

Philip is seduced by his girlfriend’s teenage daughter

Philip drove slowly through the evening traffic, caught in the tail end of the rush hour. He should have said he would get round to Barbara’s an hour later than he had done. Forgetting that it was Friday night and rush hour was always busier on a Friday night. The slow traffic did, however, give him a chance to think about Barbara. Not that there was anything wrong with her. In many ways, she was perfect, in her early-thirties like him. Pretty, loving, fun to be around and great in bed. No, there was no problem with Barbara herself. The problem was her teenage daughter Sarah.

Sarah was the result of Barbara’s experimenting with sex while she was still at school. She had thought her first time would be an unforgettable experience. It turned out she was right, but not for the reason’s she thought. As she put it, her first time had not been that great. But, she was one of those unfortunate girls who prove that you can get pregnant on your first time having sex. Barbara had not let being pregnant at school hold her back. No, she still finished school with great exam results, went to college and university. She became a teacher herself and was now deputy head of her school.

And it was not that Sarah hated Philip, it was the opposite. She liked him, a little too much. Whenever he was round at Barbara’s Sarah wanted to sit next to him, wanted to be around him. Which made spending time with her mother hard. It was not easy to be romantic with a teenage girl butting in all the time. Then there were the clothes she wore when he was around. Tiny little denim shorts or skirts. Low cut tops that showed off her nice cleavage. Even worse was her habit of wandering around in the morning or when getting ready for bed in just her underwear. Philip often did not know where to put himself when she did that. And he had to admit that she was a very attractive young woman. She looked like a younger version of her mother. With the same long curly dark hair. The same olive skin, and deep brown eyes. The same pretty face with full lips. The same full figure, with large tits, nice ass and firm thighs. The only difference between Sarah and Barbara was height. Barbara was a good six inches higher than her short daughter. Sarah not even making it to five foot high. Which just seemed to accentuate all her features.

Philip had to admit, to himself at least, that if she had been a stranger coming on to him like she was. Then he might have been interested, but of course, she was not. She was his partner’s daughter. And he was old enough to be her father. Ok, the way the relationship with Barbara was going he was hoping Sarah might become his stepdaughter soon, as he was giving serious thought to asking Barbara to marry him. The main thing stopping him was how Sarah was around him.

As he pulled into Barbara’s road his phone went off. Cutting the radio off as it did. He frowned when he saw it was Barbara phoning him. Why was she calling him, he was not late? As he was less than a minute from her house, he simply cancelled the call and continued up the road. As he reached her house, he pulled up outside it. Barbara stood by the front door with her phone to her ear. Philip smiled seeing the sexy red dress she was wearing. The top of which clung tightly to her, revealing her nice round breasts. The bottom flared out and ended a few inches up her long firm thighs. The small pair of heels she wore increased her height and made her legs look even better. Her dark hair was up in a nice soft bun on top of her head with a few strands allowed to hang down by her face. She looked so hot. As he got out of his car, she moved towards him, and he spotted the worried expression on her face.

“What’s wrong?” He asked her.

“I’ve got to go to the school,” she replied. “The alarm’s going off, and I’m the one on call tonight, I’m sorry.”

“Damn, how long will it take to sort out?”

“It shouldn’t be more than thirty minutes. It’s probably a false alarm. You can wait for me to get back.” Philip smiled and was about to agree when he caught sight of Sarah. Who was stood in the hall watching them, wearing a tiny skirt with a low cut cami style top. Her expression one of excited interest at the idea of Philip staying behind.

“I could come with you,” Philip said. “Just in case it’s something more than a false alarm.”

“No need, the police are already on their way. They get an automatic alert when the alarm goes off.” Barbara replied then caught him glancing towards the house. She turned her head and spotted Sarah; she looked back to Philip her face was stern and angry. “Philip, it’s just half an hour, you can spend that time with Sarah right. I don’t know what your problem is with her, but I wish you’d get over it.” Philip opened his mouth to reply, but what could he say. He could not tell her that he was uncomfortable with how Sarah acted around him, or that he was scared one day he would succumb to her flirting. So, instead, he simply nodded in agreement. “Good,” Barbara said, “I’ll be back soon.”

“No need to rush, the reservation is not for an hour anyhow,” Philip told her. She nodded and lent up to give him a quick but passionate kiss.

“Be back as quick as I can babe.” Then she was gone, climbing into her little car and heading off down the road. Philip stood staring after her for several seconds. Before steeling himself and heading into the house. Once he was inside Sarah gave him a small seductive smile.

“Looks like it’s just the two of us now,” she said.

“Your mom will be back in a short while,” Philip replied in the hope of forestalling her behaviour. It did not work; she followed him closely into the living room. When he sat down on the sofa, she sat right next to him, rather than take the other chair. Moving so she was pressing herself against him.

“What will we do to spend the time together,” Sarah said placing her hand on his knee. Philip shot up out of the sofa like he had been bitten. He moved quickly to the chair, as far from her as he could go. She smiled and slouched on the sofa, lifting her one leg to pull the hem of her skirt up and nearly flash her knickers to him. Philip yanked his gaze from her, but not before getting a full view of her firm, shapely thigh. “Why do you keep lying to yourself?” Sarah asked him.

“What do you mean lying to myself?”

“About wanting me, we both know you do. I bet you’re fighting not to check me out right now aren’t you?” Philip ignored her taunt, mainly because she was right. Instead, he grabbed the TV remote and began to look for something to watch. Finding a football match he put it on, hearing Sarah’s exasperated sigh as he did.

“You really think acting like this is a good thing?” He asked her after a moment.

“Acting like what?”

“Coming on to your mother’s boyfriend.”

“Oh, and what about you fancying your girlfriend’s daughter?”

“Even if that were true,” Philip said causing her to snort in disgust. “It does not give you the right to flirt like that. I am dating your mother, and you are young enough to be my daughter. Both are good reasons why you should not be acting this way.” She gave a second snort this time of laughter.

“My age doesn’t mean anything. We’re both old enough to act as we will.”

“And the part about me dating your mother?” She opened her mouth to reply. Before she could his mobile started to ring. Pulling it out of his pocket he saw it was Barbara, so he answered it. “Hi babe, how’s things at the school?”

“Not great, it’s not a false alarm. Someone has tried to break in. I’ve got to check to see if anything has been taken, plus get someone to board up the door they broke. Sorry, I’m going to be here for at least an hour or two.”

“That’s ok babe, nothing you can do about it. Are you going to be ok there by yourself until the door is boarded up?”

“I’m not alone; the police are here. They need to do some stuff to figure out who broke in. If you wait for me, I’ll make it up to you when I get home.”

“I’ll hold you to that babe,” Philip said with a smile. He heard her giggle down the line before she hung up. As he put the phone away, he caught Sarah looking at him.

“What did she say?” She asked after a few moments.

“She’s going to be later back than she thought, someone did try to break into the school,” he told her.

“Umm, so are you staying or chickening out and heading home cause you know you won’t be able to keep control around me?”

“I am going to wait until your mother gets home. And talking of home, I bet you’ve got some homework to do right?”

“No, I finished all my homework earlier, I’m free all evening.” Philip considered challenging her to prove it, but it was too risky. She might be telling the truth, especially with Barbara being a teacher herself.

“Well, why don’t you go and do something like other teens. Listen to music in your room too loud, or spend hours chatting or texting your friends in your room, or really anything as long as it’s in your room.”

“Why, is it too tempting to be in the room with me?”

“More like too irritating, I want to watch the football, and I know you’re going to be interrupting me with inane comments.” He heard her give a small huff of anger at his words.

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