Road Trip part 4
Our evening was a tense one with me being pissed off about now being drug mules without our knowledge. The girls keep me from doing anything now since we’re gonna be in Texas in a matter of hours and after a good night’s sleep. Problem is my phone goes off with a text message from Lana of all people, apparently she’s wondering where I’ll be staying and I tell her I don’t know in a not very playful mood. She asks that if I give her a little time if she could come down and reward me properly, I tell her that she doesn’t have to but I give her the city I’m in and say that if she is in town I’ll give her one night. I get a smiley face and show Katy who chuckles at the messages.
We all settle down for bed and I hear whispering among my girls about what to do when we get to the house, Kori and Imelda are keeping things on the quiet side so that we can surprise everyone with the sheer awesomeness that is the Delauter estate. We sleep and we wake up a lot later than I’d like and I start to formulate an idea with how to handle the drugs in the septic tanks that we’re hauling as I see we’re hitting the city limits and start the last leg of the journey.
“Hey Vinnie, do me a favor man,” I ask quietly as I get to the front of the RV,” Could you bring us home first then take care of the vehicles?”
“Yeah sure kid, we cool with yesterday and the whole not telling you thing,” Vinnie asks as I start to head to the back of the RV.
I nod but I know better and I have back up from the girls as we cross town and take the through town routes as I send a text message to Loretta asking if she’s home. The response is enthusiastic to say the least and now I’m seeing three of my girls with a little apprehension about meeting the parents part two. Kori and Imelda do a wonderful job calming the other three down. It’s about ten in the morning when finally we pull past the gate and I am watching Mathilda, Katy and Rachael’s faces go from okay to holy shit as they see the estate. I notice there are a few new additions but it’s the assembled people on the front that have my attention. Loretta has the whole family out front and I can see she’s sporting the doting mother look with a simple skirt and top. The vehicles get stopped and I step out first leaving my girls behind me. The rest of the crew hasn’t even bothered to disembark as I approach and get a hug from ‘Mom’.
“Oh my god I didn’t even believe that you’d come down on your own,” Loretta says squeezing me tightly.
“I needed to, I had to get away and this is the best place to get away and feel at home,” I tell her getting an appreciative smile.
I wave my crew out of the vehicles and greetings go around as I see that my girls are still inside. I almost get back inside when Kori and Imelda exit first and greet Loretta getting a hug each before Loretta looks confused.
“I thought there were more, are they not coming,” She asks concerned.
“Well Mother Loretta we want you to brace yourself for our sisters,” Kori says with a sweet smile.
My remaining girls disembark and I hear a low whistle from behind us and see it’s Mark admiring my girls, gonna have to break it to him gently later. Loretta is smiling happily and the introductions go around before I see Vinnie and Marcus start to get ready to leave when I catch them outside the vehicles.
“Oh don’t worry guys, we’re gonna take care of the rides,” I say getting a shocked look from them both.
“Its okay kid, we’ll do the last bit ourselves,” Marcus tells me trying to press the issue and get away with the stash.
“Is there a problem here,” Mr. Delauter asks standing next to me.
“No sir, the drivers were just grabbing their luggage and leaving. We can hold onto the vehicles for a bit longer if that’s okay with you sir,” I ask getting a blanched look from Vinnie and Marcus.
“Of course, you’re making my wife happy so if this keeps things going I’ll be more than happy to hold them as long as needed,” Mr. Delauter says before stepping forward,” That will be all gentlemen, on your way please my family and guests need to get unpacked.”
I know Vinnie and Marcus are pissed and I watch as they debate about taking the rides anyway but the long driveway capped off by a brick wall and metal gate have them reconsidering. I let them go and keep my phone on standby for when I get a call as I head back into the RV to start grabbing bags. We leave the girls to start to look around while the men do most of the heavy work save for Masha who is right beside Devin as we start hauling bags inside. Loretta has already done the arrangements for sleeping and I get directed by Kori to a different room than the one I used last summer and I can see why as soon as I enter. The bed is fucking huge, I could fit all the girls on it and myself and we could lose each other as we sleep. There is also a computer set up and at flat screen that could double as a picture window built onto the wall with a couch under it. I get our bags in and let the girls start unpacking in the full closet with built in drawers. I turn to see everyone getting settled in Ben and Hanna are getting rooms upstairs while Lilly and Jun along with Devin and Masha take rooms down stairs. I get my own stuff unpacked and when I notice the quiet in the room I turn to see that all my girls save for Rachael are staring at Natsuko as she stands in the doorway.
“Jun and Lilly want their own room and I can’t find space with anyone else,” Natsuko says with some fear.
I’m grumpy about being put in this situation and honestly I am about to lose my cool when Imelda and Katy cut me off. Natsuko looks like she’s ready for whatever I can do to her but its Mathilda and Rachael who make the decision for us.
“You sleep in here on the couch till Guy says otherwise,” Mathilda says helping Natsuko with her luggage.
“But Guy doesn’t look like he wants me here,” Natsuko says like I’m not there almost.
“Guy does but with what’s going on he’s in pain, some of us are still in pain from what we heard but when your time comes I’ll make sure everyone listens,” Mathilda says sitting Natsuko down.
“We both will,” Rachael adds sitting next to Natsuko on the couch.
“Well what about me,” Kori says moving in front of Natsuko,” Guy’s not the only one in pain here.”
“Kori it’ll be fine,” Rachael tells her calmly.
“We’ve been friends since before Guy, I don’t think that you’ll do anything to us while we’re all in the same room together,” Kori says pausing to chose her words,” But I will let you know that IF you try to come at me alone or I find you trying to corner Guy alone I will never for…”
“Enough Kori,” Matty says backing Kori off,” She understands and she’s had the chance to fuck with us and she hasn’t so we need you to not do this right now.”
My girls in a confrontation with each other isn’t a good thing for me right now and thankfully Kori steps back and Matty covers the distance to her and hugs her in a level of understanding. I watch them hug before Kori turns back to the unpacking. With seven of us in one room the only problem with the unpacking is negotiating the area and while the girls are coordinated I’m not so I head out and down stairs to find Mark Jr. talking on his cell phone in the den. I lean by the door and wait till he’s off the line, sounds like a woman he’s talking to, when I finally let him know I’m there.
“Hey man, good to have you back. And thank god you brought all those women with you,” Mark tells me a little too excited.
“Really got eyes on anyone in particular,” I ask jokingly.
“Oh man I want to take that big titted girl Katy and fuck her against a wall and see if those things can hit me in the face,” Mark tells me holding nothing back.
“Except she’s one of my girls,” I tell him with a smirk.
“Really, well then I can hook up with that fucking tall girl. She looks like she could give me a work out,” Mark says switching girls.
“Again she’s one of mine man,” I tell him watching his face turn sour.
“Fuck man which ones aren’t yours or your friends,” Mark asks with his hope dying out.
I think about it for a second, I could offer up something to the guy but really I’m not sure where I stand with Natsuko and Hanna doesn’t need his ‘I’ll fuck anything with a slit’ mentality to turn her straight back to being a lesbian.
“Well honestly the only one who doesn’t have a boyfriend is Hanna,” I tell Mark getting a smile before finishing,” But she’s not usually interested in men so I’m guessing you’re gonna be out of luck with the girls I brought down man.”
Mark literally looks like I just ruined his summer but with the way he goes through women I figure that he’ll get over it sooner than later. I let him mope for a minute before I get to the reason why I came down to see him.
“All the women issues aside I have a favor to ask,” I tell him getting a puzzled look,” I need to handle some not so friendly business soon and I could use a hand from someone who knows their way around a machine without asking a lot of questions.”
“Well I guess I can help but it still sucks that literally every piece of tail you bring in the house I can’t touch,” Mark says disappointed.
“Okay well what happened to Vicki? You two were going fine last I heard,” I ask him as we head off to the kitchen.
“Yeah we’re on an off period for us, she’s mad at me because I accidently broke our arrangement,” Mark tells me as we look head into the kitchen.
“What arrangement,” I ask confused.
“Well we have an open relationship and she told me that she’d be busy but would let me know when I could come around. I got drunk and went over to her place and saw her with another guy and flipped out and she isn’t talking to me now,” Mark explains,” I was drunk that should give me the opportunity to at least apologize.”
“Well I don’t know what to tell you man,” I say a little sorry for the guy,” I just don’t have those problems.”
We sit down and I wait for my friends as they get done unpacking and we start to look around the grounds and house. My girls note the bathrooms and pool where as the guys are checking out the space save for Jun who is still wondering if he can hook up his system to the house lines and not get in trouble. My biggest problem is Imelda has a look on her face like something is wrong and I get that feeling she needs to tell me something. I get her pulled aside with Kori and can tell she’s torn with what’s going on.
“It’ll be okay girl just tell him, he’ll understand,” Kori tells Imelda.
“I don’t like asking for anything and this is a bit much,” Imelda starts in but I cut her off.
“You don’t ask, you tell me you need something and I make it happen,” I tell her plainly,” This is how we do things in this relationship. Now what are we doing?”
“I wanna go see mom, I’ve been sending her money and it’s been so long now that I just miss her,” Imelda tells me quietly,” I know you just got in but could I head out in a couple hours?”
“No fuck that and no,” I say getting a shocked look from both girls as I turn to the rest of the crew,” Devin help me get the bikes out of the truck, I gotta handle something quick.”
“Guy what are you doing,” Kori asks concerned.
“We are not waiting a couple hours so that Imelda can see her Mom, her and I can go right now and we’ll be back after they catch up,” I tell Kori,” Can you get me my coat babe?”
I watch as my first girl heads off for me and Imelda is following me a little shocked as Devin and I roll the bikes out. I do a quick check but Imelda still looks concerned.
“My bike isn’t ready to go, I’ve been repairing a part on the trip,” She tells me still concerned.
“Then for the first time in the history of ever you get to ride behind me for a change,” I tell her getting a grumpy look.
“No, I’m your woman but on a bike you’re my bitch,” Imelda tells me finding her fire again.
I give Kori a quick kiss and hop on my bike behind Imelda and she heads out like a bullet down the road. For me it’s been a year but for her it must have felt like a lifetime being away from her whole family. It’s a bit of a drive considering it’s almost the opposite side of town but with the way my Latina is driving I’m sure we made it in a new record for her. We arrive in front of her old home and see its a little worse for wear on the outside and there is her mother’s old car in the driveway thankfully. We head up the walk way and Imelda knocks on the door tentatively and I can hear someone calling in Spanish from inside when the door opens and I see Imelda’s mother in what appears to be her work clothes but her face lights up when she sees Imelda. I watch two of them hug and speak in Spanish to each other and I let them have their moment when the mother turns to me and finally addresses me.
“What is wrong with you boy, you don’t even say hello to me after I let my daughter come to live with you and your other girls,” Mrs. Ortega says to me with her thick accent.
“Hello Ma’am, it’s nice to see you again,” I reply smirking as she grabs me by my wrist and leads me inside.
“I see she isn’t cooking for you or you wouldn’t be so skinny,” Mrs. Ortega says before leading her daughter into the kitchen and they continue their conversation.
I still speak no Spanish but I can tell Imelda is getting a bit of a lecture as her mother starts to pull food out of the fridge and starts cooking up some already prepared items and Imelda starts to help when her mother checks the clock and starts issuing more orders before grabbing her purse and addressing me.
“You eat what my daughter makes and I want my daughter to come see me at home tomorrow after my shifts,” Mrs. Ortega tells me before heading out the door.
“Okay so apparently I have to make you food because mother said so,” Imelda tells me taking her riding jacket off.
I sit and casually watch as she starts to cook and I realize that I’ve never even seen her in a kitchen to do anything save for pick up or put away a plate. She’s got tight jeans and a white t sleeveless t shirt on that is showing off her figure very well. I see her start to panic about what to do as I move up behind her and take her hips in my hands. Imelda stops at my touch and I can feel her soften as she backs up against me.
“I don’t hear any of the other girls around and I think you still have a bedroom here,” I tell her quietly in her ear.
“Mom will be mad at me if I don’t feed you something,” Imelda says trying to cook but barely.
“And I can’t eat after,” I say reaching past her and shutting off the stove.
Imelda puts down her attempt at cooking and turns in my hands before wrapping her arms around me and giving me a soft kiss. I back her against the stove for a brief bit as we kiss when she breaks it and grabs the front of my jeans leading me to her old room. It’s a lot different than I remember most everything is folded up like she was moved out and never coming back and I can see her freeze at the sight of it.
“It’s packed up to keep it clean baby,” I tell her as she sits on her barren bed,” See everything is in the closet.”
“Mom didn’t know if I’d come back,” Imelda says to me with some sadness.
I can’t bear to see her like this and I pull my coat off and drop it to the floor, she’s a little emotional as I get on my knees on the floor in front of her and between her
legs. Imelda looks lost right now and I move in and kiss her again softly and tenderly. She wraps her arms around me and pulls me up off the floor and onto her as she leans back on the bed. We take our time slowly exploring each other’s mouths and bodies like we’re remembering the first night together almost a year ago. Soft and tender turns to more emboldened touching and I break away from Imelda and start to peel off my clothes with assistance from Imelda before we strip her down till both of us are bare to each other. Imelda backs up the bed further and I crawl up after her. Imelda spreads herself for me and gingerly starts to stroke my member with her hands helping me get harder. I kiss Imelda again with a little more eagerness and she replies in kind as our bodies press together. I don’t need any guidance from Imelda as my head finds her slit and we gently press against each other.
“Mmmm maybe this time Rachael won’t barge in on us,” Imelda jokes quietly.
I smile and press myself inside her and we both lock up at the sensation of me invading Imelda’s warm folds. I take my time slowly pressing till my length is buried deep inside and I rest my hips against hers. Softly we grind against’ each other kissing and exploring as we grind together finding a deep and steady rhythm. It’s a slow and tender thing but I back up a little pulling just a few inches from Imelda before sliding back in and feeling Imelda tense up as I get rooted again. I take slow and short thrusts in and out of her making sure to savory her body wrapped around me. I am savoring every single thrust and Imelda is responding to me with approving moans and I feel more anxious about the feeling burning its way through the base of my cock.
Imelda feels it as well and we grip each other tightly as my thrusting speeds up and my body feels more intense as we press harder against each other. I want to release so badly but love making is trickier than sex, you have to feel it out. Imelda can feel my swelling inside her and to my surprise she stops moving herself all together and just lets me do the work. I feel her hands gripping my ass and our mouths locking together as I work myself in a more anxious pace when I feel Imelda’s body, more specifically her pussy just relax around me. The whole thing catches me off guard and my body betrays me by making me cum hard into Imelda. The first shot goes off in her and suddenly she locks up around me holding me in, milking me for everything that I have. I break our kiss and groan out my orgasm and Imelda kisses any part of my flesh she can find till I relax on and inside her spent. We lie there for what feels like hours but is probably minutes when Imelda starts kissing me again sweetly. I kiss her back and we separate our bodies and head to the bathroom to clean up. Cleaning up isn’t easy when we’re both pawing at each other and kissing but I feel just as spent now as I did with Kori the night at the motel.
We dress and head back to the kitchen where Imelda looks at her new problem, making me a meal because her mother told her to. I’d like to say it was an easy fix for my Latina girlfriend but let’s just say I know baking soda can put out a fire and once I started helping her things went a little smoother. It’s nothing fancy mind you but it’s spiciery than hell and while she’s loving it I’m drinking more milk now than I would in a week just to survive. We get done and she locks up her old house before hopping back on my bike and cruising back to Loretta’s home.
We’ve only been gone for a few hours but when I get in Mark is ready to go and apparently Devin moved the tour bus and the RV around so that their access points are facing each other. Imelda takes one side and Mark takes the other as they start taking the panels off and get into the more disgusting portions of the vehicles. The smell along is enough to make us gag and even with masks I watch Mark nearly puke on the drive. It takes us almost twenty minutes but we get all the bags out and Mark is staring at me with a level of shock on his face.
“Dude you smuggled drugs down here,” he says dumbfounded.
“No our drivers did and we found out about it after we were almost here,” I tell him as we bag it up,” now we put these back and go about everything like nothing happened.”
“Except I know a couple guys from college who will pay for that man,” Mark tells me as I look at him with some shock,” Dude it’s college if you don’t know people who are getting drunk and high you are doing something wrong.”
I shake my head and take the bags into me and the girls’ room before stashing it under the bed for safe keeping. I’m almost out of the room when I notice Natsuko sitting up from the couch. She’s hesitant to say anything and I have nothing to say yet.
“Do you need me to step out,” She asks quietly.
“No but for all intents and purposes you should at least try to socialize with the locals,” I tell her starting to leave.
“I want you to hurt me.
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