

Not for the lighthearted


Karen frowned as she opened the door to her room at the end of
the day. She had been at The Covenant Boarding School for Young Women
two weeks now and was terribly homesick. She hated it! Why did her
parents have to get divorced? And then to pack her off to this School
while they fought over their possessions was no fair. She missed her old
house, with its stables out back and its open meadows stretching for miles.
She thought longingly of how she used to saddle up Countess, her mare, and
ride for hours, the wind pulling her long auburn hair out behind her, her
trim thighs clenching and unclenching to the natural rhythm of the
horse. Sometimes she would bring a basket of food, maybe some bread and
cheese with a little wine snuck out from the wine cellar, and lay out
among the grass, eating and sipping the wine, and imagining the clouds
above her were imaginary lovers come to take her away to imaginary lands
of beauty and fullfillment.
She even missed her old high school, Bokker, pronounced Boker,
High. She hadn’t liked it too much, but managed to get mostly B’s with a
couple of A’s her freshman year; and her Sophmore year was shaping up to
be a great one before her parents had decided to destroy everything. She
had been assigned the same classes as her best friend Sandy, and she had
just begun to become interested in a “guy,” as Sandy would say. She had
even made the second to last cut on the cheerleading squad. She hadn’t
expected to make it, of course, since she was only a sophmore, but it was
fun, and she loved the exercise.
But now she was _here_, she thought as she dropped her bag on her
desk and flopped down on her bed, her plaid, checkered skirt flying up to
reveal trim, well-muscled thighs, just losing their tan and becoming once
more their natural creamy ivory. Her auburn hair, now, away from the
sun, a darker brown, fell in a halo about her face, framing it. A year
ago her face might have been called boyish, but it had been softened by
her maturation: her small, squarish chin had given away to a rounder,
almost dainty one, perfectly accenting her full, dull pink lips; a
small, sharp nose filled out, and revealing some old asian blood, did not
turn up, instead remaining faintly southern European in look. Large
brown eyes, which also revealed a hint of Asian blood, sat above high
cheekbones and pale, full cheeks, completing the picture.
Everything, she had to admit, wasn’t so bad here. It was a great
school, with fully 80% of the girls going on to an ivy league school. And
the accomidations were great. She shared a nice large room, larger than
her room at home, with Su Lee Chen, who, because she too had joined the
school midsemester, had quickly become her best friend there. The other
girls at the school were not friendly at all, but she thought it must be
because they were new. She had seen a definate heirarchy among her
fellow schoolmates, with the senior and juniors bullying the freshman and
sophmores. Neither she nor Su Lee had been bothered yet though, and
Karen hoped they would just be left alone.
She thought again of Su Lee, and was glad she had at least some
company. Not this weekend, of course, since Su Lee had been picked up
earlier in the day by her parents, but she would be back Sunday night.
Su Lee, she reflected, was a small, attractive young woman, four inches
shorter than her own 5’6″. Karen envied her hair, long, straight, black
hair hanging down to her thighs, which she kept in a french braid most of
the time. Her face was not completely Chinese–Su Lee claimed her
grandfather on her mother’s side was white–and it showed, lightening
what would have been a dark olive complexion to a mellower color. Her
eyes also revealed the caucasian blood, being large and lidded. Her
body, though, was typically asian, slim with small breasts (she wore a
size A bra, Karen thought, remembering when she had accidently thought it
was one of her own. She herself had just switched to size B) and a firm
if flat behind. She was not as athletic as Karen, but her body showed
the firmness of youth, and although at 16 she was a year older than Karen,
she looked two years her junior.
She turned onto her side and looked at the clock: 7:00 o’clock.
She sighed and decided she’d better start studying soon, since she really
had nothing better to do. Sitting up, she started unbuttoning her blouse
with one hand while slipping off her shoes with the other. Shucking off
her shirt, she stood and unclasped her skirt, letting it fall down her
shapely calves to the ground. She stepped out of it, and reached behind
herself to unclasp her bra while standing in front of her dresser. When
she had pulled her bra off, she straightened and looked at herself in the
dresser mirror. She was, she knew, attractive in a clean-cut, athletic
kind of way, her firm breasts, with medium-sized pink nipples, perfectly
porportioned with the rest of her body. Sometimes she wished she could
have the willowy, exotic beauty of Su Lee, but she shook her head and
started to rummage around in her drawer for her sleeping t-shirt. She
found it, pulled it over her head, and smoothed it down until it fell to
mid thigh. She sighed, thinking of the long, boring weekend in front of
her, grabbed her toiletries, and headed down the hall to the commen
restroom. She was happy to find that none of the other girls were there,
and finished quickly to avoid them. She made it safely back to her room
and sat down to study. Three hours later she was tired and burned out.
Leaving all her study materials on her desk, she turned off the light
and crawled into bed, almost immediately falling asleep.
She was dreaming…she was swimming in a large pool of water.
She couldn’t see the shore and she was very tired. She slipped under the
water…she couldn’t breath…. Her eyes popped open–she couldn’t
breath! Laying on her stomach, her face was pressed into her pillow,
suffocating her. As she struggled, she came fully awake and realized
that someone was sitting on her lower back and had pulled her arms behind
her back! Someone else had two hands on the back of her head and was
pressing it into the pillow. She panicked, thrashing around–what was
happening to her, what did these people want? flashed through her mind
as she felt a thin cord being wrapped tightly around her wrists and
quickly tied off. A hand on the back of her head gripped her hair, and a
second later her head was pulled high off the bed, straining her back.
As she gratefully sucked in a mouthful of air and prepared to scream her
lungs out, what felt like a large rubber ball was pressed against her
mouth. She reared back, almost dislodging the person sitting on her
back, but the hand gripping the back of her head pushed violently
forward, while the other hand slammed the ball into her mouth. She made
gagging sounds around the ball as her face was pressed back into the
pillow, and she felt someone pull two straps across her face and connect
them behind her head. She managed to turn her face to the side, her mind
a confused jumble, just before someone sat on her head. She felt the
person sitting on her lower back turn around, and she kicked her legs
back, trying to hit him or her. The person just grabbed both her ankles
and held them against his or her body, and Karen felt the bite of a cord
being wrapped around her ankles. Suddenly, the weight of the bodies was
off of her, and she started thrashing and grunting madly, trying to free her
hands or her legs. She couldn’t see her assailants in the dark, but sensed
movement as someone punched her hard in the gut. Her nostrils flared as
she gasped for breath through the gag, and they took advantage of her
momentary disability by tying another cord around her legs just above the
knees. Two pair of hands then lifted her roughly and carried her across
the room, dropping her into a large laundry hamper on wheels. The air
rushed out of her lungs with an oomph as she landed hard against the
wooden bottom of the cart on her hip and shoulder. She looked up to see
the dark shapes of clothes fall over her trussed body. She felt and
heard the cart start down the hall.
She wimpered through her gag; what was happening to her? What
did they want from _her_? Her parents were wealthy, but not that
wealthy. And where was she being taken? Her wrists throbbed with pain
as the thin cord cut off the circulation to her hands, and her legs ached
for the same reason. Her jaw was sore, unused to being pulled so far apart.
She squirmed around, trying to get more comfortable, only scraping her
bruised flesh against the wooden bottom of the cart, driving painful
splinters into her thighs and back. She moaned and started crying,
softly sobbing into her gag. Suddenly she felt a cool breeze, and the
wheels of the hamper changed from a dull rolling noise to the staccio
chatter of rolling across cobblestone. She was outside, in the freezing
night; even through the pile of clothes on her her flesh raised
goosebumps, sending chills up and down her bound legs, and raising her
nipples to sharp points of hardness. She shivered as she sobbed.
Without warning the nightmare ride was over and she sensed hands
lifting the clothes off her. Lost in despair, she didn’t know how long
she had been in the hamper, and she had no idea where she was now. She
stopped her crying and waited fearfully for her tormenters to reveal
themselves. Before all the clothes were removed, the hamper tipped over,
spilling her painfully onto a hardwood floor, blinded momentarily by the
bright lights around her. Lying painfully on her side, her legs bound
together and her arms tied behind her back, she blinked her large brown
eyes, now swollen with tears. She turned awkwardly onto her back and
peered up into the faces of her Abductors.
Karen registered shock as she saw Ingrid and Mercedes, two girls
from her school, standing over her. Although both were wearing the
school uniform–plaid skirt coming down just above the knee and a white
blouse–they could not have been different in appearance. Ingrid was a
Norwegan, her pale yellow, almost white hair cut into a short bob,
matching her face, which shone with a translucent pallor. Striking blue
eyes stared out from a handsome face, a full figured woman at 18 years of
age, with a hard, strong, shapely body. She was a senior at the school,
and her father was a senator. Now she stood her full 5’9″ over Karen,
and smiled wickedly down at her. Standing next to her was Mercedes, her
southern Italian blood showing her up even darker against the color of
Ingrid. Mercedes was a slight, slip of a girl, standing only 5′ tall and
weighing no more than 95 lbs, and Karen had always though she was a bit
mousy, with her wavy brown hair always pulled back into a pony-tail and
her small, angular yet pretty face adorned with a pair of spectacles.
Now, without her spectacles, holding a 3″ double bladed knife in front of
her, and grinning bizarrly, she looked frightening. She was a Junior,
and Karen remembered, crazily, that she used to follow Ingrid everywhere.
As Ingrid knelt down beside her and leaned over, staring directly
into her eyes, Karen felt a chill go through her body, and tried to ask
“what do you want?” But all that came out was a muffled moaning. Ingrid
smiled at her, revealing two rows of perfectly white teeth, somehow
frightening Karen all the more: “I’m sure you’re wondering why you’re
here, aren’t you, sweetie?” Ingrid smiled again as she reached down to
caress Karen’s cheek, sending a shiver down her bound form. She could
not move, she was petrified, a small bird caught in the icy blue stare of
Ingrid’s. Caressing the side of her face, Ingrid continued, “Well, to put
is simply, you’re _ours_. Actually, you’re the seniors’. We run things
around here, and we get to do whatever we like to little snotty
underclassmen like you.” She smiled again, sending more shudders down
Karen’s spine, “And we’ve decided we’re going to have a little party, and
you’re the entertainment.” So saying, she stopped stroking Karen’s cheek
and moved her hand down to her stomach, slowly sliding her hand under
Karen’s sleep-T.
Ingrid’s hand felt like it burned as it lightly brushed her
stomach. She tried to shrink away, and began shivering uncontrollably.
This couldn’t be happening to her. They couldn’t be this cruel. “My poor
little bird,” Ingrid crooned, “are you frightened?” Glancing down at
Karen’s exposed stomach, “So firm, so beautiful….” Her hand moved
higher, brushing gently against the underside of Karen’s breast. “NO!”
Karen screamed into her gag, and began thrashing about, trying to roll
away from Ingrid’s hand. Please, Nooo! she screamed in her mind. A
sharp “smack” echoed in her ears as her head was jerked to one side and
fiery pain filled the side of her head. She became instantly still as
she stared up into Ingrid’s glaring countenance. “None of that, you
little bitch, or you’ll get more pain than you can handle,” Ingrid
Resuming her easy posture, Ingrid turned toward Mercedes and said,
“I don’t think our little Karen really understands her position here.
Maybe a little caning will teach her.” Karen froze at the word: cane
her? Wasn’t it enough that they had bound her and were going to molest
her? Now they were going to cane her? She broke down, and started
sobbing again through her gag. Ignoring her, Mercedes and Ingrid rolled
her onto her stomach, and Karen felt the knife cut through the cord on
her wrists. Pain flooded her hands as circulation returned, and she
groaned as two strong hands took her wrists and put a leather cuff around
each. They roughly rolled her over and clipped the cuffs together in
front of her, then dragged her to her feet. Mercedes stood by her, knife
in one hand and the other helping Karen keep her balance, as Ingrid
walked over to the wall and began lowering a hook and pulley contraption
above Karen’s head. “Now be a good girl and put your wrists over the
hook,” Ingrid said. Meekly, keeping her eyes on Mercedes and her knife,
Karen did as she was told, and fell heavily against her arms as Ingrid
began pulling the hook up. Soon she was struggling to stand on the balls
of her feet, straining the muscles in her calves to save putting all her
weight on her arms.
Ingrid came over and said, “Cut her loose.” Mercedes quickly cut
the cords binding her legs, and she again fell against her arms as
feeling came back into her legs. She regained her balance, her calves
and thighs burning with the effort, and stared in horror as Mercedes
brought the knife right before her eyes. She shuddered in fear as
Mercedes slowly ran the knife down her cheek, across her neck, and to the
top of her sleeping-T. Karen’s heart nearly burst when, with a quick
motion, Mercedes brought the knife down, cutting her T-shirt down the
front. A few more quick cuts at the arms and her T fell to the ground.
She stood, stretched and bound before her two classmates, her breasts
standing out before their lewd stares…she moaned in humiliation, her
face turning red with embarressment. A slight breeze blew threw the
room, causing her nipples stiffen. Mercedes brought her head down, and
gently lapped at her right nipple. The warm, wet, pressure of Mercede’s
tongue sent a shock through Karen, and she jerked back, trying to twist
out of the way, mincing on the balls of her feet to keep from unbalancing
Mercedes merely smiled cruely, and, grabbing Karen’s underwear,
ripped them off mercilessly, causing Karen to swing out toward her and
land hard against her arms. She regained her precarious balance again as
her two classmates stepped back to admire her. She was stretched taut,
the strong muscles of her calves, thighs, and stomach straining to keep
her up on her toes, and her round breasts firm against her chest. Tears
began running down her face as they stepped close to her and began
running their hands up and down her body, sending chill shivers through
her. This couldn’t be happening. It just couldn’t. It was all a bad
dream, and she’d wake up soon. Please let it not be happening. She
closed her eyes and tried to shut out the hands exploring her body,
running over her stomach, her back, her sides, caressing her breasts and
legs. Suddenly she was brought back to reality by a sharp tug at her
mouth. Ingrid was removing her ball gag! Another quick tug and it came
all the way out, trailing her saliva behind it.
She quickly swallowed and began pleading, “Please, let me go…I
won’t tell anyone…Why are you doing this?….” At which Mercedes and
Ingrid burst into laughter. “Please…let me go…”
“Shut up!” Ingrid commanded as Mercedes handed her a long
switch. “I still don’t thing you understand” she said as she brought the
switch swiftly across Karen’s stomach.
“AAAAAHHHGGGG!” she screamed as pain flashed through her and she
fell again onto her arms. The world went fiery red for an instant before
returning to a dull throb through her midsection. She scrambled back
onto her toes and stared in horror as she saw Mercedes roll forward a
video camera standing on a tripod and turn it on.
Slapping her switch gently against her palm, “Maybe this will help
you understand what your position is here. You see, we tape everything
we do to you for the headmistress. She likes to see how her new students
perform.” Smiling behind her, Mercedes picked up another switch and
walked around behind her. As Ingrid said, “You may begin,” Karen’s ass
exploded in pain. Throwing her hips forward to escape the pain, they
threw themselves into a blow from Ingrid, burning across the front of her
PLEASE” she cried again and again, the switches landing against her back,
her breasts, her stomach, her thighs, biting into her nipples, turning
her whole body into one fiery mass of pain. She twisted and squirmed
around on the end of the hook, unable to escape the punishing blows of
the switches as they flooded every nerve in her body with unendurable
pain. After what seemed like an eternity, she began to drift. The pain
raining down on her seemed to spread across her entire body, leaving her
in a sort of floating numbness. The pain was no longer pain…it was
merely sensation, feeling, engulfing her entire body, increased each time
a blow landed against her body.
She heard distantly, “I think that’s enough for now”–she had
stopped screaming a while ago, she did not know how long, and, hanging
against her arms, uttered only grunts each time she was struck. She felt
her body being lowered to the ground, and two sets of hands carry it to a
large, cushioned table. Her arms and legs were affixed to cuffs in the
corner, binding her spread-eagled. Gently hands ran across her body,
sending shooting signals of sensation through her as they brushed against
her bruised, reddened flesh. Every touch seemed magnified a thousand
times by abused flesh, sending her higher and higher into a realm of pure
feeling. It seemed as if she were looking down at herself as Ingrid
gently took her right nipple into her mouth and began gently sucking,
concentrating what was neither pleasure nor pain at that one point.
Mercedes was leaning over the table between her legs, stroking her inner
thighs, and slowly, gently, placed her mouth over Karen’s vagina. Her
tongue snaked out and licked up and down her slit, providing a
counterpoint to the sensation at her nipple. Ingrid stopped and the
sensation flooded into her groin, then moved back as she began sucking at
her other nipple. She began moaning softly as Mercedes pushed her tongue
between her labia, and a shiny coating of liquid greeted Mercedes as she
probed deeper. Ingrid moved from nipple to nipple as Mercedes moved up
to Karen’s clitorus, now hard and quivering, mimicking Karen’s body,
which was emitting low moaning sounds from her mouth. Mercedes pressed
her lips against Karen’s clit and began softly massaging it with the flat
of her tongue, feeling Karen’s thighs tense with this new sensation.
Karen did not know how long they caressed her body–she was above
it all, riding the waves of feeling which were slowly increasing. She
sensed a pressure building up from somewhere, slowly increasing, slowly
drawing her back to her abused body, criss-crossed with red marks and
throbbing, throbbing. Slowly the sensations around her tightened, grew,
and suddenly she was back in her own body as the sensations became wave
after wave of pure ecstacy. She screamed and bucked on the table, felt
strong fingers digging into her thighs and a quick tongue flicking her
clit, felt a mouth sucking almost painfully on her breast. She beat her
body against the table, thrusting her hips forward and back, forward and
back, thrusting her chest up and down, up and down, as all the sensations
of the night, every feeling which had burned its way through her nerves,
came back to her as almost unendurable ecstasy. Slowly her orgasm broke,
and her thrashing stopped, and she lay, bound to the table, her chest
rising and falling raggedly as she sucked in great gasps of air.

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Ingrid and Mercedes, her face glistening with Karen’s juices,
smiled at each other over Karen’s prone body. “What a slut,” Ingrid said,
tweaking Karen’s nipple, bringing a twitching response from her. At
Ingrid’s words, shame and humiliation rushed through Karen. What had
happened? What had they done to her? Her body, covered with sweat,
ached from the beating she had taken. Between her legs her thighs felt
sticky and warm. She shuddered in revulsion at the way she had reacted.
The pleasure of a moment ago was forgotten, and she began to quietly cry
as she remembered her body’s betrayal, remembered the way she had
screamed out during her orgasm, thrashing about, no better than some
worthless whore, cumming uncontrollably, unstoppably. She sucked in her
lower lip and thought: maybe now they’ll let me go…maybe now…please let
them let me go…please.
She was interupted in her thoughts when she heard Ingrid say,
“I’m glad I asked a couple of my friends from Padduck over. They’ll love
this cunt.”
“Nooooo…,” Karen moaned, “please…let me go…haven’t you done
“Done enough?” Ingrid replied, “You loved it, you cunt. I’ve never
seen anyone pop her cork like you just did. Hell, watching you get your
rocks off turned me on…hmmm…maybe I will send you home for now; I’m
sure Merc and I can take care of my friends. I do need a good fuck.”
“Wait,” Mercedes broke in, “when I was sucking her off, I noticed
she’s still a virgin.”
Surprised, “What, she hasn’t been popped? A slut like that?”
“Nope, and I really want to see her get stuck for the first time.”
“Why not?” Ingrid shrugged, “I’m sure the boys will have plenty
left for us. Let’s go get the bitch cleaned up for ’em.”
Noooo, Karen thought, wasn’t it enough that they had beaten her
black and blue, that they had turned her body against her, humiliating
her? Now they had invited men over to abuse her. She didn’t know if she
could take anymore….
Ingrid and Mercedes quickly unclasped her arms and legs and
half-dragged half-carried her across the room and down a wide hallway.
They pulled her unrestisting body through an open doorway into a large
shower stall with nozzles protruding from every wall. They reattached
her wrist bands and, pulling her arms up and apart, clipped them to the
top edge of the stall.
Karen let out a sharp cry as cold water instantaneously struck
her whole body. She jerked her chin up to remove it from the painful
spray, and began shivering uncontrollably. The hard, pulsating spray
felt like it was flaying her alive, driving against her whipped flesh,
sending ice cold sparks of pain through her body. Slowly though, the
water began to warm, and her shivering began to subside. She noticed
vaguely, through the spray blocking her vision, Ingrid and Mercedes
leaving the room. Oh, God, let them not come back, she thought, and
began to relax for the first time since she had been kidnapped that evening.
The water helped, beating into her sore muscles, massaging her
bruised skin, sluicing down her stomach and thighs. She became more and
more relaxed, and hung her head, letting the water beat against her scalp.
She slumped down and began to doze off, the tensions of the evening, as
well as her own orgasm, draining her of energy. After she did not know
how long, the water snapped off, and she raised her head groggily.
Standing before her were Ingrid and Mercedes.
Ingrid stood bare-footed, attired in black stockings held up by a
black garter belt. Bikini leather panties barely covered her pubic hair,
and her stomach was bare. A black bustier squeezed her large, round
breasts up and together. Black lipstick adorned her lips and she had
touched her eyes lightly with mascara. She stood heavily on one leg with
her hip thrust out, her hand against her hip and a cruel grin on her
Beside her, Mercedes was completely naked except for a studded
black leather collar around her neck. Karen noticed with a shock that
she did not have any pubic hair, which, combined with her slight frame,
made her look like a young girl of 11 or 12 years. Her stance, though,
belied her slim hips and small breasts, for it was confident and sure.
She was holding a large towel, and walked casually up to Karen and began
to dry her off.
After her long shower, Karen’s skin was hyper-sensitive, so she
squirmed away from Mercedes, who just more vigorously rubbed the abrasive
towel against Karen’s tenderized skin. Finishing by drying her hair,
Mercedes then unclasped her wrists, leaving her leather cuffs on, and
Ingrid and Mercedes gently took her by the arms and began walking her
back to the main room.
She was beaten, physically and emotionally drained by her
experiences, and they knew it. Held between them, she asked, “Please can
I go back to my room now? I can’t take anymore.”
“Sure you can,” Mercedes smiled, “we’ve got two virile young men
just waiting to fuck you.”
Karen moaned, “Noooo…please…”; interupted by a stinging slap
from Ingrid, shocking her out of her daze and back into this horrible
reality where she was beaten and raped again and again.
“Shut up, slut,” Ingrid growled, “and behave. It’ll only be as
bad as you make it.”
She had to escape. She just had to. She knew she couldn’t take
anymore abuse; it would drive her crazy. Her body was still sore, her
shoulders aching from when she had hung her weight from them, her skin
burning from the aftereffects of the switching and the shower. Her
classmates weren’t holding her too closely; she could easily twist away
from them. She was sure she could outrun them once she got away, and
then she would make it to the highway and someone would pick her up. She
would tell the police and they would be arrested. Even if she didn’t
make it, even if she froze to death outside, it would be better than this
Her thoughts were broken by a long, low whistle: “Damn, you sure
did a number on her. She’s a looker though.” She jerked her head up at
the voice and beheld two young men, naked, their clothes piled on the
ground beside their feet. Both stood about 21 years old and 5’10, and where
one was stocky and brown-haired, the other was slim with blond hair. It
was the slim one who had spoken. Without thinking, she twisted from the
girls’ grip, turning as she did so, and ran toward the door. She heard
cries of “Shit” and “Son of a…” and the sound of pounding feet on the
hardwood floor following her. She was halfway to the door when a heavy
weight hit her in the small of her back. Strong arms wrapped around her
as she fell forward. She barely got her hands under her as she fell, and
fell hard against the hardwood floor, knocking the breath from her lungs.
As she gasped for breath strong hands forced her arms behind her,
where her wrist cuffs were clipped together, and she heard Ingrid say,
“Stupid bitch…I’ll fucking show her…”
“Wait,” a voice broke in, “I’ve got an idea.” She recognized the
voice as the slim young man’s. Mercedes and the stocky man kneeled on
either side of her as she lay there, gasping for breath, and wrapped a
thick, leather belt around the crook of her elbows. Mercedes quickly
pulled the belt tight, bringing Karen’s elbows together, sending a
painful strain into her shoulders, pulling them back and thrusting her
aching breasts into the floor.
“Roll her over,” the young man said, and she was roughly rolled
over onto her back. She lay there, her arms crushed painfully under her,
her breasts thrust like an offering toward the ceiling, her lolling back
on the hardwood floor. Everyone stood up as she began to regain her
breath, and Ingrid and Mercedes grabbed her ankles, pulling them toward
her head. In a second, Karen was bent painfully in two, her knees beside
her head, her hair pinned down on the floor by one knee each from Ingrid
and Mercedes, who also pinned her calves to the floor with strong hands.
She struggled briefly, but found she could not move much. She was
trapped there with her ass and vagina stuck gaping into the air. It was
a humiliating position, and she closed her eyes, trying to block out the
world around her.
Ingrid leaned close to her face and hissed, “Now you’re going to
get it,” and Karen’s eyes widened in terror as she looked between her
legs and saw the slim man approaching her backside holding a medium sized
belt in his hand. The other man was slightly behind him holding the
videotape recorder. Both of their penis’ were coming to life as they
thought of the punishment they were about to inflict.
“You’re going to have to learn your place, cunt,” the man snarled
as the belt whistled through the air, landing with a dull, wet smacking
sound directly on Karen’s cunt and mound. A blinding white flash of pain
seared through her guts and temporarily blinded her, her body thrashing
her hips up and out, trying in any way to escape the torment within
her. Her voice was not her own as a horrible shriek escaped her lips:
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGG. It seemed to go on and on in her own ears, and
the pain kept building. She heard another dull smack and she exploded in
pain again as the belt dug into the tender flesh of her vagina, her voice
a siren wailing, her body thrashing around, banging again and again
against the hard floor. Another smack and her whole groin was on fire,
burning and aching, the pain overwhelming all her senses: she could not
hear nor see, all she could do was feel.
She wasn’t sure if he hit her again, although he must have, for
the agony kept increasing, building to an almost inhuman level where she
thought her entire pelvis must explode, wished it would explode, just to
release the awful agony which was consuming her.

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