Sara’s Protective Dad part 4
Sara’s Protective Dad part 4
Sex Story Author: | Hard93 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | “Sister Robert has made you very rich, money isn't everything I just got you in my life and I do |
Sex Story Category: | Group Sex |
Sex Story Tags: | Fiction, Group Sex, Incest, Male / Female Teens, Males / Female, Oral Sex, Romance, Virginity |
When we finally get out of the bathroom dress and head to the kitchen for breakfast we’re about ten minutes late for it. Jewels and the twins are already eating; I start to say good morning but both twins put a finger up to their mouths. I just remembered Jewels had enough wine last night to give her quite a hangover. Sara walks up to Jewels and kisses her lightly on the cheek, and then whispers. “Good Morning Sis.” Standing Jewels turns to Sara and hugs her tight both are sobbing as they whisper back and forth.
The twins are definitely confused not understanding what’s happing between the two sisters. I don’t know if the twins heard any of the whispers. But both are wide-eyed and seemed to be a little excited. They look back from their mother to each other, and giggle, then look at me.
Now I’m the one who is very confused as the twins puckered and blow kisses to me.
I’m no sooner seated then when Jewels and Sara asked me to follow them into my office. I look to the twins and say I’ll be back soon. Once in my office Sara closes the door behind me and Jewels comes in hugs me tightly. I quietly asked. “Jewels are you all right?”
“Other than the hangover, no, I’m not. I’m not alright, I’m mad as hell.” Jewels sits heavily into my leather sofa, and then looks again at my face. Seeing my reaction and that I assume it’s me that she’s mad at, she quickly adds. “Oh it’s not you that I mad at.”
That’s good I’m really glad it’s not me who got her pissed off. “Okay Jewels tell me everything that is going on.” I set down beside Jewels and take her hand.
“Oh Bobby, it’s my husband. He’s turned out to be a bastard. I found out he’s been taking money from Sara’s trust. He had conned me into putting His name on the access list for the trust. He took about $700,000 so far. First he stopped the search for Sara, then when you guys showed up at the hospital, after Sara’s accident. He strictly forbids me to make contact with her or you. He would never tell me why. At first I thought just a jealousy thing, given our past, but he doesn’t know about that or the twins being yours. I had figured it out, on my own.
He ran a DNA test on Sara; I found it last week. He knows Sara isn’t your child, because of the blood types yours being Type A and Sara’s type B. this was confirmed by the DNA test.
I told him that Janet was a good friend from college. He doesn’t know that I was her sister, or that I’m Sara’s sister too. He isn’t telling me anything, I’m just didn’t know what he is planning. I frightened it’s not good. ” Jewels is in tears as she tells us this.
Sara and I are trying to comfort her. “Don’t worry about any missing money I will not be pressing charges against you sister.” Sara tells Jewels, and I’m nodding in agreement.
“Monday I’ll have my lawyers’ do everything needed to straighten this out. And they can get a divorce for you if you want that too.” Stating this to her, I feel better. “Jewels, we can move on with their lives once all this is accomplished.”
“Bobby, he had me fooled I believed he was a good man. Now I know he’s not and I can’t be rid of him soon enough. I don’t trust him around the girls. They don’t like him either.”
Sara has picked up an iPad has been typing on, for a short time. At that moment my computer gives the alarm for my special e-mail. I look over at Sara who looks back like the cat that just had the Canary lunch. I tell Jewels. “You’re going to want to see this, it’s about you.”
I move to my desk and pull my chair out for Jewels; she sits down as I’m opening the site. Her mouth drops open as she as sees the site. The site is The site has every picture Jewels I currently own. “I never gave up hope that this day would come.”
One of things on this site is a link to my e-mail, it promises an award of $1 million for the location of Jewels. I open the latest e-mail on the site and it’s from Sara.
The e-mail reads like this.
Dearest Bobby: She’s in your office. Thinks a lot for the cash. Love Sara. XO
Jewels is totally shocked as I move the mouse over the approved button. Then look up and I asked Sara. “What are you going to do with all that money?”
“My sister is in a little financial trouble so I’m going to help her out.” Sara states matter-of-factly. With that I hit the approved button. I look up at her give a large smile and a wink.
Jewels jumps out of my chair, through her arms around me and gives me a big kiss on the cheek. Runs to Sara and gives her a big kiss on the cheek as well in a bear hug.
Strolling past the two I say. “If you two don’t mind I’m hungry.” I opened the door and two ease droppers fall to the floor of my office. Jewels shouts at her to daughters. Roberta Ann Winfield, Morgan Winfield what do you think you’re doing. There shocked look and the fact they’re sprawled out on my floor makes us laugh. After a minute or two I recompose myself and ask them again what they’re doing.
“We were just curious; we wanted to know what was happening.” I’m looking in Jewels to find out what she wants to do about this.
Jewels and Sara are still holding each other in a warm embrace. ”You two go back to the table my sister and I will be there in a minute.”
Two of them look at each other shocked and mouth the word sister to each other.
“Okay Roberta and Morgan go back to the table I’m hungry.” It doesn’t look like their feet want to move so I kind of nudge them along to get them started. About 10 feet down the hallway they run to the table, I turn back to Jewels and ask to they know yet. She shakes her head no. I mouth please let me tell them.
Jewels tells me in no uncertain terms. “No. Not yet.”
“Ok, but I want to discuss something very important with you right after breakfast, so please come and eat with me.”
Jewels tells me. “Ok, we will be there soon. I have something I need to talk over with my sister first.”
I close the door behind me and go to the kitchen table. Set back down and start to eat. The twins look at me I know they have a thousand questions. After I finish my bite that’s in my mouth and take a sip juice. “What’s the biggest question you got; I’ll answer one from each of you.” Both twins blurt something out but I can’t tell what they said. “One at a time, please. The first let me get this right. Anna you’re actually Roberta, and Eve you’re Morgan.”
Both girls giggle and say “that’s right.”
Morgan is first. “Is Sara our aunt?”
“Are you sure that’s the question you must ask?” she nods so I reply. “Yes Sara is your aunt.” The girls look at each other and the excitement of finding out that Sara is their aunt lights them up like hundred watt light bulbs.
Roberta’s question is a lot harder, without giving away who I am to them. “Wasn’t Sara your daughter?”
Thinking fast and remembering what Janet had put in my letter I answered. “I raised her as my daughter but she was my ward. Her mother had me watch over her when she couldn’t anymore.” Everyone that was in the house last night knew what happened between us. I just hoped the twins would leave it at that.
I answered two of your questions, so I would like for you to answer me a question each.
“First why did you go by fake names?”
Roberta (Ann) goes first she says. “First call me Little Bobby. Mom said we had to hide from our grandfather, he was a criminal who wanted to use us.” Morgan continues. “He had mom’s sister marry our father, and was planning on killing him for his money. Then ransom us to his mother.
Although this news is somewhat stunning, it falls in line with my letter. I ask. “When do you learn this?”
The girls both go. “Last question, if you ask more we get to ask more too. That was last year when Aunt Janet died. She gave us each a trust made to our real names. That’s when mom told us the story about grandpa and our father.”
“So what do you know of your father?” I’m hoping the girls figure this one out on their own.
“Just his name Robert A. Winfield, I was named after him.” Little Bobby answers.
Their Mother and Aunt Sara were finally coming to the table.
The twins jumped up from the table and ran the short distance between them Sara screaming Aunt Sara, and wrapping her in their arms.
Jewels looks at me and asked. “What they worm out of you?”
“Just that Sara was their Aunt, and in fact my ward.” Jewels whispers “thank you” so girls don’t hear.
“Jewels the twins are going to need more of their clothes or new ones. I haven’t gotten the chance to buy them anything ever; I love to spend more time with them.”
“Robert are you asking to take my girls out to buy them new clothing?” Jewels is grinning.
“Not just the girls but you too, I bet that cheap skate hasn’t gotten you any new clothing since you were married.” I’m teasing Jewels about her soon-to-be ex-husband.
“You may be joking but you’re right on the money.” Jewels says with a little frustration.
“Then it’s settled, let’s go buy you new wardrobes for a new life. Before we do I need to talk to you.” I’m hoping to convince Jewels it’s better to tell the girls who I am than let them guess on their own.
As it is quite due to a pause in our conversation we over here the girls asking Sara about last night with me. “How’s your Dad in bed?”
Jewels shocked by the question, calls down her daughter who had said it. “Roberta Ann Winfield what did you just say?”
Little Bobby starts to open her mouth to repeat the question but thinks it’s better to drop it. “Sorry Mom.”
Sara giggles and whispers in Bobby’s ear. “Best I will ever have.”
“I think we should eat. Jewels and Sara I do have something very important to talk to you about. ”Jewels has always been a good cook her eggs were fluffy the bacon crisp. Sara has gotten into being elaborate with her breakfast, eggs Benedict with one of her standards. Between the two cooking for me I worry for my waistline.
After breakfast Jewels, Sara, and I had returned my office an idea had flashed across my mind during breakfast. I needed more information from Jewels concerning her marriage, her trusteeship and I had to break the fact that just how rich I and she was.
Once in my office I showed Jewels and Sara one of security features I had, a closed-circuit TV camera allows me to look at the Hall outside my office. As soon as I turned it on we saw Roberta and Morgan ease dropping again.
I quickly opened the door and the twins fall into the room the second time this morning. This time no one laughs. “Girls you can’t get away with that in this house. I point to the monitor still showing their feet in the hall. You two go take a shower we’re going shopping later.” Help the both to their feet, and send them back to their room.
As the monitor shows and going back into the room I turned to Sara and Jewels. “Okay ladies I have something to discuss with you. But first Jewels I need to ask a couple questions.”
Jewels “Okay Bobby what do you need to know?”
Robert “First you are going by a false name, wasn’t legally obtained, in other words did you have your name changed by court.”
Jewels “No Bobby, I use the name from a couple that took me in, their daughter had just recently died I assumed her name.”
Robert “That means there’s a very good chance that your marriage can be annulled, without having to go through a divorce. They may be a misdemeanor for falsifying a marriage license but I’m sure I can get you out of that. The big problem is going to be fixing your taxes the IRS doesn’t play around much, but our law firm can get that fixed too.”
Jewels “I did pay taxes on what I made under Jill Carter.”
Robert “That’s good but you remember the money you gave me to invest for you.”
Jewels replies. “Yeah that was only about $2500, fifteen years ago right?”
I go to my desk, and then pull up the financial information on her trust. “I gave you a little over the years just what I would have put into birthday presents and the like. An invested and grew it quite a bit. I did pay the taxes on the trust for you, the only thing is with your earnings it may have changed the percentage we will file corrections to your taxes. Your investment now totals $238,587,225.” I look up to see both Sara and Jewels passed out on the sofa. I go to the medicine cabinet and get smelling salts. Set up my video camera I have the feeling this is a reaction I want to get on tape. Placing the smelling salts under Jewels nose she jerks awake. I step back outer frame quickly.
An extremely excited Jewels screams. “I’m rich oh my God I’m rich!”
I wake Sara up in a similar fashion. She looks at her sister and screams. “You’re rich Sister.”
I’m happy that the doors are close perhaps the girls haven’t heard. I check the monitor shows no activity in the hall. Jewels and Sara are hugging each other with tears streaming down both their faces. After several minutes Jewels and Sara both come down. Jewels gets a questioning look on her face. “Bobby you were rich when I met you years ago but you were not as rich as you made me now. Just how rich are you now if it’s not too personal a question?”
“I wouldn’t tell just anyone but you two I trust so let me check. This will not include every asset but it does include cash and stocks, $9,821,563,002 and increasing daily.” Looking up again I just catch the two women fainting for a second time. They’re setting on the sofa shoulder to shoulder their heads are back and I begin to wonder if I should use the smelling salts for the second time today. I decide it should be worth it. I run the capsule under Sara’s nose first then Jewels, both women come awake with a totally different reaction this time. The two sat there wide-eyed staring in shocked disbelief at me Sara is the first speak. “You’re not making that up are you?”
“Sara, no, of course not, I wouldn’t joke or lie about something like that especially to you two. I have it set up so half goes to my heirs and the other half I use to make more money but now I’m going to retire and spend my time with my family.” I smile contentedly at my two loves; even if I can only be friends with Jewels I will still love her. But there’s no way I’m giving up what I have with Sara.
Jewels observes. “You mean the girls are far richer than I am.” She’s still in shock but she is becoming cognizant of the situation.
“Well until I have more heirs to divide it with. But they’ll still have more money than they probably could ever spend. But I have to claim them first. Ohe law office can handle all that Monday.”
“Jewels now that you’re rich and have the means to do anything you want. I only have one request of you that you never lose contact with me again, I always want to be a part of your life from now on.”
Sara speaks.
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