
See No Evil


Estelle Greyson studied the gown selections for her sixteen-year-old daughter’s upcoming City Junior Miss pageant. She narrowed the choices to two. The pastel blue would set off her light blond features, but the red would accentuate her shapely figure. Jason, the butler, entered with a manila envelope. “This arrived for you, Madam.”

“Thank you, Jason, just set it down. Tell me, which would you prefer on Cindy?” Jason studied them for just a second, then chose the red. “I should have known you’d pick the sexy one, especially for Cindy. Honestly, Jason, you men are so predictable. Always thinking with your penis.”

“May I remind you, Madam, that most of the judges will be men. This is for the pageant, isn’t it?”

“Good point. The red it is. That will be all.”

Jason bowed out. Estelle went over arrangements, appointments, and checked her calendar before her eyes settled on the envelope. She opened it, then turned the open end down. A thick stack of eight by ten black and white glossies spilled out on the dining table. She spread them out and gasped.

The short, hand written note simply said, “We regret that your lovely daughter had to withdraw from the pageant.”

The photos showed her lovely daughter, nude, engaging in every manner of sex with three men, a woman, and a dog. Estelle quickly gathered the pile and went into her private study. She examined each in detail with a magnifying lens under a powerful light. She examined them for two hours.

When Cindy arrived home from school, Jason led her to her mother’s study. After he announced her arrival, Jason departed.

“What’s up, Mother? Is my gown here?”

“I have something I want to show you. Look on my desk.”

Cindy strolled over and instantly recoiled, her hand covering her mouth. Estelle walked up, halting her daughter’s back stepping. She moved Cindy up to the desk. “It appears you had quite a party.”

“Mom, I was raped. They forced me.”

“Oh, well that explains it. You were raped. Funny, I don’t recall you mentioning any rape. I know I’ve been preoccupied with your pageant activities and arrangements, your dance lessons, your voice coach, and then there was the prom queen events, your college applications and such. I could have missed you saying, ‘Oh, by the way, Mother, I got raped.’ “

With tears in her eyes, trembling and shaking, her face a deep red hue, Cindy cried, “I couldn’t tell you.”

“You couldn’t tell me about something that important occurring in your life. I am intimately involved in every single facet, every decision, every nuance of your life, but your gang rape is too trivial a matter to bother me with. Is that what you are saying?”

“No! It’s not that.”

“Are rapes so commonplace in your life that you forget to mention them?”

“No, this was the first, but I was too ashamed to tell anyone, least of all, you.”

“By the looks of these pictures, I can see why. It appears rape suits you quite well. What did they do, point their fingers at you and threaten to shoot if you didn’t fuck them all?”

The word “fuck” coming from her mother startled Cindy, but her other words, her cynical snide comments, were quite familiar and always stung her ears. With tears flowing, with sobbing shakes, she implored, “I was raped, Mother. They forced those things on me. They made me pose like that. They made me smile for the camera. You can see where they had a tight grip on my legs in that one with the black man. And look, see how my eyes are squinted in the one where I’m suc … doing that to the dog. That’s because the man is squeezing the hair at the back of my head. He forced me to do that.”

“And next you’ll tell me that he squeezed so hard that your tongue came out while that dog’s cock was all the way down your throat. What were you trying to do, lick the dog’s balls while he was throat fucking you. Don’t you think a plain-old, ordinary blow job would be good enough for a dog?”

“Mother! How can you say those things? Whatever I did, they made me do. I was raped. Why won’t you believe me? I WAS RAPED!”

Estelle slapped Cindy hard across the face, sending her reeling back on her heels to fall on her ass. “Don’t you ever raise your voice to me like that again! Do you hear me?” Cindy sat, rubbing her red cheek. She nodded. The shock of the slap took away the tears and tightened her jaws. She slowly regained her feet as her mother said, “Now, you go up to your room and wait for me. I will get to the bottom of this.” Cindy made an abrupt turn and walked out.

Estelle went back to look over the pictures. Under her breath, she said, “Cindy … Cindy … Cindy … What ever will I do with you now?”

Cindy threw herself on her bed and cried into her satin pillow. Minutes later, her mother, looking severe as ever, came in and sat on her bed. Cindy stopped crying and rolled onto her back. She sat up against her headboard as Estelle said, “Now, I want you to tell me every single detail from beginning to end. When did this supposed rape take place?”

“A week ago. It was last Friday after school.”

Cindy explained how she was pulled into the side door of a blue van parked beside her Porsche in the school parking lot; that she was blindfolded, gagged, and driven for about ten minutes. She did not know the four people–three men and a woman. All were adults in their thirties. They removed her blindfold and gag in an abandoned farm house. They told her that if she resisted, screamed, or tried to run, they would kill her. She saw no gun, but thought they had one. They ordered her to strip, and she stripped.

“Details, I want details, Cindy. Who touched you first, and where?”

“The leader, the big guy. He touched me on my vagina.”

“Cindy, I am not about to sit here and listen to a clinical account of this alleged rape. He touched your pussy.”

“I can’t say that.”

“You can suck a dog’s dick, but you can’t say the word pussy.”

Cindy blushed and covered her face. “I don’t use those words, Mother. This is so embarrassing.”

“Cindy, get out of your clothes.”

Cindy’s head popped up, “WHAT!”

“You heard me; get out of your clothes … NOW!”

Cindy rolled off the bed, looking back to see if her mother was serious. Seeing that she was, she began removing her clothes. She felt terribly self-conscious. Her mother’s eyes never left her body as the parts came into view. She shimmied out of her panties and stood naked, waiting. Estelle said, “Now get back up here.”

Cindy mounted the bed and stiffly settled back in her place. Estelle said, “Now arouse yourself. Use your hands.”

“WHAT? You mean masturbate … Here … In front of you?”

“That’s exactly what I mean. You can not discuss this subject in your inhibited, normal state of mind. This will help you relax and open up. Besides, I do not trust the account your rational, calculating mind will recount. Your aroused sensual mind will lay it all out as it really happened.”

“Mother, I only have one mind and one story to tell. Even if I had two minds, they’d both tell you the exact same thing.”

“Just do as I say, Cindy. I am not going to say this again.”

“Mother, I can’t do that with you watching me.”

“Put your hands between your legs and arouse yourself. Do it, now! If you don’t get busy, I will call Jason up here to do it for you.”

“Mother! You wouldn’t!”

“Oh, wouldn’t I? If it takes a big black hand on your cunt to get you started, Jason’s hands should do nicely. Shall I call him?”

Cindy timidly moved her hands between her legs, her face and upper chest splotched with red blushes. Cindy’s eyes intently studied this unfamiliar person masquerading as her mother, the barrage of vulgar words she’d used still echoing in her mind.

Estelle watched her bewildered daughter’s fingers making idle motion, then said, “I’ll go mix myself a drink. I’ll give you time alone to warm up. When I return, I had better see masturbation. What you are doing is not masturbation and could not even pass as a vaginal massage. If you can’t arouse yourself, perhaps you will respond to Jason’s large black fingers. Either way, you will be aroused before we proceed further.” With that, she stood and walked out.

As soon as the door closed behind her mother, Cindy released all the pent-up tension in one mattress-pounding, muffled scream accompanied by flailing arms and legs. She felt better afterward, then relaxed and thought hard about her bizarre situation. As she often did, she thought aloud, saying, “I can’t believe this is happening to me. I get gang raped, and now my own mother wants me to frig off for her. Jesus!”

Her hands went to her crotch. This time, she began her usual masturbation technique. With one hand, she rubbed her clit; with the other, she entered her hole with two middle fingers.

“I’ll bet those pictures made her horny. Well, fuck, if she wants to watch me play with my pussy, I’ll play with my pussy. Why not?”

She intensified her actions and soon had a nice feeling suffusing her loins. The image of her mother watching made her smile.

“You want to watch me play with my fucking Miss America pussy, Mommy? This is how I really play with my pussy!”

Cindy pounded her vagina with deep, fast jabs, while vigorously rubbing her clit. She drew her legs back and flattened out her knees, making an obscene spread, saying, “This is how your perfect daughter masturbates, Mother Dear. She fucks her horny cunt like a two-bit whore.”

Cindy’s actions came to an abrupt halt with the sound of heels clattering in the hall. She let her legs down and sat up, keeping both hands in her crotch. Estelle entered carrying a scotch and soda. Cindy slowly rubbed her clit between two fingers while stroking the finger of her other hand through the base of her wet slit. She held her legs tightly clenched together. Estelle sat on the bed and looked at her daughter’s working fingers, saying, “Well, that’s an improvement, but that wouldn’t arouse a nun. Open your legs.”

“But this is how I do it. I like to clamp down on my hand.”

“Well, do it my way. I need to see your whole vagina especially your vagina hole, to determine when you are sufficiently aroused. Now open your legs wide.”

Cindy moved her legs a foot apart and smartly said, “Can you see everything now, Mother?”

“If I hear you use that tone with me again, I’ll slap your god damned mouth!” Instead, she slapped the inside of Cindy’s right thigh and said, “Now, open your fucking legs and let some daylight in there!”

Cindy instantly moved her legs out as wide as she could. The sting from the slap didn’t hurt, but it did send a jolt of arousal through her loins. Her fingers worked faster and delved inside her moistening hole. Her mother’s hard stare excited her further. Cindy wanted to spread her legs even wider, but her mother’s position on the bed blocked her.

Estelle noticed the problem at the same time and said, “This won’t do. Wait a sec?” She got up and pulled Cindy’s chair over from her vanity table. She brought the padded arm chair to the side of the bed and sat, scooting up close until her knees touched the mattress. She said, “Scoot your butt up to my knees and drape your legs over the arms of this chair.”

Cindy instantly saw the utility of this arrangement and got into the desired position. With her ass touching her mother’s knees and her calves resting on the velvet arm rests, the spread was not that great. The lewd position and bare skin contact with her mother sent tingles of arousal through the young girl.

Estelle said, “Scoot your ass up onto my legs.”

Cindy lifted her ass and wiggled closer until she could hook her legs over the arm rests with the padded portion under each knee. When she laid her head back, her mother’s knees dug into her lower back. The position was awkward, but she was obscenely spread with her pelvis raised, arousing her further.

Estelle said, “Are you comfortable now?”


“All right, get busy, and don’t waste my time.”

By this time, those words were music to her ears. Cindy quickly lost her inhibitions. Her fingers worked in harmony, boldly manipulating her sex. Estelle stared openly, admiring her daughter’s intimate anatomy. The black and white photos did not do her justice.

She admired Cindy’s firm vaginal flesh; her fresh light color; bright, coral-pink interior; her light blond, fine pubic hairs; and her full, puffy labia lips with her slightly darker inner lips protruding from them. Her shiny pink and erect clit received a thorough massaging, alive under the finger assault. Clear, glistening, vaginal lubricants seeped from her daughter’s interior to be spread over soft, creamy flesh with manicured fingers.

Those fingers slipped inside the moist hole and went deep in to the palm coming in from the side–one, then two at a time, stroking in imitation of a slow, easy fuck, then faster and deeper.

Cindy was ready, too ready, almost nearing a climax. Estelle sipped casually from her drink then calmly directed, “Slow down. I don’t want you to induce a climax. You’re doing fine, but I want you to stay just below your peak. Keep yourself at your highest state of arousal. If you feel like you’re going to climax, stop and pull your labia lips open until you cool off. When you cool off, return to masturbating. Do you understand?”

Breathlessly, Cindy said, “Yes … I’ll try!”

“Very well. You were saying something about being touched.”

“Yes, the big guy touched my va … my pussy.”

“See how easy it is to say pussy, now?”

Smiling, she said, “Yes. You were right. It is easy like this. I like saying pussy, now.”

“I knew you would. Cunt is even better. Try that.”

Cindy smiled while biting her lower lip, then said, “He touched my cunt.”

“Which term do you prefer using, or do you have another you like better: snatch, twat, quim, cunny perhaps?”

Cindy giggled, then said, “Pussy is my favorite, but sometimes I like cunt or twat.”

“Use any term that pleases you–any except vagina. Only good girls and ladies have vaginas between their legs. What I’m seeing between your legs is a slut’s cunt, and I am watching a slut play with it shamelessly.”

The smile left Cindy’s face as Estelle reached far to the left to retrieve a hand mirror off the vanity. She held the mirror to Cindy’s crotch, angled so Cindy could see the reflected image of her wet hands shamelessly immersed in the vaginal niche. “What do you see?”

Cindy raised her head to stare, then looked to her mother and said, “A slut shamelessly playing with her cunt.”

Tossing the mirror to the bed, Estelle said, “Okay, go on.”

“He fingered my pussy, and he told me to open my legs wide for him. I opened my legs real wide. He got his two middle fingers up my pussy, and he started finger fucking me while everybody else watched and took their clothes off. I assume it’s okay to use the ‘F’ word.”

“You’re a slut. That’s how sluts talk. Did you enjoy this finger fucking.”

“I was scared, but, yes, getting finger-fucked felt good. No fingers but mine had ever touched my pussy before. His were so big and going inside. They felt so nasty. He pulled his fingers out to take his clothes off, and the short guy took over. He got three fingers in me. I could see his dick getting hard. The black guy and the woman pulled my legs wide apart, making me do the splits. The short guy put his cock at my pussy and pushed in.”

“Was your pussy wet and receptive as it is now?”

“Yes, very. His cock went in easy. I was a virgin, but it didn’t hurt much.”

“Because you were horny?”

“I think so. I couldn’t help it. The big guy told me to smile. He took a picture. The short guy fucked my pussy, fast. He came in my pussy. I could feel him squirting his cum inside me. I thought about getting pregnant.”

“Did that excite you?”

Cindy heaved her ass up, stiffened, groaned, and reluctantly stopped her finger movement. Her fingers pointed up, fanned out, and strained against air. She then remembered the rest of her instructions and brought them to her cunt lips, pulling herself wide open. Estelle smiled inwardly at the sight.

Cindy noticed her mother staring intently at her cunt hole. She strained to pull her cunt wider, her fingertips digging into her resilient flesh. Her hole opened wide and gulped air. She said, “Yes, the possibility of getting pregnant excited me.”

“Why would that excite you?”

“I’m not sure. I was surprised that the idea made me horny, or hornier. They got me pretty horny before he came in me. I suppose that had a lot to do with it.”

“I want you to think hard about this. I will tell you that I also found the idea of you getting pregnant from this alleged rape stimulating. I’m curious as to whether our reasons are similar.”

“Well, I suppose, because it wouldn’t be my fault, but anyone who saw my big belly would know that somebody fucked me. They’d know I wasn’t a virgin.”

“Is that all?”

“Well, another thing that popped in my head was that the baby would be a bastard. I don’t know why that would excite me, but it did.”

“A black bastard, perhaps?”

Cindy blushed, though the blush was barely detectable through her flushed features. She said, “Yes, I did think about that.”

“And that excited you even more, didn’t it?”

“Yes, it did. Is that what excited you?”

“Never mind me; we’re talking about you. Go on with your story.”

“I wanted him to stay inside me, but he changed places with the black guy. They were mad at the short guy because he came in my pussy.”

“That’s odd.”

“Yeah, I thought so, too. They didn’t seem like the type that would care.”

Cindy’s ass slowly lowered to her mother’s legs and her fingers resumed their play. Estelle said, “This black man, he had a big cock from what I saw. Did his big black cock hurt you?”

“Yes, but it hurt good. I was so slippery inside. His cock went in easier than I expected. He made sucky noises while he screwed me. They took pictures, close-ups of his big black dick going in and out of my spermy white pussy. He was so big, he squished out all of the other guy’s sperm. They were happy about that.”

“And how did you feel about that?”

This triggered another close call. Her ass raised up, but this time, she went right to her cunt lips, pulling herself open. Estelle blew on her daughter’s sensitive membranes, inspiring Cindy to lift her cunt closer to the source of the cool air. Cindy watched intently, peering over her pubic mound at her mother’s pursed lips. Only inches separated her cunt from her mother’s lips. She pretended her mother was preparing to plant a kiss between her legs.

Cindy half expected her mother to draw back, but Estelle remained in place, blowing on the fanned open cunt that was not more than two inches from her lips. This sent a strong rush through Cindy and inspired her to move her splayed vagina dangerously close. Like a mother cooling hot soup for her child, Estelle tried to cool her hot daughter’s steaming vulva.

Estelle directed the stream of air over every inch of wet pussy, paying particular attention to the hole. After expelling several breaths in this manner, she said, “You were about to tell me how you felt about this black man pushing out the white man’s sperm.”

Cindy managed to get her vagina to within a finger’s width of touching her mother’s lips without causing her mother to shrink back. She settled reluctantly and said, “I thought it was sexy, his pushing the white guy’s sperm out to put his own in. I figured he’d pull out because of the way they acted about the other one shooting inside, though I liked the thought of him cumming inside me.”

“I appreciate your honesty, Cindy. Above all, be honest with me.”

“I will, Mother. I want to be honest, I really do. I even feel like confessing something I never thought I would, even in an aroused state.”

“By all means, do.”

“While he was fucking me, they let go of my legs. I held them wide open on my own. When he started to cum, I dug my heels in his ass and tried to keep him from pulling out. I tried to get him in even deeper. His cum shot right up into my womb. I could feel it. He flooded my womb with his black seed.”

Cindy had a close call, raised her ass, stopped, but settled back, saying, “I locked my heels and held him in deep, Mother. I wanted his black sperm deep in my pussy. They liked the way I was grinding my cunt up tight to his crotch, even long after he’d finished cumming, like I was using my pussy to milk all the sperm out of his cock. I was, and I was conscious of that fact. I wanted to send the message that it was okay to cum inside my pussy. They got the message. That’s when the woman straddled my face and told me to lick her pussy.”

“You appeared to be doing a good job of it.”

“Not at first. Having a grown woman’s big hairy pussy in my face freaked me out, but I got used to it pretty quickly. She sorta sat on my face, so I couldn’t have gotten out of having her pussy on my mouth. The smell wasn’t bad, so I let my tongue ease out for a taste. The taste wasn’t bad, either. Pretty soon, I was licking all over while she rubbed her pussy all around on my face. I got her clit in my mouth and sucked. They took the pictures when she came.”

“And you licked her pussy hole after she came, I suppose.”

“Yes, I did.”

“Did they tell you to do that?”

“No. I wanted to do it. I wanted to taste her cum, and I liked it a lot. I licked way inside, trying to get all of her pussy cream.”

“Interesting. What happened next?”

“The big guy brought his dick to my mouth. I sucked him till he came in my mouth. I swallowed his cum.”

“Did he tell you to swallow it?”

“No. I wanted to do that, too.”

“Was the black man still inside you?”

“Yes, the whole time I sucked both of the other men and the woman. He even got hard and started fucking me all over again. He came in my pussy a second time while I was getting a mouthful of sperm.”

“Just to make sure he got you good and pregnant, I suppose.”

This brought Cindy’s ass shooting up and her hands to her pussy lips. Estelle blew as Cindy got her cunt in very close, closer than before, her knuckles actually touched her mother’s cheeks. She moaned, “Yes, I think they were trying to get me pregnant by him. The woman told him to keep my pussy plugged. If that’s what they were trying to do, they picked a good time. I was right between my periods.”

“You do realize that you were most likely ovulating at that time, don’t you?”

Cindy had her vagina raised so high that her mother looked right into the hole at eye level, just a fraction of an inch away. Her nose touched between the two nether holes. Cindy felt the electrifying contact and strained to keep her ass up. She rolled her pelvis in a slow, mid-air grind that caused several more contacts. Estelle made no comment, nor did she recoil. Cindy said, “Yes, I knew that I was probably fertile when I tried to keep the black guy from pulling out.”

Estelle was amused by Cindy’s actions. Her daughter was painfully aroused but too shy to press the contact she so obviously craved. Estelle took an ice cube from her drink, ran it over the surface of Cindy’s vagina, then pushed the remainder inside, saying, “Does that help?”

The cold ice took the edge off. Cindy relaxed, eased back to her mother’s lap, and said, “Yes, thanks.” Slowly, she settled and resumed her pussy play, watching her mother wipe her nose, saying, “I’m sorry, Mother, but recalling that scene really turns me on.”

“I could tell. I understand. Tell me about the dog. Did you suck him first, or fuck him first?”

“I sucked him first. I sucked him while the black guy was still plugging my pussy. They had placed me on my hands and knees with the black man in me doggie style. I was super turned on when, all of a sudden, I felt this hot, smooth, slick meat at my lips. I just opened wide and the dog’s cock went in my mouth and right down my throat. It was while looking at his balls and his furry sheath that I realized I had a dog’s cock in my mouth. They were holding him straight up by his front paws.”

“I saw the pictures, remember?”

“Oh, yeah.”

“How did you feel about having a dog’s cock placed in your mouth?”

“I was so turned on, I could care less. Actually, that’s not true. I loved it. It felt nasty, wicked, dirty. In all honesty, the dog’s cock felt great and had no offensive taste, but I couldn’t breathe. They helped by pulling him out every thirty seconds so I could take a few breaths. When I caught my breath, I’d gobble his cock back down my throat. Actually, the dog was fucking my mouth–fucking my throat. All I had to do was hold my head steady and make my mouth like a bitch’s pussy. I pretended my mouth was a dog’s pussy and pursed my lips.”

“Thank you for offering those details. I’m curious, Cindy. How could you take a cock that long down your throat without gagging?”

“Taking him into my throat got easy after a few times, but the first few made me gag. I got good at it and sucked him in until I got all of his fury sheath in my mouth. It felt like the tip of his dick was in my stomach.”

“So, naturally, you licked his balls.”

“You were right, I was trying to lick his balls. I did that when I saw them getting ready to take the picture. They didn’t tell me to do that, I just did. They thought doing that would make a great picture. Did you like that one?”

“Very much. How thoughtful of you to think about the pictures at a time like that. The dog sucking shots were excellent. I especially liked the one where you have the tip at your pursed lips, giving us a good look at his size. From the tip to his balls, I measured eleven inches. I gauged that by the width of your hand. We measured for gloves, if you recall.”

“Very clever, Mother.”

“Another thing I liked was the way your throat was swelled when he was deep inside.”

“His cock got a big lump in the middle that stretched my throat. He came straight into my stomach. I never tasted his sperm; I just swallowed hard while he squirted. I could feel the cock jerk in my throat each time he squirted. I milked the cum from his balls by using my throat muscles. They said they wished they’d brought a movie camera to catch the throat contractions. The stills don’t show how I milked his cock while he came. They said I looked like a milking machine.”

“That was a great oversight. There’s no proof that he came in your mouth. I suppose that’s why they took the one of you licking his dick after the swelling went down. The implication is obvious.”

Twice while telling this story, Cindy had to take pauses. Each time, Estelle rubbed her daughter’s cunt with an ice cube. Estelle said, “Tell me about the fuck–the doggie fuck.”

“It was wonderful. I couldn’t wait to try fucking with him. He needed to rest up for an hour. We passed this hour with the black man inside my pussy, and I gave the others mouth jobs once again. I sucked the guy’s cocks and ate the chick out twice more. When the dog showed interest, the black guy pulled out and the dog climbed between my legs. He got on me like a man does, belly to belly.”

“Yes, I saw that. Did you see them preparing to take a picture of that?”

“Yes, and it excited me. I guided his cock and threw my legs out as wide as I could so the camera could get a good view of the dog’s cock sinking into my cunt.”

“That was an excellent shot the way they got the dog’s cock, your stuffed cunt, and your lustfully smiling face in the same frame.”

“Yes, I wanted them to get my face in the picture. By then, I didn’t care. I was so fucking horny. I still get horny when I think about it. I’m horny just thinking about it right now. Fucking a dog in front of four people and having pictures taken of it. I imagine the scandal and … Oh! Ohhhhh! Shitttt! Oh Fuck! Yes! Yes!”

Cindy heaved up and frantically pounded her pussy through a dramatic climax. Estelle sat back with a smug smile, watching her daughter lose control. When Cindy stopped and settled to her mother’s lap, the full impact of what she’d revealed fell on her like a sack of wet turds. Her hands covered her face and she moaned, “Oh shit. Oh, my God!” She pulled her legs back and rolled off the lap and onto her side, curling up in a fetal ball.

Estelle let the event sink in, then said, “Get back in position. I did not release you.”

“Mother, please, no. I can’t take this anymore. Haven’t you heard enough?”

Estelle leaned out and landed a stinging slap to Cindy’s taut ass cheek, saying, “NOW!”

Cindy uncurled and got back in position, her face burning red with shame and humiliation. She brought her hands back to her crotch, more to hide it than stimulate it. Estelle said, “Now you see why I value this technique for getting at the truth. A female can’t lie about sexual matters while sexually aroused. This is better than truth serum, wouldn’t you agree?”

“I can’t believe I told you those things. I hardly admitted those things to myself. I can hardly believe that came from me.”

“I wasn’t surprised. That wasn’t the story you were about to tell me, was it?”


“You see, you do have two minds. Okay, now that I know what the situation is, I have this to say. You are dropping out of the pageant.

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