
Selling Your Soul Part 2

For my full story archive visit pgfalcon.com

Selling Your Soul Ch2
Written and Edited by PgFalcon

I fly back to the apartment, my black wings casting a shadow across the night sky. There are hardly any
stars out though, this is the city after all, but the moon is still fairly bright. I rub my arms as I fly, basically
nude, back to my bike.

No: not a pedal bike. A 2001 1440cc Indian Scout. Yea, I am proud of my bike. No, you cannot have it.

But anyways, it’s cold outside and I’m in a hurry to get home, but I am not leaving my bike out in the
weather like this…. and I can’t exactly ride it home in my boxers. I technically could but driving down the
interstate nude would be worse than flying nude in this weather. As it is I’m lazily drifting through the
air, occasionally stopping to warm up on somebodies roof by wrapping my soft wings around myself. It
takes a little while to get back.

The lights are off in their apartment (Danny and John I mean), but I do need clothes. I’m sure they won’t
care if I sneak in and borrow some. Danny’s stuff should fit me the closest: John’s stuff would be far too
baggy. I glide down to the doorstep silently only to immediately find the door locked. Great.

Somewhere in the city, though, the massive public orgy that I created must be coming to a finish. I feel
my pocket-sized demonic/angelic handbook buzz.

I open it up and the pages automatically turn to chapter 1. It reads:

Your current level of ability is: Beginner

Souls in your possession: (1)

Suffering currently being caused: minimal

Chaos created today: (1) riot, (1) public orgy, (12) destruction of
property, (5) unplanned pregnancies.

Justice dealt today: none

As a Novice you are restricted to using the following:

1). Levitation level 2
2). Self-modification level 1
3). Fear level 1
4). Knowledge level 1
5). Other-modification level 2

Not terribly useful…

Ooo! Idea! I’ll just fly up to Danny’s window and open the lock with ‘levitation level 2’! I’m a genius.

And so with a wing-assisted mega jump up to the second floor I perch carefully on Danny’s windowsill,
and what to my surprise? Danny is sitting quietly in the dark and furiously masturbating himself. One
hand is rapidly pounding his meat, and the other is aggressively groping his tit. A bottle of lotion sits on
his night-stand.

He looks very close to orgasm. I would one hell of a prick to interrupt him, wouldn’t I?

Hell, watching him is making me a little stiff. He’d make a great chick. He has the perfect body for it.
Hell… if it weren’t for his cock and balls you’d have trouble deciding what sex he was. His face is pretty
androgynous, his black hair a tad long, and his black eyes slightly effeminate. How did I not see all of this

Danny seems pretty intensely caught up in his own fantasy world, but his eyes open momentarily to look
directly at me, or at least the shadow of me that is being cast by the moon through his window. His
immediate reaction is one of ultimate shock and embarrassment as his throat clenches and he tries to
cover himself up. His tits sure are mighty perky in this cold air though, and he doesn’t even think to
cover those up. This only completes the picture of him as a female, and I can’t help but laugh.

“I guess that means I don’t have to fix it…” I say almost to myself, unable to stop smiling. Who knew
Danny was so perverted?

“How long were you there?!” he hisses in a whisper. He seems to recognize after a pause that his boobs
are rather exposed, and pulls his sheets up over them too.

“Only for a minute,” I reply honestly, unlocking the window with a gesture and sliding it open. “Came to
borrow some clothes.”

Danny just stares mutely at me, so I climb in. I then realize I, too, have a sizable erection and now it’s my
turn to blush.

“Oh, come on… I’m no monk.” I say. “We should make a videotape of that and put it on the internet.”

“NO FUCKING WAY!” says Danny in a very loud whisper. “Just take my clothes and get out of here!”

“Sure sure… sorry I busted in on you like that man. What you do in private is your own business. I’m not
here to judge you.”

“You… I so going to kill you!!”

“You and what army?” I say, fully serious. I pull on of Dan’s Jeans, and although they fit really tight they
do fit, and so grab a t-shirt and jacket. Hmmm… wings are in the way. I should probably get rid of them.

“Wings: begone!” I say jokingly… and they do disappear. So do my cock and balls. A long, muscular tail
explodes out of the seat of my ‘borrowed’ jeans. My feet become clawed, digitigrade talons, and my
hands become clawed as well. Scales cover my body, my spine becomes incredibly lithe and flexible, my
muscles hard as steel and fluid as mercury. All of my body hair evaporates, and my face warps as my
mouth fills with razor sharp teeth and a long, flat, rough tongue. My ass becomes round, and modest
breasts push out of my chest as my waist thins and my hips widen. This time my boxers did not escape
unscathed: the seat of both them and the jeans are now in tatters. I’m now half a foot shorter too,
despite the added height of digitigrade legs.

Well now: at least I’m no longer cold! My body heat alone feels like it’s flooding the room with fire. Dan

“Fuck…” I say.

“Language,” replies Danny quietly.

But as I breathe in the night air and let it out I find I’m not terribly upset in this accidental
transformation. Hell, I feel too good right now to be upset! I feel sexy and powerful. My eyes catch on
the small tent Danny’s Dick is making under his covers, and a passing thought takes my fancy. Why not
try it?

“Oh, God… I’m so hot right now!” I exclaim, and ain’t it the truth? “Nnnnm, man do I love this body! Oh,
sorry about your jeans Danny…”

“I didn’t like them anyway…” he mutters.

I smile, and slowly remove my legs from the ruined jeans. My boxers fall right off, the rear of them
damaged too badly to even attempt to cling to me. My extremely wet vaginal slit is on proud display
now, and even is producing a small column of steam in this cold night air.

“Wow, it sure is a cold night out, isn’t it?” I say, walking over to the edge of Danny’s bed. He doesn’t
protest. He’s transfixed by my body.

“Maybe I should just stay here and sleep over tonight…” I say, almost to myself.

“That’s probably a good idea…”

“Are you cold?” I ask Danny.

“Well, yea, I suppose it’s a little cold in here-“

I grab hold of him around the shoulders, letting my furiously hot body warm his cold skin. He shivers, but
after a pause returns the embrace, dropping the sheet. I sit there on the edge of his bed and we hold
each other close, our tits pressed up against each other, our skin making feverish contact. My tail trails
out across the bedroom floor, it’s tip idly flipping back and forth. Who knew anything could ever feel so

“Maybe we should sleep together. You know: I’ll keep you warm and you keep me cool?” I suggest.

“Yea! That sounds like a good idea. Make yourself comfortable: my bed is your bed.”

I smile.

“I usually prefer the couch, but this is pretty nice too.”

And I pull up the sheets and slide in next to Dan, snuggling up closer to him. Letting more of our bodies
come into contact. His still-very-hard dick pokes me as I get under the covers next to him.

“Sorry!” he says.

“Oh, whatever. Just flip over.”

He does, and I spoon him. He really is cold. I probably should have shut the window… but too late for
that now! I’m already comfortable.

I pull my tail up under the sheets too, letting it curl and slide up and over Dan. He strokes it gently, and I
reach around and cup his breasts, laying my neck against his and rubbing chins. He moans.

“Oh man, this is so weird.”

“We can stop…”

“No, that’s not it… it’s just that this is so surreal.”

“Want to take it a little further?” I ask, lifting my leg up over his and pressing my piping hot sex against
his thigh. I purr in his ear as I grind a little against him.

“Nobody ever needs to know. We’re best friends right? This will be fun!”

“How do you talk me into this stuff??” he groans, reaching down to grab my leg behind the knee and
pulling it up on him. I knead his breast as little harder.

“Cause I know what you want better than you do.” I reply, laughing.

I tickle his chin with the tip of my tail, pinching his nipples occasionally between the pads of my fingers.
He looks like he might cum right then and there. He’s definitely ready. I am too.

He turns over.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” he asks, suddenly serious and looking me in the eyes.

“Dan. Since when have I ever regretted the consequences of my actions?”

“You’re kidding right?”

I roll my eyes and pull him tight. Now our breasts are mashed between each other like puzzle pieces. I
curl my tail up between his legs and skootch him up against me. His erection presses against my belly
and makes itself known. It really is a pretty good size.

“All lights are green on my end,” is all I say, our faces drawing closer to each other.

“Well okay then…” he replies, right before our lips connect and we kiss. Things immediately take off
from there.

The French have nothing on me as I let my very long tongue into Dan’s mouth. His surprise is short lived
as he grinds against me, and I grind against him. Our hands hold and caress each other gently, and I
break away for just a moment to smile mischievously. A worried frown passes over Dan’s face as he
realizes the time has come for him to lose his Virginity. He really has done a remarkably good job so far,
even considering that I’ve been helping to steer everything.

I slide up him, and we both look down underneath the covers as I slowly drag my pussy lips up his fleshy
shaft, smearing him the entire way with my bodily secretions. His dick is straining almost painfully, and a
thin trail of his seed is already leaking from the tip of his member. My pussy reaches the head of his dick,
and I press myself against him, letting him part my flesh a little before carefully guiding him into my own
virginity. As a male I’ve had countless women… but as a female? Nope: I’m pretty much clueless as to
what’s going to happen.

Ecstasy is what happens of course. He penetrates me slowly, as I stop and let him do the rest. I’m
incredibly tight down there: and Dan is pretty damn big. It takes a bit of work to even get him in

And then of course he reaches my hymen. I suspected this would happen, but nonetheless am a bit
shocked to actually feel it happen.

“On the count of three?” I ask him. He nods his head.

“One…. Two…. Threee! Nnnngh!”

We actually both cry out in pain. Me because it feels as though my pussy has been split in too. Dan
because the pain of my hymen breaking caused me to accidentally dig my claws into his back as I clung
to him.

“Owowowow…. Sorry!” I say, still wincing. That hurt quite a bit more than expected. Dan winces, though
he doesn’t appear to be badly hurt, and I quickly use my demonic/angelic powers heal his back via
other-modification lvl 2.

“Hey… I’m inside you,” whispers Danny in my ear after I stop the bleeding.

“Hey…” I whisper back. “I can be inside you too you know…”

I tap is ass with the tip of my tail.

“Woah! None of that. I’m totally not ready for anal.”

“Aw… fine then. Just be gentle until I can adjust, k?”

“Whatever… just stay away from my ass.”

I squeeze his butt with my hand, laughing. “You mean no anal. I can still grab it right?”

“Uh huh…” he says shakily. He slid half an inch into me when I grabbed him in an involuntary reflex. My
pussy is spread wide by his thick cock. Almost too wide, if I were honest, but I don’t really care. It feels
wonderful inside of me.

It feels even more wonderful when Dan slides more of it slowly up into me.

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