to my front and took both my breasts in her hands, kneading their flesh and gently stroking my tits, which felt more sensitive than I had ever known before.
I gave a sudden cry, for my sister had brought her mouth down onto my pussy, sliding her tongue along and then – oh, sweet Jesus, oh-my-God what a feeling! – running the tip of it along my pussy-slit. Fuckit, my sister’s tongue was INSIDE ME! She pushed it in further, and then lapped up and down, so slowly, so sensuously that I thought I was going to faint – my stomach was full of butterflies, my pulse was racing, and sweat broke out on my brow. I just couldn’t believe it – my gorgeous busty big sister was eating out my pussy – and I was loving every second of it! Was I a lesbian too, I wondered? Well, I decided, if Holly was one, then it was no bad thing to be after all – especially if it meant that we could share our affection for each other in this electrifying way.
Holly’s tongue caressed the rim of my vagina, but she was careful not to probe too hard or deep, for she knew that I was still a virgin – I shared all my confidences with her, and she knew that I didn’t want to do that yet with any boys. And it was then, only then, that the realisation hit me – you will think I’m obtuse, but it’s what’s in front of your own face that you miss – of course I wouldn’t want a boy’s penis in me if I was in fact a lesbian, that explained all my reluctance. I know it might not seem logical, but instead of being worried by this, I felt calmed and reassured by the fact that I had a good reason for the way that I felt. I understand now that it was relief at no longer having to suppress my nature that was a big part of my reaction, for I suddenly felt free, as if I had shed a burden that I had not even known I was bearing.
My acquiescence in what my sister was doing to my body – more than that, my evident arousal and openness in response to her sexual advances – was also a great relief to Holly. Now that she no longer had to withhold the most crucial thing about herself from me – which had been a great strain, as otherwise she had always told me her private thoughts and feelings, sister to sister – Holly was on a wave of sexual thrills, and she had the confidence to seduce me and bring me along the lesbian path. I was in no doubt now that this was what was happening, that my big sister and I were becoming lovers and embarking on a new and adult dimension to our relationship – and that I was just as eager to cross that threshold as she was.
I closed my eyes, savouring the unbelievably erotic sensations that her cunnilingus was causing, and I rested one hand on the back of her head and pulled her face closer into my cunt. Suddenly, as she found my clitoris and nibbled it with her teeth, the stimulus overbore me – the combination of Leanne’s attentions to my breasts and my lovely sister’s tongue at my cunt took me in a rush. I gave a high-pitched cry as I was seized by an explosive, shuddering orgasm – my first ever true one, caused by a lover, and so much more satisfying than the effects that I had got from my fumbling masturbatory attempts. It was a profound revelation, leaving me gasping for breath and floundering in waves of lust and emotion, as the tidal wave of ecstasy engulfed me and then broke, ebbing slowly away.
Holly raised her face from between my wide-spread thighs, her eyes shining with love and excitement, and I grabbed her chin and drew her face to mine, kissing her fiercely.
‘Ohmigod! – sis, that was wonderful, thank you, thank you … that was so lovely!’ I gushed, still miles high.
Then a new and startling thought burst upon me like a lightning flash of revelation, and before I could lose my nerve, I rushed ahead – I just knew that I had to follow my instinct, and that led in only one direction. To Holly’s utter delight – and I heard Leanne give a gasp of surprise from behind me – I told my sister that I wanted to do the same for her, that I wanted to taste her, to eat her pussy, to make her come for me.
We quickly exchanged places, smiling at each other in excited wonder, and she sat on the bed next to her lover, who was watching saucer-eyed – in fact, I noticed Leanne give a little shake of her head, as if she couldn’t quite believe what she was seeing.
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