
Sis Comes Home For Memorial Day – Part II

I woke up the next morning wondering if it was all a dream. I quickly realized it wasn’t when I felt a bare breast against my arm. She was still snuggled up against me, but her shirt was now completely unbuttoned. She had one of her legs draped over mine and could feel the warmth of her pussy against my leg even thru her panties. Looking down I could see her v-string disappear into the crack of her ass my hand just inches away from it. This was real.

Even though I didn’t want this moment to end, I knew we should both get up and get on with our day. I kissed her softly on the top of her hair.

“It’s about time you woke up,” Melissa said. “I’ve been awake for about half an hour”

“Why didn’t you wake me up?, I asked.

“I tried but you were out like a light. I thought I was going to have to take drastic measures.”

“Like what? I’m not sure anything could have woken me,” I said with an air of challenge in my voice. “I don’t ever remember having slept so soundly.”

“I slept pretty good myself. I think this might have worked though,” she said uncertainly. She hesitated for a few seconds before I felt her move her hand from my stomach. She reached down and gave my already semi-hard cock a light squeeze thru my shorts. She then sat up and gave me a quick kiss and got of bed. She didn’t bother to close her shirt and I got my first full view of her breasts.

Sis picked up the phone and called our parents to let them know she got in alright. “Yes it worked out okay. We’re gonna spend some time together today, but we’ll stop by in a little while,” she said into the phone. “Oh and mom… I don’t want you and dad to be working out in the yard today to get ready for the cookout. It’s just to hot for you two to be working outside. Shawn and I will be over tomorrow and take care of getting things ready. I love you too mom. We’ll see you after we grab a bite to eat,” she added.

“Is that the surprise for our date? Going to work in the folks yard?” I joked.

“No goofy, that’s tomorrow. Let’s consider that our third date.”

She walked toward the fridge and opened it. “Typical bachelor refrigerator… A few different things to drink and some carryout leftovers. I’ll give you credit for not having anything growing though,” she laughed.

“There’s coffee if you want to make some,” I told her.

“That’s OK, I quit drinking coffee the same time I quit smoking.”

“Geez Sis… I am so embarrassed that I didn’t even notice that you’d quit,” I apologized.

She walked toward me her top totally open now. Placing her arms around my neck she pressed her body into mine. “That’s alright big brother. The changes you did notice mean more to me,” she said softly. Again she kissed me on my lips. I started to return the kiss but she quickly let go and walked away.

“How about I use your car and run to the store and get a few things to eat while you take a shower?” she suggested. “Oh and can I use your computer to check my email?”

“Sis… you don’t even have to ask. While you’re here consider this your home.”

I went to the bathroom to take a shower. The hot shower felt so good and the thought of everything that had happened since Melissa’s arrival had my cock fully hard and wanting some relief. I started to reach down to take care of business but instead reached to turn the water to cold. I was sure that before she had to go, that I was finally going to make love to my beloved sister.

Since I wasn’t a lover of cold showers, I finished quickly, dryed off, and got dressed. I wasn’t sure what she had in mind for the day, so I just put on a pair of nice jeans and a golf shirt. I called work to let them know I wouldn’t be in that day and they told me it wouldn’t be a problem. Melissa must have brought in the morning paper and set it on the counter. I turned on the morning news and sat down to read the paper at the same time while I waited.

It was about ten minutes later when Melissa came in carrying a few bags. She asked me to get the rest out of the car and she’d start fixing us something to eat. I brought in the rest and she told me to go back to reading the paper until breakfast was ready.

As I sat down I noticed she was dressed very differently today. She had on a nice shirt and pair of shorts. Although they still complimented her figure they almost seemed baggy compared to the skintight outfit she had arrived in. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail. “Probably just wants to be comfortable for whatever she has planned,” I thought.

After a few minutes she called me. “Ready to eat?

I got up and she was setting two bowls on the breakfast bar and already had poured two large glasses of orange juice. As I got closer I saw the bowls contained a variety of sliced fruits. “No bacon and eggs?” I asked.

“Weren’t you the one to tell me to watch what I eat? I do treat myself to a more traditional breakfast every two weeks or so though. I seem to remember that you liked the fruits I picked,” she said.

“I was just teasing. It looks good. Just like you,” I added. I leaned over to kiss her and she turned her head and tilted it offering her cheek to kiss.

“Sit down and eat so we can getting going,” she told me.

As I was eating, I thought to myself, “I wonder if she is having second thoughts about what has happened between us. The more conservative outfit and having me kiss her on the cheek instead of her lips.”

“This is a nice change of pace from my regular breakfast. I think I could get used to this.” I told her.

“Which? Having fruit for breakfast of somebody fixing it for you?” she said chuckling, but looking seriously into my eyes.

“Both,” I said with more seriousness than I intended

“Wow are you considering ending your solitary lifestyle?” she asked

“Maybe…. for the right woman,” I replied.

“Well brother dear, promise me you’ll get my approval this time.” she insisted. “I never did like that bitch you married. She was just taking advantage of your good nature. I don’t want to see you get hurt again.”

She seemed to be sending out mixed signals to me. I couldn’t think clearly. I so badly wanted to tell her it was her I wanted in my life like that, but was still afraid I would scare her off. Was the physical contact just her way of playfully trying to prevent the tension that always seemed exist when we were together? I decided I should lay off the subtle suggestions and limit the physical contact to what would be appropriate to for a brother and sister.

“OK Sis. I will be sure to get your blessing this time. IF there is a this time.”

We finished eating in silence. I got up and took the dishes to the sink and rinsed them off and put them in the dishwasher.

“OK Bro, lets get going. Mom and dad are expecting us to stop by for a few minutes,” she said.

I have a quick question Sis.”

“What is it?”

“Am I dressed OK for whatever you have planed?”

“Well, I would suggest you put on some shorts, but we both know you never wear shorts except around the house.”

“OK, let’s get going,” I said as I picked up my keys and cell phone.

During the ride to our parent’s house Melissa asked, “I hope it is ok that I volunteered both of us to do all the heavy work for the cookout this weekend?”

“Not a problem Sis. I was already planning to go over to help tomorrow,” I told her. “I think if the fairy tale of me finding my Princess and settling down in a nice house with a white picket fence. I will volunteer to take over the hosting.”

“We think alike on that. When I was driving to the store this morning and thought about doing the same if I decide to move back here. I got to thinking though with the exception of the heavy work that planning and hosting the cookout seems to give them a lot of pleasure.”

“You’re really thinking of moving back!” I said with surprise. “How long have you been thinking about that and what’s keeping you from doing it?”

“For a few months now. There are a few details that I am not sure will work out the way I’d like but I think I’ll have decided by the end of this trip,” she quietly said. Seeming to want to change the subject she added, “I meant to tell you after I went to store that I really like your new car.”

“I’m glad you do. Since I live in a small place it leaves a little extra money in my pocket so I decided to spoil myself a little. I’ll tell you what, if you move back I’ll let you use it whenever you want. You can add that as a plus for reasons to move back.”

“Actually the way you made that offer puts a handful of pluses in the move back column. Please don’t tell mom and dad I am thinking about it. I don’t want them to get their hopes up if my plans don’t work out. “Add that to our secrets we wouldn’t want to share with the folks,” she instructed me.

As we got out of the car mom and dad came out to greet us. They exchanged hugs and kisses with Melissa and told us to come in for a few minutes. As we were walking in mom complimented on her new appearance.

We all took seats in the living room. We exchanged the usual small talk pleasantries. The details for Sunday’s cookout were discussed. Melissa and I took turns asking about the various things that needed done to get ready. We let them know all the things we were going to do to help get ready and would be back the next morning.

Mom then changed the subject asking, “So what do you two have planned for the day. I can’t remember the last time you both did something together.” She sorta scolded us both saying, “It’s about time the two of you finally grew up. You were always so cold to each other. I never could understand why. My maternal instincts told me you didn’t hate each other and you never fought like some siblings do.”

I spoke up first saying, “It’s really hard to explain mom.

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