
Scheherazade Imaginaria Part 2: Dragon Sacrifice

Part two of a girl’s adventures at Scheherazade Imaginaria.

I blinked against the harsh, midday mountain sun, feeling it hot and oppressive on my naked skin. The huge mirror two paces ahead, taller than I was and just as wide, its glass wavy and full of flaws, nevertheless revealed the hopelessness of my fate. Tied wrist, ankle and waist to the solid, intricately carved stone of the dragon arch around and above me, I was going nowhere. I strained against the thick hemp rope, knowing it was pointless but unable to stop myself. With nothing else I could do, I turned to examining myself in the mirror; my pale skin was glistening with sweat, my full, heavy breasts heaving with frightened breath, my bright blue eyes wide and darting. But somehow despite my fear—or perhaps because of it—my thick, pink nipples remained stubbornly erect, heat and moisture growing between my thighs. I tried to stop it, tried to think about anything else, but I had no more control over my body’s reaction to being bound than I did over my long, brushed out and beautiful blonde hair. ‘Must look your best!’ I’d been told. Well, they’d certainly arranged that, whatever I’d thought about it! Now, all I could do was wait.

A faint, echoing bellow from the air sent a shiver down my spine, and I twisted to look. There, high up behind me, was the small black dot, nearly lost in the glare of the sun. Moralyth the Red. She banked and wheeled as I watched, so incredibly graceful, dancing on currents of air. I used to love watching her swoop and swirl through the sky above our valley, so careless, so free! I would dance as I watched, arms outstretched like wings, twirling, twirling, until I fell laughing in the dirt. I’d often dreamt of being able to fly like that, to simply soar away from my troubles, untouchable, or to come crashing down, ferocious and strong, to defeat any who threatened me! It had made me feel so safe, knowing that no army could ever invade so long as we had our amazing, beautiful protector watching over our heads. But I’d been a child then, I hadn’t known the price our safety demanded. I hadn’t understood that one day, I would be the girl taken up the small, winding mountain path; that I would be the one left naked and helpless, bound to the arch!

That tiny black dot turned and suddenly dove, seemingly straight towards me, growing in my sight nearly as rapidly as the fear in my chest. I blinked rapidly, the image resolving into wide, deceptively fragile looking wings, glinting ruby red in the sunlight. A long, sinuous neck and tail appeared, bugling again, so much louder now! My eyes were wide, my heart hammering, the dragon coming straight towards me, closer, and closer! I gasped, wincing against the sudden blast of air as she back-winged to land, the earth shuddering under my feet with the impact of her massive, clawed hind legs, then again but lesser, as the front claws touched down as well. My jaw dropped wide… she was incredible! Larger even than I’d ever imagined, every scale like a brilliant jewel, blood-red rubies along her back, flanks, and limbs, lightening gradually to a shining gold down the center line of her chest. She shook her massive horned head, as large as my entire body, stretching and flapping her wings, folding and ranging them along her back. I met her eyes, golden and slit-pupiled in the brightness, like a cat; they were set wide but faced forwards—the binocular vision of a predator, not the peripheral vision of prey.

She stalked slowly up behind me, nostrils twitching as she snuffled my scent. Even from paces away I could feel the heat and moisture of her breath. I swallowed nervously, watching her long, forked tongue darting in and out of her mouth as she approached, gasping as it flicked along the curve of my pert, teenaged bottom, tasting my sweat. Still she moved closer, making me tremble as she rubbed her huge, hot muzzle through my hair, sniffing me. She nudged against my shoulders; at first I thought it was still just part of her smelling me, but she did it again and again, until I bowed myself forwards the way she seemed to want, my arms stretched out behind me by the ropes. Then she moved down, pressing her snout against the backs of my thighs, smelling my sex! I whimpered, terrified of what even one careless touch of a razor-sharp tooth could do to my most intimate place! Suddenly her hot, swirling tongue was bathing my lips, making me jerk against my restraints in surprise! Again and again she licked me, tasting my deceitful, mutinous pussy, so wet with involuntary arousal!

I moaned loudly as she entered me with her tongue; it was as thick as a man’s cock, but much, much longer, sinuous and flexible, exploring inside of me in a way no man ever could! She pushed in further, stretching me, filling me completely, so much that it hurt! My pitiful mewling served only to excite her, my cries and tears encouraging her to swirl harder and faster within me. I shuddered and gasped, the hot, wet meat of her tongue pressing hard inside my depths, over and over, causing the familiar, unavoidable feeling to build. My cries became sobs, the tears flowing hot and heavy down my cheeks. It wasn’t just the steadily increasing pain—it was the helplessness and humiliation, being forced to respond against my will! But I had no more control over my own body than I did over her questing, raping tongue. I began to pant, desperately trying to hold back, but the wave broke regardless; I screamed and howled into the air, thrashing against my restraints, my internal walls pulsing around her tongue, feeding her my succulent, creamy white nectar!

She withdrew slowly, leaving me gasping and spent, head hanging low. I almost didn’t see the shimmering haze in the mirror before me, but as I lifted my head my eyes went wide; the dragon was gone! I twisted at my waist to see directly with my eyes; no, not gone. She was still there, but different, transformed. She was almost a woman now, if a woman could be covered head to toe in fine, beautiful red and gold scales instead of skin, and have an enormous, rigid cock the size of my forearm between her thighs! I could hardly believe what I was seeing, but there was no doubt it was still her; those incredible, golden, slit-pupiled eyes in that severe, beautiful face left me no room for doubt. My eyes were bouncing up and down, unsure where to look. She was five feet at her shoulder, but her long, graceful neck brought her full height to nearly seven, seven and a half with her horns! Her breasts were even larger than mine, full, heavy, and round, her hips and thighs wide and thick, sculpted and muscular, as was her tail. She grinned wickedly, revealing gleaming sharp teeth as she stepped slowly closer to me again, the transformation having taken place around her center of mass.

Her hands, four-digited and strong, were hot on my ass, her sharp, curved nails pricking painfully at my skin as she squeezed until I trembled. She grabbed her cock, stroking herself as she rubbed against my lips. I screamed as she entered me, so much hotter, thicker and more rigid than her tongue had been, driving in fast and deep through my cum- and saliva-slickened tunnel, pounding hard against my final wall! I thrashed and fought, begged and sobbed, but there was nothing I could do as she began to fuck me, the thrusting of her thick, powerful thighs punishing my insides with unbelievable force, while her scales made me feel thousands upon thousands of pleasurable little bumps as she slid in and out! She moved her hands to my tits, mercilessly kneading them in her grasp; thank goodness her claws turned out to be retractable in this form, or she’d have literally torn them to pieces as she played! Her own were so incredibly hot and full on my back as she pulled me against her, her smooth, scaled flesh yielding and soft. I whimpered and cried, hers to do with as she wished, nothing but a fuck-toy for her amazing, incredible cock!

I started to build once more, and this time I could feel her doing the same, her grip tightening on my breasts, her breath coming faster and hotter on my neck! She began pounding me even harder still, huge, racking sobs of pain shaking me to my core, tears blurring my vision more than the flawed mirror ever could. I bawled against my unwanted release, convulsing in her arms, the huge, burning deluge of her pleasure erupting within me in the same moment! It took my breath away, so hot and wet, filling me up, flooding my vulnerable, fertile teenage womb! And yet still she continued to thrust, maintaining my peak, her cock pulsing rhythmically as she delivered more and more of her thick, potent seed! There was so much that soon there was nowhere left for it to go, and it came squirting out of me around the sides of her cock with every powerful thrust, running heavily down my thighs! Finally she withdrew, allowing me to ebb, collapsing limply in my restraints.

She started moving again and I weakly shook my head in dread, certain I could not possibly survive another round! It took me a moment to realize what she was doing, carefully slipping an extended claw between my wrist and my ropes, the razor-like sharpness effortlessly slicing me free. The other wrist, my waist, and my ankles all followed, and she set me gently down to the ground, leaving me staring up at her in confusion.

“You have pleased me greatly, my pet!” she purred, her voice throaty and seductive as she stroked her fingers through my hair, my eyes widening in shock! I hadn’t known that she could even speak, much less that she knew our language! No one had warned me about that! “You shall meet me here again next week—but do not trouble yourself with the binding this time, only bring plenty of rope! I shall tie you up myself, from now on.”

“Yes, Mistress Moralyth,” I submissively bowed my head, a hot, pleased blush mounting in my cheeks at her unexpected praise. She chuckled, playfully tousling my hair. I looked up to see her dashing away down the meadow, the shimmer of her transformation taking hold, her huge, powerful wings unfurling, beating once, twice, three times as she launched herself into the air!

I shook my head in awe, marvelling at her magnificence, laying myself down on the ground to watch her fly.

‘Love you, Daddy! Miss you!’ I thought quietly as I wrapped myself in my arms, for once not saying the words out loud. I gave it another minute staring up at the beautiful, retreating form of my dragon lover, waiting for my remaining tears to fade, then reached up to my visor to press the button, ending the scenario.

I allowed myself a little shiver of residual pleasure, then pushed myself to my hands and knees, hitting another button to display the actual room around me. I hated doing that, I’d much rather take it off entirely, but at the moment I didn’t trust myself to stand and walk, not with all the slippery, sticky cum-substitute I’d squirted—and was continuing to squirt, every time I moved!—all over the place underfoot. I crawled carefully into the shower room, only then taking off my visor and placing it in the special, retrofitted cleaning slot. This one was new, a prototype, with high-quality cameras inside to capture every nuance of my expressions during recording. The company had provided it to me free of charge, and I was being even more careful with this one than with the one I’d had to buy for myself!

I made my way into the shower, reaching up to adjust the knobs and sitting back against the wall, closing my eyes and letting the water pour down. ‘Dragon Sacrifice’ was now in serious contention to become my new favourite, but I was definitely not used to going twice in a row like that! Eventually I felt I could trust my legs again, standing up and starting the process of getting myself clean. That meant first scooping and squeezing out as much cum as I could, then detaching the shower head and giving myself a good, thorough wash. That still didn’t get all of it, not even close, but it at least took care of the big, thick gloops of the stuff, leaving the rest to trickle out slowly over the next couple of days as it finished breaking down. A thorough examination of myself was next, especially my breasts, but as expected I was doing fine. I hadn’t set the breast play as high as I normally did, since this was only my first time with the brand-new scenario and I hadn’t been sure how those nasty, sharp claws were going to feel on my sensitive flesh, but I made it a policy to always check myself out regardless, just to make sure.

I washed my hair, soaped and rinsed, then got out and dried off. It was still annoyingly cold outside, which meant I was restricted to my limited quantity of thick wool skirts; I was wearing my navy blue one this time, with one of my many white blouses, and my new red sweater. I stood in front of the mirror longer than normal, futzing with my hair, trying to get everything just right. The sweater was so unlike the ones I normally wore, so bright, and eye-catching… but I wanted to look good for Isla. It was silly, but it was true. I knew she wasn’t serious. She flirted, and all, but she was just my friend—she’d even made a point of telling me she wasn’t gay! Of course, I wasn’t either… though maybe I could have been, for her. I knew Daddy wouldn’t mind; he and I had watched girl-on-girl stuff together loads of times! If Isla and I ever got together, Daddy would have just thought it was hot, and wanted to join in! But I knew it wasn’t going to happen. Still, with the first check Danny had gotten for me, my pretty new red sweater had been the first thing I’d bought!

I still couldn’t believe the size of that check!

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