Sara’s Protective Dad
Sara’s Protective Dad
Sex Story Author: | Hard93 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | I meditated in silence listening to my heart not finding any answers. I watched Sara sleep, till I fell back |
Sex Story Category: | Consensual Sex |
Sex Story Tags: | Consensual Sex, Fiction, Male/Teen Female, Pregnant, Romance, Wife |
I believe in freedom of speech that means I say or write what I want. Why I write is just for the enjoyable of it. What I write is fiction. It’s not real; the characters on real, the real age started less than a few months ago. There still just characters in a story. I’ll certainly I’m not the most hard-core author here. But I still would not recommend any of my writings for persons under eighteen. Actions and events in my stories are not recommended for real life, they’re fiction. Hope you enjoy the story.
My hand reaches out touching her breasts her hard nipples are under my thumbs; her back is arched pressing her breasts firmly into my hands. Moans of pure bliss feel my ears. My eyes are locked into her gaze, her green eyes sparkle with love and excitement. Her red hair is blown softly about by the summer’s breeze. She is setting on my lap with my harden cock fully within her; she grinds her hips and raises and then slowly drops, it won’t be long before she is having another orgasm. I love her with all my heart; and love giving her this pleasure. Although we had slowed our lovemaking her climax hits sending pleasurable spasms through her entire body, which triggers my own, too late to remove myself so I hold her tightly. I am pumping my sperm deep within her, the head of my cock is pressed into her cervix as I orgasm hard spraying my seed into her womb. When we both come down from our mutual sexual high, kissing passionately while clinging to each other, we break and she states. “That was awesome, but I think I’m just got pregnant.” My heart soars with joy at her words. Six months pass, and Jewels definitely is pregnant. Two sets of babies’ feet can be seen as they both kick. Twins we’re having twins!
I jerk awake as that dream world fades to be replaced by my eyes opening onto my bedroom. Although it’s been over fourteen years since Janet told me of Jewels passing during childbirth. Always after that dream made it felt like yesterday. I again weep for my loss.. They’re not in my life; I would give up every dime I ever had just to hold them. I hate when my day starts like this, always seems to bring bad things.
Janet started her story with this every time. ”My sister died giving birth to your bastard child.” I never believed Janet wholly do to the fact she said child and not twins. I knew it had to be a lie. About Jewels’ death how and when or about it being twins, this doubt always haunts me. I made Janet tell me the story several times, looking for any inconsistency but she never had any. It felt too rehearsed. Or was I just in denial of Jewels loss.
It took a long time but I begin to think clearly about everything. I realized she was not trying to hide the fact I lost two children, by then she didn’t care enough about me to spare me any pain. She didn’t know about the twins. The whole Jewels dying in childbirth had to be a lie. Janet had told me, Jewels and her child died in childbirth. Janet had repeated the lie which had been told her. Her stepfather was a two bit con man looking for a big score. He had a scheme to extort money from me. During that scheme maybe something went terribly wrong? Jewels still could be dead. I haven’t seen her since Sara’s first birthday party, about three months before she was to deliver. Nine months after Jewels was to deliver, Janet’s stepfather and mother died in an automobile accident.
Part of me knew Jewels is gone, either from my life forever or this world I didn’t know. Still a part had not given up all hope. If Jewels had gotten away, she may have gone into hiding, but why so long now. Am I crazy for holding on for so long? Fourteen years, nearly fifteen years now, is a very long time to grasp at hope that she still alive. Janet had lied but about what. I still didn’t have Jewels in my life. Days like this made me miss her all the more.
As always I filled my day with work, I traded stock in the morning, researched the market, and went over investment opportunities until late in the afternoon. By early evening I found myself again in memory contemplating my past. It Sara had been around I may have avoided this painful trek.
The last light from the setting sun fully occupies the office at my home, I sat there lonely. The sky at sun set would be one to remember, a real beautiful day all together. Even though I hated how today started, when my day start like that I always feel lonely. Oh how I wish I still had Jewels, how a sunset like this had set her red hair off, made her look even more beautiful. Setting sun’s light gave Jewels’ hair the look of a halo atop an angel. I missed her playfulness how she made everything more fun, at her age then of fifteen. She looks and acted like she could be older and could pass for twenty-one easily; she was nearly fully mature in mind and body. I had fallen head over heels in love with her. She was one of the most beautiful women I had ever known. We had taken a trip to Colorado; it was to be for a month but stretched into three. Sara was only four months old when we left. Everywhere we went people saw how Jewels was with Sara, carrying Sara everyone assumed she was her mother. The fact that Jewels was more affectionate to Sara than her mother was and was constantly with her, other than when she was in school. When Sara just had started to talk she began calling Jewels mommy, I didn’t find it surprising. By this time Jewels had become a permit fixture in my household. We left on that trip as friends and returned as lovers, even though I was married to her sister, Sara’s mother, and had been for just over a year and half.
Just then Sara came in a rush, her leg was bleeding badly. “What happen?” I ask running to her. Sara weakly fell to the floor, her eyes dull, and a cold sweat covers her skin. Seeing the wound up close I know it was bad.
“Oh Dad it hurts. I fail, when I got up my leg was bleeding. I quickly returned home. When I was nearby I felt something still in my leg, and then pulled it out. Now it’s bleeding worse.” I ran into the kitchen to find the first aid kit. Returned place three pads over the deep cut, and quickly bandaged it. Picked Sara up and carried her to my SUV to drive to the hospital.
On the way she passes out, I pull over, take my belt off and make a tourniquet, cursing myself for not doing it sooner. Just before I’m finishing the tourniquet, a cop pulls in front of my SUV. He gets out of his patrol car, once he seeing the aid I’m giving to Sara and the condition of my front seat. He shouts “Follow me to the hospital”. I’m on his bumper up to 95 miles per hour. The officer clears away right to the ER. I break hard to a stop, slam the SUV in park and jump out open Sara’s door, and carry her into the ER, a Doctor and Nurse meet me at the door. The officer must have called ahead. Sara is getting immediate attention. In moments they had gotten an I.V. Started and it’s running full open, her blood pressure in so low it’s barely readable. They were frantic, gotten blood for cross matching they added more pressure dressing. A second I.V. was started to give blood replacing some she lost they start with a unit of type O blood not waiting for cross match. Soon her blood pressure was on the rise very low still. The Doctors told me they be taking her to surgery to repair the damage to her leg, as soon as they had her stabilized. I pace the halls outside of Sara’s room; they don’t need me in the way. A mature nurse shoves paperwork for me to complete, part of his insurance forms which I toss.
I have the paperwork back to her; she asked what happened to the insurance form. I simply hand her my Express card and say. “Charge it.”
In ten minutes the nurse comes back with my Express card, the look on her face is priceless. “That’s the first time that I had a vice president from a credit card company call us. There’s no problem with any expense charge to this card. He asked for you to call, if there’s anything that they can do for you, Mr. Winfield?” I shook my head no.
The Doctor tells me that Sara is now stable and being taken to the operating room for surgery.
Stopping at the front desk, I let them know that had to move my SUV and then I would be right back. On my way out I meet the officer that came here ahead of me, who had escorted me thru traffic. I stopped, wanting to thank him, told him the Doctors said if I had been a minute later it would have been too late.
“That’s what we’re here for, isn’t it.” He handed me a warning ticket for 110 mph, and jokingly said. “don’t do that again.”
“I didn’t know my SUV was that fast.” We laughed and he wishes me the best, then left.
I moved the SUV from the ER area to hospital parking lot. When I got in the smell of blood filled my nostrils. On exiting I got my first look at the amount of blood across from me, made my hart sick. That’s when it hit me hard, my little girl just about died. I start to shake, could barely walk back into the ER. If it had been my blood, I think I could’ve dealt with it. It was Sara’s, and she’s my reason for living. Seeing how badly I’m shaking and all the blood on me they must think I was hurt too, by the looks I was getting. Then it all goes black.
I come to, it about dawn; I’m in a bed, too small for mine. Then it all came back to me in a rush, all but why my head hurts. I find the call button and call the nurse. My heart is racing faster than if I ran 5 miles in a sprint.
An attractive nurse comes in. “Well look who’s up early.”
“How is my Daughter?” I asked. I’m in a near panic not knowing. My mind is solely on Sara.
“Shhh keep your voice down or you’ll wake her.” As she opens the curtains across from me to show a sleeping girl, my heart rate and blood pressure both drops. “The Doctor said that would happen.” as she walks back to get a print out to show the changes on a tape.
I try to rise up, but I’m feeling very dizzy, forcing me to lie back to my pillow.
“Hey, don’t try that. You got a good knock on your head last night, you went into shock. We got to keep you for about twelve hours, for your daughter another day maybe.” There’s concern in her voice.
What do you remember about last night? She asked while studying my face. I only glanced at her when she asked the question, then look back to Sara.
Sara came home bleeding badly. I did my best to slow it down, but God it was bad. I should have put the tourniquet on at home. When I stopped to put it on, a cop pulled over then led me here, never would’ve got here in time without him. After I got here they started working on her. Soon ER staff had her blood pressure up and taking her to the operating room. I went to move my SUV. Its then I realized just how near death, Sara had been from all the blood lost. I walked back into the ER then everything went black.
“That bad?” The nurse asked.
“She scared me to death. The SUV is a mess. I don’t want to see it again.” I’m trying not to picture it in my mind. I was grateful for not having breakfast yet, as my stomach turned, not being able to keep the image out of my head.
“Here’s a number for an auto detailer, there really good at that kind of a thing. Give them a call and they will pick it up clean and drop it back here before you check out, maybe.” I hadn’t paid much attention to her; Sara was the only thing on my mind.
“I don’t have to clean it that sounds good to me. I think that’s what put me in shock.”
The nurse got me two more pillows then helped me elevate the head of the bed, so I could keep an eye on Sara. She smiled then left. There’s something about her, I just can’t put my finger on, but it’s hard to see her in this darkened room.
I watched Sara sleep for some time. I thought how I had lost Jewels. How she was the near same age as Sara is today.
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