
Shortcut to rape

A shortcut home goes wrong. Two Asian women and ones teenage son and daughter are stopped and forced into a barn where they are tied down and raped

A Shortcut to Rape

This story starts with my wife, her friend Sung Mee and her two children, Jimmy and Kim. Sung Mee was an attractive 40 year old Asian woman with short black hair and beautiful soft brown eyes. She is 5 ft. 8 in. tall and weighed about 120 pounds, with a great shape she was incredible looking. Jimmy was 13 and his sister Kim was 14. Kim was not over endowed but had a skinny little body and the beginnings of a nice set of breasts.
My wife and her friend are Korean. Not many Korean people live in our part of New Jersey so my wife travels to a town about 90 miles away to visit friends. On this day Sung Mee wanted to go with her. They had left early that morning and spent all day with friends in the small Korean community. It was around 9:30 pm and they were on their way home, they were getting tired and were in a hurry. My wife had made the trip many times and knew the back roads well. She knew the road she was on seldom had much traffic this time of day and she was doing between 65 and 70 mph. The kids were in the back seat half asleep staring out the windows and my wife and Sung Mee were chattering away in Korean.
The car was coming down a hill in the middle of nowhere and it was getting dark fast. As they were coming down the hill my wife saw a set of headlights come onto the road behind them. She watched the car and soon saw a red flashing light appear on the car behind her. She knew she was speeding and was in trouble. She was going to play the, I am from Korea and don’t understand English routine. If the cop asks you anything just talk Korean, and no English, no matter what she said. Sung Mee looked at the kids and they both agreed, ok, ok they said. She pulled the car over and stopped on the shoulder of the road. The car that followed her pulled up and stopped behind them. My wife watched as a man got out of the car and walked toward her driver’s window. As he got by the back window he turned on a flashlight and looked into the back window. My wife had the driver’s window down and was waiting for him as he shined the light into her face. She tried to look at him but couldn’t see anything but the bright light. Hiee I am Koreeeen and don’t understand English she said in the strongest accent she could do. The flashlight was turned off and my wife was looking down the barrel of a gun. Don’t move a deep gravely voice said. I don’t under. Cut the bullshit lady the voice said as he cut her off. She tried again but stopped acting when the man behind the gun cocked it. Ok, she said, what do you want? That’s better the voice said, now unlock the doors. Everyone in the car was silent as my wife reached over and pushed the button that unlocked the doors. A loud click could be herd in all the doors. Ok, the man said and the rear door on the passenger’s swung open and another man pushed Jimmy over and got in. Are you ready the gravely voice asked? All ready here the man in the back seat said. My wife watched the man walk back to his car, the flashing red light went out and the headlights flashed twice. Ok lady the man in the back seat said, you can pull out now. My wife put the car into drive and slowly pulled back onto the road. The car just got up to speed when the man told my wife to slow down and turn onto the next road to the right. My wife slowed the car and turned to the right onto a road that looked even more secluded than the one they just left. Where are we going Sung Mee asked, never mind, just shut up the man said. The car that pulled them over was right behind them. They had traveled for about 5 minutes and never saw a house or another car when the man spoke again. Turn left up there by that tree he said. That’s a dirt road my wife said, no shit lady, just turn the man said. My wife turned the car onto the dirt road and the other car fallowed close behind. Soon the man said, pull into that driveway at the bottom of the hill. When my wife turned into the driveway it looked like nobody had been there in a long time. The driveway was no more than two tire tracks with grass a foot deep between them. Keep going the man said as they passed a house that looked like it was burnt out. The structure still stood there but it was charred and empty. They fallowed the driveway until the headlights shown on an old barn. Stop here the man said and my wife pulled the car to a stop. The vehicle that followed them stopped close behind them and someone got out of the passenger’s door and ran by the car and pulled the barn doors open. Pull on in the man in the back seat said. My wife’s little Ford rolled into the barn and came to a stop. All the way in the man said. The Ford pulled in until it was near the back wall, that’s good now shut it off and stay in the car. The headlights on the vehicle behind them stayed on and everyone in the car could see shadows on the wall in front of them. They herd a small engine start and the headlights went out, only to be replaced by several lights powered by a small generator.
The man with the gravely voice opened the drivers door and pointed his gun at my wife. Out he said as he motioned with the gun. She unfastened the seatbelt and let it rewind as she turned and stepped out of the car. Over there the man pointed. My wife began to ask, what are you going to do, but was cut off by the click of the gun as it was cocked again. Ok, ok she said as she walked over to a stall where a cow had once been kept. She could see loose hay all over the floor and many bails stacked against the wall and some were in the middle of the floor. When she got to the stall another man was standing there with some ropes. He tied a rope to one hand and then tied it to the stall rail at her side. Then he tied the other hand the same way to the opposite rail. He smiled and said it wont do you any good to scream, but if you do it will just piss us off and we might just hurt somebody. The man with the gravely voice walked away and soon returned with Sung Mee. The man that tied my wife up soon had Sung Mee tied up in the stall to my wife’s right. Next came Kim, they tied her up in the stall across from my wife. The man that rode with them in the car brought Jimmy over and tied him up in the stall next to his sister.
Now the fun begins said the man with the gravely voice as he chuckled. The other two men joined him in the middle of the floor and they looked at the women they had tied up. Why don’t you boys get things started said the man with the gravely voice. The one that rode in the car with them appeared to be the youngest, his name was Jack. The other man looked a little older and was Jacks brother Tim. Tim was taller and looked skinny like a runner. Tim said it’s your birthday little bro, go for it. Jack did a little bow and walked over to my wife. What’s your name sexy he asked as he reached down and grabbed my wife’s pussy through her dress. She jumped back but didn’t go vary far because of the ropes. My name is Chung, she spat back at him. Well Chung you might as well relax and enjoy yourself, there is nothing you can do to stop us. With that he reached out for the top button on her dress but again she tried to pull away. My wife was wearing a brown dress that buttoned down the front and hung down past her knees. It was sleeveless and cut low on her chest so she wore a white blouse under it. Jack stepped closer to my wife, she was as far back as she could get but couldn’t get away. Again Jack reached up and began to unbutton my wife’s dress. He didn’t stop until all the dress buttons were all unbuttoned. Her dress fell open to reveal her white blouse and a silky black slip that she was wearing. Again he reached up and again she struggled against the ropes in an effort to pull away from him but again she couldn’t get away. Jack didn’t bother with the buttons this time he just grabbed her blouse with both hands and ripped it open. With her blouse and dress pulled open wide it was plain for all to see that she had a nice body hidden beneath her clothes. I’m going to enjoy this one Jack said with a big smile. My wife grunted in disgust as she continued to struggle against the ropes and even tried to kick him, but Jack just stepped back out of the way. Tim stepped up to help Jack but Jack said don’t worry I’ve got her under control. Jack reached into his pocket and pulled out a knife. With a flip of his wrist the knife opened to produce a shiny and vary sharp looking blade. He looked my wife in the eyes and said look bitch this knife is sharp and if you don’t stop moving you will get cut. He held the knife up and started moving towards my wife. My wife stopped struggling and stood still, her arms pulled hard against the ropes and it made her muscles and wrists ache. Jack stepped up to her and carefully slipped the blade up under her bra between her breasts. With a quick pull of the knife the strap holding the cups of her plain cotton bra together was cut. The bra popped open and the cups fell to the sides to reveal her perky little breasts. They were not as big as they had looked. The bra was padded but the breasts looked firm with nice little brown nipples.
The man with the gravely voice just stood back and kept watching everyone with his gun pulled. Tim was standing in the middle of everyone with a video camera, he was looking around when he noticed Jimmy. Hay Jack, check this out said Tim as he pointed to Jimmy’s pants. Jack turned around and saw the obvious bulge that was straining against Jimmy’s zipper.
Jack walked over to Jimmy, reached down and grabbed his dick through his pants. Yep it’s a woody alright Jack said. Let’s give the boy something to do, as Jack untied the boy. Come with me Jack told Jimmy. Jimmy fallowed Jack over to my wife where he just stood there staring at my wife’s bare breasts. I don’t know if this bitch is wearing stockings or pantyhose, check it out boy. Jimmy was blushing as he asked wha, wha ,what do you want me to do? Just get on your knees and take a look up under her slip. I can’t do that he said. Sure you can Jack said as he pushed the boy to his knees. Just lift her slip up a little and take a good look. My wife closed her legs as Jimmy reached out and began to pull her slip up. He bent over and looked under the thin black slip, pantyhose Jimmy said. I don’t like panty hose Jack said, take them off. Jimmy looked up at my wife with a worried shocked look. Never mind her Jack said, just do as I told you. If she gives you any trouble I will take care of her he said as he held the knife to her throat. With shaking hands Jimmy reached out again and reached up under her slip, he put his hands on her outer thighs and began to slide his hands up to her waist. Carefully he slipped his fingers into the waistband of the pantyhose and began to pull them down, he was careful not to pull down her panties. My wife clinched her legs and her thighs tighter together so Jimmy couldn’t get the pantyhose down. Jack saw what she was doing and drew the blade tighter to her throat. My wife relaxed, spread her legs and felt her pantyhose slide down her legs and around her ankles. Jimmy looked up at Jack and Jack told him to take them off. Jimmy lifted her left leg and pulled her high healed shoe and one side of the pantyhose off, then he lifted the other foot and pulled the other side off. What’s she got for panties boy, Jack asked, just lift that slip and give us a peek. Jimmy was getting more excited and he knew there was no use in resisting, besides he also wanted to take a look. Without shaking this time he grabbed the bottom of her slip and pulled it up above her waist. It folded a little and still covered her panties so he stood up and pulled the slip up over her chest to reveal her creamy well shaped thighs and her black lace panties. As he pulled the slip up Jimmy rubbed his hand over her nipple and firm breast. His cock began to twitch and was screaming for release. He almost came in his pants when he looked down and saw her sheer lace panties. Jack let out a gasp as his eyes moved up her shapely legs, over her thighs to her firm belly and then down to the place where her panties gathered between her legs. Through the thin sheer lacy fabric of her panties he could see the crack of her pussy just above the crotch panel. Everyone just stood there and stared as they began to breath heavy. Have you seen enough my wife growled as she clinched her legs together? Jimmy turned and looked Jack in the eyes and let a sly little grin grow on his face. Jack gave a slight nod of his head and with out a word Jimmy dropped the slip and then dropped to his knees in front of my wife again. He reached up and put his fingers in the waistband of the slip and began to pull it down, only this time the panties were coming down too. As she felt her panties coming down my wife clinched her legs tighter together but Jimmy would not be deterred. He adjusted and tightened his grip and pulled harder, the sexy panties turned inside out as the crotch was being forced down between her tightly clinched thighs. Within seconds the slip and panties were on the floor around my wife’s bare feet and her smoothly shaved pussy was exposed for all to see. Step out of them now bitch Jack ordered. As she lifted her leg Jimmy looked up into her slightly open crack. He looked up at her pussy and then up to her bare breasts that were hanging over his head. At first he had the urge to stick his tongue into my wife’s crack but all of a sudden he stood up and turned away from everyone. What’s wrong boy, Jack asked? Nothing he said, he dragged out the word nothing. Turn around Jack ordered. No, I don’t think that’s a good idea Jimmy responded. I do, turn around now! Jack said. Jimmy slowly turned around and hung his head down and he was blushing. Jack started laughing when he saw a wet spot growing in Jimmy’s pants. Look at that jack said, as he pointed at the wet spot on Jimmy’s pants, he creamed his himself.

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