

Anna has a secret crush that she has been admiring from afar.

It had been another long and boring day and it was now third period, history. Sensei was in the middle of another boring lecture about the early 1500’s. I always paid attention in class and completed my studies but today’s lecture was just really boring. I tried to pay attention but my mind began to drift into a world all its own. My face blushed almost instantly when I looked out the window to see the new assistant principal sitting on a bench in the southern courtyard. She looked so beautiful sitting there under the cherry blossom trees, reading a book while on her lunch break. My heart skipped a beat as she took a sip of the green tea that she had with her lunch. She truly was the queen of the campus in my eyes unlike those snobby little rich girls that attended this school. It came as no surprise to me when all the other students, male and female alike began to faun over her. Hell even the other teachers and the principal, himself, seemed to always come calling upon her even for the simple things. But to my surprise she always seemed to refuse the invitations and gift that would mysteriously appear upon her desk every week. Did she have a significant other waiting for her back at home or was she simply not interested? I have to admit, I often found myself wondering about the answer to that question. I had even followed her home once or twice to see if she did but I never seen anyone there when she arrived home.

A gentle grip on my forearm pulled me out of my daydream. I looked over to see Jacqui looking at me with a concerned look. She then glanced towards the head of the class then back at me. I let my gaze travel to the exact place where hers had just been out of a slight curiosity that arose within me. My cheeks bloomed into a gentle rose color in embarrassment when I saw sensei staring right at me with a disappointed look on his face. I quickly stood up with my head lowered the bowed slightly, ‘I…I’m sorry sensei…I guess I dazed out for a moment there…’

“Just be sure it doesn’t happen again.” He then gave me a vague nod and turned around to continue his lecture. I heaved a quiet sigh and sat back down in my seat. My heart sank when I glanced back out the window to see the empty bench sitting there under the falling cherry blossoms, looking so lonely. The bell rang just as I started to lose myself within my thoughts. I heaved a sigh then stood up and grabbed my books then headed for the door. I forced myself to withstand the rest of my afternoon classes with a weary and half hearted aura about me. When the bell finally rang, signaling that it was time to go home I gathered all the materials that I would need for the night for my studies from my locker and headed home.

“Mom, I’m home.” I kicked off my shoes by the door then headed up to the kitchen to grab myself a snack then head upstairs to my bedroom and get to work on my studies. I looked around as I walked into the kitchen, ‘hmm, I guess she’s not home.’ There was a note left on the kitchen table left for me.

(the note)


I have to work over tonight then I have a business meeting that I have to attend so I will be gone for a few days. I should be back sometime after midnight on Monday so I’ve left an envelop with some money to get you through the rest of the week and the weekend until I get back. Invite a friend over for the weekend and have a girls night so that you’re not alone the entire time and try and have a little fun.

Love, Mom.

I looked down at the table and sure enough there was an envelope laying there with my name on it. I laid the note down and opened the envelope to find two one hundred dollar bills and eight twenties inside, ‘Holy Shit, Mom what would I honestly need $360.00 for?’ I heaved a sigh then closed the envelop and laid it back down on the table. I know that she was always trusting and understanding when it came to her only daughter but she was rather over baring and protective at times. I couldn’t really blame her for that, after all it had been just the two of us since I was nine when dad left. I shook my head with a slight smile, ‘well, I had better make the most of it, I guess.’

I made myself a snack and cleaned up in the kitchen then headed upstairs. After setting the snack down at my desk I walked over to my back pack and pulled out the books that I needed to study for the exams. I grabbed my ipod and turned the volume up to full blast and started studying for the exams that were coming next week. Knives and Pens by Black Veil Brides was blaring through my deep blue skull candies as I was scanning over the notes from today’s lesson that I had copied from Jacqui during our free period just after lunch. By the time I finished with the history portion of my studies the sun had already started to set.

I looked up at the clock to see that it was only a little after six o’clock. “A quarter after six, I thought that it was later than that.” I sat my pencil down and closed my history book then got up and walked over to my closet. I grabbed my black leather jacket, gray slacks, and navy blue sleeveless top that mom had bought me for a belated birthday present then grabbed the new ocean blue lingerie that I bought while out shopping with Jacqui last week and left the room.

I was just finishing with my shower when I heard the phone ring, ‘oh shit!’, I quickly ran down stairs and answered the phone.

“Anna, hey it’s Jacqui.”
“Hey, what’s up?”
“Mom said that your mom called and said that she wouldn’t be back until next week and she thought that you might want some company.”
I couldn’t help but laugh a little because it didn’t surprise me that mom had called Mrs. Ruby ahead of time, ‘sure why not…by the way what are you doing right this minute?’
“Nothing really, why?” Jacqui asked curiously.
“Well I have to run an errand that I forgot to do and I was thinking that I might stop back by your place for a little bit before I head back home.” I heard Jacqui laugh on the other end of the line and I couldn’t help but smile even if it was just a little. I don’t know why but every since I first met the smaller auburn red head back when mom and I first moved here she always seemed to enjoy having me around. Both of her parents seemed really kind and didn’t seem to mind the two of us hanging out and talking with each other over the phone or the computer even when we would stay up until two and three in the morning.

“Anna, hey Anna, are you there?” I blinked and shook my head when I heard Jacqui calling my name on the other end of the line. “Yeah, sorry about that…I guess I spaced out for a moment there.”
“You’ve been spacing out a lot lately, are you sure that you’re okay Anna?”
“Yeah, I promise you that I’m alright.” I replied, trying to get her to drop the subject. Jacqui must have picked up on it right away that I was avoiding answering her because she quickly changed the subject. I was thankful that she wasn’t trying to pry me for answers on what was bothering me unlike all my other so called friends that didn’t know when to just leave me alone about it.

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