Scheherazade Imaginaria Part 3: Ent In The Rain
Scheherazade Imaginaria Part 3: Ent In The Rain
Sex Story Author: | Loupy |
Sex Story Excerpt: | “Your tits especially! They looked absolutely amazing, bouncing around so violently like that! I was half afraid they were going |
Sex Story Category: | BDSM |
Sex Story Tags: | BDSM, Bondage and restriction, Consensual Sex, Cosplay, Exhibitionism, Extreme, Female/Female, Hardcore, Incest, Job/Place-of-work, Lesbian, Monster, Non-consensual sex, Rape, Role-playing, Science-Fiction, Teen, Threesome, Violence, Young |
I huddled under the overhang of rock, wet, naked, and shivering, my clothes spread out to dry near the meagre fire I’d finally managed to start. The rain was steady and oppressive, the heavy clouds blocking moon and stars, my world constricted to the bare few paces illuminated by the flames. My eyes darted, reacting to every half-imagined sound. There were… things, in this forest. Everyone knew. It was bad enough in the daylight, but to be here at night… I cursed the dim, faded trail that had led me astray. The entire afternoon wasted, following a path that had been no path at all, then backtracking to again find my way. And how here I was; cold, wet, alone and frightened, tired beyond measure yet not daring to sleep. If I even could sleep, chilled as I was.
A crack of wood in the darkness! My head snapped in that direction, eyes peering uselessly into the night. I pulled my knees tighter to my chest, desperately trying to keep my teeth from chattering. A deer, perhaps. Please, let it be only a deer! My hand moved slowly to the long, solid stick I’d kept at my side. Slight protection, if it was a wolf or a bear—none at all, if it was something worse! I was staring so intently in the direction of that sound, I didn’t see it coming around the other side.
I screamed as the enormous hand suddenly gripped me by my calf, ripping me out into the night, dangling me upside down. Higher and higher into the air I rose, ten feet, then fifteen, until I was finally eye to enormous eye with my captor.
“A fire! In my forest!” He bellowed into my face, his voice deep and gravelly, his speech slow and oddly rhythmed, almost musical. A flash of lightning gave me my first clear glimpse, and perhaps I had bumped my head harder than I’d thought; he was a tree! That was my first thought. Gnarled and lichen-covered, his features irregular, an enormous man carved out an ancient, leafless tree trunk, and somehow magically given life!
“W-what are you?” I stammered, the blood rushing to my head, the chill rain near freezing on my unprotected skin.
“What am I?” he seemed taken aback by my question, as if the answer should have been obvious. “Why… I am an Ent! Guardian and steward of this forest! Friend and protector of these trees, whose bodies you so casually and cruelly burn! And what manner of creature are you, you foul and fleshy thing?” He raised his other hand, flicking at my large and heavy breast, scowling in apparent disgust at the way he’d made it shake.
“I… I am human!” I gasped, wrapping myself in my arms, protectively covering my breasts with my hands.
“Hyu-maan…” he repeated questioningly. He twisted his wrist back and forth causing me to rotate, examining me from all angles. “I do not know this word. What is your purpose?”
“M-my p-purpose?” I asked, unable to stop my teeth chattering again in my worsening chill.
“All creatures have a purpose,” he mumbled, more to himself than to me, I thought. “If you do not know it, I shall discover it myself.” He paused, tilting his head in consideration, then leaned in close, closing his eyes and taking a long, slow sniff through his large, crooked nose. He moved gradually up my body; my hair, my chest, my belly, my sex… His eyes snapped open, and even on his strangely formed features I could clearly recognize surprise.
“I know this smell…” he murmured, grimacing in concentration. “How do I know this smell? It has been so long, my memory fades… but I know that I know this smell!” He brought up his other hand, forcing my legs carefully apart, closing his eyes again and snuffling directly into my sex this time, his firm, woody nostrils rubbing forcefully against my smooth, soft lips. I tried not to think about it, tried not to let myself respond… but I had no control; a moisture and heat that had nothing to do with the cold, pouring rain began to grow between my thighs.
“Entmaiden…” he whispered, though from him a mere whisper was still the volume of normal speech. He hurriedly righted me in his grasp, holding me now by both hands wrapped carefully around my waist; they were so large, even one would have been more than enough. “You are an Entmaiden!” he whispered again, his voice reverent, as soft as I’d yet heard it. “I cannot believe it… I thought you had all been lost! All the Entwives and Entmaidens, lost to us so long ago I can barely remember! And surely my memory deceives me, for you have not the countenance I seem to recall… Yet even now, I cannot mistake your smell! Oh, what miracle has preserved you all these long, lonely seasons, to bring you to me now?”
“I… I’m s-sorry, b-but I f-fear you m-must b-be m-mistaken!” I said, vigorously shaking my head. ‘Entmaiden’? And he had called himself an ‘Ent’, whatever that was; I had never even heard of such a creature, before tonight! He could not truly believe we were somehow the same, could he? Preposterous! “I’m h-human, I s-said! I d-don’t even kn-now what an Entm-maiden is!”
“It matters not what you call yourself, little Entmaiden,” he smiled. “Perhaps your memory is as flawed as my own, and you do not remember your own nature, your own purpose! That is alright. I shall show you, and you shall remember!”
I heard a low creaking of wood, an indecipherable expression appearing on the giant’s wooden face. It was only as I glanced down towards the ground and saw the enormous, polished wooden member growing from between the Ent’s thighs that I suddenly understood!
“N-no! N-no, p-please!” I begged, squirming and pushing at his grip, but I could as easily have split an oak tree with my bare hands! All I accomplished was to make him readjust the positioning of his own, pinning my arms to my sides as well.
“Hush, my child,” he murmured, in what I’m sure he thought was a reassuring tone. “You shall learn, and you shall remember! I shall teach you!”
He lowered me in his hands, rubbing my poor, defenceless lips against the crown of his huge, swollen head! I whimpered and shook, only partly because of the cold now, but there was nothing I could do, no way I could possibly resist! He lowered me onto himself, slowly and carefully, but still I screamed! He was so unbelievably thick, stretching me relentlessly, and there was no give or softness to him at all! I cried loudly, my tears invisible in the pouring rain as he impaled me further and further onto his massive, wooden cock, certain he was going to tear me apart! Even if I somehow survived, I knew I would never be the same; that huge, monstrous cock was stretching me out completely, permanently damaging my formerly cute, tight little pussy, ruining me for any man! My cries became sobs, huge racking things, at the knowledge that I would never be able to properly please a husband, not after the destruction he was causing inside of me! He started gently fucking me—not with the movement of his hips, but by effortlessly lifting my entire body up and down his shaft with his hands, making me nothing but a sex-toy for his pleasure! I looked down at myself, seeing my vulnerable little lips stretched so much wider than they’d ever been stretched before as he gradually forced his way deeper and deeper inside… and I couldn’t help it—I winced my eyes tightly closed, unable to bear the sight of what was happening to me!
“Do you see, child?” he finally whispered, taking a break from lifting me, removing one hand from around my waist and carefully stroking a fingertip across my cheek. “You are an Entmaiden—now, my Entwife! None other could accept me as you have!” I opened my eyes again to see what he meant, gasping in shock as I glanced down through my tears. The entire thing was inside of me now! “You see, do you not?” He removed his other hand as well, leaving my entire weight suspended on nothing but the incredible firmness of his cock inside me, my hands clutching desperately at his chest to steady myself.
He reestablished his grip on me and started once again lifting me up and down on his cock. Faster and faster, harder and harder he lifted and dropped me, my big, heavy tits bouncing painfully, my flesh starting to feel like it was burning on my chest! I struggled, hoping to at least free an arm so I could restrain them somewhat, but my efforts were in vain; he wanted my arms at my sides, therefore that is where they were. Yet my increasingly painful breasts were the least of my concerns; the unyielding dome of my captor’s cockhead was bruisingly stiff, pounding against the soft, fleshy wall at my utter end. It was like getting spanked, hard, with a wooden broomstick—only in a place many times more sensitive, and with none of the firm, soft padding provided by my pert little ass! I howled and begged him to stop, swore that I couldn’t possibly take any more… but when he spoke to me at all, it was only to exhort me to patience, assuring me that I would start to remember soon.
Then, against all expectation… I started to feel the heat! I was confused at first; my teeth were still chattering, my skin an even paler white than normal, my fingers almost turning blue. Then the realization came, and I shook my head, my tears flowing faster. I didn’t want to do it, not like this! But it was out of my control; the pressure was building, something about getting relentlessly, repeatedly dropped onto that immovable pillar of a cock! It was triggering something inside me, a desperate need and desire I hadn’t even known was there! I started to gasp, the breath coming irregularly into my chest, until the moment finally hit; I howled, squirming in his unyielding grasp, legs flailing uselessly in the air, wave after wave of horrid, unwanted pleasure coursing through me! My body went limp in the aftermath, and still he didn’t stop; his only reaction was to move his fingers further up my back, better supporting my neck and head as he continued lifting me up and down on his cock! He forced me through two more terrible, incredible, pain-filled orgasms before he was finally ready to join me with his own.
“Oh, take my sap, my Entwife!” he tilted his head back, screaming loudly up at the clouds, the incredible, thick heat of him shooting into me forcing one last climax of my own. “It has been so long! Take my sap! Let me pollinate your womb!”
I was no longer able to object, too exhausted, cold, and sore to even speak. He pulled me carefully off of himself after we’d both finished, kneeling and setting me gently back to the ground as his cock shrunk and retreated back into his body. He’d been using me for so long that my fire was nothing but embers, now; he placed his palm flat against the ground, and a low rumble, more felt than heard, began moving them further in under the overhang, right up against the stone. I watched in disbelief as pieces of half-rotten wood started working their way up from under the ground, moving themselves onto the coals, catching easily. I turned to look at him in confusion.
“You are cold, my Entwife,” he explained. “I shall warm you now.”
He ushered me in under the rock to lay down on my side, curling himself up behind me, his enormous, wooden body all but completely blocking the wind, holding me close.
“Sleep in peace,” he rumbled. “Nothing shall harm you here, not in my forest! You are safe!”
“Thank you,” I made myself say, swallowing nervously. I didn’t know what to think. I was no Entwife, that I knew, whatever he said! And yet… there was no denying how hard he had made me cum, even if it had hurt while he was doing it. I allowed myself a small, guilty smile, his huge, wooden chest so solid and safe-feeling at my back. Perhaps… if I wasn’t an Entwife by birth, perhaps I could become one, by choice? I closed my eyes, and settled down to sleep.
I waited an extra thirty seconds or so, to properly bookend the scenario for the recording, then reached up to my visor and hit the button to turn it off. ‘Love you, Daddy! Miss you!’ I thought quietly to myself, then sat up shivering, the door opening as I wrapped myself in my arms.
“Here, let’s get that off,” Isla’s voice, carefully removing my visor for me. I smiled as I saw her, as naked as I was, as beautiful as always. Even with that cute little grimace on her face, shaking her head, hissing in disapproval as she felt my skin. “God, Elly, you’re freezing! Come on, let’s get you into the shower! I don’t know how I ever let you talk me into setting the temperature so low!”
“N-needed t-to,” I chattered, clutching to her waist as she helped me stand. “F-for f-filming!”
“Yeah, yeah…” she grumbled, but I knew she wasn’t angry, only concerned. She put my visor in the cleaner and got me quickly under the shower, holding me tight and rubbing her arms up and down my back, the lukewarm water feeling amazing on my skin. As tempting as it was, we both knew better than to jump straight to hot when I was this cold; you didn’t grow up where we had without knowing how to treat hypothermia. Mine was only a very mild case, if it was even that, but it was better to treat it cautiously even so. I gave it a few more seconds, then gradually started adjusting the knob until I’d worked my way up to the heat we both preferred.
“So… how’d it look?” I asked as I snuggled comfortably against her chest, relieved that I could get the words out clearly now, without clacking my teeth.
“As incredible as always, of course,” she smiled, softly kissing my hair.
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