S.H.E.I.L.A. 6
S.H.E.I.L.A. 6
Sex Story Author: | pars001 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | We were in southern Alaska! I knelt to look at an empty crate I found. Sitka? Ok I guess we |
Sex Story Category: | Blackmail |
Sex Story Tags: | Blackmail, Body modification, Science-Fiction |
Synthetic, Humanoid, Enlightened, Inquisitive, Living, Android – S.H.E.I.L.A.
I was fighting the numbing sensation that was starting to creep through my body. Finally unable to stand it I tapped Sheila on her back. “You’re going to have to stop; I can hardly feel my extremities.”
Sheila stopped almost dead in her tracks as I finished my little speech. “I am sorry Doctor Gance. In my haste to evacuate you from the area I forgot to position you differently.”
I groaned as Sheila put my feet on the ground, shaking, I almost sunk to the ground. It seemed that my legs were so weak they couldn’t support me. “I’ll be fine in a few moments Sheila. Have we traveled far enough from them yet?”
Sheila turned as a soft whir came from her as she turned the way we’d just come from. “I have kept an active scan going Doctor Gance. At present I don’t feel we have gone far enough. Plus progress is hampered by malfunctions I am suffering at the moment. I am attempting to rectify that now.”
I nodded my head; I had equipped all of them with a self repair program that would ensure they repaired enough of themselves to return. “I’d feel a hundred times better if I could take a look at you damage. I might be able to suggest upgrades so this won’t happen again.”
Sheila turned toward me as I attempted to sit. Looking at her I swore I saw something on her face. My god, was that gratitude I was seeing reflected toward me? Damn it! Why was he after me so hard? No one would really care this much about a regular android. No, there had to be something else that they had done to her without my knowledge. Yeah I thought that sounded the most like him. So they had brought him in because it was me.
Shaking my head I was surprised that they would think that HE could get me to relent. Plus I thought that they wanted no, needed the emotion program I had spent almost two decades writing. Looking over Sheila’s arm I saw that almost all of the joint had been shattered. Damn it the amount of pressure required to do this was incredible.
Reaching in the bag on my side I removed the few tools I had with me. Removing the cover by the joint I affirmed the joint was shattered. Shaking my head I wished I had used inconel or titanium in the joint. Pulling a small welding torch I tried to patch what I could. A few moments later I saw several of the circuits in the arm light up.
“Can you move it at all?” I asked of Sheila. Even before all of the words had left my mouth I saw her slowly turning the arm.
“I have thirty nine percent movement in my arm extremity Doctor Gance. I am attempting to reroute several circuits now. Thank you Doctor it is much better now.” Sheila told me, with a smile? Shaking my head I looked again, yes that had to be a smile! What the hell had they done to her that she was advancing the program like this?
“I need to replace that joint with titanium; I believe that will make it stronger and far superior than what it was.” I told Sheila after I closed up the cover.
Nodding Sheila picked me up saying over her shoulder, “I will acquire some as soon as I have you safe Doctor. Your life is more important right now than anything.”
With that Sheila took off again holding me in a far more comfortable position. It seemed we were traveling the rest of the day stopping long enough to rub the numbness from my body. I still couldn’t believe that she thought I was more important than she was. Hell the government damn sure thought I was nothing.
It was starting to grow dark when I noticed that the temperature had drastically dropped. Suffice it to say I was damn near freezing! Where in the hell was she heading now I thought.
Finally outside of what looked like an airline hanger Sheila stopped. Turning, I once again heard a soft whir as she turned back the way we’d come. “It appears we have sufficient distance Doctor Gance.” Setting me down, Sheila turned toward the hanger door. There was a metal crunching, twisting sound as she touched for the door.
Opening the door I walked in as quickly as I could, rubbing my cold extremities. “Where in the hell are we?” I asked.
“I am reading that we are 57.0031° N, 135.3300° W, Doctor Gance.” Sheila replied as I got as far from the door as I could.
I started to rack my brain for where we were. The fact that it was as cold as it was meant that we were far north. 57degres, hmmmm. That meant we were either in the extreme north of Canada or Alaska. Looking around I could see that this place had been abandoned for a while.
Suddenly it came to me! Christ no wonder it was so cold!
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