Salvation from Us: Chapter 2
Salvation from Us: Chapter 2
Sex Story Author: | PapaLoveGood |
Sex Story Excerpt: | I couldn’t sleep that night as I was thinking about what I did to Sam. While on my bed, I |
Sex Story Category: | Blowjob |
Sex Story Tags: | Blowjob, Extreme, Fiction, Incest, Male / Female Teens, Oral Sex, Rape, Reluctance, Young |
Note: Just a reminder that this is a fictional story and “it’s not real”. The story may get dark for some to handle so read at your own discretion.
“Sam wait…don’t touch them.”
“But we have to help them…”
“I know, let me do it.” I said to Sam.
I did a quick brief inspections on their bodies for broken bones before taking them back to the ranch. They both seemed to be passed out from exhaustion with no injuries but I don’t know if they’re infected or not. Only time will tell.
“I’m gonna carry the older one back to the house while you stayed guard on the little one until I come back for him.”
“But I can carry him myself.”
“No you can’t Sam, you’re not in condition to do so. And I don’t want you risked getting infected and I’m not taking any chances. Please do this for me…” I said as I handed her my pistol.
“Alright, please be careful.” Sam says as she took my pistol.
“Remember to turn off safety before firing.”
“I know Dad.”
I tread back to the ranch as fast as I could with the unconscious woman on me. I rushed into the house and put the woman in the room in the basement and laid her onto one of the bed. I dried her up as best as I can with a towel and covered her with a blanket. I locked the door just in case she wakes up. I ran back to Sam and the boy as fast as I could.
When I got there Sam was sitting next to the boy guarding him. I picked him up and put him on my shoulder. It must’ve been the loose baggy clothes he’s wearing because he’s lighter than I thought. We walked back to the ranch and put him in the same room as the woman. The room had two twin beds, one across from each other. It has no windows and one exit. The door is heavily reinforced and hard to break down. There’s one table by the door and the only light source in the room is on top of the ceiling. The ceiling light is also powered by the solar panels.
The woman is resting on the left while the boy’s on the right bed. I told Sam to prepare some hot water and food in case they wake up. In the mean time, I want to take a better look for any injuries as I changed their wet clothes for dry ones. The woman’s around 120-130 lbs, black raven hair that reaches to her chests. She’s about 5’6, bust size is almost the same size as Sam’s but a little bigger, medium size waist and well rounded buttocks. I see no recent injuries on her but some fading bruises. With some further inspections, there’s multiple small burned marks on the back side of her smooth body. Each mark looks like they occurred from different times. It’s looks like her burned marks had been healing for a while now. ‘Who would do something like this to her?’ I see a little bit of body fat which is a sign that she’s eating well. I thought nothing of it and quickly changed her ragged clothes with some of Jean’s spare clothes, a red blouse and blue jeans. I gave her some dignity by not looking directly at her privates parts as I changed her clothes. I covered the blanket back on her and walked over to the boy to examine him.
He’s very slim, petite and maybe around 4’6 and 100-110lbs. He has short black pixie style hair. He’s probably related to the woman as they both have almost the same facial structures. He must be her brother and he’s kind of cute for a boy. I looked at his arms and legs and found no injuries but the same fading bruises too. I noticed some faded dried blood on his hands but the blood doesn’t belong to him. His clothes are just as damped as the woman, I have to change his clothes quickly before he catches anything. I reach down on the bottom his torn up shirt and unbuttons his shirt. It looks like he hasn’t eaten well, not as good as the other woman. His rib cages were barely starting to show around his slim stomach. He has the same burned marks on his body, far more than the lady. Unlike the woman, there’s some burned marks on his abs. He also has breasts, maybe small b cups that I couldn’t tell under such a big loose shirt as I unbuttoned the rest of his shirt.
Her eyes opened and realized that I had undressed her while she’s unconscious.
“Get off me asshole!” She screamed as she pushes my face away with her hands following with a sharp thrusting kick to my chest.
“Wait, It’s just a misunderstanding. Please calm down.” I said as the pain on my chest lingers a bit.
“Fuck you! Where’s my sister?! Did you raped her?! You sick fuck!” She yelled as she retreats to the corner of the bed covering her chests with her arms.
“She’s right over there on the other bed….and no I did not rape her. But I did undress her to change her clothes into dry ones. As you can see under circumstances I couldn’t wait for her permission… Now please, calm down…” I said in a calming voice with both my hands up.
She looked over to her sister and calmed a bit down but still on guard. Suddenly, there was banging on the door.
“Dad! What’s wrong? I heard someone screaming. Is everything okay in there?” Sam said in a concerning voice.
“I’m okay Sam, everything is fine. It’s just a misunderstanding. Don’t come in.”
“…What’s the safe word?” Sam asked.
“Okay, I’m going back to cooking then.”
“Who’s that?” The girl asked.
“That’s my daughter, Samantha…..look I’m sorry I scared you. Your clothes are wet, here’s some dry ones. They may be too big for you, but it’s better than nothing. Any other clothes that doesn’t fit, you can just leave them on the table. I’m gonna go to the corner and let you do your thing. I won’t peek, I promise.”
I went to the corner and waited for her to get dress. She only wore Rob’s criss-cross pattern shirt that reach to her upper thighs. I guessed right that Rob’s pants were to loose for her wear. I’ll ask Sam for a spare underwear for her later.
“Who’s clothes are these?” She asked as went over to check on her sister.
“The clothes your sister’s wearing belongs to my wife and the shirt you’re wearing belongs to one of the previous owners of this ranch. I thought you were a boy so…yeah.”
“What happened to the previous owners?”
“They’re dead.”
“Did you killed them?”
“How did we get here?”
“We found you two unconscious in the rain and brought you here…. I’m John by the way, mind telling me your name?”
She didn’t say anything as she puts her hand on her sister’s shoulder.
“Okay, guess I’ll call you Jane for now. Do you remember how you got here? Or where you’re from?”
Jane didn’t answer me.
“Are you feeling feverish or sick? Are you hurt any where?”
Still no answer.
“Are you hungry?”
Jane looks at me with her hand on her stomach.
“Don’t worry, Sam is cooking some food right now. It should be ready any minute now.”
“What do you want for food?” Jane asked me.
“What do you mean? Like, what kind of food I want to eat? I dont know but I could go for a cheese burger right now. I can’t remember the last time I had one.”
“No, I’m asking if you want a handjob or a blowjob? I prefer to give you a handjob though, it’s safer.”
“What? No…I-“
“You want to fuck me then? ….Fine but I’ll tripled the cost. I won’t do anal so don’t bother asking.”
“Gosh no…you look way too young-“
“No, you’re not fucking my sister…and she ain’t gonna suck your prick either asshole.” She cuts me off.
“Stop…I don’t want sex either from you or your sister.”
“Well then I don’t have anything else to trade for your food.”
“I don’t want anything in return for food.”
“Bullshit, nobody gives out food for free. Now I know you’re scheming something and I’m not going to fall for it. So fuck you…we ain’t going down without a fight asshole.”
‘Fuck me, How low has the world gone to? Using sex to trade for food?…Deceptions?’
“Jesus…okay look, I’m not gonna hurt you or your sister in any way. Nor am I scheming anything against the both of you. I just want to help you two…”
“I don’t believe you, I want out of here, both me and my sister. I don’t like you and I don’t like this place. If you truly want to help us, then let us leave this place in peace.”
“Alright, but I don’t think your sister is in condition to walk.”
She looks to her sister and then back to me. “Fine, once my sister is up, we’re out of here.”
“I fucking knew it…”
“No it’s not like that, I want you two to stay here for at least 3 to 5 days. Just to make sure you’re not infected. Because that’s now long it usually would take for a person to turn. It’s for me and my daughter’s safety. I hope you understand. And of course you both will get free food and water.”
“What if we got to pee?” She said to me not looking convinced.
“There’s a bucket in the corner, I’ll clean it out daily…”
There’s a knock on the door.
“Food’s ready. I’ll leave them on the floor. I made some for you too dad.”
“Thanks pumpkin.”
I opened the door with a key, retrieved the food from the floor and set the food on the table.
“Come get it while it’s still hot.” I said as I went back to closed the door and lock it.
Jane didn’t budge from her sister’s side.
“Well, I’m starving, so I’m gonna eat….”
I grabbed my food from the table and prepared to eat.
“Wow, mashed potatoes and steaks? Damn, Sam really do want you two to eat good tonight.”
I ate away like it’s nobody’s business. I can see Jane hasn’t tore her eyes off from the food on the table. Later, she kept switching from me eating to the table as her stomach growls. I quickly finished and belched loudly to show my appreciation to the food.
“Oh man that was delicious, medium rare steaks are the best…what a shame that these food on the table would go to waste….I guess I’ll better eat them if nobody else will.”
Jane walks over to me and sneers up at me in the eyes.
“Good, you’re gonna eat?”
Jane grabs my crotch with a firm grip.
“I’ll suck your dick but the portion of the food will be for my sister, deal? She hasn’t eaten in days.”
I grabbed her hand and gently pried her hand off me.
“I’ve told you already, I don’t want anything in return. Please, if you’re hungry? Be my guest and eat.”
“Are you serious?”
I smiled and nod at her. She grabbed the plate on the table and she picked up her 16 oz steak. She brought the medium rare piece of steak to her nose and sniffed it. Then she lift up the steak to my face.
“Bite it.” She said as a little bit of drool escaped from her mouth.
“Bite it?” I asked.
“Yes, bite it and then swallow it.”
“Okay….” I took an awkward bite of her steak, chewed it and then swallowed it.
“This too…” she said as she swiped a bit of mashed potatoes on her other index finger and raised it to my mouth.
“Really?…”I asked as I raised my eyebrows down at her.
“Yes…do it.”
Slowly, I shoved her finger into my mouth and sucked on her finger cleaned while pulling her slim finger out of my mouth.
“Drink this too.” She held her cup of warm water to me and I’d took a sip from it.
“Satisfied?” I asked.
She said yes by eating her portion like a rabid dog.
“If I wanted to hurt you, it would not be through food you know. I don’t like wasting food…For my safety, I asked Sam to not bring any utensils so I hope you don’t min- Hey, slow down or you’re gonna-“
Jane choked on her food and begun having difficulty to breathe. I went behind her and wrapped my arms around her tiny stomach. With one forceful squeeze and pops out the piece of steak that was lodged in her air hole. Jane coughed and grabbed the cup of warm water and chugs it down her throat. She looks at me with her tearful eyes for a moment and went back to eating. She even picked up the piece of meat she spat out on the table and ate it, this time chewing it very well first.
“Uh…you’re welcome?” I said to Jane.
Jane continued eating her food while I went to check on her sister. I laid my hand on her forehead and checked her pulse rates on her neck with my other hand.
“What are you doing?” Jane said as she gave out a loud burp.
“Relax, I’m just checking on her…she has a fever and she needs medicine.”
‘Or she could be infected.’
I walked to the door and knock 4 times. A couple seconds later Sam answered the door.
“Yes Dad?”
“Can you get some cold medicine. The lady has a fever and she probably can’t eat any solid food for now. So can you make her some chicken soup?”
“Right away…”
Jane is sitting next to her sister with her hand on her sister’s forehead as I turned around.
“Why are you doing this? Why are you helping us? We’re nobody to you. We offer nothing in return….tell me why?”
“Well…because I want to…technically it’s me and Sam that wants to help you both.”
“Your wife, you said these clothes belong to her…where is she?”
“She passed away a while ago…there were these two couple who needed help…we helped them and my wife got infected…”
“You know, we could be infected too, so why are you in here with us? You could be infected right now.”
“Someone has to care for you two while you both are in no shape to do it yourselves. It’s a risk I’m welling to take.” I said to Ashtrid even though I know I can’t get infected.
Jane looks at her sister and then back to me.
“My name… is Ashtrid.” Said Jane.
“Ashtrid…huh, lovely.” I said as I noticed Jane only finished half of her food portion.
Twenty minutes later, Sam comes back with some medicine and chicken soup. I’ve retrieved it and locked the door.
“Here, give some of these to her, make sure she takes two pills every 8 hours and hopefully, her fever will die down. It’s passed it’s expiration date but it’s better than nothing. And see if she can drink the chicken soup. Careful with the soup, it’s still hot. It’ll give her energy and will help with her fever.” I said as I handed the bottle of medicine to Ashtrid.
Ashtrid took the bottle and read from it, “Ny…Quill…”
I was surprised Ashtrid could read as she continued reading the information on the bottle.
“Is this real?….”
“Sure is, it worked for Sam for the last two winters…”
“Do you know how rare and valuable this shit is out there?…and you given it to me like it’s…like it’s nothing?”
“If it is as rare and valuable you say it is, then you better give some to your sister because she needs it now.”
Ashtrid didn’t waste no time and took the bottle. She tried to feed her sister with it along with a cup of warm water.
“Hey, Rose I’ve got some candy…”
I watched as Ashtrid put the medicine pills in her sister’s mouth and she swallowed it with water.
“Ew, candy has no taste…”
Ashtrid came back for the soup. Before she went back to her sister with the soup, she lifts up the bowl of soup to me with both her hands. She didn’t say anything, she looks up at me but I knew what she wanted. I blew at the soup and took a sip from the bowl. Ashtrid approved it’s safe for her sister and she walked back carefully to her sister trying not to spill any.
“I got some food for you Rose, it’s soup made with chicken…”
“Ashy….head…hurt…hot…dizzy…” the woman said weakly.
“I know Rose, but you’re gonna have to eat something if you want to get better, okay?”
I watched as Ashtrid blew at the soup and fed her sister with chicken soup.
“I know right? Drink it all up okay? See if you can eat the chicken too, they’re very yummy…”
I leaned on the table with my arms crossed and watched the whole thing happened.
“Good job Rose, you finished it all. Now get some rest and you’ll feel better soon okay.”
Ashtrid walks to me and set the empty bowl onto the table.
“My sister, her name is Rose and she’s…autistic. She’s twenty four years old but has a mentality of a… younger person. That’s probably why you’re wondering why I told her the medicine was candy, she hates medicine. She’s so vulnerable, that’s why I’m so protected of her. I’m her younger sister but I have to be the bigger sister for her.”
“How old are you anyway? If you don’t mind me asking?”
“I’m old enough to survive if that’s what you’re wondering.”
“No, it’s just that, you look so young but you show so much maturity. You even look younger than my daughter.”
“Then just leave it at that then. Does it matter how old I am?”
“I…I..guess not. I noticed you had some education, that’s really rare in these days, who taught you how to read?”
“My parents…”
“Oh, you have family?…”
“They’re dead…”
“You know, I’ve been traveling for almost a half of year with my sister and I’ve never met anyone like you before…”
“…is that good or bad?”
“I don’t know yet…”
“Why do you say that?” I asked.
“Because I don’t think you have what it takes to survive out there. Do what’s necessary to survive.”
“Well that’s why we are here and not out there.”
“So what happens if you were force to go out there and survive? With no weapon to hunt, would you help others like you helped me and my sister when you have nothing to offer? Would you suck someone’s dick to feed your daughter? Would you sell your daughter’s body for a little scraps of food? There’s gonna be a point where you might turn on your daughter and rape her-“
“Dad!….Don’t listen to him!” Sam screams as she pounding on the door.
Ashtrid gave me weird look.
“I… I got carried away. I didn’t mean to offend you or your daughter. I’m very tired and I don’t know why I said that. I’m gonna get some rest. Thank you, for the food and the soup for Rose.” Ashtrid said rubbing her forehead.
“Mmm..yeah see you in the morning Ashtrid.”
I’d open the door and locked the door behind me. Sam was waiting for me while biting her nails.
“I…Uh…I’m gonna call it a night too. Night Sam.”
“Wait…what he said, what happen between us-“ Sam said as she begun walking towards me.
“Stop Sam….I know…goodnight.”
I’d stripped off my lightly damped clothes, washed up with some water and put on some fresh clothes. For some reasons, I wanted to sleep in my clothes tonight. I saw the pink stains on my sheets when I got to my bed. Angrily, I grabbed the sheets and toss it to the corner of the room. The stains had seep through the sheets, there’s some stains barely visible on the bed. I’d replaced the sheets with a spare one but it still felt dirty to me.
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