

This is based on an old girlfriend and her mom. The first part is true but once the sex starts its all fiction.

My name is John. I have always been a fairly well-balanced, healthy, and All-American boy. Six-two, 185 pounds, athletic body, blond hair, blue eyes. Good family, normal relationships, all that jazz. When I was 27 years old I met and became involved with a girl named Jen. She was 22 at the time. The relationship started off with a bang and was balls to walls all the way. She was a piece of work. After about a year the ride got a little too wild and I jumped off. I broke up with her. But things got even wilder after that.

Jen was very attractive. Maybe 5-6, thin frame, sexy long legs, good rump, and ample bosom. She had long brown hair, green eyes, was a terrible flirt and loved to fuck. The sex was good and plenty and she had an untamed streak.

I got to know Jen’s family some in that year and visited her mother’s house for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Her mother, Rebecca, was a taller edition of Jen: perhaps 5-8, shoulder-length dark brown hair, thin face, very lean with the same long legs, nice perky tits a bit smaller than Jen’s, and a toned body with an incredible ass. She was in her forties but to me she looked thirtyish. The couple of times I was over her house I was constantly checking out her behind. Her mother was divorced from her father, who according to Jen was a complete asshole. Her mother had a boyfriend named Chuck, who was there for Thanksgiving but I didn’t see him at Christmas. Jen has a brother a year younger, but I only met him once.

Jen attended a local university and got hired to a staff position after graduation. It was a good job with good pay, good hours and benefits. But she was fired from her job after she was caught on campus blowing a professor in the English department. The professor was fired too. We broke up after that.

A scandal ensued, word got around and everyone knew. It was embarrassing. There was no going back.

A few weeks after the breakup I stopped in the grocery store on the way home from work and I ran into Jen’s mother. She looked stunning in a navy blue business suit, her hair pulled back and light on the makeup. I remembered she was a loan officer at some bank and I guessed she had just come from work. I was dressed in jeans and a golf shirt…standard attire for a guy who runs his own small video production company. We said our hellos and I complimented her suit and said it was nice to see her again.

“Nice to see you too, John,” she replied. “You know, I’m glad I bumped into you. I’ve been meaning to call you.”

“You have?”

“Yes, I’ve wanted to talk to you. I felt so bad after everything that happened with Jen and what she did to you. And what she’s done to herself. I remember when the two of you were together thinking that she had found herself a good man and I hoped she wouldn’t screw it up. Well, she screwed it up!”

“Oh well, thanks for your concern. To tell you the truth, I don’t think it would have lasted anyway. But I’m over it.”

“Oh good, John, I’m glad to hear that. Have you heard from her?”

“Not lately. She called me constantly for the first two or three weeks but I finally quit taking the calls, so she doesn’t call as much anymore. I had to move on.”

I looked in the basket she carried. There were two bottles of wine, a jar of cocktail sauce and a package wrapped in white paper.

“So what do you have here?” I asked, picking up the white package.

“Jumbo shrimp,” she said. “I had a craving for shrimp cocktails.”

“Sounds good,” I said.

“Oh, do you like shrimp? Would you like to join me?”

This caught me by surprise. “Join you?”

“Yes. Share these shrimp. I’d love the company! Are you free tomorrow night?”

I said yes. The next day was Friday and I was wide open.

“Wonderful, then it’s settled. Listen, I have a meeting after work tomorrow but it shouldn’t last too long, perhaps to six or six-thirty at the latest. Could you come over about seven-thirty, would that work for you?”

“Works for me,” I said.

“I’m glad you can make it, I’m looking forward to it. It should be fun. So, until tomorrow…” she said, and then she put her arms around me and hugged me. It felt good but I wasn’t sure what to do with my hands. Then she turned and walked toward the checkout. I watched her fine ass all the way down the cereal aisle.

When I arrived Friday night Rebecca greeted me with a kiss on my cheek. There was mellow jazz playing on the stereo, scented candles burning, and a lovely woman standing before me. I handed her a bottle of fine wine I had brought with me. I knew she’d had two bottles in her shopping basket, but I figured she could never have too much wine.

“You shouldn’t have brought anything, John,” she said. “That wasn’t necessary. I just poured a glass for myself, can I get you one?” I accepted. “Have a seat and I’ll be right back.

I sat on the plush sofa and soon she returned with a tray holding a bottle of wine, two half-filled glasses and shrimp cocktails. Huge shrimp hung on the rims of sauce-filled glasses. She bent down and placed the tray on the table in front of the sofa, then picked up her wine and sat down on the sofa about three feet to my right. She tied her hair back with a scrunchie and turned slightly toward me.

She looked gorgeous. She was barefoot and dressed in soft cotton: a short, white, sleeveless, button-down blouse that barely reached the top of her pants. She was braless and her nipples pushed gently at the cloth. Her pants were gray and went to mid-calf. The pants were tight; they stuck to her like paint and it was hard to divert my eyes from the crack of her ass and her camel-toed crotch.

“Thank you for coming over,” she said, breaking ice, “it’s nice to see you again. I was looking forward to this all day. It’s nice to spend an evening with a good-looking young man!”

I think I blushed. “You look sensational,” I said.

She thanked me for the compliment and we proceeded with some small talk for a few minutes, about the weather, her job, and my business. The music stopped and she got up and walked over to a bookcase and squatted down to switch the player to another playlist. I could see the strap of her t-back thong on her skin at the top of her ass when her blouse rose up a little on her back. When she returned to the couch she sat a little closer.

She turned toward me and hooked one leg under her. I tried not to look at her lower lips.

“So, where were we?” she asked.

I didn’t remember and neither did she.

“Well, John, may I say one thing, and then we can move on and I’ll drop the subject for good?”

“Sure,” I said.

She took a drink of wine and poured some more into our glasses. “I want to apologize to you for what my daughter did. I knew she was a little wild, but I never thought she would be capable of something like that!”

“You needn’t apologize, really, although I appreciate it. I think it shocked everybody. But I doubt it would have lasted much longer anyway.”

“Did she hurt you?”

“Maybe a little. It was mostly embarrassment, for her as well as me. Like you said, she could get wild. She was wild when I met her, so there was no reason to think she’d be any less wild because of me. I suspected she was screwing other guys but didn’t know for sure. Either way, I didn’t think it would last.”

“Oh,” she said. There was a pause. I was afraid I’d said too much.

“I’m sorry, I hope I didn’t say anything wrong…”

“No, its okay,” she said. “I guess I knew my little girl could be promiscuous. How did you meet her? You said she was wild when you met…”

It was my turn to take a gulp of wine. “You sure you want to know?”

“Well…yes, what the hell. Let me hear it.”

I popped a shrimp into my mouth and took another sip of wine. “These shrimp are huge and this sauce is delicious,” I said.

“Don’t try to change the subject on me boy, spit it out!”

“Okay,” I said, “Here goes. Jen was a party girl and there were always parties near the campus. I saw her at a party and I thought she was attractive, she was always having fun, you know, and seemed to know everybody. And then later on at that party I saw her making out with a girl, real heavy-like, which was kind of a turn on. Then a week later I saw her at another party and she was making out with a guy, and that was more of a turn-on to me. I thought, okay, she’s not a lesbian, that’s good. There was something incredibly tempting about her, she had charisma. I wanted to be around her.” I ate another shrimp and took another sip.

“And… then what happened?”

“You’re sure you want to hear this?”

“Yes! You stop now and I’ll pour that cocktail sauce over your head!”

We both laughed out loud. She had a beautiful laugh.

“Okay,” I began. “You asked for it.” I took one more slug for courage. “A couple weeks later I saw her again. It was at a house party and she was actually standing by herself for a minute so I got up the nerve to approach her. We started talking and kidding around a little, flirting, and I liked her sense of humor. After talking with her for a few minutes, I told her I’d seen her at one party making out with a girl, and at another one she was making out with a guy. So I asked her what gives. She said that it depends on what mood she’s in. Then I asked her what mood she was in at the moment. And she drank the rest of her beer and she put her mouth to my ear and whispered that she was in the mood for anal sex.”

“You’re kidding!” she said. “After ten-fifteen minutes of conversation my little girl asked you to fuck her in the ass?”

I was surprised to hear her say that, but it was sexy as hell. “Her words exactly,” I said.

“And what did you say next?”

“I asked her if she was serious. Then she grabbed me between the legs and told me to go find us some lube and I’d find out.”

Rebecca was enjoying the story. She reached for her glass to take another sip of wine and when she sat back she turned slightly more toward me, giving me an even better view of her open lips behind the soft fabric of her pants.

“So what did you do next?” she asked.

“I went to the kitchen and found some olive oil and was back in a flash.”

“Olive oil?” she asked incredulously.

“It works in a pinch,” I said.

“So, go on,” she said. She was going to make me say it.

“We found a room that was not being used.”

“And you fucked my daughter in the ass!”

“Yes. She asked me to.”

“No kissing, no fondling…”

“Plenty of that came after.”

She ate a shrimp and emptied the wine bottle into our wine glasses. She said she’d be right back and got up and I stared at her concave asscrack as she left to visit the bathroom. When she returned she had another bottle and poured a little more into our glasses.

“John, do you know my first name?”

“Yes,” I said. “Rebecca.”

“That’s the first time I’ve ever heard you say it. Even when you visited at the holidays you never called me by name.”

“Really? Are you serious?” I said.

“Yes. Say it again.”

I said it. She asked me to repeat it. I did. She asked me to say her name several more times and I complied.

“I like to hear you say it.”

“I like saying it, Rebecca.”

“Very good, you’re a quick study. Let me ask you this: why did you come over here tonight? And don’t tell me the shrimp.”

“You’re right, Rebecca.

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