
Seducing The School Janitor

A coming of age story involving a small town girl and her high school janitor.

Seducing The School Janitor

By Greg & Kayla

Author’s note: A former girlfriend and I spent an afternoon during a ski trip to Colorado cuddled up in a cabin on the side of a snow-covered mountain. It was snowing too hard to ski. This story is a result of that afternoon. Kayla sat naked on my lap the whole time I was typing this. And no, I didn’t take any Viagra (maybe a little weed). She kept me hard as hell with her naked butt on my naked lap.

She detailed the entire story in one sitting, so to speak. Kayla’s memory of all this was incredibly vivid, and she assured me that it was all true. I felt the need to write it exactly as she told it. This is my personal favorite because of Kayla. It is her “coming of age” story. It was the hottest damn thing I had ever heard come out of a girl’s mouth. It is almost completely devoid of any dialog because it was just too darn hard to reach the “” keys (her breasts were in the way.)

Kayla, honey, here’s to unforgettable memories at Keystone.

My name is Kayla. This all happened when I was a senior in high school. I had just celebrated my eighteenth birthday a couple of months before, and I had three goals in my life back then. First, was to get out of the house and be on my own; second, I wanted to get lined up in a college program; and third, was to lose my virginity, not necessarily in that order.

I was still living at home with my mom and her new live-in boyfriend, Doug. He was such a fucking pervert. I just had to get the hell out of there. My mom had put on weight since her divorce from my dad, and she was nearing forty. The only things she had going for her were that she owned her own house and had a steady job. She met Doug maybe six months earlier, and I think he really just pushed his way into our lives. He was, of course, unemployed but got disability checks for some supposed injury he suffered a while back, although whatever it was, it never seemed to be a problem for him around us.

Doug was one of those cocky types, a real know-it-all. He had graying hair but secretly dyed it late at night, thinking no one would notice. He had terrible “smoker’s breath.” I guess at least I should have been thankful he didn’t chew and spit. Doug really thought he was a real lady killer, too. He was the main reason I had to get out on my own. He was such a loser, and Mom just didn’t see that yet. I doubted that he really even loved my mom. He just saw a better situation than he had before and horned his way into our lives.

Truly, I was not jealous, in case that is what you’re thinking, because I really wanted Mom to be happy, but this guy was no good, and she would eventually find that out. I had already figured it out, but then again, I wasn’t a desperate, overweight, middle-aged woman.

When I say Doug was a pervert, I know what I’m talking about. I had gotten up a couple times late at night and secretly caught him out in our living room on Mom’s computer looking at porn. Mom always went to bed early because she had to get up early for work. This douchebag was laying on our couch playing with his cock while the rest of us had to get up early the next day.

The main reason I needed to get out of there was because I knew he was thinking he was going to have a shot at fucking me, and I wasn’t just being paranoid either. Doug pretended to act all lovey-dovey towards Mom, but I would get a weird feeling when she wasn’t around.

Look, I know I wasn’t exactly cheerleader material. I was kind of a skinny kid back then, and being the only redhead in the entire fucking school, yeah, I stood out some, but I could still make a pair of Levis snap. I had the full-body freckle thing going on and pale skin to boot. I was only really happy with one part of my body, and that was my crystal-blue eyes. But my hair was all anyone ever noticed about me—carrot top, red, ginger—oh yeah, I heard it all. Doug got to calling me “burning bush.” I knew what he meant, and I threatened to cut him if he ever called me that again.

The way Doug undressed me with his eyes was also unsettling. He’d look for some excuse to hug me. He tried to pretend he was just being all warm and fuzzy, but I knew by the way he pressed against me that he was copping a feel. I had turned around several times and caught him staring at my ass. If we were alone together, he would constantly be making suggestive remarks or telling me some off-color joke. Mom just didn’t see it, but I did.

The creepiest part started happening about two months after he moved in with us. One morning, I went to the dirty laundry basket to retrieve an earring from the pocket of a pair of shorts I had worn the day before. I noticed my panties lying in the basket under my shorts were all wet. I had just taken them off the night before when I showered. When I had thrown them into the laundry basket, they were totally dry.

I picked them up and could see the outlines of yellowish stains on them. Lately, I had been noticing the same thing happening to my bras. I had thought it might be the hard water we had in the area, but this was not a water stain. As I lifted the panties to look closer, I could smell the unmistakable scent of a guy’s cum. That fucker Doug was jacking off into my underwear and then washing it off before putting them back in the laundry.

Eww, what a scumbag!

I knew then for sure that Doug had been fantasizing about fucking me. I wasn’t about to let that happen. I had not said anything about any of this to Mom yet because I didn’t want to be the one to break her heart. I kind of figured it would only be a matter of time before she would catch on to the scumbag and throw him out herself. I really loved my mom a lot, but since Dad left, Mom never seemed to come across any decent men. I really didn’t feel like there were any men around that a girl like me could look up to either. Guys my age were so immature, and they came and went. Any grown men Mom seemed to attract were full of problems, Doug being the worst so far.

The one bright spot in my social life revolved around a man I knew at school. During my junior year, I joined a committee to do the decorations and set-up for the dances and other events. This often required me to get with the school janitor, Mr. Garcia, to see about ladders and borrow tools and such. Mr. Garcia was really nice to me, and we would often chat a little before and after I borrowed something. Our small town was rather hick, and he really stood out, being Hispanic and all. He was probably in his late 30s, short but stocky. He had the most piercing black eyes. He was always smiling and willing to help me whenever I needed something. I found out by talking with him that he was in this country on a work permit. He was hoping to someday send for his wife and two children. Until then, they remained in some little town in Mexico.

Most students didn’t pay any attention to him. He was really quiet and polite and kept to himself unless you started the conversation. Mr. Garcia spoke in very broken English, but a quick smile would always come across his face when he spoke to you. He was always so cheery. Each and every day was a wonderful thing to him. Given his situation and separation from his family, I found him to be simply inspiring.

I liked seeing Mr. G. and would go out of my way just to greet him in the hallway at least some time during the day. He was not like the rest of the staff at the school. The teachers were all stuck on themselves, and the administration staff was even worse. They were trying to run a strict place, and they kept their distance from the students. Mr. G. wasn’t one of them, and they had little to do with him either.

Over the summer between my junior and senior years, I had broken up with my boyfriend. Boys at that age were so stupid. It wasn’t over the sex or anything like that; he just spent more time with his friends than with.me. Besides, he wasn’t going anywhere. He was a local farm boy and would spend his life there. I wanted to get out like most of the girls and experience the rest of the world.

I had at least a new boyfriend every year or so since I started dating. Even though I was technically still a virgin, I wasn’t against giving a guy a good time. Small town living doesn’t leave much to do outside of school and sports. I had spent many Fridays and Saturday evenings at the old quarry just outside of town. Everyone went there to swim, party and make out. No telling how many girls got pregnant there over the years. That is how our small town still survived.

The farm boys would get some girl pregnant, and she was stuck. Eventually they would get married, she would stay and become a farmer’s wife, and the cycle would repeat itself. That was not the life I wanted. But I wasn’t against sucking a guy’s cock. I had more than my share by my senior year, but no one was ever going to stick an unprotected cock into me. Condoms were something you had to get from the next town over. Here, everyone knew everybody and all their business. There were only a couple places in town to buy something like that, and you could count on someone telling on you. I figured if the guy wasn’t carrying one, he wasn’t sticking it in me. I wasn’t about to get pregnant by any local kid and end up stuck here all my life.

You know, I probably would have lost my virginity with any number of guys had they come prepared. Really, guys, what the fuck is the matter with you all?

A girl friend of mine once told me the joke about men being born with two heads and only having enough blood to operate one at a time.

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