Russ’s Sex Education
Russ’s Sex Education
Sex Story Author: | firstimewonder |
Sex Story Excerpt: | I stood on the shore taunting them, telling them if they wanted their bottoms they would have to come out |
Sex Story Category: | Consensual Sex |
Sex Story Tags: | Consensual Sex, Fantasy, First Time, Incest, Teen Male/Teen Females, Threesome |
My initiation into sexual knowledge was thrust on me, literally. My parents were excited, especially Dad. Uncle Walt was coming from Los Angeles for a month long visit. Dad hadn’t seen his older brother for five years, and since they had been close all through their school years, he was looking forward to seeing Walt again. I had mixed emotions. Uncle Walt had twin girls, Laura and Lisa. The last time I saw them, they were eight and I was five. They had made my life miserable the entire time they visited.
I remember that they broke my train and bent the wheels on my pedal tractor. Both of them tried to ride it at the same time and were too heavy. They also delighted in embarrassing me in front of my parents and other cousins by getting me to say silly things. I told Dad that I didn’t want them around, but he said things would be different now that they were grown young ladies. Besides, now that I was ten, I could handle a couple of California girls.
The minute they arrived I realized that although they had grown into pretty young ladies just like Dad had predicted, nothing else had changed. They were still as smart mouthed as before. From the first words out of their mouths, I knew the next month wasn’t going to be fun. Lisa and Laura looked me over for a second, then Lisa whispered to Lisa and they both started laughing. When I asked them what was so funny, they said that a Midwest hayseed couldn’t possibly understand West Coast girls and strutted away.
The term hayseed infuriated me! Just because we lived in a town of seven thousand instead of a city of three million, didn’t mean we weren’t aware of what went on in the world. When I told Dad about it, he just laughed and told me to forget their taunts. If I didn’t let on like it bothered me, they would get tired and stop. Well, they didn’t! They worked overtime to make life miserable for me.
They especially delighted in making comments in front of my friends, then laughing when my face turned red. One day they were teasing me in front of my friends and said that I had the littlest pecker they had ever seen. Everyone laughed when I yelled.
“How would you know, you never saw a pecker in your life, and you sure never saw mine, and if you live to be two hundred and fifty years old, you never will!” The twins looked at each other with a smile and strutted off in their superior walk.
One morning, the girls asked if this hick town had a swimming pool. Dad, who was likewise beginning to tire of their superior attitude, told them that indeed we did have a swimming pool. In fact it was an Olympic size pool that was the envy of that part of Texas! However, if they wanted to swim without having to stand in line, he had a better place. Dad had bought some land, which he intended to develop sometime in the future when the town began to grow. As well as being heavily wooded, it had a clear pool of water surrounded by a sandy beach like shore. Since there was no way he could protect town kids from drowning in the pool, he had built a tall fence around the pool and a put lock on the gate.
We frequently went there to swim with friends, but I was forbidden to go there alone. After we took Uncle Walt and the twins there the first time, they insisted that they wanted to go back every day. Uncle Walt and Aunt Lois told Dad that the twins were both certified lifesavers, and it would be quite safe for them to go with me to the pool. Dad agreed and gave me the key, but left strict instructions that only the twins and I were to go there, no one else could go with us because he didn’t want the responsibility for their safety.
I wasn’t too excited about going, but Dad was insistent that I was to treat the girls like the guests they were. After all, they were just teasing, and a few words couldn’t really hurt me anyway. We headed out right after lunch on Monday. I was wearing swimming trunks under my blue jeans, and carried a duffel bag for the towels and drinks. Dad had borrowed bikes for the twins, so as soon as we finished lunch, the girls began taunting me to get moving. They would show me how to swim.
What they didn’t know was that while they may be lifesavers, I was the fastest swimmer in our school, and had already gained the attention of the Jr. High School coach. He had volunteered to teach me some techniques and said I had a very promising style. I shed my clothes as soon as we arrived at the pool. Seconds later I had jumped into the pool and began paddling around as if I could barely swim. The twins started laughing, saying a fat old walrus could swim better than I could. They began shedding their clothes, revealing the tiniest little bikini swimsuits I could imagine. I was fascinated by the little string ties behind their necks that held up the tops. As I stared at them, Laura began taunting me again.
“What’s the matter Rusty, haven’t you ever seen tits before?”
I turned beet red and dived to the bottom of the pool. When I came up, both girls were in the pool showing off. They were fairly good, but not as good as I. I took care not to let them know how well I could swim, and just splashed around as if I didn’t know what I was doing. They swam around me, trying to outdo one another planting in my mind that California girls could do everything better than a Texas boy. Every time I came to the surface, one of them dunked my head under water or splashed me in the face. Each time I spluttered and yelled as if it really bothered me.
Before long they tired of the little game and began swimming across the pond. I continued splashing around managing to dart into their path as they moved across the water. I had developed a plan and wanted them to get used to me being in their way and bumping into me. At last I had my chance. They were close to the shallow end of the pond swimming side by side. I shot up between them, banging them really hard. At the same time, I got my hands on the loose end of the tie strings of the bikini tops. In an instant I was out of the pond telling them that they felt like a walrus themselves.
They launched themselves out of the pond and rushed at me. I taunted them in my most petulant voice as I trotted backwards away from them. Neither realized that their bikini tops were hanging around their waists, leaving them totally bare from the waist up. The twin birthmarks on the lower side of Laura’s right titty and Lisa’s left titty fascinated me. I wanted to stop and stare, but they were after me with real fury on their faces. It wasn’t until I yelled my triumphant insult that they stopped.
“Now I’ve seen tits!”
Laura & Lisa stopped dead in their tracks looking at each other. In an instant they realized their predicament and spun around while they pulled the tops up.
“Rusty, you’re going to pay for this,” they screamed.
“I wouldn’t pay very much to see something so little,” I yelled with as much scorn as I could muster in my high-pitched ten-year-old voice.
Turning, I ran to my bike and pedaled away as fast as I could. By the time they got their towels and clothes together, I was so far ahead of them they couldn’t possibly catch me. I went straight home, changed into my blue jeans, and left to play with friends. That evening at supper, the twins were stony silent. They stared at me with the clear message in their eyes that if I said anything, I was dead! I just smiled at them gloating over having shut them up for a while. Dad noticed their silence and tried to bring them into the conversation.
“Well, what do you think of your afternoon in a Texas pond?” They didn’t respond, so dad asked again, “Didn’t you have fun?”
Realizing that they had to say something, they muttered something about it being OK. Uncle Walt finally spoke up.
“I think it would be nice if the two of you tried to remember that you are guests here and some civility is in order!”
With that the twins stood up and stalked out of the room, not even waiting for the desert. Dad asked me if anything had happened at the pond, but I said that they were just jealous that I had swam circles around them. Dad laughed and explained to Uncle Walt about how well I could swim. Uncle Walt chuckled and made a comment about it being time someone showed them up. Then he said I shouldn’t let them get under my skin, it is just the way teen-age girls act in big cities. I didn’t say anything, but thought maybe he was making excuses for their rudeness instead of doing something about it.
I become concerned at breakfast the next morning when the twins began talking excitedly about how much they enjoyed the pond. A little later they asked if they couldn’t go to the pond again. They would make a picnic lunch so we wouldn’t have to come all the way back home. I told dad that I had other plans, but he was rather firm in his comment that I should try a little harder to be friends with the twins. They ran to the kitchen to make sandwiches. I packed my duffel bag with a wary heart. I knew the twins well enough to know they had something more than swimming in mind.
We rode to the pond with both of them being nice all the way. I was somewhat relieved and began to think that perhaps my retaliation had taught them a lesson. Once we got to the pond, they quickly stripped down to the little bikinis and dived into the water. I got out of my blue jeans and cautiously stepped into the pond as well. I had decided that it was probably a good idea not to show off my swimming ability, so just waded in and began dog paddling around. We played in the water for a while, splashing and swimming in the clear comfortable water.
After about forty-five minutes Laura said she wanted to get out for a while and get a drink of water. Lisa hung back until I got out and sat on the beach. In an instant I knew it had been a setup. Laura suddenly spun around and shoved me flat on my back lying across my chest. I was helpless. I could only flail my arms around, but couldn’t really do any thing. Seconds later I felt Lisa grab the band of my trunks and begin tugging them off. I struggled as hard as I could, but in spite of my best efforts, an instant later I was as naked as the day I was born.
Lisa commanded her sister to hold me still so she could get a really good look at my pecker. After struggling for several minutes I began to feel exhausted. My hands were still free so I reached up and tugged the ends of the bow tie on Laura’s top. To my dismay, it didn’t come loose. She laughed and told me that they were ready for me this time and had tied a double knot.
“Don’t be such a pig!” Laura complained. “Hold him down while I get a look.”
Lisa pinned my arms over my head while Laura scooted down leaving room for Lisa to lay over my chest. Then Laura rolled off. I couldn’t see her since Lisa was lying almost on my face, but it didn’t take much imagination to know what she was doing. I could feel my little pecker stiffen even though I didn’t understand why.
“Do you suppose he shaves down here? He sure doesn’t have much hair,” Laura taunted.
I was utterly humiliated. It was bad enough to be held down and stripped naked by two stupid girls, but to have them making this kind of comment was more than I thought I could bear. Then, when I thought it was as bad as it could get, Laura grabbed my pecker and pulled on it. I yelped in pain and began thrashing around. Lisa rolled further toward my head telling me to hold still or she would lay right on my face. I could feel Laura’s exploring hands probing my pecker and stroking my balls. Even though I was furious, I began to feel something rather pleasant and decided to lie still before she hurt me.
After a while they tired of the game, and decided to let me up. Before they did, Laura took my trunks and threw them into a tree. Then she told Lisa to let me up. As soon as she was off me, I dived into the water sinking straight to the bottom. I decided I would stay there as long as possible before coming up. I was just about to come up when I sensed both girls hit the water at the same time. Seconds later, they found me and in the textbook way they were taught, they pulled me to the surface.
“What are you trying to do, kill yourself?”
“It would take a lot more than two stupid California girls to make me kill myself. Besides, I could swim better than you will ever be able to!
“Sure you can. You still look like an old walrus, only now you got an antenna. Only thing is, it must be for a short wave.”
I jerked away from the life saving hold, and made for the other shore. The twins started after me, but in a second I was way out of their grasp. I began swimming circles around them darting in and out, jerking at the straps of their bikinis until they were both furious. Every time they started for me I would dive under them, or go off to one side so fast that they would have to look for me. By the time they found me, I was again on the move. Before long they were so tired, they started to just hang in the water doing a little helicopter paddle while they rested. Swimming quietly, I moved under water with scarcely a ripple, coming up behind Laura. Once behind her, I reached up with both hands, and before she realized what had happened I pulled her bikini bottom off. Turning before she could reach for me, I swam to the shore and tossed the bottom in the same tree with my trunks then dived back into the water. Laura was absolutely furious. She was screaming words at me that I had never heard before.
Lisa began looking warily around, but I ignored her and began concentrating on trying to pull Laura’s top off. When I sensed that Lisa had let her guard down, I dove deep and a second later her bikini bottom joined the rest of the swimming attire in the tree.
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