Sam and Dave
Sam and Dave
Sex Story Author: | Elric Melnibone |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Thus when someone decided to make a mess in the back of the jet we called the right seat the |
Sex Story Category: | Blowjob |
Sex Story Tags: | Blowjob, Consensual Sex, Exhibitionism, Group Sex, Hardcore, Job/Place-of-work, Threesome, True Story |
I appreciate the comments and voting on the last piece, “How I met Sam.” This follows in the path of my first story which is a story loosely based on life events. Like before I have taken some creative liberties, changed all names and warped time and space in a few instances. The idea is to create a captivating portrayal without getting too bogged down in the mundane and meeting erotic quota.
Please vote, I write you vote and I always appreciate comments positive and negative. Hopefully, I have provided another captivating tale.
Sam and Dave
Chapter 1
If you followed “How I met Sam” then you know that my best friend Terri had set me up to met with a Sex Therapist, Samantha or Sam. Sam and I hit it off and after six months we were engaged. Sam had curly brown hair that fell in large ringlets to almost her waist. Her hair beautifully framed her oval face with big brown eyes that would sparkle when she was happy. She has serious lips which softened when she kissed me and a button nose. Sam was shorter than me about 5’7” and weighted no more than 130 pounds and had the most wonderful size 36 B/C breasts, too big for most B cups but just a little loose for C cups, in which she complained about often. There was the daily shedding of the bra when she got home that I often looked forward to as she would say something about ‘releasing the girls’ and did that chick thing where somehow they manage to get a bra off and out from under her shirt. It happened so fast I’ve yet to figure out the physics of it, you have a bra that goes over two shoulders claps in the back but well within a few seconds magically, poof! Out one side of the blouse it came. Regardless the ‘releasing of the girls’ gave me the opportunity to massage and caress her firm breasts.
Sam’s areola was dark tan, I don’t know if that was based on her Irish / Native American heritage or just mix and match DNA, and her nipples would harden to well over a quarter inch. There was no hiding when she got excited as Sam’s nipples gave away her mood quickly. Even when she had one of those bad days with a difficult patient, off came the bra, on went my hands, I would listen and warmly consol her while she bitched, her nipples would get hard, she would give me that seductive smile and I would feel the stirring in my pants that eventually ended up back in the lair. Well sometimes we would.
Soon after our engagement I was spending almost all of my time over at Sam’s house when I wasn’t out on my 7 days of flying. When I proposed, I did go down to one knee and ask her,
“Samantha X, I love you with all of my heart and want to spend the rest of my life in your arms. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” I presented her with a 1 caret solitaire engagement ring, which also had a matching wedding band.
She sobbed “yes, yes.”
There was some clapping in the restaurant the waitress came running over offering her congratulations and ohhing and ahhaing over the ring. Sam showed that ring to everyone so I guess I made a good choice.
Sam and I realized that keeping two places was a little redundant now that she became my fiancée, but both her house and my apartment really were a little too small for two people to knock around in full time. Sam wanted a sprawling ranch and I wanted a big garage so she called her friend and real estate agent Lisa. Lisa was a tall blond, mostly flat chest, no butt (really, it seems that her back just attached to her long legs) thin 6 foot something real estate agent. We told Lisa what we were looking for and what our price range was. Most of Sam’s money went for her continued education, paying her office rent, and basically just making ends meat. Sam didn’t have a receptionist not because she wanted the cozy atmosphere in her office, she really couldn’t afford one. We decided on what we could afford with our pooled resources and gave Lisa our top end for a home. Lisa knew a builder in the area that was trying to move some lots and asked if we minded waiting to have a house built. We both kind of shrugged and decided that I would move in with Sam and put my stuff in storage, which was actually code for ‘we’ll go through it and she’ll get rid of a few things.” At this point I was practically living with Sam anyway and I was the ‘chick’ taking over her closet space, my razor and toothbrush in her bathroom, ect.
Lisa took us to see the builder on Saturday morning and the builder’s agent, Gale, showed us the various options. Sam wanted the ranch and I wanted an oversized garage. Gale said she had just the house for us and grabbed a set of key to show use one of the homes almost finished. It was a beautiful sprawling ranch, 3 bedrooms, 2,500 square feet and an oversized 2 car garage. The price however was over our agreed top end. We thanked Gale and told Lisa that we needed to consider this home. We asked about smaller homes and Gale immediately showed us a few more homes. Of course none were as nice as that first ranch and none had the oversized garage. Gale also pointed out that if we used the builders mortgage company they would pay all closing costs, throw in a free gas fireplace and they were offering $10,000 off the normal price.
Sam and I drove back to her place, both of our minds on that ranch Gale first showed us.
“What do you think,” Sam asked cautiously.
“It has everything we want, just it is a little more than we wanted to pay,” I stated.
Sam just crewed on her lip for a moment, deep in thought.
“Look I hear that the company is getting some new Gulfstream Vs next year. If we tighten our belts some, I can pick up a few extra trips and I’ll bid for a bigger jet, then maybe we can afford the home.”
Sam continued to chew her lip a moment longer, “That’s allot of ifs and maybes to start out our lives with. But the house is so perfect.”
I joked, “If it gets too much we can always rent out one of the extra bedrooms. I’m sure that Terri wouldn’t mind being our tenant.”
Sam gave a hard stare back at me before she finally stated, “Well look at a few more homes and see what we can find. No use jumping on the first home we see.”
I still met Terri nearly every day at the café and if Sam was available I would pick her up and we shared an early lunch together. While Sam was ‘nice’ to Terri there seemed to be some underlying tension between them. A pat on Terri’s rump set Sam to giving us both a ‘go to hell’ look and that evening she tore into me.
“Look, I understand that you and Terri have been friends for a long time,” Sam huffed, “but you committed yourself to me.”
I knew arguing this was not in my interest and just stated “Uhh huh,” and allowed her to continue her rant.
“I’m not saying that you can’t be friends, but you better not be fucking her,” Sam finished.
‘So blow jobs are OK,’ I thought, but decided not to go down that path. “You know that I love you and only you, Sam. Terri and I are just old friends and we have had this flirting relationship for ten years now. Most of the time it’s just innocent jabbing at each other.”
“That sure didn’t look so innocent when you grabbed her ass,” Sam retorted.
I really don’t remember a ‘grab ass,’ but did not argue semantics. I spoke with Terri the next day and told her that we needed to tone it down, err turn it off. I informed her that Sam was not happy with the way we verbally played with each other and touching was out of the question.
Terri exclaimed, “Why that jealous little minsk. I introduce the two of you, you’re getting married because of me, and now she gets all possessive with the merchandise.”
“Terri,” I warned her.
“I know Dave,” Terri huffed, “Now what am I suppose to do… to unwind?”
“You could try dating,” I suggested.
“Been there, done that, never ended well,” Terri exclaimed. “Maybe I can convince Sam to let me have you once a year as a pity fuck or something.”
“She said no fucking,” I related.
“So blowjobs are still ok? I can do blowjobs,” Terri tried.
“Somehow I think those are out of the question too.”
“Fucking little minsk,” Terri swore, “she wants to keep all the prime dick for herself.”
I ended up seeing Terri less and less and when I did I made sure that Sam was with me. Terri and I would talk and Sam and Terri would exchange ‘go fuck yourself’ gazes or reply with ‘oh that’s nice.’
The next time I was in Chicago I spoke with Bob, the Chief Pilot for our fractional, about the new jets that the company was buying.
“So, Bob… I hear that we are buying a half dozen GV,” I stated. GVs were Gulfstream Vs large business jets that could fly nearly 6,000 miles.
“Yeah,” Bob confirmed, “we were going to make the press announcement today.”
“Any chance a Sovereign pilot is going to get a chance to move up,” I asked.
“Well we need to put the list together but based on your seniority I’m thinking we can move your right over to the GIV if you want and still keep you in the left seat.” The GIV was slightly smaller than the GVs and we owned a handful of those, staying in the left seat meant remaining a Captain on the jet and a huge pay raise.
“When’s the first class,” I asked? Each type of airplane required a type rating by the FAA to fly it so the company would have to pay to send the new pilot through a certification course. Then there would be some company certification flights in which I would still be a Captain but fly with an experienced GIV Captain for awhile.
Bob carefully considered his answer, ”Well we are expecting the first GV to be delivered in about a year or so and we’d like to start the training to fill some of the old GIV seats right away. End of the month should be the first course. I warn you, there may be some tuna fish flight hours until the GVs are in.” I knew exactly what Bob meant, I would be the bottom Captain on the GIVs and there were quite a few GIV Captains, enough that we often flew with two Captains on board. The company did not like paying for two Captains to fly at the same time and the handful of GIV First Officers flew their asses off.
“I’ll call you,” Bob continued, “but I am fairly sure you’ll make the first class. We want to get our pool of new GIV Captains qualified as soon as possible.”
When I arrived back home I beamed with the news, “Sam, Sam,” I called out.
“In here,” came from the bedroom.
I quickly trotted back to the bedroom leaving my Purdy carry-on behind. Sam was in the bedroom changing out of her ‘work clothes’ and into a short satin nighty. Her beautiful form under the sheer material was not lost on me and I could feel the twang as blood started to engorge my cock.
“Guess who is just got an upgrade to a Gulfstream,” I excitedly declared.
“That’s so great,” Sam returned turning into my arms and giving me a passionate kiss.
“Training started at the end of this month,” I tried to spit out as she kissed me deeply, her tongue invading my mouth.
“That’s wonderful, darling,” Sam responded placing her hand directly on my cock.
Reaching around to grab her firm ass I noticed quickly she was sans panties. I grabbed her naked ass hard and moaned into her lips as she continued to kiss me fully. Sam responded with another tender kiss her wonderful breasts pressed hard against me as she slowly stroked my rod through the fabric of my pants.
“It … may … be … some … tuna fish … flying … for the … first … year or so, oh gawd woman,” I belted out.
“Ah, huh dear,” Sam replied as she sank to the floor and unbuttoned my pants slowly drawing them down my hips and legs, her warm breath panting across my groin.
“If I manage my flight hours… we may … be able … to afford that ranch… house.” I tried spilling forth.
Lowering my boxers Sam replied, “That sounds great,” before she gobbled my cock into her mouth.
Sam’s wonderful scent of musk started to permeate my nostrils as she slowly bobbed her head up and down my hard shaft leaving behind a shimmering deposit of saliva. Just a few minutes of her mouth working my dick had me groaning in pleasure. Samantha’s other hand soon found my tight balls which she carefully fondled with her French manicured nails.
I dropped my white Captain’s shirt, the four golden stripes on each shoulder glinting sunlight as it fell to the floor, stepped out of my shoes and pants I somehow coaxed Samantha to the bed. As soon as we laid down she went right back to assaulting my cock with her wonderful mouth. I could soon feel my bloated head bouncing off her tonsils. Grabbing at Sam’s ass I maneuvered her body around and on top of me so that we were in a sixty-nine position. The scent of her pussy was filling my nostrils fully as she wiggled her hips, “Happy darling?”
I slid her satin nightie over her ass and was greeted by her already moistened hole. “Has someone been playing with herself,” I asked.
“Who me,” Sam replied popping off my cock only long enough to answer my question.
I tongued her labia lightly as Sam mewed, wiggled and increased her pace on my cock.
“Little Sammy get all hot and bothered waiting for her big bad pilot to come home,” I teased.
Yes, I called her pussy ‘Little Sammy,’ don’t ask me why it just happened one day and it stuck. Besides it was better than some of the other words I have heard used like Be-jay-jay, what the hell.
Samantha responded by pushing herself back against my face, smearing her juices all over my lips, jaw and nose. I tried to lap them up as fast as they flowed but I was only a mortal man.
Samantha had both hands on my meat and was bobbing on my cock like a mad woman. The feeling of the moist heat of her mouth and her teeth gently raking me was driving my increased desires. In our six months together Sam and I had learned each other bodies and knew exactly what each other liked. She knew exactly how much pressure she could rake across the sensitive spot below my head to drive me crazy and she was expertly applying the knowledge tonight.
I settled in hard on her flailed out pussy in front of me. I enjoyed pulling and nibbling her labia, digging my tongue deep into her tunnel then finding her clit and gently sucking and flicking it. Shortly I had Sam bucking and moaning on top of me, my dick sliding out of her wet mouth as I knew her eyes were glazing with the waves of pleasure overcoming her body. I slowed down my assault and gave her gentle nibbles and licks as I allowed the wave of orgasmic energy flow over her body.
Sam stretched out and crawled off my body on all fours before she shook her hips at me in a ‘come and get it’ challenge. She did not have to ask me twice as I jumped up after her and kneeled in-between her legs, grabbing her hips from behind. Samantha balanced herself and grabbed my cock with one hand rubbing it against the swollen, puffy labia guarding her entrance. I could feel the intense heat of Sam’s lust pouring out of her as her pussy as she slicked up my cock for its journey. Once she placed my head against her entrance I pushed into her popping through her inner labia and snaking deep into her recesses.
Sam moaned loudly as I violated her inners with my thick shaft. I could feel Sam’s hand now flicking her clit as I pumped into her until I bumping the hard nub of her cervix. Once I reached that goal, Sam looked back with a devilish grin, dropped both hands to the bed and started to pump herself into me. I kneeled back in ecstasy as Sam used her tight, wet silk canal to strangle my cock buried deep inside of her pussy. She continued to grind hard against me as I felt her womb getting pushed aside for my cock to traverse the deepest depths of her womanhood. Samantha pumped hard against me grinding her hips the entire time until I felt the hot spray of her woman juice against my balls. Sam stiffened up and as soon as the first spay coated my balls I lost all control, grabbed her by the hip and power fucked her.
I felt Sam’s private mix dripping down my leg but I was fully lost in the heat of my dick powering its full length into her body. Sam had gone from moans and whimpers to full out howling the sound of her lust drawing out the feeling in my balls culminating with a powerful orgasm flooding into Sam’s belly.
Normally, I am a shove deep and fire sort of guy but tonight Sam had me so worked up I just kept on fucking as I spilled my entire load into her. The normal squish – squish was quickly replaced with a very sloppy sounding splat – splat. Sam collapsed off her knees into the bed with her ass slightly raised, cum flowing out of her pussy. I just kept pounding away for what felt like another good 20 minutes after my orgasm before I just collapsed on top of her.
I was breathing heavily as rolled off Sam so as not to keep all of my weight on her delicate 130 pound frame. Sam kissed me deeply before asking, “So, what do you want for dinner?”
“Little Sammy,” I joked.
“Silly, you just had that and she’s a desert,” Sam protested.
“Tasted like a main course to me,” I responded.
Samantha just laughed as we laid there kissing. Eventually we did have to get up, if anything to change the sheets since they were now soaked. We would eventually learn to put down beach towels before having sex, but we were still young then.
Chapter 2
Bob called a few days later to tell me that I was good to go for the GIV course in Savanna. He gave me my course start date as well as sent me an e-mail with my registration information and course details. I needed to send the training company my information since there was a computer based portion that I was expected to have completed prior to the first day of class. A typical aviation class structure where you feel like you are drinking from a water hose.
I completed the information and e-mailed it to Savanna before showering and heading over to see Sam. A few times a week we met with Terri for breakfast and today was one of those day. I slipped on a pair of knee length baggy Sierra shorts, they were actually the type of pants with the zip off legs, and a blue Colombia wicked shirt. I grabbed a sun hat and scrunchie for Sam and hopped in the TJ. Since dating Sam I really had not done much work on the TJ, even though I had plenty of bolt-ons to install. Since we started looking for a house I did not want to seem to be splurging; besides that ring set me back quite a few paychecks. But Samantha was worth every penny.
I arrived at suite B and walked right in and sat down. I could tell by the closed door that Sam was with a patient. I browsed the magazines on the coffee table finding a decent 4×4 magazine that I had not read yet. I at least convinced Sam to include some reading material for her male patients and those males waiting on their better halfs. Men don’t care to read about kitties and decorating homes. Although there was the occasional Cosmo with articles like “How to have screaming orgasms” or “How to keep your man rock hard for hours.” While it would have been interesting to read I would never be caught dead reading a Cosmo. Too many “love tests,” and other babble that Sam seemed interested in. “Oh this one is actually pretty good,” she would say or “That is so full of shit, absolutely no psychological foundation…”
Sam exited the office laughing with the blond woman I have seen a time or two. They walked to the door completely ignoring me, said their goodbyes and as soon as Sam turned around I was out of the seat and in her arms. She gave me the professional ‘out in public peck’ on the lips and I settled for that. Sam was wearing the white dress and off white hose with wedges that I loved to see her in. The dress showed off her complexion so well and I had something about white. I was on my second Jeep and both were white. I handed Samantha the sun bonnet with a ribbon she would use to secure it on her head for the ride to the café in the Jeep. With the sun bonnet and by carefully laying against her hair she could manage to step out of the Jeep looking quite dignified.
We met Terri right about 11:30 which seemed to become our new time. Terri didn’t seem to mind too much as she just took a little longer at the radio station after her show before coming down. Terri always beat us and would order herself a coffee and croissant. As soon as my Jeep came roaring down the street two more coffees and another plate of croissant was delivered.
We knew all of the waiters and even the owner Jack whose son Jake was taking Aikido at one of those local all in one Martial Arts studios. I had helped Jake with some of his techniques and when he next saw his Sensei, he told him that he was doing it all wrong. I went with Jake to his next lesson and after the class spoke with his Sensei.
I knew something was amiss; after practice the Hakamas were not ceremoniously folded, there was no picture of O Sensei and some of the basic techniques were off. While speaking with Jake’s Sensei I soon discovered that his knowledge of Aikido was lacking. I asked what danhe was and he stated Judan, the most advanced degree. I was shocked, here was this guy who may have been 50 at the most and claimed to be a 10th degree black belt in Aikido. Oh and he also taught Judo, Jujitsu, Karate and Tae Kwon Do. I asked him what federation certified him, he refused to answer and asked me to leave. Before leaving I asked to see his certificate from an Aikido federation certifying him Judan and he simply pointed to the door. I bowed and exited the studio.
I told Jack that I suspected that the guy was not what he claimed to be. Jack was mad and felt he wasted his money. I calmed down Jack and told him that the guy was trained in something and may have a black belt in a few different forms. However, I was highly suspicious of him being a Judan aikidoka. Jack still wanted to pull Jake from this Sensei, however Jake really seemed to like him. I told Jack there was no harm just Jake needed to know that he was not learning Aikido. Jack spoke with the Sensei who recommended that Jake may like Judo a little more and ‘because Aikido and Judo were so close Jake could keep his same kyu.’
When Terri and Sam saw each other they both gave each other a polite smile and Terri even stood up to meet us and gave Sam a gentle hug. ‘What happened,’ I thought the last time the ladies went out to brunch there was this cold icy feeling between the two. Did they happen upon some agreement while I was flying last week?
Terri and Sam set off in conversation and I soon became that third wheel, good for only an agreement or head nod. If I did disagree with something said during lunch it was a ‘what does he know.’ Sam told Terri of my promotion to flying Gulfstreams and that we were going to purchase that ranch style house that Gale showed us. I didn’t remember us agreeing to that, but then again it was difficult to understand Sam while she had my dick in her mouth and my mouth on her pussy. ‘Mmmm… Mmmm… Ahhh… Ahhh…’ and I just agreed to buy a house, funny how that works. Terri exclaimed, “That is so great I bet you two are so excited.”
Sam and Terri continued their small talk as I sipped coffee and ate croissants.
Friday afternoon Sam booked us an appointment to sign the papers to build the house with Lisa and Gale. I picked her up after work and we drove on out to the site where the builder had a model home in which we would sign the papers. Gale, Lisa, Sam and I went through all of the papers, I wrote a check for the $1,000 earnest money and we were set to sign the contract. That was until Sam noticed that they had my name correct but hers was her first name, Samantha, and my last name. Sam and I already discussed the name thing, because of her business she would keep her name for business but take my last name for everything else. So Sam asked about the names on the contract since we were not married yet.
“Not married, oh dear,” said Gale. “Well this is not a big deal we can change the paperwork… Are you planning to purchase jointly or will just one of you be the buyer?”
“Jointly,” we said in unison then a giggle between us.
“Well,” Gale explained, “We can do all of the paperwork for a joint sale, but if you are going to change your name latter you will have to refile the deed. Most couples just find it easier to have their nuptials before closing.”
Sam and I both studied the document with the closing date, “So what do you think about a winter wedding,” I asked Sam.
“I really wanted a spring wedding, we can do that outdoors,” Sam replied.
My head spun for a moment before coming on an idea, “We could JP it for the home closing then have our outdoor wedding later in the spring.”
Sam chewed her lip for a moment and agreed that sounding like a plan. We signed the revised papers and handed over the first of many checks.
That Sunday I was off to pick up one of our Sovereigns in Orlando. The First Officer got sick and they needed me to pick up the jet with the other Captain before taking it to Dallas and then off the Paris with two passengers. I packed my Purdy and kissed Sam, “See you in a week.”
“Fly safe,” she stated.
“Nah, I’m going to fly like a maniac,” I teased.
I did the one way rental of a car from our neck of FL to Orlando. It was expensive but not as expensive as ASAing it to Atlanta then back down to Orlando. Besides every now and then I could come across a good deal with a rental car company that wanted to get rid of a problem car and drop it on another office. Sending cars to the bigger airports was great for this and I got to know a few of the managers. I was also NOT going to leave my TJ sitting in the Orlando airport parking garage for a week.
The flight to Dallas Love field was uneventful and I met my copilot for the trip to Paris. There were a few female pilots in the company and I guess I was lucky to pull a flight with Amanda again. Amanda was a 5’4” slim gal with bobbed short dark hair, green eyes, a roundish face with a spattering of freckles and breasts that would struggle to be called grapefruits. She wore the company black slacks fitted to her feminine form and the white standard shirt with black epaulettes and three gold stripes designating her First Officer. Just above her left breast was a pair of gold wings and over her right breast a gold name tag with her first name. If I did not know that Amanda was thirty-something I would have thought for sure she was playing dress up for Halloween.
On Monday Amanda and I repositioned the jet to Addison Field at the Million Air terminal where we waited for our two passengers. Soon we were greeted by an older Texas gentleman, maybe a little over 40, who went by the Bill and his daughter, Elise. Bill was dressed in a gray suit, cowboy boots and a white cowboy hat. His daughter Elise wore black leggings, under a black skirt, a black blouse, and a light black leather jacket which was worn at the elbows. Her hair was straight jet black with a sheen like oil, had deep brown almost black eyes, and highlighted her features with thick black mascara, thick black eyeliner, black lipstick and black nail polish. Her Goth look was completed with black short combat boots.
Since I was sure that the luggage was heaver then Amanda I allowed her to finish the last few pieces of paperwork, and brief the passengers on the route of flight and our fuel stops. Even lightly loaded with 2 passengers and what felt like 2 more passengers worth of luggage we would have to a make fuel stop at St. Johns before reaching Paris. Since the Sovereign was too small for a steward, or flight attendant, we performed the passenger briefings ourselves and the passengers helped themselves to the wet bar. We also had meals pre-ordered by the passengers in the warmer in the back of the jet.
Amanda flew the first leg to St Johns and I took care of any in flight needs of the passengers. About an hour out from St Johns I inventoried the jet so we could send any a request for any replacement items we may need. I noticed that the wet bar had been emptied and Bill was grinning at me with that big Texas toothy grin. It did not matter since they paid for anything they used on the jet. I typed the in the requests for restocking into ACARS and sent to the company.
When we landed at St. Johns I escorted Bill and Elise to the Million Air terminal where they would be treated like royalty and then proceeded to the aircrew desk to coordinate fuel, services, as well as check the weather, our oceanic clearance and arrival reports for Paris. Amanda took care of overseeing the fueling and restocking of the Sovereign and took care of the blue juice service, the toilet. After about 30 minutes we had the jet fueled, stocked and flight plans confirmed so I escorted Bill and Elise back to the jet. Along the way Bill asked, “Let me know when we are over international waters.”
I didn’t think much of it and just stated, “OK.”
As we reached our cruising altitude and well into oceanic airspace I informed Bill that we were over International waters. Amanda and I settled in for the long flight and was still trying to get dispatch to give us the answer on who would be our handler in Paris. The handler took care of all of the aircraft requirements including filing arrival reports with authorities, paying landing and EUROControl usage fees and filing and coordinating between fuelers and other services. They would also provide us with transportation to our hotel. It must have been 30 minutes of this before Amanda turned to check on our passengers and her eyes became the size of saucers.
“Er, Dave… seems like we have mile high adventures in the back,” Amanda declared with shock in her voice.
Normally we just pull the flightdeck doors closed and give the adventures their privacy, the jet is leased to them and if they want to fuck at 45,000’ then it is their right. But in this case I was fairly sure the guy introduced Elise as his daughter and she looked like she was under 18.
“How old does her passport say she is,” I quietly asked Amanda. Part of the paperwork that Amanda collected was copies of their passports. Amanda fumbled with the clipboard before finding the documents, sparing more than one peek into the cabin. She finally found the girls passport and did the computation.
“Seventeen,” stated Amanda.
“Shit,” I replied. “Any idea what is the statutory age in Texas?”
“I have no idea,” Amanda replied.
This was defiantly a satphone call event back to company HQ. I had Amanda call back to the company and as soon as she got through I asked to speak with Bob. Meanwhile we could hear Elise moaning loudly and a squish – squish noise coming from the cabin. I could see little Elise riding Bill in the reflection of the co-pilot’s window.
Bob finally picked up the phone, “What’s wrong Dave?”
Quietly I spoke, “I have Bill and his 17 year old daughter fornicating in the back of the jet.”
Bob chuckled, “We have had plenty… wait did you say 17?”
“Yeah Bob, 17,” I replied.
“Shit,” Bob replied. I have never heard Bob cuss until this call.
In the reflection I could see Bill porking his 17 year old daughter. He was seated in a chair with his paints down to his ankles and I could see Elise’s creamy ass bouncing up and down her head was flayed back enjoying her daddy as she was moaning louder and louder. Amanda saw me staring at the reflection of father and daughter fucking like mad.
“Want me to close the partition,” she asked.
I thought for a moment before stating, “No…. if this illegal then we are witnesses.”
“I think I’ve witnessed enough,” Amanda spitted.
It seemed like forever for Bob to get back with us and I really had no idea what to do if Bob said this was an illegal act. I could see it now, “Excuse me sir, would you mind to please stop fucking your teenage daughter. Our company has determined this activity to be illegal and reminds you that illegal activities are not condoned aboard our jets. Now please pull your dick out of your daughters tight twat put it up and we will be informing the authorities on landing.”
Bob finally got back with us as Elise was practically screaming, “Fuck… FUCK… FUCK… OH DAMN FUCK.”
“Well our lawyers are looking at this but we think Texas jurisdiction holds and she is technically over the age of consent.”
“Fucking wonderful,” Amanda hissed barely audible over the screaming and moaning in the back of the jet, “little Goth girlley turns 17 and it is alright in the eyes of Texas for her daddy to rape her.”
“Amanda,” I warned.
“Damn, Dave this just isn’t right. It’s fucking immoral.”
Bob finally added, “Morality is not our business, flying our customers is. If it is not illegal then we are not getting involved. Just get them to Paris.”
Amanda visibly pouted and I could see in the reflection of the window that Elise was now giving her daddy a blowjob.
“Thanks Bob, WILCO,” and I hung up.
“Can I close the fucking partition now,” Amanda hissed.
At that moment I saw Bill spill his seed all over Elise’s face. “Yeah, looks like it’s all over anyway.”
“You’re cleaning that shit up,” Amanda retorted.
I looked at her and grinned, “You’re in the spooge seat this one is all yours.” Normally the person in the right seat would take care of the inside of the jet and the person in the left seat took care of the outside.
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