Rob’s Girls
Rob’s Girls
Sex Story Author: | Impax |
Sex Story Excerpt: | He gave Jill a seven, Jesse a four, and himself an ace. “Stand.” said Jill. “No, hit me.” She |
Sex Story Category: | Males / Females |
Sex Story Tags: | Fantasy, Males / Females, Virginity |
Jesse heard the doorbell ring and knew that is was Rob, come to pick her up for their date. She was still in the shower, one towel wrapped around her hair, another around her otherwise naked body.
“Want me to get that for you?” her sister Jill asked, poking her head in as the bell chimed again. Jill was 17, two years younger than her only sister. They both lived with their mother, who had been widowed fifteen years before. “It’s probably Rob, picking you up for your night out with him.”
“Just tell him I’ll only be a minute more.” Jesse agreed. “Thanks, sis.”
Jill didn’t say anything; she went downstairs to let Rob in. He had a bouquet of flowers in his hands.
“Are those for me?” she asked, batting her eyes at him.
“This one is.” he replied with a smile. He pulled one of the roses out of the bouquet gracefully, not disturbing the rest of the bunch. “It’s not as pretty as you are, though.”
“A flower AND a compliment.” she sighed. “One more nice thing like that, and you get a kiss, even if it is Jesse’s night.”
“Where is Jesse?” he asked, looking around the living room.
“She’s upstairs, doing her hair.” Jill replied. “Mom’s at work, so you’re stuck with me until she comes down.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t call it stuck, Jill.” he said. “I really enjoy your company. Shall we play a game while we wait?” he asked. “If I know your sister, doing her hair means that she’s not dressed yet, and that means at least half an hour.”
“All we have for games is cards, I’m afraid.” she told him. “What do you want to play?”
“What games do you know?” he asked.
“Well, the only one I’m really good at is Twenty-One.” she said.
“Okay, let’s play that.” he agreed, and she went to get the cards as he set the flowers on the dining room table.
He watched her butt sway from side to side in her mini as she walked across the kitchen to get them from the junk drawer. She sat down at the glass topped table in there and called him over.
“Let’s play in here.” she said. He came over and sat across from her. “You deal.” she said, handing him the cards. He took them out of the box, pulled the jokers out, and shuffled them quickly.
“This is a betting game, you know.” he told her. “What are we going to gamble for?”
“Deal the first hand and the winner can decide.” she said, smiling. “Anything goes, okay?”
“Are you sure about that?” he asked her, eyebrows raised. “Anything can mean… well, ANYthing!!”
“Just deal them.” she said. “Unless… are you afraid you’re going to lose?” she grinned.
“Yeah, right. You’re too young and innocent to ask anything that might embarrass me.” He dealt the first hand, giving her a three and himself a ten.”
His words stung her a little, and she resolved herself to change his opinion of her, no matter what it took to do it. “Young and innocent! How dare he!” she fumed silently, but no a trace of her thoughts showed on her face. She looked at her hole card, her face inscrutable.
“Um, hit me?” she said, hesitantly. She was familiar with the basics of the game, but not the finer points of it. She got the Queen of Clubs. “Stay.” she told him.
He flipped over his hole card. It was an ace. “Twenty one!” he said jubilantly.
She looked steadily at him. “What did you win?”
“I don’t know… something shocking. Something you’ve never done before. How about… a kiss?”
“Oh, please!” she said, her bitterness showing a little as her voice cracked. “My Mom has kissed me plenty of times.” “He only thinks of me as a little kid!” she thought.
“I’m not going to kiss you like your Mom does, Jill.” he said.
“Oh.” she said softly. “Maybe he doesn’t think of me that way.” she thought.
Out loud she told him, “Deal the next hand. You have to give me the chance to get it back. You’re right; I’ve never kissed a boy before.”
“Fair enough.” he said, sweeping the cards aside and dealing out the next hand. This time, they both got kings showing.
“Umm… hit me?” she said uncertainly. He flipped her a nine.
“Busted.” she said, showing him a four in the hole. “Two kisses.”
“Nope.” he grinned at her. “First base!”
“Deal them again.” she deadpanned. “I know you’re gonna lose this time.”
She got a nine showing, and he got a six. “Stand.” she said, grinning. He took one card, a five, then showed her twenty one again, a jack in the hole. She had twenty, as her hole card.
“Oh, no.” she moaned. “One last time, double or nothing!”
“Double third base is a home run.” he said quietly. “That’s all the way, you know. Right now all you have to do is make out with me while I get to feel you up.”
She blanched. “I think you know I’m a virgin.” she said. “I don’t wanna go all the way yet.”
“I know.” he said. So, if you lose this hand, I’ll only make you have to do a blowjob, instead.”
“Will I have to?” she whispered.
“Not if I lose this hand.” he said.
“Okay, deal.” she said nervously. “Oh, please let me win?” she muttered under her breath. She was a lot braver in thought than deed.
He flipped the cards out quickly. She got a two. “Hit me.” A five. “Stand?” she said, hesitantly.
He had an eight showing, and flipped over a queen. “Eighteen.” he said. She showed her hand, another queen, for seventeen.
“Time to pay up, I suppose.” she said resignedly. “Nobody can call me a welsher.”
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to.” he told her. “I’ll let you out of all of it, and I won’t ever call you a welsher for it, either.”
“Can I try one more hand?” she asked. “If you win, you can have me, all the way. “If I win, you still get the kiss, with first base, but I don’t have to do anything else.”
Just then, they saw Jesse enter the room, looking delicious in her white silk peasant blouse and hip hugger jeans.
“Oh, playing cards!” she said. “What’s the game?”
“Twenty One.” Rob answered.
“WHo’s winning?” Jesse asked.
“Rob is. “ Jill answered. “So far, I owe him a blowjob, but he has another offer on the table he hasn’t decided on yet.”
“What’s the offer?” Jesse asked.
“My virginity if I lose. First base if I win.” she replied.
“Deal three hands.” Jesse offered. “If I win, you get nothing, Rob. If Jill wins, you still get the blowjob, but from me, instead. And if you win, we’ll both give you the blowjob at the same tome.
“One more thing.” he said. “The big loser has to go all the way if I win.”
The sisters looked at each other and nodded. Rob gathered up the whole deck, shuffled them all together briefly, then dealt out three hands.
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