Road Trip part 5
Road Trip part 5
Sex Story Author: | P.O.I. |
Sex Story Excerpt: | So since I’m the gracious host and loving husband I am going to say that since he’s able to cause |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, Asian, Fiction, Latina, Teen Male / Female, Teen Male/Teen Female, Teen Male/Teen Females, Threesome, Violence, Voyeurism |
I was sitting quietly listening to Kori, word being was. Now there is a small army of women consisting of Loretta, my girls and Natsuko attempting to calm me down. Better luck convincing a starving dog to not eat a hunk of meat. I am in the main foyer of the house pacing like a mad man barking out orders.
“We need the rest of the crew back here now. Get Jun up and running on where the homeless camps are in town and we start there. I want Ben and Devin in one car and the rest of you girls need to split up so we can cover more ground,” I’m yelling at everyone assembled.
“Guy you need to calm down it’s not that simple,” Katy says trying to get me to slow down.
“No it’s is that fucking simple now get on your shit and let’s get this going now,” I tell them as they stare at me in shock,” What are you waiting for?”
“Guy, honey, you need to listen to your girls, there is nothing we can do. Jackie left on her own and that’s been done for weeks now,” Loretta tells me in a quiet tone.
“Yes it’s been for weeks and nobody bothered to tell me my friend was in trouble because I couldn’t do anything weeks ago but guess fucking what!? I’m here and we got shit to fucking do,” I scream loud enough to be heard outside.
Kori steps front and center and takes my head in her hands, I resist but she doesn’t take no for an answer as she tries her hand at talking me down.
“Guy you need to stop screaming at us and blaming Loretta for what happened. She can’t do any more than she did or she’ll get removed and a lot of girls will need her help in the future,” Kori says trying to reason with me.
“I don’t blame Mom for this, it’s not her fault this happened,” I tell the women taking Kori’s hands off my head,” It’s Mine and it’s Steven’s and when I get a hold of his ass I’m gonna kill him.”
I step past the women and grab my coat out of the TV room and beeline it for the garage. I grab my helmet and start to search for my key to my bike in the pockets of my coat to find they’re not there. I scramble for a moment emptying each one when it dawns on me they took them. I was enraged before with them not helping me but now I am about to explode as I head back in and find them almost right where I left them in the foyer.
“Who took my keys,” I ask shaking with rage.
“Guy you need to calm down and we’ll help you find them,” Katy says quietly.
“Don’t mess with me,” I growl,” I want my keys back and I want them now.”
“No,” Imelda says showing me my keys before closing her hand around them.
“Do you really want to do this with me now,” I say getting less than a foot away from her face with my own.
“No Guy, are you gonna to do this with me now? I have the keys and we both know what it’ll take for you to get them back and that’s not going to happen and we both know it,” Imelda tells me with a cold resolve.
I won’t fight her for them, hell I won’t even try to grab them and she knows it. I’ve got plenty of control to keep from doing anything to women and especially all the women present. I drop my coat off my shoulders and see all the girls back up a bit including Imelda before I turn towards the back door and stomp my way over to it. It’s a nice big door made of some deep stained wood with all these little glass windows in it to let plenty of light in. I barely notice all of that as I swing the door open hard and watch as it pops back in front of me, mocking me by trying to close on me.
I officially lose what little control I have and grab the frame of the door tightly before slamming it against the wall it’s connected to hard. I don’t let go after the first slam, I keep smashing it and even feel my knuckles contact the wall hard but it doesn’t faze me as I repeat my slamming till I see barely any glass in the door as it’s mostly broken on the ground at my feet. I storm out into the back having conquered the mocking door and am so pissed that my stomping past the pool leaves me confused as I hit water and am drowning in shock till I pull my head out and start screaming and thrashing. I want to know who pushed me and I finally pull myself out of the pool to see nobody was even close to me as all the girls are still by what’s left of the back door. I continue my now soaking wet walk and when I get to the first tree I find I slam my shoulder against it and try to push it out of the ground. Granted it’s almost as big around as I am and it doesn’t move but I throw everything I have at it to not avail before finally walking past it and collapsing on the far side away from the house.
I don’t know how long I’m staring off into the distance but it was late afternoon when I got home and I can feel my wet clothes getting cold against my skin as night starts to take over. I can hear people approaching me from behind but right now I don’t care who it is.
“Guy honey, we’re all inside eating dinner,” I hear Loretta say from behind the tree,” did you want to come in and get some food?”
“Nope,” I reply barely loud enough to be heard.
“Honey it’s getting cold outside and I think you should come in and at least get warm,” Loretta says again this time with a little more concern.
“Nope,” I say again to her still not moving.
I can hear her start to head back to the house and some talking behind me but as much as I would normally want to know what is being said about me right now I couldn’t care less. The sun finally goes down and my wet clothes are mostly dry but cold as hell as I continue my vigil of impotent rage. I can’t go help my friend, my own family won’t help me and not a single person in my crew is coming out to back me up and help me get this started. More footsteps, multiple people this time and I hear male voices this time.
“Guy you want to come inside and try to get started with finding your friend,” I hear Jun say like he’s waking me from a sleep.
“Nope,” I tell him almost dead panned from my spot.
“Guy we’re here to back you up like always man. Come on and get out of the cold,” Devin calls to me.
“Nope,” my new vocabulary is doing me wonders right now.
“What did you all do to him,” I hear Ben ask the other’s present.
“We tried to get him to calm down but he just wouldn’t stop, then he broke the door,” I can hear Kori trying to explain it desperately,” And fell in the pool before trying to knock down the tree. Now he’s been sitting her for over four hours.”
“I think we should just pick him up and carry him inside,” Devin says as the rest of the crew gets silent.
I can hear footsteps stomping up to me and see Imelda as she steps into my view. I watch as she squats down in front of my face and just stares at me.
“Come on babe it’s time to get up now,” Imelda says pulling my shoulder.
“Don’t,” I reply shifting my gaze from the space she occupies to her face.
“No I said come on and that means get up and start moving,” Imelda orders me again trying to pull me up.
“I said no, now leave me be,” I tell her brushing her hand off my arm.
“Good you can use more than one word at a time babe now get up,” Imelda says trying to pull me from my spot.
I’m dead weight and in the struggle to pull me Imelda loses her grip and slips falling on her ass. Normally everyone would laugh but given the moods her and I are in nobody even makes a sound until I see Rachael step into view to help Imelda up. Rachael has on what would normally be a nice full length cotton skirt and a light colored top but right now it’s just clothing to me. Imelda is seething from her fall and Rachael is right in front of her as Imelda starts barking orders at the crew.
“Alright Devin, Ben and Masha I need your help getting him up and inside, he doesn’t want to listen then we just carry his ass,” Imelda says ready to burst.
“No,” Rachael says getting a look of confusion from Imelda,” You need to cool off and everyone needs to go inside now. I’ll take care of this.”
“You are going to pick him up and carry him in by yourself,” Jun asks confused.
Imelda wants to do it her way but Rachael is standing her ground with a calm peaceful expression. It takes a few moments and I hear the crew heading back save for Rachael who is still in front of me watching the others leave. I see her looking me over for a moment before she crawls into my lap and curls up against my cold damp chest. She’s light and a little warmer than the rest of the world as we sit in my sulk.
I don’t know how long it takes for a sun to go down but the chill sets in outside and I can feel Rachael shiver against me trying to keep warm. I don’t get why she’s still in my lap like this, usually one of the girls would be trying to talk to me or even just tell me the obvious about the cold or dark. Rachael isn’t and I can tell she’s awake.
“Rachael go inside,” I tell her quietly.
“Nope,” I hear her say but not mockingly.
“Rachael you’re cold and shaking, you need to go in and get warm,” I tell her trying to get her up.
“No, you want me to go inside you go first. You want to sit out here in the cold fine, but I’m not going anywhere without you,” Rachael says looking up to me with her pretty hazel eyes.
“Don’t do this to me okay, just go inside please,” I ask her now almost pleading for her to abandon me.
Instead of answering me she just curls up and hunkers down trying to stave off the cold. Damn girl is going to freeze out here and while I’m fine doing it myself it’s her I’m worried about as I start to nudge her to get her up. Finally after a few moments of shifting we get up, both of us gingerly from the cold ground and start to walk back up to the house. I am moving slowly since all my joints are cold and my muscles tired but Rachael is like a helpless little ball as she nearly loses her balance after only a few steps from the tree. I sigh and turn around to get her; she’s almost not wanting the help but after scooping her up in my arms she tucks her head against my chest as I carry her up to the house. Rachael doesn’t weigh much but as sore and cold as I am it’s a bit of a strain as I get to the doors and pull one open and step inside. I can hear Loretta talking with Mr. Delauter and she sounds concerned, I figure they’re talking about me as I pass their room and get silence from inside. I can hear him tell her ‘see he came in and he’s carrying her, they’re fine’ but Loretta doesn’t sound convinced as I head up the stairs to our room. I pass my friends rooms and hear quiet as though they’re sleeping which is fine because I don’t want a conversation as I get to mine and the girls room and push the door open. I see some stirring and Kori is the first one up try to help.
“Jesus it’s like eleven thirty, you two are freezing,” Kori says as I lay Rachael down on the bed.
“He brought me in so I wouldn’t be cold,” Rachael says sounding a little too happy for someone so cold.
I get Rachael’s shoes off while Kori helps strip her out of her clothes and more of the girls are stirring at the movement save for Natsuko on the couch. Imelda sits up and stares at me with a more than a little grumpiness.
“Finally decided to come in and use your brain,” Imelda says trying to resume our war.
“No, you stop that now Immie,” Rachael says shortening Imelda’s name to sound like ‘Immie’,” You help him out of his clothes and you two cuddle with each other tonight.”
Imelda just stares at Rachael with a level of disbelief but my innocent little Rachael shows us both something we’ve never seen before, her stubborn side. Calmly Imelda gets up from the bed and starts to pull me out of my cold stiff clothing. It’s a chore when it comes to wet jeans as zipper doesn’t budge and she resorts to yanking them all the way off taking my underwear with them. I’m naked in front of my pissed off Latina girlfriend as I watch her get back into bed emphasizing her grumpiness as she throws the blanket back and crawls back inside. I get a pair of boxer briefs on and see Rachael in a small pile of girlfriends getting warm where as on the other side of the bed my Latina fire goddess has decided to burn alone. I crawl in the bed and slide under the covers, I could try to just cuddle up with the larger group but Rachael sees that and I’m going to be in trouble with her and I’m not sure I want to see what that leads to right now. I roll over and face Imelda who has her back to me and see she’s got on a simple white tank top and athletic shorts. I move over and do as I was told spooning up against her which gets me a ‘cold’ reception.
“You’re cold,” Imelda tells me as I press against her.
“You’re warm,” I reply cuddling in.
“You’re stubborn,” She retorts grumpy.
“So are you,” I reply moving my head behind hers, I can smell her shampoo and it’s like fruit.
“You’re an asshole and I’m mad at you,” Imelda tells me as I pull her in closer against me.
“You’re a bitch and I love you,” I tell her leaning in and nibbling on her ear.
“No you don’t get to do that now,” Imelda says grinding against me.
I start to rub her breast through her tank top continuing my nibbling on her ear and the whole while Imelda is grinding her ass in to my pelvis. I don’t know if I’m warming up or not but I’m getting hard as hell and she’s not letting up against me. I move my hand down from her shirt to inside the waist band of her shorts as she separates her legs giving me access to her warm folds. My fingers find her clit easily enough and I use my middle finger making circles around it slowly as Imelda moans under my touch. I feel her free hand snake down my hip and into my shorts taking hold of me and griping me tightly start to jerk me. I groan at the hard treatment I’m getting and start to flick Imelda’s clit faster and move my mouth to her neck biting her lightly. Imelda is groaning and writhing as I seem to be winning in the ‘who gets to make who cum first’ race that we’ve been having to establish dominance. Suddenly Imelda’s hand moves out of my shorts and onto my hand in hers and holds me in place as I feel her stiffen at a smaller orgasm takes over. I can’t see her face but as she pulls my hand out of her shorts I can feel her mood change back to grumpy and watch as she up from the bed and out of the room. I’m raging hard right now and not in the mood for games as I stagger out of bed after her.
I get to the first bathroom on the second floor and open the door since it’s the only one with a light on and see Imelda standing in front of the sink washing her hands.
“I told you no,” Imelda says glaring at me a little in the mirror.
I don’t say a word as I enter the bathroom and close the door behind me and lock it before turning back and see she’s turned to face me. She’s got that ‘not happy with you’ look on her face as I move up next to her. Her fists are balled up like we’re going to fight and I’m not happy with being left hanging when we’re in the process of what I thought was making up. I start to pull Imelda’s shorts down off her hips and she stalls me for a little bit but I get them off and see she’s without panties as I sit her ass on the counter by the sink.
“I’m still mad at you and I said….,” is only as far as Imelda gets as I pull my shorts down and push the head of my cock into her pussy.
It’s a weird stalemate as I’m inside her and she says she doesn’t want me there but her hand grabbing my shoulder isn’t pushing me away. I press forward slowly inching myself deeper as Imelda groans. I feel her leg shaking and she tenses up as I take her ass in my hands and finish pressing in all the way. We’re face to face and eye to eye staring at each other as I feel her soften to me inside her. I slowly back out half way and press back in with a little extra push at the end making us both groan. She’s wet around me and as I repeat the process I can see her brace herself for the jolt at the end but it’s no use as Imelda groans again.
“I’m still mad at you,” Imelda tells me as I get buried inside her,” And you’re being an asshole.”
“You’re being a bitch and I still love you,” I tell her backing up and sliding back in.
I keep taking short slow thrusts in and out of Imelda and she’s holding onto me like she’s undecided as to whether she wants to push me away or pull me in harder. I’m getting a little upset and she’s not helping with her absent consent.
“Do you love me or not,” I ask her stopping all the way inside her.
“I don’t like you right now, you’re not listening and you’re being an asshole,” Imelda tells me grinding her hips against mine.
“I am listening as much as you do and you didn’t answer the question,” I tell her squeezing her ass.
“I said I don’t like you right now asshole,” Imelda tells me defiantly,” think whatever you want.”
Little bitch is the next words to run through my brain as I force my mouth against hers. It’s an awkward kiss and when she finally pushes my face back I am greeted with a slap across the face. My blood is boiling and I back out and jam myself deep inside taking to time to let her enjoy the invasion as I kiss her again. I feel her struggle to push me off and if I were at a hundred percent she’d be in trouble but my sore muscles and cold limbs let her push me back as I get slapped again. My adrenaline is pumping hard and I lunge in with my mouth latching onto the base of Imelda’s neck with my teeth biting down hard. I feel her tense up and she struggles against me as I keep my cock fucking her. I take my teeth out and see some minor bruising from the bite before Imelda moves my face away from her again and I’m ready for the slap this time. It doesn’t come as I am pulled hard into a kiss and we war our mouths against each other. I can hear her getting wetter as my balls slap her ass. There is no rhythm in what is happening right now, I’m fucking Imelda and she’s being fucked by me. The simplicity is a nice change from the romance and softness that I normally get, even the regular sex feels a little too clingy sometimes and the animal is out to play right now as Imelda breaks the kiss.
“Goddammit you are a fucking asshole,” Imelda tells me as our foreheads rest against each other.
“And you’re a fucking bitch,” I tell her pounding her pussy harder and faster,” But you’re MY fucking bitch and I love you for it.”
“Yeah asshole, prove it that I’m your bitch,” Imelda says groaning at the fierceness of the pounding her pussy is getting,” and let me love you for it.”
If the sink and counter weren’t built into the floor I’d be slamming it against the wall and with Imelda clinging to me like a horny bitch she’d be hitting it too. I feel myself rushing and the tingle in my cock hits me hard as I start to cum. I don’t slam in and let it rest like I would normally, I keep fucking and grunting as Imelda’s body starts pawing at mine as I’m filling her up. I can feel some nails digging into my skin as we come down from our orgasmic high. I am being kissed again and while it’s not soft and sweet it’s not a raging war either. I back out and we both start to clean up with Imelda taking the time to make sure she gets me all out of her before pulling her shorts back on and we exit the bathroom. We get back into our bedroom and crawl back into bed. We both can tell that the other girls are awake with anticipation of a million questions but we are done talking for the evening having had our fight and makeup all at once in the bathroom. I cuddle up next to my fire goddess, my Latina biker bitch, god I love her and fall asleep.
Next morning to say that I’m sore would be an understatement. I’m mostly alone in the room save for Natsuko who is sitting on the couch looking at her phone as I start to get up. As soon as I’m moving I hear her get up and watch as she goes running out the door. I’m confused and getting dressed hurts as I must have been bleeding is a few spots but I get a black metal t shirt on and a fresh pair of jeans just in time for the girls to come up the stairs at me.
“How are you feeling this morning,” Katy asks with a wicked grin.
“Hell with that what happened with you and Immie last night? We all see her get up with a couple bruises and a bite mark on her neck before she leaves taking your bike,” Rachael tells me very upset.
“Wait a minute, she took my bike,” I ask ignoring the first part of Rachael’s question.
“Yeah she was all quiet as she got up and left today didn’t even stop for breakfast. Which by the way is waiting for you down stairs with the rest of the house,” Katy says as I step past all my girls.
I get stopped by Korinna and Mathilda who are blocking my path. I know what Kori is doing as she takes my head in her hands and stares me down. I can feel her soul gazing when she kind of shakes off something and goes in again more intently. Finally I figure she sees what she needs to see and leads me down to the kitchen where everyone is either there or the dining room and I get a plate from Rosa who is smiling big as she sees me. Apparently I’ve still got a friend in her down here as I take the plate and sit with squeeze in with everyone including Mr. Delauter at the table and start eating like it’ll go bad.
“So Guy I can get everything up and running so we can start to find your friend today, I’ve even worked out the teams to maximize their effectiveness for covering a search area,” Jun tells me starting to go down his list as Lilly stops him.
Everyone is looking at me as I stare at Jun like he just said that I was queer save for Mr. Delauter who is reading his paper intently. I put my fork down and make my new orders known.
“None of you are going to help me with this. I will find Jackie on my own or I won’t, either way I’m doing this solo and that’s it,” I tell everyone getting a wide eyed response.
The cacophony of voices arguing with me are coming from all angles except Loretta and Mr. Delauter as my crew tries to reassure, explain, question and outright demand that they help. I slam my fist down on the table and the force causes everyone to stop, I’m not close to the rage I had yesterday but all eyes are on me and Mr. Delauter has looked away from his paper to pay attention.
“I will do this alone, I fucked up and left her with Steven without even bothering to figure out what kind of guy he was. Now she’s pregnant and alone on the streets, I left my friend to the whim of a sorry ass excuse for a man and I will find her myself,” I tell everyone with a cold tone.
“Done,” I hear from Mr. Delauter at the other end as he tries to resume is reading.
“But honey this isn’t some small town where he could just wander for an hour and have her magically appear,” Loretta says starting to give her two cents.
“Sir with all due respect your wife is right, this isn’t an MMO where you just click quest tracker and get an instant guide line to where she is,” Jun says immersing us in his gamer knowledge.
“I won’t even pretend to know what that is but let me explain it from MY point of view. I have a lot of money, so much that I can casually spend several hundred dollars on a couple large transportation vehicles so my loving wife can have her son come down here with his girlfriends and bring their entire accompaniment of friends with them while they eat food I pay for and sleep under my roof. I do this because I love the woman and seeing her this happy lets me know that I’m doing something right in my marriage,” Mr. Delauter says happily before turning his tone stern,” But when her son has a legitimate concern and is trying to do the right thing by his friend and rescue them he gets told the no, this angers him so much that in a rage he breaks half of a pair of Mahogany Shinda styled doors that cost no less than twelve hundred dollars but more here because I needed them to be bigger.
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