
Road Trip part 6

And once more into the breach

I can see Kori’s brain go from thinking to fight mode and the only thing I can think of to do is roll over on top of Natsuko shield her from Kori’s onslaught. Slaps, punches, claws and I think some jewelry hit me in the back and back of my head as Kori is swearing at Natsuko through me.

“You fucking bitch, I will fucking fuck you up you dirty lying cunt….,” Kori keeps going with more profanity than even I care to hear as she beats on me.

“Kori? Kori?! KORI?!!!,” I finally scream at her but to no avail as she’s in a full blown rage.

The beating stops and I hear the sounds of a struggle behind me and turn to see Imelda and Mathilda dragging Kori out of the bus. I get up and see watch as Rachael and Katy enter to see me sitting on the edge of the bed and Natsuko getting dressed behind me as I see Katy’s face turn sour.

“I ought to kick the shit out of you,” Katy says as I stop her by standing up naked and stomping towards her with a grumpy look on my face.

I get into the blinding sun and hear the girls struggling with Kori as I start to step down and end up on my face as my balance is not the best the morning after. Driveway is warm all over and I can hear the fighting has stopped as I start to get up and I hear more than just my girl’s voices.

“Someone grab him some underwear or something,” I can hear Rachael saying to whoever is able to listen.

“Why,” I hear Bethany ask with a smile in her voice.

I get up and I see Kori’s rage turn to shock and apparently it’s a trend as I feel my face and see blood on my hands. I’m fucking bleed out my nose and when a pair of underwear is handed to me I lean against the bus to get them on and not fall on my face. I’m barely dressed and everyone is looking at the principals wondering what happens next when I get pissed again and decide to do what everyone seems to come to me for, handle shit now.

“Everyone inside right fucking now, my girls and Natsuko in the TV room and everyone else outside,” I say waving off a helping hand from Matty as I stomp my way inside the house.

I get inside and pass Loretta who is standing shocked as I have blood on my face and am in my underwear as I stomp my way to the TV room and sit down in the chair facing the door. I feel a bit woozy but I need to focus on the now and get this done before someone other than me gets hurt. I watch my girls and Natsuko file in and where everyone tries to find a seat I point Natsuko to the TV to stand before everyone.

“Alright so we’re getting all this out right fucking now and I swear to god if someone speaks out of turn or interrupts I’ll stand up too fast and put my whole face through the glass coffee table. Are we clear,” I ask getting wide eyed stares and nods from everyone.

“Honey don’t you want some clothes or to have me look at your face first,” Loretta asks from the doorway next to the rest of my crew.

“No Mom, this is a priority but please come in and sit with Kori,” I say getting another set of odd looks as she does so,” Alright Natsuko let’s get this started with you. Did you tell Heather to have Kori beaten down last year?”

“No, when I was talking with her I was telling her to find some friends of her own. I didn’t think she would go so far as to get in your face and come at everyone,” Natsuko says trying to explain.

“So what did you actually do exactly and don’t keep anything back,” I ask still woozy and upset.

“I sent her pictures of you because she asked if I had seen you. I talked to her about moving on or to try getting through to you if she wanted to be around you,” Natsuko admits with more than a little fear.

“And why would you do that,” I inquire.

“Because Kori and I talked about it and I figured it’d be the best way to get you back into who we knew you were,” Natsuko asks as the whole group starts looking between her and Kori.

“When did I ever say we needed to get Heather to go psycho and make Guy’s life hell,” Kori asks hotly but sees my pissed off face and cools down barely.

“It wasn’t so much as Heather as you telling me that we were losing him and that he’s not pushing enough so I came up with a way to get him to be motivated,” Natsuko explains before looking to me and seeing my pain,” I didn’t want any of that last year. I didn’t want a war or Kori to get hurt, I just wanted her to push your buttons and then you’d get into being your angry but sexier self. Kori said that.”

“I’m sexier when I’m angry?,” I ask getting a couple of nods from my girls,” Aside from all that did you give her information on us? Did you tell her how to get at MY girls? Did you even give her my location at any point in time so she could fucking ambush me?”

“No, I didn’t tell her anything about anyone else. I just had her focus on either trying to get close to you or her getting her own friends. She started going on about how she was going to take over and until Kori got beat I had no clue how bad it had gotten,” Natsuko says scared,” That’s why I did everything you asked, it was my fault because I tried to get you back to being what you are.”

“And what am I exactly that all you women seem to need to hide behind the scenes,” I ask more confused and a little betrayed.

“You are a machine, a sexy machine that loves us and destroys anything that hurts us. You fix everything we ask and you never compromise for anyone which makes you better,” Imelda says speaking for the others.

“We thought you were going to start regretting everything that happened the year before when Natty and I started talking about it. I was scared I was losing you, that we were losing you,” Kori says quietly.

“We’ll get to that in a minute. Now Kori, what happened last night,” I ask turning my attention off of Natsuko.

“We were partying, Jun had won his fight and we were talked into having a celebratory drink since you weren’t around we just kept drinking. Then you came back and I realized what we were doing baby,” Kori says apologetically,” But I wake up this morning and find you’re not home and then I see you in bed with Natsuko and I lost my temper.”

“Yeah I’ll say so but you all got drunk then my bike gets brought home without me and I’m stranded at the races alone,” I say as everyone starts to wonder.

“Yeah Guy, that was Carlos’s people’s fault. They thought you said to bring your shit home and that you’d be along later,” I hear Lilly say from the back of the crowd outside the door.

“Everyone get in here and sit down on the floor now,” I tell everyone and wait till they’re inside and Devin closes the door,” Now you all got drunk, fine and I sent you home before something bad happened and planned to give you some grief about it today but in light of recent events I think we need a little show and tell of what happened.”

I look at Natsuko and she has her phone but shakes her head and I stare at her with my best ‘You fucking do it now’. I can remember last night in full detail but there are a bunch of blurred emotions and I can remember how I felt more than what was fully happening. Natsuko turns up the volume and plays the audio for the room to hear. I can hear the sounds of Marta and I talking, I sound fucked up and more than a little bit. I can hear us kissing and we get to me being cuffed which brings back some memories like a bolt. I’m feeling it all over again as it replays on the phones audio when I hear my own voice come blaring through the speaker.

“Please don’t do this Marta, I don’t want this. You’re going to ruin my life,” my voice comes blaring through loud and clear as I can feel my stomach knot up.

Everyone is either staring at the phone in horror or staring at me as the audio turns to the sounds of violence and a Japanese harpy screaming obscenities or threats before Natsuko’s voice goes to panicked and it cuts off as you hear Rachael start to ask what happened.

“That can’t be Marta,” Imelda says being the first one to speak, her face etched with horror.

“Oh I think it really could be,” I reply staring at everyone coldly.

“Baby we didn’t know,” Kori says as I cut her off with a glare.

“No you didn’t know, because you were drunk and Guy sent you home to be safe,” Loretta says with some pained authority,” He got left behind and he almost ended up being the one to pay for your fun. He paid for my fun for nearly nine years and that’s what we’re dealing with now aren’t we?”

“No we’re not. You drank and I sent you home to be safe, no matter what anyone says that is on me. What we are here for is her,” I say pointing to Natsuko,” We have a lot of opinions and I am calling a vote right now with everything in front of us about what happened. She fucked up and she went around our backs for the group trying to do what was in ‘MY’ best interested and bad shit happened. She’s had the chance to hurt us and get us in trouble and she’s stayed true even though I’ve been treating her like shit. Now when I had nobody around and nobody was able to be there to save me she was there and she helped me keep my word to you, MY women that I love more than myself, when I was going to fail you.”

“Wait what vote,” Jun asks confused.

“Either she’s with us or she’s out,” I say as everyone starts to feel the weight of the situation,” Everyone was wanting her gone when we found out now we see who’s willing to stand by what they say in front of everyone else. All those who say she’s out?”

The room is quiet and only one hand goes up in the air, Ben. I’m kind of confused and my staring has Ben looking at Kori before addressing me.

“She got Kori hurt, she didn’t come forward when shit was happening and she might have been able stop the violence before it all happened,” Ben says as everyone waits for their turn.

“And all who say she stays,” I ask as hands start to go in the air but Kori stands up to stop the vote.

“No, this is between Natsuko, Guy and me,” Kori says stepping around the coffee table and facing off with Natsuko.

There is a height difference between the two of them and I can see Kori is really pent up when everyone is treated to the shock of Kori slapping Natsuko in the face. It’s that loud smack across the cheek and while Natsuko doesn’t fall I can tell people are about to get involved including me when everyone is put in their place. Kori helps Natsuko straighten up and hugs her, there is a few seconds of confusion and awkwardness when we everyone hears Natsuko crying and Kori telling her thank you over and over.

“I want my pants, my coat and my boots from the bus,” I say standing up slowly,” Bethany we need to borrow your truck.”

“Whoa Guy what are you doing,” Hanna asks contributing her questions for the first time in a while.

“I’m going with my girls down to Marta’s house, I’m going to walk through their world and then I’m going to prove why I’m a very scary son of a bitch,” I say before turning to Loretta,” No offense Mom.”

Loretta waves it off and I get handed my clothing by Jun, I get dressed slowly and it’s the coat that takes the longest since I have some wonderful bruises and claw marks on my back. Katy get’s in the cab of Bethany’s truck with Kori and Rachael, I get in the back with Matty who is playing my crutch since everyone thinks I’m going to fall over again. I might but I need to do this now, you hurt my girls I don’t wait. If I get hurt my girls need to see the attacker first hand and I will bring terror and pain if my body allows it. Imelda leads us out on her bike and I’m being held my Matty as she plays blanket to me in my weakened state.

It takes us a little while to get there and it was barely after Noon when we woke up as we pull in front of Carlos’s folk’s home. I can see Marta’s car is in the drive way and it looks like Carlos has most of his people there as I take my time getting out. Imelda is the first one to start to head to the back yard but Hector comes out to greet/stop us. I can tell they’re speaking in Spanish and as my girls flank me all the hoods are up my head is down as we’re moving slowly when Hector tries to speak with me.

“Guy man this isn’t a good time, Carlos is on a warpath and something happened with Marta last night and its pretty bad homes,” Hector tells me placing his hand on my shoulder.

I take my hand and place it over his as we are friends but when I look into his eyes there is a dead feeling inside me and I can see his face register with an ‘oh fuck’ before he steps aside. Imelda looks to me and I see her nod, I reply and she proceeds to plow a path through Carlos’s people who stop talking as my girls and I step through the crowd of maybe twenty or twenty five homies. Carlos is going off about letting her out as we round the corner and I can see Marta sitting at a picnic table facing him with her mother sitting next to her. All eyes are on me and mine as my girls stare down Marta from across the yard. I start my very slow walk and I feel a very empty and painful emotion as words just come out of me from a song long ago.

“My girl my girl don’t lie to me, tell me where did you sleep last night. In the pines, in the pines where the sun never shines and I’ll shiver the whole night through. My girl my girl where will you go, I’m going where the cold wind blows. In the pines, in the pines where the sun never shines and I’ll shiver the whole night through,” I sing stoically as I cross the yard.

Carlos sees where I’m going and he’s telling me to stop while standing directly in my way but I will not be stopped. He’s panicking and I watch as he pulls a gun and places the barrel against my chest telling me to stop. I keep singing and stare my friend in his eyes, I can see fear of me and looking at me he sees I have none and that scares him the most. I calmly place my hand on the pistol against my chest and slowly take it out of Carlos’s hand and step past him as I cause my one of my best friends to stand in terror as I pass.

I drop the gun, I won’t need it for what I’m feeling right now and it’s not my way. I finally finish my crossing and am standing in front of Marta. She’s in plain jeans and a t-shirt as I stand there and motion for her to come to me. She is terrified and shaky as she stands up but I stop her at arm’s length before turning my song into a scream at her letting my emptiness out as I remember everything I felt as I do. There I am with blood on my face still, tears in my eyes from painful memory staring the woman who attempted to steal my life from me in her face.

“My girl my girl don’t lie to me, tell me where did you sleep last night! In the pines the pines where sun never shines and I shivered the whole night through! My girl my girl where did you go, I’m going where the cold wind blows,” I scream at Marta as she breaks down and starts crying,” In the pines the pines, where sun never shines and I shivered… the whole… night through.”

I stop and want to fall down feeling drained emotionally and that’s when I hear Marta speaking in Spanish. I don’t know what she’s saying but the look on her mother’s face is one of horror and Carlos nearly knocks me over as he tries to figure out what his sister means by everything that she is confessing to. Imelda and Matty place their arms around me and help me step back before Imelda stands there looking at her cousins. Marta finishes her confession and stares up at Imelda. I can see just enough on Imelda’s face to know where she is with her emotions, disgust and bitter resentment. Imelda takes a moment and spits on the ground right in front of Marta before turning back to me and coldly walking away. We leave the yard peacefully and Hector starts clearing out Carlos’s crew before hopping into his own car and leaving himself. Back in the truck again with Matty and we’re off for home with some somber emotions riding through everyone. Normally I’d stay and hammer the point home but this was too much for me but I had to do it now.

We arrive back at home and the girls lead me in as everyone is walking on egg shells around me and I finally let have Imelda take me to a bathroom, the same one we had sex in the other night and clean the dried blood off of my face and out of my nose. She finishes and tries to leave but I close the door and I can tell she’s hurting, we both are and it’s that debilitating pain that just puts us in each other’s arms. I don’t know how long we’re in there but knocking on the door to check if it’s occupied has Imelda pulling herself together and we exit the bathroom past Ben who looks a little taken aback by me. I don’t know what his deal is this time but I’m not in a mood for it as I head down stairs and see Loretta sitting on the couch and watching TV. Something inside me shifts a little bit and I find myself walking in and lying down on the couch facing the TV with my head on her lap. She doesn’t turn the TV off but I get a blanket thrown over me and I just lay there as she strokes my head till I pass out.

I spend the remainder of Sunday mostly on the couch just being a bump people have to move around. Monday comes and goes along with Tuesday and I’ve just been not motivated to do anything. My friends are heading out to see the city still, some with Mr. Delauter, and some with Loretta or the girls. Mostly for those two days I just lay in bed and do not much of anything, my girls dote over me like a wounded puppy but I just feel unmotivated. I actually catch Ben and Bethany having a go at each other hard and barely remember to take a couple pictures from the open doorway for Liz before heading back to my room. I’m waking up lazy on Wednesday and the girls apparently all have plans out for most of the day, Loretta attempts to talk to me about getting out and finding Jackie but even that doesn’t seem important as I head back up to my room and hear my girls having a conversation where Katy is the one left standing in the room as my girls give me a hug each as they head out and I’m left alone with punk nurse.

An hour or two into everyone being gone puts me at about noon for the day and I’m just droning on TV. Katy is going through clothing and finally I’m watching her strip and put on some very ‘fuck me’ lingerie. I’m more curious than anything when she starts to model it in a mirror.

“You look really good,” I tell her as I observe the black lacy corset and thong combo Katy is sporting.

“Yeah well I hope it works for what I have planned,” Katy says not looking at me.

“What do you have planned,” I ask just casually from the couch.

“Well I was talking to Mark Jr. and he told me about a frat house that he knows if I show up I can probably get fucked by at least seven or eight guys there,” Katy tells me finally look at me with a serious expression.

“Are you fucking with me,” I ask more than a little shocked by her statement.

“No, nobody is fucking with you, you aren’t fucking with anyone. You don’t want to do anything so I’m going to go test out some new guys and if everything works out I’ll bring the rest of the girls down later this week,” Katy says finding a pair of denim short shorts to put on.

“Wait you all are going to just start fucking around with other guys just because I’m not feeling well,” I ask getting up off the bed to confront her.

“Listen to you,” Katy says leaving the room carrying a button up shirt,” ‘I’m not feeling well’. Did that bitch cut your balls off while she was at it?”

“Hey if anything like this happened with you I would wait and make sure you were better before trying anything,” I tell Katy now getting upset and following her, t minus 3.

“Yeah well we’d also be trying and you’re just, well you’re not even crying which makes me wonder which would be more sad,” Katy almost spits out at me starting to head down the stairs, t minus 2.

“Listen I know I’m not in the right head space but you want to just go out and fuck some random college guys because I’m having problems,” I say raising my voice as we get down the stairs, t minus 1.

“You know what Guy, fuck you. I’m tired of holding your fucking hand when we were all promised fun. We’re not your girlfriends we’re your fucking nurses. I’m not taking care of whatever this is you’re calling yourself now because it’s NOT the Guy I started dating, go find my number when he decides to come back,” Katy say starting to turn away and head towards the garage, and we have ignition.

Everything in my body kicks back on and the surge of adrenaline that hits me puts me into a more action and less thought category as I cover the few feet of distance and snatch Katy by the back of her head with a handful of hair. Her whole body stiffens is I start to drag her in fucking heels back towards the stairs.

“Owww Guy, you’re hurting me,” Katy says as we get to the stairs.

“You said ‘fuck you Guy’ and now here you are having doubts,” I tell Katy in a sinister tone while sitting her on her ass on the steps,” Take it out.”

“Guy you need to calm down,” Katy says trying to right herself.

“Lazy fucking bitch, well here, let me do the work for you,” I spit pulling my bed shorts down and freeing my cock.

“Guy I’m sorr…,” is about as far as Katy gets when I grab the hair on the top of her head getting a yelp of surprise.

“Open your fucking cocksucker now,” I order Katy as I rub my cock all over her makeup.

Cautiously Katy complies and I shove my cock into her mouth getting only half way inside.

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