Road Trip part 8
I don’ t know how long we sat there but the water tank for these places must be fucking huge as the damn thing didn’t go cold on us before we could get off the floor and get Jackie cleaned up. I got out of my now wet clothes and we took the time to get the layers of dirt off. The drain on the shower was able to take it all and I did the little things like wash her back and thank god my girls showed me different ways to deal with long damaged hair. You just can’t put shit in and pray you have to work it and after a while I see Jackie start to finally relax as we get the last of the soap off and dry ourselves. My clothes are going to be dry in hours if not later so I settle for just a towel as Jackie tests out some of the clothes I got which leaves her in a loose ugly colored top and some brown baggy pants. We sit quietly and I see her staring at the food and watch as she grabs a banana and barely gets the peel off before devouring it. It goes that way with all the fruits and some of the vegetables as I order a pizza and soda, then at Jackie’s request a large order of chicken strips and ranch sauce.
I don’t know what to say to her and once the food arrives and I pay she’s so busy devouring all in her path, it’s like a food horror movie. I’m trying to numb myself as she finally get’s full half way through a pizza with almost everything on it and sits quietly on the bed as the sun has set outside. We have the lights on but she can’t seem to look at me as we sit in the silence.
“How long have you known,” She finally asks quietly.
“Almost three weeks, I owe a favor to a friend and my whole family is worried as I told them I won’t be home tonight,” I reply solemnly.
“You aren’t going home,” Jackie asks concerned,” Mrs. Delauter won’t like that and you should be with your family.”
“No I need to be here, I have been so worried about you this whole time that I had days where nothing could keep me pinned down. Everyone said to be calm and now I have you here, safe and I’m not taking any chances,” I tell her with my blood pumping in defense mode.
“What about your girlfriends,” She asks finally looking at me.
“They understand. Honestly they do and they want me to take care of you so that I’m not distracted all the time,” I tell her getting a small look of disappointment.
“You should be with your girls,” Jackie says with a level of finality.
“And Steven should be a corpse but I haven’t killed him yet,” I reply remembering who started all this.
“No, he could change his mind. You can’t want me to raise my child knowing that one of the best people I’ve ever known has killed its father,” Jackie says desperately.
“Knowing it would hurt you is the only reason he still breathes,” I say calming down so that I’m not raging on her.
We bag up the trash and she uses a hotel fan to dry my underwear so I can at least remove the towel. We pack up her old stuff in the old bag and she starts sorting her new things. I watch as she goes through uses and what she calls tradeables when she finally realizes what she’s doing.
“Oh my god I don’t have to barter with this stuff,” she finally says starting to tear up again.
“Jackie it’s going to be okay,” I tell her kneeling down and taking her face when I see tears and a smile.
“It might actually be okay for once,” She says calming down and wiping her tears.
She explains to me how she got into the camp. We go over her panhandling for change on corners and dumpster diving for food. She even used her I’m pregnant and the Daddy left me to get food a couple times from businesses. I just sit and listen as the more I hear the more I want to kill when she touches my hand and tells me ‘I’m okay’. It’s not good enough for me in the long run but it is good enough now. I am still sitting in the chair when I watch as Jackie passes out with the TV on and her body under the blankets of the bed. I sit back down in my chair and somewhere in between letting my girls know that I’m okay and won’t be home and them messaging me back I fall asleep.
I am woken the next morning to silence, too much silence. I get up from my chair and see that Jackie is gone, I see her old stuff, and some of the supplies are missing too and all the new clothes. I’m starting to freak out putting on my damp cold clothing and I wrench the door open and take two steps when I see her walking up carrying a new bag of stuff. She sees my face and gets me back inside as I’m trying to calm down with my hands shaking.
“Guy it’s okay I didn’t go anywhere I just traded in some of the clothes you got for ones that fit and I got a bra,” Jackie tells me sitting me on the bed.
I nod absently and she sits down next to me and starts to rub my back when she realizes how cold and damp my clothes are and helps me strip out so she can get them dried a little better. We sit quietly on the bed with the TV on and me under the covers from the waist down. She cuddles up to me and we’re quietly just relaxing when my phone starts to go off. I grab it and see that it’s ten in the morning and Kori is calling. I grab the phone and answer.
“Baby are you doing okay,” Kori asks skipping formalities.
“Honey I’m fine, we’re fine,” I tell her stoically.
“Oh thank god baby, where are you? I know you can’t bring her back here but everyone is going nuts wondering where you are,” Kori asks as I can hear people in the background asking a million questions.
“Honey we’re at a ratty little motel about thirty minutes away,” I tell her before she cuts me off.
“Guy Donnelly, I can tell by the sound of your voice that everything is not fixed and not even close to alright. I love you, we love you now tell me where you two are so we can help,” Kori says with a determined tone.
“Honey I’m looking for the name on something in here as I’m in my underwear,” I say before clarifying,” My clothes got soaked and they haven’t dried well.”
“We’ll bring you some but what motel,” Kori asks again not letting it go.
“Buffalo Ranch Motel, it’s off the interstate north,” I tell her as Jackie hands me a card with the info on it from the nightstand.
As soon as the words are out of my mouth the call is ended and I’m staring at my phone wondering what new hell is coming as I turn to Jackie who looks a little concerned.
“Well we’re gonna have company,” I tell her as look to make myself presentable and realize that’s impossible.
We sit quietly until I get a text asking the room number I let them know eight before watching Jackie duck into the bathroom. A sharp knock at the door and I open it a little as I see all my girls dressed nicely and all ready to break hearts as I let them in and immediately Kori pins me to the wall and does her soul gazing, I see her finally soften and smile.
“It’s getting better, and we’re here to help,” She tells me as the rest of the girls have filed in and just kind of looked around.
I get dressed in fresh clothing as my girls sit or stand waiting for Jackie to come out of the bathroom. I almost want to get her when Imelda’s hand stops me and I get a head shake of no and settle back into my place on the TV stand. The door opens and Jackie comes out slowly still in her clothes I got her the night before and with her hair done a little bit but as soon as she sees my girls she stops dead in her tracks. My girls, my beautiful hair done, nails done, nice clothes and even good makeup girls standing in front of my friend who is less than a day out from being covered in enough dirt to bury a body. Jackie starts to tear up and almost retreat but her legs fail her and I start to move when I’m cut off by Mathilda. I watch as my Amazon takes Jackie in and starts to hug her. I hear sobs and Matty is right there being herself, strong and kind. I see my girls are starting to tear up as well when my Amazon finally starts to let Jackie go and introductions are done. All my girls hug her and smile; it’s friendly and warm as we let Jackie sit and start to relax.
“You’re all so beautiful I couldn’t help but think why Guy ever even had sex with me,” Jackie says as the girls laugh.
“You’re special, I can tell just by looking at him. I don’t have a word for it but you’re important,” Kori says as the girls agree.
“You should have seen him when he found out,” Katy says going into theatrics about me breaking the door and arguing with my girls.
“I wasn’t a good friend to him though, I don’t know if he told you but I hid things from him. I hurt him and pushed him away,” Jackie admits starting to feel sad again.
“He told us what happened, if we weren’t his and we’d gone off and just found someone we’d be scared to hurt him like that too,” Imelda says taking Jackie’s hand and calming her down.
“So I gotta ask, who ate all the food,” Katy says holding up the trash bag.
“That would be me,” Jackie says sheepishly.
“Hell did you even eat anything Guy,” Katy asks turning to me as I shake my head no.
“I haven’t been hungry,” I say just focusing on all the women in the room.
My girls all caring and attentive to Jackie like angels with a charge. I’m a little outside myself at the moment and grab my coat to step out and breathe a little. I’m not outside for a few moments when I hear someone walking up to me and get a firm hand on my shoulder as Matty joins me.
“Can I be honest about something and pray you understand,” she says quietly.
“I hope so,” I reply holding her hand.
“You are the only man I’ve ever been with,” Mathilda tells me pausing,” But you almost weren’t.”
I freeze and turn to see she’s got a sad look on her face, I’m more than a little confused and wondering what I did as she holds my hand tightly to keep me near.
“Back after you Tracy and I did that thing in the locker room I was kind of confused and thought I could go out a little. We hadn’t started talking and I was working out in the Gym and started talking to a junior, I don’t remember his name, but we were talking a lot every day and we were working out together. I wore a very special pair of underwear under my sweats one day and when we were together and alone I tried to kiss him. He flipped out on me and starting going off about how he wasn’t like that and when I took off my shirt he said….,” Matty pauses and I see pain on my strongest girl’s face,” he said he thought I was a guy.”
Mathilda is starting to break as I rush in and kiss her hard and deep. I’m wrapped up in her arms and surprise the hell out of her lifting her up as we continue to kiss. She finally breaks our kiss and I set her back down and while she’s feeling better I see doubt.
“Were the underwear yellow,” I ask getting a light nod and smile,” Those were the same ones you wore our real first time.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry you weren’t the first to see them,” She says softly.
“Mine and you are sexier without any lingerie,” I tell her as we head back inside.
We head back into the room and see the girls are going through their planning phase as I start to listen.
“Well we can get more money and put her up,” Rachael says trying to contribute.
“That’s good but I can talk to Ma and that’s a bit more permanent. She’ll have to get a job to help out but that shouldn’t be a problem,” Imelda says bringing things a little better but Jackie’s face says more bad news.
“I don’t have any training, I haven’t even got my diploma and I’m pregnant. People don’t hire you with the three strikes,” Jackie says disheartened.
“Jackie look at Guy for a second,” Kori tells her and she complies,” He doesn’t stop, he doesn’t fail.”
“I did, it’s why we all here have to do this now,” I say still feeling like shit.
“No, I did this. You weren’t able to be here because they are important to you and I see that, Guy we’re friends but they are your love,” Jackie says trying to help me.
“I love you too,” I say getting quiet in the room.
“You do but not like them, it’s not the same love but it helps me feel better that I can be loved and that I have a friend who moved the earth to find me and put a gun in a man’s mouth just because he wronged me,” Jackie says starting to tear up again.
“You put my gun in a man’s mouth,” Imelda asks as I hand her piece back to her.
“I’m sorry but we have a few problems, one right now I think both Imelda and I want to fuck Guy silly. Sorry but him going ape shit is a turn on, second if he doesn’t eat I’m going to tie him down and we’re going to force feed him, and then comes the silly fucking,” Katy says getting everyone up and moving.
We all get packed up but when I try to put Jackie on my bike I get Katy instead as the girls lead the way to a big family restaurant. We start to get seated and I pause as all the girls wait for me to sit when so they can surround me in the booth.
“Keys,” I say holding out my hand.
The looks on their faces is one of shock until I smirk and they all laugh a little and Kori explains reference to Jackie. She’s a little nervous being surrounded by all my women but they let her sit next to me as we place orders for breakfast. Conversation is light when Kori decides to make it a bit heavy.
“I don’t want you to miss out on half of senior year for college and I don’t want you to miss walking with us at graduation,” Kori says as the group gets ready for another argument.
“Okay but why, me getting it started would be a good thing,” I reply actually very calm about the topic.
“Because We’d miss you for starters, I want to go to a few dances as a senior and so does Matty,” Kori says causing Matty to blush a little,” Also Matty has sports so she couldn’t do what you are planning to keep up and I am not that smart as to get through all my classes in half a year.”
“Okay, that makes sense. You really want me to walk at graduation,” I ask getting a cautious nod,” Done. But I will front load my classes so I can just take one class for the rest of the year.”
“But then you can’t do the presidency,” Kori says before realizing she made a mistake.
“I think that’s still in his court Kori,” Katy says poking her in the ribs.
We get served and while I’m hungry and done eating I watch my girls stare at Jackie who has devoured her entire plate and is looking around for more. When she finally realizes that they’re watching her she gets embarrassed until each of my girls gives up some of her food onto Jackie’s plate. I see her smile and hug Kori who is on the other side of her. The meal actually ends well when my girls start to get that look on their faces.
“We want to take Jackie out to get done up a bit and get her some new clothes,” Rachael says with a little authority.
“I am fine with these, Guy got them for me and they’re not bad,” Jackie replies trying to save my budget.
“They are hideous, no offense Guy,” Rachael says with some sympathy,” You are our friend now and you are important. I’m the newest girl but from what I can tell when we help we don’t stop till things are fixed so Guy you will go back and get some rest while the girls take some cash and do some shopping.”
“I’m hanging out with Guy,” Katy says immediately.
“Me too,” adds Imelda.
I hand them off money and watch as the rest of the girls leave in Bethany’s truck. I get Katy on my bike and watch as Imelda starts to lead us back to Loretta’s house. I get in and immediately get ambushed by Loretta with a hug that has me almost ready to tap out. I finally get released and the questions begin. I answer them honestly when I see Loretta’s face soften.
“Does she hate me,” I get asked which puts me in a confused state.
“No, if anything she understands. I didn’t bring her here because you can’t have her here and keep doing your job,” I say rubbing my Mom’s back.
I get a smile and start to see where Katy and Imelda have ducked off too when Mr. Delauter, who is home at an unreasonable hour for him, beckons me into his office.
He’s behind his desk working as I come in and sit down across from him.
“So we have a bit of a problem,” He tells me as I start to worry a little,” You and your friends are costing me a lot of money.”
“But you said it’s only money,” I reply trying to keep things peaceful.
“I did yes, but when money is being spent on pointless circular problem, well that is when I start to become concerned,” He says showing me my recent transactions on a laptop screen.
I do a check on the dates and see that mostly its food until I get to Jackie yesterday. I explain why I bought what I did and where I’m spending it. I can see he’s unimpressed as he turns the computer back towards him.
“When Mark was growing up I made him spend his money on things that were more important than toys and games. My daughters have had the same upbringing,” he tells me with authority,” Now it’s your turn.”
“Alright so what do I have to buy,” I ask a little disappointed.
“We will be doing some shopping very soon, you and I,” I am told with a level of finality,” We need to get you some more mature clothing because you are going to be helping me out with a few things at my office.”
“Wait, you want to take me shopping so I can go to work with you,” I ask before getting a nod,” And I’m just going to guess that I need to do this in a way that leaves you above reproach and probably doesn’t end in a bloodbath.”
“See this is why I like you Guy, you’re a smart boy. Now I’m not going to task you with anything just yet BUT once your friend is fully taken care of and SOON, we will begin my tasks,” Mr. Delauter tells me before dismissing me.
I get out of the office and say hey to Devin and Masha in the TV room before heading up stairs to find my bedroom door is closed. I open it and get only a few feet inside when I’m grabbed suddenly and flung onto the bed before a pair of lips are mashed against mine. I feel someone working over my pants and sure enough once my member is free there is a pair of lips wrapped around me and I’m moaning into my partner’s mouth. I can pretty much guess who’s got me pinned and I grab a pair of breasts with my hands. Not as soft as I was expecting this gives me Imelda kissing me as Katy is using her mouth to get me hard. Imelda breaks our kiss and I watch as she starts pulling off her clothes. I get my shirt off and see Katy already has her pants down and my hands are being held down by Imelda as Katy straddles my hips and starts lining me up. There is no hesitation as she slams her hips down engulfing my cock inside of her. She’s hot and wet as she wastes no time or motion slamming her hips up and down onto mine. I can see Katy’s D cup breasts are out and flopping around when I see Imelda staring down at me waiting for me to fight back. I smirk and turn my hand so that I can beckon her down towards my face.
“I think you might want to hold onto her tits a little more than my hands,” I whisper smirking.
“Nope, you get to lay there and take it big boy,” Imelda tells me firmly.
“I warned you,” I say as my smirk stops.
I wait for Katy to go up and slam my hips up into hers throwing her off balance as she comes crashing down and as soon as my ass hits I pull my arms down to my side quickly launching Imelda forward. Not too far but enough that I have her sweet pussy in my face and with my hands free grip my Latina girlfriend’s hips and bury my tongue in her pussy. She tastes bitter sweet as I’m going for broke on her hole and Katy is not stopping as she resumes slamming her hips against mine.
“Katy, help me he got loose,” Imelda moans as I tongue the inside of her hole.
“Katy, kiss Imelda,” I say just after her before resuming my meal.
I feel Imelda straighten up and stiffen a lot before finally relaxing, her hips pushing back towards my waiting tongue and mouth. I hear Katy gasp and start moaning as she goes from bouncing to grinding and I feel a hand touching my pelvic bone but turned away from me and moving fast. Imelda is almost pulled away from me and I glance into the mirror to see my Latina girlfriend rubbing my punk girlfriend’s clit and sucking on one of her large breasts as she grinds on me moaning.
“You are such a whore Katy,” Imelda says as I tongue her faster.
“You wish you were a whore like me sometimes because I can take the best…. fuckings and…. my eyes roll back in my…. head from the … OH FUCK,” Katy groans loudly as I feel her start to cum all over my cock.
Her orgasm is intense and she doesn’t move as she comes, only leaves me there inside her to feel her pussy quiver around my cock before being pushed to the side and Imelda’s mouth quickly replaces Katy’s pussy as she goes to work finishing me off. It’s a race now and I press my thumb against Imelda’s asshole just enough to get her to moan on my cock as we try to get the other to cum first. I’m frantically licking her clit and I can feel her body shudder a little as she tries to engulf my entire member when my body gets a full surge through my nerves and I start to cum in Imelda’s mouth. Her own orgasm hits and I feel her hands grip my thighs and nails dig in as she tries to keep me inside her mouth as I fill it with my seed. Finally her mouth comes off of me and I see her crawl over to Katy and they kiss/swap fluids before both turn to me and grin wickedly. I watch as two of my tigresses crawl over and pin me in on either side to cuddle me.
“It was our turn to get some from you without you having a say,” Imelda tells me quietly.
“Well me not having a say is a lot different if I was to say no then if I was to say yes,” I tell them both giving each a kiss as we settle in and rest a little.
Relaxing in bed is good for a bit but I feel like my feet are burning as I grab my coat and head out on my bike. The girls still have Jackie out and are having girl time I guess but I need some me time as I’m hitting lap on the freeways just doing a loop around the city I start to feel like I have a shadow and sure enough a small pack of guy on heavy bikes. I don’t recognize them but when they look to overtake and surround me but I’ve got more speed and pull out of the pack with my acceleration and zip off the freeway through the nearest off ramp and into a grocery store parking lot. I’m definitely in the a not so great neighborhood but it’s the middle of the day and I decide to wait as after a few minutes and grabbing something to eat from inside I see the biker pack pull in and park next to my bike before looking around it takes me a minute but I recognize the patches as Devil’s Best. I almost want to call out as they seem to be waiting for me to come back. I finish my food and almost want to walk over when I hear more rumbling of engines and a small group of five to six turns into a pack of twenty. I don’t like the odds and I don’t like being hunted down as I see Sid start to have people fan out but stop as he sees me bee lining it for him.
“You looking for me,” I growl getting in between two bikers and right in Sid’s face.
“Actually yes now drop the attitude,” Sid tells me defensively.
“You have your boys try to overtake me on the freeway in force. No I won’t drop shit when people try to ambush me,” I continue as he backs me up.
“If I was gonna have you taken out kid it would have happened already,” Sid tells me before smiling,” besides I’m not looking to take out someone who’s good friends with the Old Man. He actually put me onto you for something I need help with.”
“Wonderful, seems like I’m dealing with everyone’s problems except the one that I need to get fixed. Sorry but I really can’t help right now, too much on my plate,” I tell him stepping around him and moving to my bike.
“I’m not used to being told no for any reason and consider it a trade, you help me and I’ll get you something worth the time,” Sid tells me as I mount my bike,” I’m in a bind here and I’d have one of us do this but we’re not ‘allowed’. It’s not anything too big and you can probably get it done quickly enough for me, that’s it but I need someone who isn’t affiliated with us. I talked to the Old Man and he recommended you since you are capable and discreet.”
Fucking Old Man, I’m not one of his and I barely know Sid and here he is with more shit to heap on my plate. I shake my head and grab my helmet but a hand on my arm is stopping me. Sid isn’t going to take no for an answer. A back pack gets handed up to Sid and he pushes it against my chest.
“There are two packages in here, take the smaller one to a lady at this office,” Sid shows me the address on a piece of paper and then a second one,” And this one drop it on the desk at this auto shop.”
“What are they for,” I ask quietly.
“Details you don’t need to know just get it done quickly man,” Sid tells me stepping away,” In the next two hours.”
I put the pack on and my helmet before racing off and down the road. My first trip takes me about forty minutes and puts me at a legal building and the name on the package is Mrs. Carla Rosetti. I get inside and ask the receptionist where she is and get directed to the elevators. Up a couple floors and I’m past another receptionist who points me to her office. I’m greeted by a sweet looking older woman as a secretary and when ushered into the office I see my quarry. She’s a very businessed up woman with black hair done tightly and not a lot of manners as she turns to me.
“Who the fuck are you and what the fuck are you doing in my office,” She barks with a heavy New Jersey accent.
“Delivery boy,” I tell her pulling the smaller of the two packages and set it on her desk before turning to leave.
“Who the fuck is this from,” She demands coming around her desk and grabbing my arm.
“Open it and find out,” I say stopping and turning.
I watch as Mrs. Carla turns back to her desk and pulls a letter opener out before cutting the package open in her hands. What falls out is no less than a nice pile of wrapped bills and a small box. I watch her soften at the sight of the box.
“Thank you, tell him I said ‘You’re welcome’,” She says to me in a soft tone.
“You know who this is from I guess,” I reply plainly.
“Someone I helped out a little while back who’s repaying me in more ways than I care to count,” she says smiling as I leave.
I check my clock and see I’ve got about an hour left and check the GPS on my phone to find that my drive time is going to be close to that.
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