
Seven 1

A couple discover their kinky side at the beach with some strangers.

Seven 1

My wife Sue and I had often joked about the “Seven Year Itch” and now here we were coming up on our seventh anniversary and I had to admit that although the relationship was still just as good or even better than it was, the sex was getting a bit boring and no where near often enough to prevent frustration.

A couple of kids had curtailed our nude romps around the house and we were limited to our bedroom late at night if Sue was in the mood after a long day so I basically had to take care of my frustrations in private.

I had tried numerous times to talk about it but Sue either got angry or called me a sicko so I resigned myself to taking care of it myself.

I didn’t want to destroy our great relationship by getting caught with a bit on the side but a woman’s body was a damn sight nicer that a calloused hand and I had started to think that if an opportunity arose I probably wouldn’t be able to resist. I really needed to dump a load at least once a day and then the temptations and frustrations were wiped away for the rest of the day.

I don’t profess to understand the needs of women but for a man its pretty simple, we need some intimate romance once a week or so but on a completely separate biological level we need to release our seed one to three times a day hopefully with a woman’s help but if not, by hand or our body releases it by itself every four days to a fortnight in a wet dream.

I decided to surprise her with a weekend away for just the two of us to try and bring back a little of the magic and maybe get a bit of loving at least once a week for a while.

The kids were secretly farmed off to the grandparents for the weekend, bookings were arranged in a seaside cabin at Broken Head just around the corner from a well known nudist beach and hopefully an eye full of man candy might get her in the mood for a passionate weekend.

I did realise that women candy was probably going to be in short supply with mainly kids, middle aged and old aged mothers so Sue was probably going to be the main woman candy there as even after two kids, slightly sagging boobs and scars and stretch marks she was a remarkably sexy woman even if she didn’t believe it herself, I think she concentrated too much on her slight imperfections and didn’t really see the big picture, a trim and fit beautiful woman in the prime of her life. [of course when I tried to tell her that she just accused me of lying to try and get a bit]

I had bought her a new G string high rise Bikini to show off her great arse and cover her birth scar but doubted she would wear it so included her frumpy old one piece when I packed our bags and waited for her to get home from work.

I was sitting in my car waiting as she drove in the garage and just opened the door and said “get in” …. Of course she asked why, what’s wrong etc etc, but I just held the door open and said I’ll tell you on the way. After a few moments waiting curiosity won her over and she gingerly got in, I reversed out and hit the close button on the garage and drove off down the street with her pestering me for an answer.

“Its all good, no one is hurt and it’s a surprise for our anniversary” I said “the kids are at your parents and everything is taken care of, just relax and enjoy our weekend away, its just the two of us”.

For the next two hours she hit me with “what ifs” and “what abouts” but I managed to allay all her fears and she seemed to be almost at ease by the time we pulled in to our cabin.

She was standing on our private balcony, the only one that outsiders could not see into from the street as I ordered some Chinese food to be delivered then ran her a bath and jumped in the shower while she relaxed in the scented bubbles .

It was a beautiful still night, perfect temperature with views of the distant lights as I set a small table and two chairs out on the balcony and was still in my towel walking past the front door when I heard a knock, as I immediately answered the door for the Chinese delivery, the door to the bathroom was still wide open just like the delivery boys eyes, I paid him and closed the door then turned to see what he had seen, Sue was still in the bath with her head back, her boobs visible, nipples standing tall and proud with a big grin on her face.

Sue really liked to be the centre of attention and I think she secretly liked the look on the young lads face when I accidentally exposed her.

I laid out the food and grabbed a large fluffy towel and carefully dried my beautiful wife then led her to the balcony and dropped my own towel, “no one can see us here” I assured as I stepped out leading my naked wife to her chair, we then enjoyed a leisurely meal and small talk.

Things were going well and I was as randy as a Mallee Bull but did not want to spoil the weekend, I wanted to tease her and romance her, not just jump her, so I laid out another big fluffy towel on the bed and asked her if she’d like a sensuous massage which she readily agreed to.

I grabbed the scented lotion and started at her feet slowly moving up little by little one calf at a time then her upper legs and thighs until I reached the join then skirted around her most private parts and back to her smooth cheeks and kept moving upwards. I was sure I heard a small groan of disappointment as I missed her bits.

I was as hard as a rock as I was sliding along her smooth slippery calves slowly but surely moving in on my target as I massaged here lower back then upwards making sure I included the side of her chest.

The temptation was almost too much as my hardness was mere millimetres from her entrance but I lifted and slid along the smooth slippery cleft between her cheeks instead and continued massaging her back and shoulders.

The movement along her cleft as I slid my hands up her back and shoulders was getting me right to the point of no return so I whispered to her to turn over but she didn’t move, I asked again but then realised that she had fallen asleep, doh, my teasing had gone on too long.

Here I was just about ready for a big release and all I had to do was lower myself down a little and slide inside her using the lotion as lube, a few pumps at most and I’d be there but that would be cheating and would probably wake her up and she’d be pissed off.

I was still sliding along her cleft as I continued to massage her back and realised that the feeling of the smooth slippery warm cleft was damn near as good as the real thing and all I had to do was stop holding myself back and I would get my release without her even knowing.

My strokes stayed the same slow steady speed but they lengthened until I felt like I was sliding all the way up inside here then just as I felt the surge rocket up my length I moved back too far and as I went to slide up again my tip caught in her rosebud.

I froze with my tip hard against her, perhaps even a few mm inside as I released my built up passion in surge after surge inside her, I looked down but could see most of my tip outside her but no sign of anything escaping.

I ran my hand up along my whole length squeezing everything left behind inside her before pulling away to examine the mess, a quick dab with a tissue and the few drops on the outside were gone, no mess, no fuss … I grinned and thought “I wonder if she’ll

notice anything in the morning?” before rolling over, turning off the bedside light and slipping in to a contented sleep.

In a dreamy state I felt some movement then pow!, I was enveloped in warm smooth slippery silk and awoke to find my beautiful naked wife sitting on top of me impaled on my morning wood furiously rubbing herself with her fingers with sunlight streaming through the windows.

She arched and groaned loudly as I felt her muscles spasm around me as the tension melted out of her and slowed her sliding up and down into a slow sensuous grinding, she grinned and said “I didn’t think you’d mind and after last night I woke so damned horny that I had to play with my self and realised there was no goo inside me so I must have left you high and dry”

Her grinding became interspersed with some long slow up and down movements which pushed my tip right into the end of her canal, I couldn’t believe how deep I was inside her, then she started to become quicker and I realised that if I didn’t get off soon she was going to reach her peak again before me.

It had only been a few seconds this time round when I felt her spasm so I grabbed her hips and thrust hard and fast finally releasing while she was still in the throes of her orgasm.

Once Sue starts on her roller coaster ride she will just keep on coming until she gets too sore so it was no surprise that she kept up her slow languid grinding but I did surprise me that I was still hard so pretty soon she rolled me on top of her and we made love, proper romantic love, for the next hour or so until she became weary of the spasms and I could hold out no longer and joined her in one final big release.

We slept and awoke feeling refreshed, Sue playfully stroked me “I cant believe you still want more after at least half a dozen orgasms this morning” I said “its amazing what one little exhibition to a poor delivery boy does to you” I joked.

Sue went bright red and stammered “did you see the shock on his face?” then her voice lowered and she continued sheepishly “and the tent in his pants”.

I laughed “don’t forget the amazing massage”

“so sorry about that” said Sue, “when I woke up horny and remembered how hard you were when you were massaging me I realised I had no funny taste in my mouth, no sticky boobs, no goo inside me and my bum wasn’t sore and then I noticed the crumpled tissue on the night stand … really sorry to spoil your romantic evening but after yesterdays effort at work I was shattered and all I wanted to do was go home and climb into bed, I had even forgotten about the anniversary”

Sue looked at the clock “how about Breakfast?”, I looked at the clock and realised that the day had only just started and we had already had more sex than the last three months; I grinned.

After a fantastic Breakfast of Bacon and Eggs I couldn’t believe how great I felt and so full of energy so I suggested a walk around the headland and south along the beach, Sue was also all fired up and readily agreed so I found her present and tossed her the new G string Bikini I had bought her.

Sue’s face lit up until she held up the tiny bits of material “no way” she exclaimed laughing … Barbie dolls have more material than this.

“go on, try it on and I’ll take a couple of pics so you can see what it looks like” I said with puppy dog eyes and a laugh.

Sue draped the suit over her naked body with a laugh then mocked up a catwalk show while I snapped away.

Even she had to admit that the suit looked awesome on her taking the slight sag out of her boobs and showing off her magnificent bum but was adamant that it was too much for a public beach.

“No probs, we’ll just go further down to the nude beach” I said, “Nude Beach !!, so that’s why you wanted to go for a walk” she laughed

“It will be full of gym junkies getting their tan on so not much to interest me” I sneakily said as I suspected that might peak her curiosity.

“OK, if you walk the nudie beach nude I’ll wear this G string” she bargained grabbing a towel and wrapping it around her waist.

I quickly grabbed a towel and threw some drinks and snacks into a cooler bag and we headed to the beach.

Even on the family beach near our cabin there were more G strings than normal bikinis which surprised Sue going by the look on her face and so as we started around the rocks of the headland she handed me her towel and rolled her eyes at me.

As we stepped out on to the nude beach we noticed a lot of family groups in the nude so I had no qualms dropping my daks; I was surprised to see quite a lot of good looking mums and young women, none of the younger boys and dads were taking any notice of them but were checking Sue out, one young lad who was looking quickly sported an erection and had to sit down to hide it.

“You’re clothed body is attracting more attention than those lovely nude lasses it seems” I said looking around.

“I think your right” Sue said and quickly removed the suit and the attention from herself.

I noticed the young lad had a good look then seemed to lose interest and his erection, I pointed this out to Sue and spotted a quick flash of disappointment cross her features as we walked on down the beach.

Much to my disappointment there were very few females down this end of the beach but Sue was getting a good variety of views and although the better bodied blokes seemed to be more interested in showing off their bodies than looking at the passing ladies, Sue did get numerous appreciative looks as we passed by.

“my god Sue, have a look at the size of that blokes!” I said indicating a bloke with his wife and teenage son [laying on his stomach facing away] standing in a small cove talking with half a dozen other blokes; “my god, its bigger than yours when its angry and its just hanging there” she breathed” “don’t know if I’d like to try that monster on for size” she laughed

I looked over the small woman with obviously false but firm looking c or d size breasts and a firm toned body who seemed to be the centre of attention of the other blokes in the group.

We walked on down to the end of the beach then I suggested we walk back to a small cove I had spotted earlier so we turned back, As we passed the group again we saw one of the blokes reach out and gently feel one of her boobs, hefting it and nodding.

“She is obviously so proud of them she loves to show them off” said Sue diverting across to the group.

“Sorry but I have to ask, are they false?” Sue said indicating the lovely boobs in front of us

“Sure are” beamed the lady “several months ago now and I love em; go on, check em out; you too” she said looking at me and thrusting her chest forward.

Sue had no hesitation in running her hand over one so I felt up the other one while Sue asked a barrage of questions.

“are your nipples still sensitive?” Sue asked “sure are, watch this” she said pulling my head towards her chest unexpectedly.

I shrugged, looked at her husband for approval and took a tentative lick but she pulled my face closer so I sucked in her nipple and swirled my tongue around it then backed away as she took her hand off my head, both nipples were standing proudly erect!

“If anything I think they are even more sensitive” she breathed with a slight shudder.

The stranger that I had seen feeling the ladies boob earlier looked at my wife and piped up “not that you need them yet!, do you mind if I compare?” he said reaching his hand forward, Sue nodded and he ran his hand over her and hefted them “pretty much the same feel but just a touch softer and hang down a little.” He said nodding.

Sues nipples have always been very sensitive and it was no surprise that her nipples were now both erect as well.

Someone raised their hand and Sue laughed and said “yeh go on, anyone else?” and stood beside the other lady.

One by one the strangers stepped in and compared making the appropriate comments.

After they had all finished Sue said a little hoarsely “well we should be getting on” and smiled and nodded at the lady then grabbed my hand and walked off.

“Your turned on aren’t you” I laughed

Sue grabbed me and said “don’t think I didn’t notice your halfa”and laughed as well.

We found our spot and were out of sight apart from directly in front so Sue pushed me on to my back on the towel, firmed me up and mounted me with not so much as a word and within seconds was shuddering through an orgasm.

“That was quick” I grinned while slowly thrusting up into her.

“well, while they were comparing breasts I noticed ‘boobs lady’ was fondling the guys and one of the guys rubbed my clit as he was playing with himself so I thought it best to get out of there before things escalated … but have to admit I was getting turned on” she purred sliding down and grinding on me.

Just then I noticed some movement and looked past Sue to see a middle aged guy staring intently at Sue’s cute bum moving around on my hardness, “we have an audience” I said, Sue froze and her head whipped around to see the guy start stroking himself as he got harder while still staring intently at our joining.

Sue had squeezed me rather tightly which felt awesome so I started to thrust again and after a few seconds Sue turned back and started to work with me, I noticed the undeniable look of lust in her eyes as she concentrated on what was inside her occasionally turning to watch the stranger, I was just a dildo it seemed .

The guy finally looked up and noticed us watching then moved in closer and slowly moved round us looking from all direction.

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