Road Trip part 10
Road Trip part 10
Sex Story Author: | P.O.I. |
Sex Story Excerpt: | My girls are out with Loretta and most of my crew is either having fun or on the job to |
Sex Story Category: | Asian |
Sex Story Tags: | Asian, Blowjob, Cum Swallowing, Fiction, Hardcore, Humiliation, Spanking, Teen Male / Female, Teen Male/Teen Female |
Getting handed a name and a picture is one thing; finding out everything I can on someone is a job for a team. Thank god that I have people to help with this nonsense. I left Escalante at the diner after our meal and went home with some serious speed. I’m in the door not two seconds and Natsuko sees me moving with a purpose and has me put on the brakes.
“Boss you got that look again,” She says as I start to cross the foyer to the stairs.
“I got a job,” I tell her striding with purpose till she grabs me by the arm stopping me.
“We have a job, WE not you. Now go wait in the dining room and I’ll rally the troops,” Natty tells me before bounding up the stairs.
I get to the dining room door and hear Natsuko screeching from upstairs something to the effect of ‘All hands on deck’ and ‘report to the dining room’. I don’t know who all is home but my girls are the first ones in and followed by Jun, Devin and Masha. Lilly is at Mr. Delauter’s work being a good little bee. And he turned the card back on which is good because I’m going to need some bank roll for this little adventure. Mark and Vicki show up from out back and in walks Jackie who gets a big hug from me as I break leadership mentality. I kiss all my girls too while I’m at it and resume my spot standing at the head of everyone. No Ben, I really need him here to step up and be a part but with no Bethany here I’m guessing that he’s out having fun. All eyes are on me and I’m feeling like my old self more than I’d like to admit right now, it shows in the smile on my face.
“I’m glad my people are here for this. Mark, Vicki, and Jackie as much as I’d like to bring you guys in I can’t,” I say getting a put off look from all three,” I know you’re good people to have but this is going to be a bit more than I’m used to and I don’t want anyone involved that doesn’t need to be.”
“And fuck you Guy. We’re helping with whatever it is,” Vicki says trying to shut me down.
“Guy who are we helping,” Jackie asks bringing the tone down to a civil one.
“The same person who gave me a lead on you,” I tell Jackie getting surprised look,” And if you want in you do what I say.”
“Yeah newbies, this is the Guy show and when he puts shit down you do it,” Natsuko says shadowing me.
“This isn’t a joke, this is his world now and either get with it or walk away because you don’t do what he says when he says it and you are part of the problem,” Jun adds pulling out his laptop,” by the way Guy thank your step dad for the excellent wifi in here.”
“To the topic, Carlton Mallard,” I say holding up the one picture with a look of his face and bio on the back,” Male, Caucasian, age 36, height is 5’9” weighs in at a whopping 135 pounds soaking wet and carrying a cinderblock. This guy is a speed freak and not in the way that my lovely Latina is.”
I hand the picture to Jun who starts his magic, I watch him read the back of the picture for a second and he pauses before giving me a sideways glance.
“This is from a police file,” Jun says getting everyone to look at me funny.
“Yes it is, Detective Escalante helped me find Jackie and now she wants him scared. And I mean so fucking scared that he will beg her to bury him in a hole where nobody can find him. I have an idea but I need a lot of information and that means we bring out the big guns, Imelda I need Carlos and Hector. The two of them and their boys can find him faster than anyone I know,” I tell her as she pulls out her phone and makes the call.
“Okay so they find him, what about the rest of us,” Kori says expectantly.
“Once they find him they’re going to stay back and get us some timetables and names. I want his dealers, junkie buddies, working women who will actually fuck him, I’m talking I want his life in front of me so that when we come calling he will think God himself has come down on him,” I say with a level of finality.
“Okay but if Imelda’s family is finding him what are the rest of us doing,” Kori asks again smirking,” And it’s really hot when you get like this.”
“My girls are on eyes, ears and logistics with Jun. You will find me his weak spots and patterns,” I tell them getting a nod,” I know it’s not very glamorous but I want hitters in the room with me when this goes down, speed freak means unpredictable and I’m not putting anyone in the line of fire that can’t shatter a bone if needs be.”
“So who is going to be in the room with you when you pull this off,” Katy asks with a tone telling me she doesn’t like being out of the action.
“Devin and Masha,” I say getting a wide eyed look from both of them.
“What? Why us,” Masha asks confused.
“Because there are things that we can do that are more frightening than anyone gives us credit for,” I tell her in angry sounding Russian.
“How is speaking Russian frightening? My home language is a pleasant language that causes people to have respect and awe,” Masha says back in heated Russian.
I snicker and point out the faces in the room, everyone is looking between us like we’re about to have a fight save for Devin who is barely keeping up with our conversation. She looks around and sees it too and starts chuckling.
“Let me help my boyfriend with his language while you get more of this leg work done,” Masha says bringing our conversation back to English.
“Fair enough but I think I made my point on why I want Masha and Devin in the room. That doesn’t mean we won’t have back up, plan B is much simpler,” I say getting an interested look from everyone.
“And what is plan B,” Rachael asks concerned.
“My girls dress like hookers and beat him within an inch of his life so that the hospital will turn him over to the police,” I say getting a big grin from my girls, even Rachael.
We continue some of the basic logistics and I decide that since it’s late afternoon I’m going to relax with my girls who are all for me being right where they can get to me. I’m laying in our room for a bit when I hear Ben’s voice down the hall followed by Bethany’s. Sounds like a small argument but I need to talk to him anyway as I head out into the hallway.
“I’m not in the mood okay,” Bethany says annoyed at Ben.
“Why what happened to ‘anytime you want big boy’,” Ben asks upset.
“I have had a lot of playtime and now I need a break and so do you,” Bethany says before seeing me come up to them.
My presence has the effect that I never thought it could, Ben sees me, and Bethany sees me. Ben looks between Bethany and I and it’s like a lightning bolt hits Ben. His face goes from annoyed to pissed off in about seven seconds.
“You fucked her,” Ben growls at me like I did something wrong.
“Excuse me but that should matter why,” I say giving him back his level of contempt.
“Because I was sleeping with her,” Ben says turning towards me.
“Ben maybe you need to stand down right now,” I warn him as people are starting to come out of their rooms.
“Or what? I’m tired of playing second lead or whatever I’d be to you. Every time I get something you just have to come in and get the last word in,” Ben spits in a low tone.
“Maybe if you treated the women you’re with like a woman and not like a fuck toy she’d be more compliant to help you,” I tell him keeping my calm,” And did you ever think she might actually be tired of sex for a bit? I mean my girls and I did kinda break her.”
Ben is ready to swing and I’m ready to apologize to Liz for beating him like a fucking drum as he’s fuming. It’s Kori who decides to put us in our neutral corners and Bethany tries to talk to Ben about what happened with her and me a few days earlier.
“Guy you were going to hurt him,” Katy says walking me away.
“If he swung it’d be very interesting,” I tell her as we get back into our bedroom.
I sit down on the couch and get a Rachael shaped ball of cuddle attacking me and resting her head in my lap. I wait a few minutes and figure out that this isn’t solving anything and head back out to the hallway as Bethany leaves to head to her room. Ben is alone in the hall and I shoo my girls away so we can have guy talk.
“Sorry man, you make it a difficult act to follow,” Ben says quietly.
“Not used to male jealously that doesn’t end with death,” I reply getting a head nod.
“I was with Kori, now you are. I was having fun with Bethany down here and she still comes by and has sex with you and your girls. How is anyone supposed to measure up to that,” Ben asks sounding depressed.
“Maybe you weren’t supposed to compete with me over who could do who better because I don’t play games like that. I’m still waiting for you to do the right thing, we’ve been here over a month and I know you’ve called Elizabeth and talked with her but then you turn around and sleep with another girl. How am I supposed to take you as a serious member of this crew when you are alienating everyone here by your actions,” I tell him calming my tone to a sincere one,” Tell Liz, stop cheating on her and beg for forgiveness.”
Ben thinks on my words for a second and nods in agreement. I’d like to think I was getting through to him but until he’s confessing to Liz I’m not sold on it.
“You’re right man, I was having fun then I got jealous and stupid,” Ben says before changing the subject,” What is the big plan going on?”
“Returning a favor for the help I got finding my friend Jackie,” I tell him folding my arms and leaning against the rail.
“Anything you need me for,” Ben asks like he’s trying to get in my good graces.
“Not unless you are ready to get some work done with the rest of the team,” I tell him trying to bring him around.
“Work actually sounds good, need me doing my eyes and ears bit,” Ben asks trying to get down his job detail.
“We will once I have some hard intelligence as for people to watch and where to watch them,” I tell him getting another nod.
After my talk with Ben it’s another couple of days puts us at Sunday and everyone in the house is relaxing and playing around when I get a call on my phone from a number I don’t recognize. It has me wondering as I answer it.
“You’ve called me now identify yourself,” I say sounding official into the phone.
“Ummm Hi, this is Amanda. I got this number a few weeks ago at a park bathroom,” I hear the female voice on the other end say clarifying.
“I don’t know any Amanda and my number isn’t on a park bathroom wall,” I tell her remembering who she is and smiling.
“What, but I got this number from you…. Savannah, I’m Savannah,” I hear her blurt out over the phone.
“Savannah, good to hear from you again, how’s the dating site boyfriend,” I ask changing from authoritative to friendly.
“It’s going okay, I’m doing what you recommended and calling you now, we’re going out on the big date tonight and I’m fairly certain that I’m going to need you afterwards, can you come by my place around nine or so,” Amanda/Savannah asks with a little nervousness in her voice.
“I’ll free myself up so I can be there if you need me,” I tell her smirking.
“Okay just don’t get there too early. See you tonight,” She says hanging up the phone.
I end the call and think about tonight, I have a grown woman chasing me for some real sex. Kind of makes me worry about the poor guy she’s been dating on that site. I met her almost a month or so ago and now she’s letting him get to her ‘cash and prizes’. I get her address in a text message and my thoughts are happy ones until I replay my conversation with Savannah/Amanda in my head. She was very specific about me not getting there too early but why. This starts to bother me but I keep it in my head as I explain to my girls that I’ll be out for a while. I make the decision to leave and show up at her place early to get a lay of the land.
I arrive at Savannah’s place on Black Sunshine at about quarter to eight and park a bit away from her house. She lives in a pretty nice neighborhood, lots of houses and I can see people starting to wind down their summer day and some turn it into a summer night with the family as I walk down with my hood up, I don’t really go anywhere anymore without my jacket. Even in the heat it’s my best armor for just about anything I’ve had to deal with and with my patches I get left alone quite a bit by some of the ‘less law abiding’ citizens. I’m chilling out in an alleyway right across from her house and see nobody is home. It’s decent but she needs someone to come do her yard up properly, I hide Black Sunshine in the alley and keep a watch on the front.
I’m waiting for maybe twenty minutes when a car pulls up and I see Savannah get out with her date. He’s about 5’7”, a bit heavy set and sedentary by the look of his gut bulge in the halfway decent suit he’s wearing. Male pattern baldness and his glasses make me feel kind of bad for the guy as they head inside her place. I thought I told her to take him back to his place but it’s no matter as I continue to wait out the evening’s festivities. Boredom ensues and I decide to get a closer look and listen as I move across the street and sneak around the house. I can hear them through what I believe is their bedroom window. Not a lot of talking or sounds save for what sounds like him breathing heavy and a bed squeaking. I don’t dare peek in a window, staying hidden is my biggest priority as I listen in.
“Honey I’m gonna cum, are you there yet,” I hear the guy say to Amanda, she’s Amanda for him.
“I’m there Brian, go ahead,” I hear Amanda reply with what sounds like a familiar disappointment in her voice.
More frenzied grunting from ‘Brian’ and a loud groan end the fun and festivities for the couple. I hold my position as the conversation picks up.
“So no kids tonight,” I hear Brian ask hopefully,” Or are they coming back later?”
“Brian I just wanted to see if there was still a spark for us and there is but I’m not sure I’m ready to have you move back in,” I hear Amanda say trying to sound sad I think.
“But things have been going so well, I mean we’re working out together, we’re dating and I didn’t even pressure you for tonight which was amazing. I was just hoping to move back in so we could get our family back to being a family again,” I hear Brian say with a sad and hopeful tone.
“Brian it was nice but I need time to get back into feeling like a wife again,” Amanda says almost consoling him as my rage kicks in,” Besides we’re doing so much better now and I think we’re looking at a good solid change for the better soon.”
I can tell he’s feeling beaten down by the whole situation and honestly I’m more offended by the situation than he is. Fucking cunt lies to me about her relationship and she has kids, now she’s fucking her husband in their bed and sending him to some apartment away from his kids. I march with no subtlety to the front door and just wait with my hood up and a menacing look on my face. It doesn’t take long but as soon as the door opens I am face to face with Brian who goes from a little depressed to confused and afraid.
“Brian you are going to invite me inside your home,” I tell him from the depth of my hood.
“Ummm who are you,” Brian stammers afraid.
“What did I tell you Brian,” I ask him with menace in my voice.
“Ummm come in sir,” Brian tells me backing away slowly.
I get inside and look around as Brian slowly finds the couch with his hand and holds it like I’m going to drag him out by his clothes. I can hear the sounds of Amanda in the back of the house and slowly take a look around. Pictures of family line a few walls, decent furnishings in the living room. I point for Brian to sit as I hear a shower kick on in the back.
“Brian you don’t know me but I feel sorry for you,” I tell him keeping my face in my hood,” She took your balls and she kicked you out of your own home because you were never told how to deal with a woman who is manipulating you.”
“She’s not manipulating me. She said she felt the spark go out of our marriage and that the kids were suffering for it. She had me move out and we’ve been working at getting back together like we were when we were first dating. It’s been six months now and she says we’re making good progress,” Brian tells me with a naïve hope.
“Okay but what do you think,” I ask quietly,” All you’re telling me is what she says, what do you say?”
“Who are you and why are you at my house,” Brian asks confused.
“I’m the guy who your wife called to come over and fuck her after she got done with you,” I say with a cold firmness.
“She called you here…. for sex….,” I can tell Brian’s brain and heart is breaking at the thought.
I grab Brian by the collar and stand him up forcefully, he’s scared and confused. I shake him to get his blood pumping and he starts to push me off of him.
“Good, now look at me,” I growl,” Are you going to let this bitch fuck around on you? In your home? In your bed?”
“No, I’m gonna kill her,” Brian says and starts to head to the bathroom as I grab him and pull him back to me.
“No you are not, you love her. I know you do now you let her know that you are still a man and you will take back what is yours,” I tell him fishing around in my pockets for a bit and pull out the blue pills in my coat.
“I don’t do drugs,” Brian says a little confused but more focused.
“And if these were something other than Viagra I wouldn’t have it but in your case you need one,” I say handing him a couple,” Take one and listen to my instructions very carefully.”
I go down a list of things to do and Brian is confused but I keep his adrenaline up with a pep talk about reclaiming his ‘castle’ and reminding his ‘queen’ that the ‘king’ rules the land. He’s psyched up and I turn him loose as I hear him go down the hall to the bathroom and enter.
“Brian is that you,” I hear Amanda ask confused.
I don’t hear a reply as I lurk outside the door. I hear what sounds like a weird struggle and then the moaning starts. Mostly Amanda’s as I figure he’s following my instructions about being aggressive with her. The shower stops and I hide again as I see a naked form quickly move down the hall and a wider one go after it.
“Brian what has gotten into you,” I hear Amanda say listen in from the living room.
“Amanda get on the bed I’m going to fuck you till you can’t walk straight. Then you can explain to the kids that I’m moving back in and if I ever even think you’re going to cheat on me I’ll just fuck you silly,” Brian says with a new authority.
I can hear him start going at her again and this time she’s a bit more vocal, especially when I figure he put it up her ass and she started screaming. I take my cue and exit the house locking the door behind me and walk across the street to my bike. I hope Brian sticks with it because Amanda was ready to cheat on his ass with me and keep me in the dark about ruining his marriage. Yeah I could have fucked her and maybe enjoyed it but then I’d be ruining a family or at least a man’s life and he doesn’t deserve that. I hop back on Black Sunshine and head towards home feeling better about myself as a whole.
I get in half past nine and it’s a quiet house as I walk in and see Natsuko sitting alone in the TV room relaxing. I head in and close the door after me before sitting on the couch with her; she gives me a quick smile and resumes watching her show.
“Back early, she must have been easy to please,” She says chuckling.
“She was married. She was having me fuck her after she fucked her husband to fulfill some dream of being a cheating wife or something. Now she’s getting it from him while he’s got Viagra running through his system,” I explain as my sidekick gives me a ‘what the fuck’ look.
“She’s a bitch, and you set him straight though so you’re still a better guy than most,” She tells me as we turn our attention to the show.
I’m not one for foreign TV but watching guys get hit in the nuts on a game show is hilarious. We’re relaxing for a couple hours and it’s really late when I’m not watching the show as much and watching Natsuko a lot. She’s got her hair down around her ears and not quite punked out but the black tank top and with no bra and cut off sweat pants that are a bit too big for her little frame. I pull my coat off and set it on the chair next to me as she continues to watch her show. I am being quiet as I kick my boots off but I’m still staring at Natsuko as she yawns like she’s tired, that yawn gives me an idea. I get up from couch and grab a blanket before coming back and pulling it over my body. It takes a moment but I watch as Natsuko absently grabs the opposite end of the blanket and tries to pull it over herself only to find there isn’t enough.
“Can I have some blanket,” She asks with a little pouting.
“I’m over here and you’re all the way over there,” I point out ‘focusing’ on the show.
It takes Natsuko a second to crawl up and instead of coming over to me she pulls me lightly to her side of the couch and leans against the side pulling blanket over the both of us as we sit next hip to hip. We’re both looking at the TV but I’m still very aware of Natsuko and as she shifts her weight I put my arm around her shoulders and let her cuddle in close to me. It’s not long before I’m rubbing her back slowly and she is cuddling against me when she pulls up the remote and shuts the TV off.
“You’re distracting me from the shows,” Natty tells me quietly.
“Sorry let me help for a second,” I tell her getting up.
I can tell she’s confused but it took me a while to learn all the tricks in the house. Like when you can cut the lights from the same switch set as the decorative fireplace can turn on from. I turn back to her and for once Natsuko is a little nervous as I pull off my t shirt followed by my jeans. I move back to the couch and she moves to put her feet on the couch giving me access to pull her shorts off her little hips. Natty pulls her tank top off and we throw them to the floor as I pull my boxer briefs off and Natsuko starts to try to give me a Blowjob but I stop her with a gentle hand on her shoulder.
“You don’t want me to,” She asks quietly confused.
“I don’t need it actually, and it’s kinda off the mood for what I’m looking to do today,” I tell her laying her back.
I get the blanket pulled up over my back and lay down over Natsuko who looks ready but confused as I prop my body over her own by my elbows. I’m not at her entrance but it wouldn’t take much to get there if I needed to and but this is about something else for me. Natsuko starts trailing her hands up my sides and back gently going over my muscles as I relax and lower myself gently leaning my head down to kiss her. Natsuko and I’ve kissed before but I’m making this different, I’m not playful or super rough and shoving my tongue in her mouth. This is soft open mouthed and slow. I take my time and at first she’s confused and only slowly she starts to kiss me back in the same way. We’re taking each other in and I feel her legs separate wider around me to encompass my hips and while I’m still not rushing I’m being guided to a specific point. I’m at the entrance and while the kiss continues to heat up my hips shake a little from hanging back and letting us enjoy ourselves.
A little shifting from both of us to get more comfortable and I feel Natsuko’s tongue playfully tease my mouth and search for my own. I press my advantage and deepen the kiss as my head pushes inside her tight warm folds. I moan into her mouth at the tightness she grips me with as she replies in kind with a moan of her own as I press deeper. I get myself buried but instead of back up I grind our hips together. Natsuko’s teeth bite into my lip lightly but I keep moving myself around inside her without thrusting back and forth which just fuels her maddening kiss.
“Guy please can we go harder or something,” Natty asks in between kisses.
“I’m done hurting you,” I say with a softness that causes her to pause.
I feel Natsuko’s hips shift to take more of me in and we keep pressing against each other in a grinding pace that as me feeling as the walls inside her shift around me. It feels like she’s trying to milk me and I have to keep my head lowered to keep kissing her. Her legs go around mine and her arms wrap around my back as her little fingers grip me to make sure I don’t run away. We’re not frenzied but Natsuko is getting more intense and she’s barely keeping out soft grinding from becoming a hard fuck fest and my own hips are betraying me as I’m trying to keep from doing the same on my end. I feel my Asian sidekick clamp down and she is the one to break our kiss as I hear her start to squeak lightly as she locks her whole body down keeping me from moving.
“Oh shit,” is the last words I can say as I feel my own orgasm come out of nowhere on me.
My orgasm hits with the force that makes me nearly shove Natsuko’s hips through the couch cushion as I fill her full of my seed. I’m shaking a little during my orgasm and Natsuko calms me by pulling my face to hers and kissing me softly again. It’s a lot less bold than before but still sweet and tender. I’m spent but still inside her and he body is relaxed save for her warm folds which don’t seem to want me to leave. I quietly remove myself from her and exit the room after pulling on my pants to get a cloth from the bathroom and come back. I let her clean up a bit and we dress before we head upstairs to the bedroom. I let her take two steps before picking her up and carry her the rest of the way. We deposit our excess clothes at the end of the bed and crawl into the girl pile to cuddle and sleep in an embrace we’ve never bothered to have before.
“Why do all that,” Natsuko asks quietly in the dark.
“I’m sorry, I never said it but I am. You have never let me down and I never gave you the chance,” I tell her kissing her cheek,” You will never be left alone like that again, you’re my best friend and I care about you.”
“I care about you too,” Natsuko says kissing me again before letting me spoon behind her and wrap her up in my arms.
Sunday comes and goes leading us through Monday and Tuesday without event till I get a call on Wednesday morning from the Old Man. Apparently Vicki and her are being moved into a new apartment and she wants me to come by to help them move.
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