Romy’s Sexual Journey from Schoolgirl to ‘Schoolgirl’ (Part 2)
Romy’s Sexual Journey from Schoolgirl to ‘Schoolgirl’ (Part 2)
Sex Story Author: | thorntreedb |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Again, though I was in full School uniform right down to school knickers. After that, a stage play in London. |
Sex Story Category: | Cosplay |
Sex Story Tags: | Cosplay, Exhibitionism, Fiction, Masturbation, School, Wife |
When I got back to my Boarding school in the late afternoon the rest of my dorm couldn’t wait to get my report on losing my virginity. Questions, questions, questions . . . What did it feel like? (Fantastic), Did it hurt? (Not one bit. But my hymen must have already been broken), Did he cum inside you? (No, he was very gentle and careful). The session must have gone on for an hour or more and I was more than happy to answer their questions because I was still on a real high. Yet, something was niggling away me. I couldn’t put my finger on it immediately. I told myself it was probably nothing and with the end of term (and the end of my time at St Winifred’s) happening in two days time I would just need to concentrate on making sure I got all my things together before my mum turned up to take me home. But, I was definitely unsettled about something!
The final day of term was mighty hectic. A lot of tears and taking of phone numbers, addresses, future education plans, ‘I’m sure going to miss you ladies. It’s been a real gas. We’ve had some fabulous times together and I just hope we’ll bump into each other sometime in the future,’ I said. And then it hit me! That’s what it was – Paul. I had really been missing him since our liaison and, stupidly I didn’t even know what his surname was! Later that day I would be even further away from him when I got home. I’d treated him pretty badly in order to lose my virginity. Why did I feel like this toward him when, frankly, I barely knew him. I wondered if maybe, just maybe, I had begun to fall in love with him. Damn! Too late now I guess but it made me very sad.
The long summer holidays where spent with my parents. My brother was also there but he’d brought home his girlfriend, Annie, so he didn’t need my ‘hands on’ help any more. I was a bit depressed for weeks and as my forthcoming departure to London and my drama course loomed I cheered up a bit. But, Paul, kept popping into my mind. I intended to throw myself into my courses and it worked. I got lots and lots of very positive feedback.
Towards the end of the first year a near-by Film Studio was recruiting lots of pretty girl actors to feature in a comedy film centred around a Girl’s School and I, luckily, got a part in it. It wasn’t a very big part but I did have one line to utter. All of us girls were dressed in school uniform consisting of a gymslip, white shirt and tie, black stockings and suspenders and navy blue school knickers. I’d only just put my St. Winifred’s uniform away and here I was back in school uniform again! The experience of being in a film, seeing how it was all put together was fascinating. And we all, by and large, had great fun together. I say ‘by and large’ because the one drawback was how some members of the crew, the extras and young actors, were rather obsessed with trying to look up our gymslips to see our knickers, fondling our backsides, trying to tweak our breasts and lots of other irritating habits too. As a group we used to try and exact our revenge by openly displaying our knickers whenever we got a chance. ‘Accidentally’ (on purpose) catching the back of your gymslip in your knickers when you’d been to the toilet used to make them gawp until someone informed us of our dress malfunction. When we where languishing around between scenes we used to put our feet up letting our gymslips slip to our waists so we were giving all and sundry another good view of our knicks. They didn’t particularly like that approach and we’d regularly overhear ‘prickteaser’ muttered under their breath. I think they used to get regularly told to keep away from us! This, my first film, took place during the summer when we would normally be on our holidays — but we got paid for it so we weren’t complaining. My drama course continued to go well and again I was often given praise for my work.
At the end of the second year a lot of us were asked back for a second film in the same genre. Again, very enjoyable. And again back into ‘school uniform!’ for six weeks or so. Two lines to say this time too. At the end of this particular production a number of us decided to give a few of the men, who’d treated us courteously throughout the film making, a bit of a treat with a very sexy and exciting experience (I think Pru, one of the other girls, wrote about it on this website a little while ago). A lot of the time Paul still kept popping into my mind. ‘I wonder where he is now? What he’s up to? Has he got a girlfriend? etc, etc.’ I kept thinking. Again I tried to put such thoughts to one side. But we’d shared such an intimate experience together it didn’t seem right that I couldn’t see him or get in touch.
The final year of my course was hard going. Lots of pieces to be performed. Shakespeare, in particular, Poems, to be recited. Examinations on stage craft, the list was endless but, I’m pleased to say, I popped out of the other end with an agent and an excellent result.
My first role after the Academy was another film centred around a young, rather wild, young lady (me!) who was mentored by an old, dying soldier who showed her how to deal with life without causing ripples.
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