
Salvation from Us

The first patient discovered with this virus was in 2018, Bangkok, Thailand. Spreading the virus was easy through street food venders from tourist all over the world. All it takes is one person to infect an entire country. Symptoms doesn’t show after a few days later. It makes the courier sick and weak for the first few days, after that their sense of violence and libido sky rockets off the charts. Their body mutates in the process of turning. Their speed and strength increases during the mutation, making them incredibly hard to kill. Encountering an turned infected almost guarantees a death sentence even if the victims survive their attack. The infected lose all sense of humanity, unable to speak and think. Their only motives are relentlessly assault and rape their victims. Those that survives their sexual assault turns within a week, depending on their resistance to the virus. The infected don’t care about age or gender. They attack anyone on sight. Fortunately the virus doesn’t affect any other living organisms except humans. By the time we had it somewhat under control in 2027, more than 90% of the world’s populations are dead or infected. We were on the brink for a cure but through some mishap, the remaining scientists were accidentally infected. The government fell just a few months later. By 2030, the world have gone dark.

Present date: February 26th, 2035

My name is John, I’m 35 years old. I have short brown hair, lightly tanned skin and blue ocean eyes. I’m 6’4, lean muscular build all around my body. When the government shut down, finding work was nearly impossible. With no order, It was dangerous from just walking outside the streets. People were mugged, raped and killed daily in the city. I’ve decided it was safer to go into the wilderness and fend for ourselves. We were very fortunate when the Robinsons accepted us into their ranch, I was undoubtedly grateful for their kindness. I have to keep in shape because of the work I do at the ranch. Their large isolated ranch resides at least 200 miles from population and we’ve been living there for at least 2 years now. We have livestock from cows, chickens and pigs. The whole ranch is powered with solar panels equipped on the roofs. There’s a stream near by which supplies us with water for use and crops. A half mile up north there’s a natural hot spring, very convenient for bathing. All in all, the self sustaining ranch is best spot for survival during this terrible time.

The Robinsons was the owner of the ranch. It was Tim, Heather his wife and their son Rob. The Robinsons died in a tragic incident after an unexpected infected wondered near the ranch. We managed to eliminate the threat but at the cost of Tim’s and Rob’s lives. Heather died the following winter from an unknown illness or maybe she couldn’t go on living after the deaths of her husband and son. A couple months later my wife died soon after. Now, it’s just me and my daughter, the last two survivors on the ranch. Before the virus broke out, we had our daughter at a very young age. Being naive, we didn’t use protection and thus Samantha was born.

Sam has long brunette hair reaching to her waists. Hazel eyes, light tanned skin. Her breasts size are 34DD, slim waist, perfect round butt and thick legs. She looks just like her mother. I totally forgotten her age, I’m assuming she’s 17 or 18. I could’ve ask her myself but we have a fallout when Jean, her mother died.

A couple months ago, two elderly couple stumbled on our ranch. They were exhausted, dehydrated and starving. The three of us had a vote to either help the couple or turn them away. Jean voted to help the couple while Sam voted not to. I was the tie breaker. The Robinsons would turned over their graves if we turned these couple away. Sam was furious and she had reasons to be. We brought them in and fed them. Being careless, the old man was already infected with the virus but showed no symptoms. Jean and the old man’s wife were soon infected after. The old man felt so guilty that he took his own life. I had my last talk with Jean alone before putting her down. She made me promised to take care of Sam no matter what.

To be honest, I would’ve put a bullet in my mouth right after Jean died. Sam is the reason I’m continuing to go on, my only motive to keep on pushing and surviving.

The work load on the ranch have quadrupled since the Robinsons and my wife died. I worked my ass off everyday to keep the ranch on going. Sam helps too but only with the light stuff, the feeding, gardening, laundry and house hold chores. We ran out of gas a year ago so every mechanical field labor that has to do with land will have to be done by hand. I’ve learned so much from the Robinsons that I can run the ranch just by myself. It’s not easy but I can barely manage with Sam’s help.

The main house is huge. It has 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 living rooms, kitchen and a spare basement room. I sleep in the master bedroom while Sam sleeps in the next room. Our daily routine is not complicated, I usually wake up at 5 A.M., washed up and make breakfast. I usually eat breakfast alone because Sam wakes up at 7 A.M. I also cooked an extra servings for Sam. After breakfast I would head out do my thing until 4 or 5 P.M. I mostly stayed pretty close to the ranch just an ear shot away from Sam if anything should happened. At noon Sam would bring lunch and around 6 P.M. supper should be ready after I wash up. Anything Sam cooks, I literally licked the plate clean. Her mother taught her well.

Ever since Jean died, Sam’s cooking has been tasting a bit bland and I know why but I just don’t know how to help her. Sam barely talks to me now, sometimes she would replied with a yes, okay or no. Sam probably blames me for her mother’s death but she won’t admit it. I do too but I have to live with it.

Tonight Sam Cooked her beef stew. It didn’t tastes as good as it used to but it filled up the stomach. After supper, we head out to the spring. The first thing I grabbed is my pistol. Even if it’s always peaceful around here but I have to be always ready if anything should happened. We got our towels, toothbrushes and bathing essentials.

The hot spring’s pool is about 20 feet long and 4 feet deep at the shortest. The deepest part of the spring is about 5 feet. The hot spring has a stream that flows downhill. We bathe nude together but apart from each other. Sam does her thing on the other side of the spring pool while I do mine on the opposite. I always bathe my back turns towards her just to give her some privacy. I’d never think of Sam as anything but my baby girl. I really have no attractiveness towards her. Some times I’ve caught her staring at me when bathing but I never brought it up.

After cleansing our body, we usually soak in the hot spring for a bit. The hot water really helps relaxing our muscles from a hard days work. We just stayed in the spring in silence. It wasn’t always like this, we used to played games in the hot spring and wrestled with each other. I’m guessing she’s too old for that even if she weren’t mad at me. She would let me know when she’s ready to leave.

We came back to the house and put our stuff away. Sam walk pass me as if I weren’t even there.

“Sam…I’m gonna be at the field all day this week so I won’t have time for lunch. So just make lunch for self okay?”

Sam looks like she about to say something but then she nodded and went to her room.

I went around outside the house and double checked everything is secured. Inside, I double checked the locks on the windows and doors before retiring to bed.

I skipped lunch for the next few days, on the fourth day Sam came to the field with lunch. It was hot that day so I was shirtless the whole day. Sam was trying not to stare at my sweaty glistening muscles and abs.

“I thought I told you I wouldn’t have time for lunch?”

“I know but I don’t want you to work with an empty stomach” Sam said quietly while looking at the lunch she brought me.

I was surprised to hear a full sentence from Sam in months. I stopped what I did and went to retrieve my lunch from Sam.

“Since you brought it all the way here I might as well eat it, thanks Sam.”

Sam smiles a little bit at me before heading back. I ate my lunch in delight. I don’t why but the lunch she gave me today was so flavorful. I finished eating everything. I wonder if the taste of Sam’s cooking was me and not her.

The next day I came back from the field for supper. I went to the back and washed up from a barrel of water. Sam walked out from the barn cover in mud or at least I thought it was mud.

“What happened to you?” I asked.

“One of the pigs snuck behind me while I was feeding them in their den. I’d step back and tripped. Can you hurry up? I need to wash myself too.”

I was laughing while looking at Sam. She needed more water to wash herself up properly. There was mud and shit almost everywhere on her.

“Tell you what, why don’t we head to the spring so you can washed yourself thoroughly?”

“But I have to get supper ready”

“Supper can wait, you need to be clean asap.”

“But I would dirty the water in the spring if I wash myself there and you would get it on you too.”

“It’s fine as long as I stay up stream. The dirty water would washed down the stream. It will never get to me.”

“Fine, can you go get my bathing stuff? I don’t want to go in the house like this.”

“Sure thing Pumpkin.”

“Don’t call me that…you haven’t call me that in months, well not since mom…”

“Why not? You definitely look like one with all that beautiful colors covering you.”

Sam has that look on her face when she’s mad. She darted after me covered in fecal matters.

“Alright Sam, I’m sorry, stop!” I yelled as she chases after me.

I was running around outside the house as if my life was depending on it. Being chased by a person covered in poop really does raised your adrenaline. It was as if I was playing tag with her again.

“Sam! I’m serious, sto-“ I said as I tripped on a branch and rolled flat on my back.

Sam dived on top of me and rubbed herself on me. Sam was grinding against my body to make sure it got everywhere. There’s something I felt that was very soft and plump on her chests. That’s when I realized it was her breasts. I didn’t think they were that big. I laid there on the ground catching my breath as Sam finished grinding against me.

“There, you look like a pumpkin too dad.” She said as she stood up.

“I sure don’t smell like one though.” I said picking myself up.

“You know, I didn’t even catch you once when we were playing tag when I was kid. I guess you’re getting old dad.”

“If that branch wasn’t there, I’d be still running and you be crying like a baby because you can’t win like always.”

“Whatever dad, let’s go clean ourselves at the hot spring. We both stink.”

“That, we both can agree on. Let’s go.”

I’d grabbed our stuff and we headed for the spring. When we got to the spring, Sam immediately pulling her shirt up in front of me. I don’t know why but this is the first time I realized she’s becoming a women. She’s not my little baby girl anymore.

“Wait..” I said

“What?” She ask as her under boobs were showing.

“I uh… I think we shouldn’t undress in front of each other anymore.”

“Why not? You’ve seen me naked before. I’m okay with it and I need to get in the water ASAP.”

“You’re may be okay with it but I’m not… well at least not anymore. So next time just give me a heads up before taking off your clothes. Okay?”

“Fine, whatever.” Sam said rolling her eyes at me.

I turned around and waited for Sam to undress and get into the spring. She told me she’s in the water. I turned back around and started taking my clothes off. I stopped at my pants when I saw Sam staring at me from the water. Only her head was above the water.

“Do you mind?” I ask twirling my finger around at her.

“What? So I can’t look at you naked either?”

“Yes, now turn around.”

“I don’t get what’s the big deal, I’ve seen you naked thousands of time already.”

Reluctantly, she slowly turn her back at me and started washing the dirt off her hair. Quickly, I stripped off my clothes and got in the hot spring. As always I’ve turned my back to her and started washing myself. We ran out of soap years ago but it was better than smelling like sweat and dirt. After a couple of minutes I heard water splashing behind me.


I turned around and the sight startled me. Only the bottom half of Sam’s body was submerge from the water and Sam was barely covering her breasts with her right forearm. I don’t know why but I couldn’t tear my eyes off her breasts.


“What?” I said snapping out of it.

“Can you please scrub my back? I can’t reach behind.”

“Um, yeah sure. No problem.”

Sam hands me her wash cloth and turns around. She grabs her hair from her back and slowly pulls it around to her front. I just stood there ogling at her dirty but famine back.

“Are you gonna scrub my back with your eyes or with your hands?” Sam said without looking at me.

Snapping out of it again I begun scrubbing her back. Her flesh feels very soft, like a woman’s. Trying not think like that, very quickly I tried to rush scrubbing her back as fast as possible.

“Ow dad….you’re hurting me. Can you please be more gentle?” Sam whimpers at me.

“Sorry Sam.”

Gently, I scrubbed the dried up dirt and feces off her back. I watched as her shoulder blades moves as she stretches her back muscles. I scrubbed all the way down to her bottom and stop just before I reached her bum.

“All done, your back is cleaned pumpkin.”

“But you didn’t scrub my butt.”

“I think you can do that on your own.” I said to Sam as I toss her wash cloth back to her.

“Fine” she said pouting her lips at me.

I hate to admit it but her famine body is taking a toll on me.

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