
Sibling reunion leads to new relationship

This story is not mine I do not want any credit for it. It was a story from another site that i thought was worth sharing. All Credits for the story goes to Alaska Wild. I will put this up in chapters.

Chapter 1 : Introduction
Heads up : This chapter is sll about the build up and does not have any sex in it.

I can’t say I really understand why my parents wanted children, my sister, Jessica, and I spent our childhood being looked after by a continually changing line of baby sitters and child minders. Jessie was three years older than I and so it was towards her that I looked for help and comfort. Our parents were strict they made the decisions about our lives. They decided if and when we could watch TV, what clothes we could wear, what subjects we would study and what we would do in the holidays.

When Jessica reached thirteen my parents decided we no longer needed a baby sitter to look after us when they were working or out at night. Even though we were left to ourselves we were careful to complete any work and chores mom and dad set us before relaxing. We had few friends and none that we’d dare invite round to our house in case mom or dad found out.

Strange things stick in my mind from those times I remember when I was about twelve or thirteen Jessie used to come into the bathroom when I bathed and kneel by the bath and help wash my hair and back. Nothing overtly sexual would happen, I’d sit in the bath, and like most boys of that age I’d usually be sporting an erection. She would never mention my erection we’d just talk quietly about the things that worried us. I think in a way it stemmed from our reliance on each and a need for human contact and love. The baths only happened when our parents were out.

I was fifteen when everything changed, Jessica was eighteen and she left home. She went to the states to work at a summer camp I guess she enjoyed the sudden freedom she found because she never came back home. For weeks I cried myself to sleep, it was three months before I found the letters she had written to me and that my parents had hidden.

My parents never forgave Jessie for leaving over the following years they did their best to remove her from their lives. However, I couldn’t just forget her, Jessie had been my rock in the storms of my childhood, the one person who I knew loved me unconditionally and I had returned that love with all my heart. When she left I found myself being dominated by my parents, they had my life planned and intended I should follow their plan.

I have one skill that made studying easier for me than for most people, and that is that I have a photographic memory. The result was that my parents pushed me into taking extra exams when I was sixteen. I passed my ‘A’ levels at seventeen and then went to University. My parents decided which University I was to go to and what courses I would do. By that point my life was pretty much controlled by them and I could see no escape. The only rebellion I managed was to add some courses to my degree that I wanted to do. It wasn’t much of a rebellion though as I never mentioned the fact that my degree profile had changed. The University was close enough that I could travel everyday, and as my parents refused to help with expenses, it made life easier.

I spent the following three years at University trying to make ends meet and not get into too much debt. The trouble is that a part time job doesn’t pay that well, my social life was non existent, if I wasn’t studying I was working and despite that when I graduated at 21 with a masters degree, I still ended up owing the bank about £20,000.

I was sitting at home a week after finishing University, when the postman knocked at the door with a registered letter, I was surprised to find it was for me. The letter was from Jessie, inside there was a first class ticket to Los Angeles, a cheque for £25,000 and a very short letter.

Dear Bobby

Congratulations on getting your degree.

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