
Road Trip part 11

I apologize for the delay my faithful readers. Enjoy and keep those comments coming.

Sunday morning starts off pretty well, okay it’s starts pretty tense with everyone except for the my girls, Natsuko and I being the only ones not staring a hole through Marta as she joins us for breakfast. Loretta figures out things are okay and slowly so does the rest of the crew and family. I know I could explain everything to them but honestly I’m just getting my feet under me so that I can handle tomorrow. My first message of the day is from Sid, apparently Fast Eddie did exactly what was needed and he forwards the specifics to me which get handed off to Jun who adds it to the info file.

Marta is taken home by Imelda but the rest of my people are going through the last details of this job, equipment gathering. It’s mostly clothing for Devin and Masha but I need a very particular item and when I mention it to Mark he blanches at the item.

“Dude, how the hell do you expect me to pick up something like that,” he tells me confused after being pulled aside to talk about it privately.

“You wanted to help well this is helping, get Vicki and talk to her family about it. This is very important if things go south fast,” I tell him explaining the importance in not so many details.

The rest of my crew heads out to do eyes and ears and to physically check in with a Carlos and his people. I decide that since everyone else is out gathering or helping I should probably get my suit ready for tomorrow. I love the look of it and honestly it’s like something out of a movie which makes me like it a bit more. I go over details in my head as I walk around doing fuck and all just killing time, it’s moments like this where you need to go over everything again yourself just to make sure everyone is set. It’s my walking around that leads me to find the one person who didn’t go do something today, Rachael. She’s just sitting in the kitchen quietly while Rosa finishes her work in that room. I know she sees me but if she needs to talk I head up to my room and wait. I’m only sitting on the couch with the TV on for a few minutes when Rachael comes through the door and closes it quickly after herself. Her yellow sundress carrying behind her as she’s moving a lot quicker than normal.

“We shouldn’t do this tomorrow,” She tells me a little nervous.

“No Rachael we should do this tomorrow, I owe a favor and this is the best way to deliver what Detective Escalante asked for,” I tell her trying to explain as I stand up,” this way everyone not only wins but our friend comes out ahead big time.”

“But you are going head to head with a crackhead,” Rachael says before rethinking her sentence.

“Yes which is why the deck is so far stacked in my favor that there is no possible way this ends with anything less than him doing exactly what I want,” I tell her as we stand at the corner of the bed trying to win each other over to our side.

“But he could have a gun, he could pull a knife, he could be so heavily dosed that he breaks all three of your necks in a rampage….,” is where I stop her with a kiss.

When I say kiss I mean dipping under her arms and lifting her up by her ass and planting a soft firm kiss on her lips. Rachael’s arms wrap around my neck and I feel her soften in my arms as I lower her to the ground again. I slowly break our kiss and see her face get a little grumpy.

“I’m not convinced,” Rachael says as I start to explain more but get cut off by a finger on my lips,” I need more of that convincing.”

I reach down and pull her sun dress up over her head and drop it on the floor, she’s wearing only panties and I kiss her again as she tugs at my t shirt to pull it off. She turns and sits on the corner of the bed and undoes my pants while I finish getting my shirt off. If it wasn’t for habit I’d never wear underwear but Rachael wastes no time pulling them down just enough before giving me a kiss on my head, I rest my hands on her shoulders as she works over just using her lips to entice every part of my member. Getting hard like this takes some time but it’s time worth taking as every kiss makes me jump just a little involuntarily. Rachael finally starts to use her tongue trailing up and down my shaft. I am about to steps away from being Chinese Algebra hard when I realize I’m not doing my job and pull away from Rachael.

“I’m supposed to be convincing you,” I tell her backing her up the bed a little and hooking my thumbs in her panties pulling them down off her hips and tossing them aside.

Rachael always was very sensitive but she’s gotten better about not bouncing all over the place as I move my head in between her legs and kiss the inside of her thighs gently. She’s moaning a little at my touch and when my tongue touches her clit I hear her hiss as her hips shift involuntarily. I’m not too eager or greedy as I tentatively lick and trail circles around her clit. Rachael is panting at my work and I’m almost smiling as I move my tongue down to her entrance and only get the tip in to taste her sweet musk. Rachael is moaning but not thrashing as I am relentless but methodical about working her warm hole over with my tongue, I glance up and see her eyes closed and her hands cupping her own B cup breasts. I dig in and grip her ass with my hands working my tongue and lips over her pussy deep and fast. Rachael isn’t going to last long and I am loving the taste of her as her body tries to fight me for control by shifting her hips around. I can almost feel her orgasm when she gets out of my grasp and starts backing up the bed quickly. I take a moment and get up and look to see the hungry look in Rachael’s eyes. I smirk and crawl up the bed slowly taking my time as I get to her body and begin trailing kisses up her thighs, across her stomach, taking time to give each nipple a soft suck. All this is driving her mad as I feel her hands pawing at my back.

“Please Guy, I’m so hot right now,” Rachael begs putting me in an odd but wonderful place.

I could tease her more but I’m hard and she’s more than ready as I angle my head right at the entrance to her warm folds. I feel her hand dart down and start to pull me so that my head gently finds the opening, Rachael moves her hands to my hips and with her eyes closed pulls me into her. Rachael is like a warm and wetter than usual which and with as hard as I am we’re both groaning at the sensation of penetration. I want to take some time but Rachael doesn’t stop pulling me in till I’m buried inside all the way. My face is pulled to hers and she kisses me first this time only where mine was sudden and a little fun hers is soft and fierce as her tongue invades my mouth and teeth nibble at my lips. I return the kiss in kind and start rocking my hips against her slowly. My slow grinding has my redhead girlfriend pushing back against me and rolling her hips so that I’m hitting her in the deepest parts possible. We’re both open mouthed and moaning as our bodies work into a soft collision, I start to kiss her neck while she pulls her legs up and I can feel my orgasm burning its way through my body. Rachael is so sweet taking the time to pull me harder but still making sure I’m hitting every single spot to drive her over the edge.

“Please I’m so close if you finish right now I’ll go mad,” she tells me softly and desperately at the same time.

I’m so close that when she nibbles my ear I erupt and moan loudly filling her warm folds with my cum. I keep myself buried and my head rush is exquisite as I feel Rachael tense up and start shaking a little as her own orgasm is raging throughout her body. I’m coming down from mine and start to kiss her gently and get kissed back as she simply lies beneath me with our bodies connected at the hip. I try to pull out but Rachael holds me tight.

“Please stay,” She says shyly.

I kiss her again softly and relax on top of her while resting my bodyweight on my elbows. Her warm folds are milking me for all I’m worth and it’s a feeling that has me groan a little but enjoy it. I don’t know how long I was there but when she stops kissing me I feel that I’ve fallen from her and I roll off and onto my back only to have her rest her head against my chest and curl her body against mine.

We’re lying there for an hour when we decide a shower would be good and once out I check messages on my phone. Jun is wiring everyone in and has full eyes and ears, our dealer on the street is live thanks to Sid’s man he understands his instructions, even the manager of the flop house is paid for silence and knows what to say. I’m liking this more and more when Devin and Masha return with their clothing.

“How did it go,” I ask coming down the stairs.

“We are ready but I had to spend more for Devin,” Masha says I notice two bags for him where there should be one.

“Why did we buy more than we needed, we have a budget here,” I say a little exasperated.

“Masha said I need a tuxedo for dances next year,” Devin answers a little sheepishly.

“That is probably the best reason I’ve heard ever for spending over budget, I mean where are we going to find as good a tailor up where we live and this way you are already committed to learning how to dance,” I tell Devin who gets wide eyed at the idea of dancing.

I leave and Masha chuckles as Devin starts wondering about where he’ll learn to dance from, hell I don’t really know how to dance either and I have to learn as well or I’m in three levels of trouble. I push that aside and decide to stop focusing on the now to relax instead. My relaxation in the TV room goes for about a half hour when all the girls come back with Jun, Hanna and Natsuko look ready and I’m honestly impressed with their initiative in the plan.

Everyone is home and has eaten dinner when Mark finally makes it home and Vicki is with him as they walk in and motion me up to my room. I see he’s carrying a back pack and once we’re up in my room and the door closes with just the three of us I start to get the riot act from Vicki.

“What the hell are you doing,” She starts in aggressively,” Mark comes around and pulls my Grandpa aside and says you need something very important, then my Grandpa gets a nervous look and asks what you need the items for but won’t say. Mark doesn’t even want to tell me what they are and it takes most of the day when one of the Union comes back and gives Mark this bag and I happen to look inside and see this.”

I look as Vicki opens the bag violently and see my hardware inside, three very nice looking 9mm pistols and silencers each with a single magazine fully loaded. I haven’t fired a weapon in months since dad took me out after Thanksgiving last year but memory comes back as I load one with a magazine and ratchet the slide before checking and making sure the safety is on. Vicki and Mark just stare at me for a moment as I remove the magazine and eject the round into my hand.

“What I’m doing Vicki is painting the perfect scene, I’m going to make damn sure things don’t go sideways and that none of my friends get hurt by taking care of them,” I tell her looking back into the bag,” Are the holsters in there?”

I get a nod from Mark and praise his good work. Vicki is not happy with me and Mark is concerned but they leave me be and I wait till they are gone before I figure out how to take the silencer off. It’s one thing that my Dad didn’t teach me because he doesn’t have one. The next thing that happens is more priceless to me than anything else in the world. I’m sitting on the bed, an unloaded firearm in my lap as I practice again and again to get the motions right like its second nature to put on a silencer. Kori opens the door and all of my girls plus Natusko see me. Here I am with a pistol and silencer in front of all five of my girlfriends and my personal assistant as all of their eyes narrow on me before I can even speak to explain.

“So honey, are we planning something else that we should know about,” Kori asks as the door is closed.

“Nope, same plan as before, just props,” I tell her unscrewing the silencer to restart.

“Guy maybe you should tell us why you have a pistol,” Imelda says as I hold up my hand with the number three,” Wait you have three of them?”

“Yes, three of us in the room means three pistols,” I say as I start to screw the silencer in again from a different angle.

“Okay maybe it’s just me but Guy this is not what we do, we don’t shoot people,” Rachael says moving the pistol out of my hand and to the side.

“No what we do is get the job done. If I walk into a room and say I am an alien people just laugh, but if I show up unannounced in their bedrooms under a beacon of light with purple skin and only three fingers on each hand then people start to believe,” I tell her as I pick the pistol back up and restart.

Kori moves Rachael out of the way and then the pistol before straddling me in her capri pants and taking my head in her hands goes straight into my soul with her steely grey eyes. I’m locked in and it takes a few but when she smiles lightly and gets up from my lap the rest of the girls are concerned.

“He’ll be fine, he’s taking care of it,” Kori tells them as she gets bed clothes.

I nod and the girls get into their night clothing and I put the pistols away before crawling into bed with them. There isn’t any talking tonight, just a lot of cuddling as we sleep.

Six A.M. comes and I’m out of my bed like a bolt, girls too as we get dressed. Everyone in the room but me wearing some basic clothes but for me it’s the black suit, white shirt and red tie. I complete my ensemble with some black gloves that are almost too tight for my hands but give me full range of motion. We are down stairs and I can tell I’m being followed as Devin, Masha, Ben and Hanna are following. Jun and Lilly are already down stairs with dueling laptops and headsets in the TV room.

“Full sit rep people,” I say as everyone but Devin and Masha head out to the cars to get to the site first.

“We’re good, dealer said pick up was just after midnight and cameras are showing him taking his medicine at about three which gives you another couple hours for set up,” Lilly tells me as Jun is on camera detail.

“Keep us posted,” I tell them as I put on my holster for the pistol I’m carrying.

Both Devin and Masha are unfazed by the armaments and get tooled up. We’re all decked out in some nice clothing, Devin with a leather Jacket over a button up shirt and tie, Masha in a woman’s pant suit. All of us have sunglasses on and gloves which just add to the feel of menace and power that I can tell is going through us all right now.

“From here on in accents only,” I say thickening my voice with a Russian accent.

I get a nod from both of them and we head into the garage when I see Loretta holding the keys; I smile and give her a kiss on the cheek before taking them. I know she’d tell me to be safe but sometimes you take the chance to get shit done. Devin is driving with Masha in the front and me in the back being chauffeured as we head off to the site.

We arrive just past seven, Devin parks the car out of site and I get my Bluetooth in and get confirmation that our eyes on the street have everything in control. My accent gets me a couple cat calls from my girls but I lock it down as we head inside the flop house. Think an apartment building that has needed new paint, walls and tenants for about twenty years and a front desk with a woman behind it that looks like she would be friends with Katy’s mother. Masha gets the room number and confirms that there is nobody in the surrounding rooms as were requested. We get our key and head up to the third floor, his door is across from ours and we wait inside a room that I wouldn’t piss in let alone sleep and kill time.

We get a few notifications on the street of cars moving through the area, on a positive note Carlos brings the boys and do some street clearing and general hands on securing the area. Devin and Masha are talking quietly in Russian helping him with words he’ll need to use and I’m listening in when Jun comes on over the headset.

“Boss we got movement,” I hear and Devin and Masha stop and we all exit the room.

I put Devin in front followed by Masha then myself as we wait outside the door to Carlton’s apartment, I must remember to use his name. We’re standing fast when we hear the freak out start in the room, there is some whimpering and it’s Jun who tells us how bad it is.

“Okay he’s flipping out boss, go you are go for knock,” Jun says as I tap Devin.

Three solid knocks on the door cause the room to go quiet and we wait till Jun says go before Devin lets loose with a shoulder tackle on the door that breaks it out and I hear the sounds of someone falling in the room. I watch as Devin has grabbed our new ‘friend’ from his spot on the ground and is holding him down with a hand over his mouth, Masha is in after him and has her weapon drawn and pointed down at Carlton who is terrified and stops moving all together.

“He is down, you are clear sir,” Masha says in Russian.

I casually walk into the room and start to survey my surroundings. This is literally a two room apartment; the bathroom being the only door in the room as the kitchen, bed room; dining table and living room are all in one section no bigger than twenty two by twenty eight foot room. The whole place in decorated in early ‘junkie doesn’t give a fuck’ with a few notable exceptions. There is a radiator with a scared red headed girl crying as she is hand cuffed to it and on the bed an Asian girl who looks pale and lifeless. I move over to the table and Devin pulls a chair out for me before checking the hallway and closing the door. I unbutton my suit coat and sit down as Devin pulls Mr. Mallard up from his laying position and sits him against the foot of his bed. I watch as Masha moves to the girl on the bed and does a pulse check before looking at me and shaking her head.

“Mr. Mallard we have been missing you,” I tell my ‘friend’ in thick Russian accent.

“Missing me, who the hell are you,” He asks quietly confused.

“Don’t play games with me you know me and my associates, you came to me with your problems and when I asked what you had in exchange for my help you said you had information on a murder,” I tell him getting keeping the accent and playing to his confusion,” So I helped you, I paid your debts so that you could party and even let you take two girls from my father’s business so that your party would be memorable. However when you didn’t return to me after a few days I became ‘concerned’ with our arrangement and decided to come find you.”

“Nobody knows this place, I never give anyone this apartment,” Carlton says starting to question my validity.

“You gave it to your lawyer, the one you are avoiding and who has been waiting on you to pay your fees to her,” I’m flat out lying but it has him get a level of horror on his face,” she was much easier to find and very accommodating when I asked for your location.”

“Oh god you’re going to kill me,” He says freaking out.

“This one is dead and this one is crying,” Masha says in Russian.

“We will dispose of the body here and comrade,” I say turning to Devin,” Calm the girl.”

I said my words in English but they had the effect I was looking for as Carlton starts to lose his shit and piss himself.

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