Sex Story Author: | pars001 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | "He's finally here!" John thought he heard a male's voice say. Were they talking about him, John thought? |
Sex Story Category: | Fan fiction |
Sex Story Tags: | Fan fiction, Fiction, Males / Females |
John Timberland stretched his six foot body out as he climbed out of his car. Rubbing his blue eyes he shook his head at the scene before him. Several people were shouting at the desk clerk at the front door. Walking up the poor man looked at John with a pleading look.
“What are you going to do about this?” A woman was almost screaming at the man.
“I apologize ma’am, we are doing all we can to remedy the situation,” the clerk was saying.
“Remedy?! REMEDY!!!? No, I want this done NOW not when you are ready!” The woman shouted raising the volume of her voice.
“I’m sorry ma’am, as I said we are doing all we can…” started the clerk.
“Well you should be doing a hell of a lot more! I demand a room now! I paid well in advance and I want the room I requested!” The woman went on.
John walked up a moment later, “if you wish, the lodge can issue you a full refund.”
The woman turned and looked John up and down. He could almost feel her sneer at him. “I don’t see how it is any business of yours a lowly bus boy!” Turning back to the clerk the woman stated, “I wish to see the owner NOW! Then perhaps after I have your job, then I can have this business taken care of. Where is he? I demand to see him now!”
The clerk turned red faced toward John another pleading and embarrassed look on his face. Straightening up the clerk said, “I am sorry Mr. Timberland. They have been here all morning.”
This time it was the woman’s turn to be red faced and embarrassed. “You are John Timberland? Then I apologize to…”
John’s face went from a smile to a scowl, “as I said the lodge will refund your deposit and transportation will be provided OUT of here. This type of behavior isn’t tolerated here.” Holding up his hand to quiet the startled woman, John continued. “This is a retreat not your own personal torture chamber. Now then I suggest that you leave of your own volition before I have you forcefully removed!”
Sputtering, the woman spat out, “Well I never!”
“No, and you won’t not while I am the owner here! Ah! I see your ride is here. Now if the rest of you feel the same as… this one.” John said indicating the woman. “Then you can also depart with her.” John pointed to the bus that had pulled up, a look of disdain on his face.
Turning in a huff the woman stormed toward the bus. “This isn’t over John Timberland!”
“Oh but I think it is! By the way don’t come back you hear!” John called to her retreating back.
Most of those that were with the woman were right behind her. Almost all of them huffing and sneering as they turned their backs.
The clerk walked up beside John, “Thank you sir, I wasn’t sure I could hold out much longer!”
“I’m just glad I got here in time to save you an embarrassing situation. You did very well Phil, considering.” John told him as he clapped the man on the shoulder.
The clerk nodded as John walked on into the lodge. An hour later John was out on the slopes checking that they were going as he expected them to. “Everything’s as you wanted it sir.” John’s ski area maintenance chief reported.
“Good, if all goes well we should get another few inches of powder tonight. I want the crew to recheck all their equipment before they groom the slopes tomorrow.” John advised the man.
“Yes sir, I’ll have them start right away!” With that the man moved off with several of his crew.
John just shook his head as he look at several of the runs. Still a little upset, John decided to take one of the black runs to blow off steam. Starting down the hill John didn’t notice the clouds that were rapidly moving in. Almost half way down there was a sudden clap of thunder near the top of the hill. Feeling the impending avalanche behind him, John started to race faster down the course.
Crap John thought he was too far from the turns and bottom to make it. Looking at the nearby mountain side, John saw the cave almost too late to stop. Activating his avalanche beacon he headed into the cave. Barely two feet inside John snapped on his flashlight as the avalanche covered the opening of the cave. Looking around John sighed wouldn’t do to survive an avalanche and then get mauled by a hibernating bear.
Taking the beacon off he left it near the covered mouth of the cave then went to explore. Further in John was surprised when the cave not only opened up into a huge cavern but there was more than sufficient heat. Breathing a sigh of relief John saw no signs of bears, but better to be safe than sorry.
Walking around John noticed that the further he went into the cave the warmer it got. Rounding what appeared to be a huge outcrop of rocks John stopped his mouth agape. There in front of him was another opening! The strange thing was there was warm air coming though into the cave, what was going on?
Advancing further John tentatively approached the opening. A small male’s head popped in for a moment then was gone.
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