
Revenge is Best Served Blonde 7: Man-Whore

Finally, so sorry I fell out of writing for a long time and had no passion for it. I tried writing this story several times and it never took off. Anyway forgive me for being rusty, here is the adventures of Zach continued. *also PM me or comment any suggestions or feed back! I like reading it. And I am rusty so be forgiving please.

Chapter 7

Monday night.

I kicked the dirt under my feet as i paced back and forth. No idea what i was going to do now. I couldn’t go home, not now anyway. I had splashed water in my face in the restroom of the McDonalds across the road from were i was supposed to meet her. i had checked my phone a thousand times, and still nothing from ether Ali or Sara. This had all gotten out of hand.
I dried my face and looked into the mirror again my face was still flushed from all the running. I had to leave the dingy restroom though, it smelled like a few animals had died in there. i left and entered the brightly lit lobby. “Welcome to McDonalds…” The guy behind the counter said as he eye’d me suspiciously. To his surprise i walked up to the counter and ordered a drink. The poor guy looked maybe my age but he shuffled around like a 90 year old. I guess this job would wear on you after a wile.
I took my cup, filled it with sprite and started to drink. i don’t even drink sprite, thats how fucked up i was feeling. In all of this i had not tried texting Tracy yet. I didn’t know if i should have or not. I opened a new message and after a few minutes of just staring at the blank screen I typed out “I don’t hate you, and i am sorry too… for everything.” It was the only thing that felt okay to say for now. So leaving it at that I sent it off.
For the first time in the last hour i put my phone in my pocket and walked out the door. My eyes adjusted to the darkness outside and headed back to the empty lot across the street. As i reached the curb a small black Honda Civic screeched to a halt right next to me. i jumped up onto the sidewalk and whipped my head to see past the head lights to who was driving. It was someone in a black hoodie. i walked over as the window was rolling down.
“i asked for a ride in the car not on the front of it.” I said.
An older girl with a light brown pony tail leaned her head out the window and flicked a cigaret to the pavement. Her green eyes peered through a puff of smoke.
“Get in, smart ass.” she scoffed.

****One day earlier.. back at church….****

I stood frozen, staring into a corner that i had hoped to god was empty, but it wasn’t. A girl kneeled behind an unused desk. She had auburn-reddish hair that was long and wavy. She slowly stood up from her hiding place. She was tall too, probably the same hight as i was.
“Oh my god Brianna, what… I don’t even know… What you saw was..” Ali stammered for words.
“That was some intense shit. That’s what that was.” Brianna finished. Her eyes wide as if she had seen a horrific car accident.
“Brianna listen, we are sorry and we have to forget this happened.” Ali said with an out stretched hand as if she were offering a hand shake.
I then realized that she was holding out her hand for Brianna to place her phone into it. I had not even seen that Brianna not only had a phone in hand but the very large visible screen showed that she was currently recording a video.
“oh fuck.” breathed out as the realization dawned on me.
Ali suddenly stepped forward but Brianna skipped back holding her phone high above her head.
“Back off! or this gets sent to who ever i want.” Brianna threatened.
” whoa whoa, lets not get ahead of ourselves.” I reassured.
“no. lets not.” Brianna said as she lowered her phone and clicked off the video and saved it.
I could tell Ali was sizing her up to see if she could take her in a fight. Brianna stood at least a head taller than Ali. Brianna also had a lean frame but wasn’t a stick that could be easily snapped. I wasn’t sure if that would deter Ali from tackling her to the ground. I judged by the way Ali’s hands hand balled into fists that it was becoming more likely that she just might attack this girl.
“Hang on. Just everyone chill out for a second.” I said. “Brianna, is it?” She nodded still looking bewildered. “What were you even doing in here anyway?” i said to try and ease the situation.
Brianna shifted never letting her eyes leave Ali. She stepped back and sat against the old desk in the corner.
“I come in here all the time to skip out on the Sunday sermon. I get enough of that at home. Until i can get on with my life i escape to this little room.” She said.
“Okay that sounds like there is a whole bunch of baggage there that im not going to touch. So anyway, why did you not say anything when we came in?” I continued.
Ali still had not moved a muscle.
Brianna looked up to me with her hazel eyes, they finally came off Ali but looked no less relaxed.
“I thought you might have been my parents or Mrs. Thomas wondering were i was. then i heard Ali and just thought i would hear Sara’s voice after that but then i heard you.”
“Me?” i said.
“Yes you, i didn’t know who you are, so i waited then before i could do much besides admire your new boyfriend” she nodded to Ali. “And then you guys went full sex scene right here… in a church.” She looked at us both with raised eyebrows. “I have seen some shit but you guys fucked… in a church…” She repeated.
The shock was wearing off and Brianna was starting to show more personality now. She shook her head and laughed to herself.
“Okay, so why tape us?” Ali snapped.
“Because it was way hotter than any of the dirty stuff iv ever seen. And i now have leverage.” Brianna said.
My heart dropped again.
“What?” I stammered. “Leverage for what?”
Brianna finally looked me dead in the eye.
“Favors. I collect them and i enjoy having them.” Brianna smiled.
“That’s it I will tear off your head you stupid..”
“If you come at me i will scream.” Brianna interrupted. “then people with come running and they will get to see the show i got to see.”
“I’m willing to bet i can get that out of your hands before you scream.” Ali growled.
“Wait, Ali, just hang on. Lets not resort to that.” I said, then i turned to Brianna and added a “yet.”
“You like making options, thats good. i will give you some. By the way what is your name?” Brianna asked sweetly.
“It’s Zach.”
Ali turned and looked at me as if saying “why the hell are you talking to her?” then she looked back at Brianna.
“What do I have to do to get you to erase the video?” Ali asked.
“We will get to that.” Brianna said holding up a finger to Ali. “its nice to meet you Zach. Okay because i’m still in shock by what i just saw, you two will owe me a favor.” She said as i could see the wheels turning in her head. she began to pace and look up as if she had an imaginary canvas she was crating her plan onto.
“Just a favor?” Ali asked.
“One favor…. each.” Brianna said.
“That’s insane! We haven’t done anything to you. And Sara and i have always been nice to you.” Ali said through clenched teeth.
Before we could continue the door to the room jiggled. Everyone jumped. Someone was trying to get in but the door was locked. Brianna called out “just a second” and looked back at us mouthing silently “one favor each” to the two of us. She held her stare until i nodded yes. Ali continued to stare with hate in her eyes. I put my hand on her shoulder. another knock on the door. I shook Ali’s shoulder and she finally nodded to Brianna. She smiled and then said loudly “Amen!” as she hopped with her long legs over to the door. She opened it to stare Mrs. Thomas in the face. The older woman with a red face and stringy graying hair looked around the room with a similar movement as a bird watching for prey.
“What are you all doing in here?” Mrs. Thomas said in a raspy voice.
“Sorry Mrs. Thomas, Ali and i were praying for our friend Zach. He is new to church and has done some… ” Brianna turned to look back and me “.. very bad things. So Ali and i were praying with him to find a new path, one that will please to the Lord.” Brianna said with sincerity.
Mrs. Thomas looked over at me.
“Why are you so sweaty?” The older lady asked.
“..uhh, it’s the… conviction.. of my past sins, they are just burning me up.” I stuttered.
Mrs. Thomas walked past Brianna and moved Ali to the side with one arm. She stopped dead in front of me. Her eyes seemed wise and also crazy at the same time.
“…. Good for you young man. Take this.” She said. Her face never changing emotion beyond her strong brow slightly elevating.
She put paper in my hand. i looked down at a yellow pamphlet that read “So you are skipping Hell, now what?” with a confused cartoon man on the cover.
Mrs. Thomas quickly moved to the door and told us to go back out to the service or the other places we should be. We filed out of the room into the hallway. Mrs. Thomas was closing the door but stopped half way. she took a big sniff with her nose. Ali and i froze in panic. It was warm in there and the room smelled like sex. She must have known it. She turned and looked at us.
“You smell that?”
I closed my eyes and awaited the large fist of Mrs. Thomas to be around my throat.
“Thats the smell of conviction.” She said with a smile (or what i assumed was a smile) and shut the door fully.
Ali and i shared a look of relief as the old lady trudged down the hall. i turned and discovered that Brianna was nowhere to be found.
“She’s gone already.” I said almost to myself. “So who is that? i have never seen her at school.”
Ali let out a deep breath. “She is home schooled, but she plays on the soccer team at school. She has always been pretty nice to me. But i don’t know her that well… obviously.” Ali said sounding defeated.
“Hey, it will be okay, we will work something out with her.” I said.
I smiled but Ali still looked sad.
“or we kill her and get rid of the video.” I joked.
“We should.” Ali said deadpan.
For a few seconds i was worried she might be serious but then she finally looked up at me and cracked a half smile.
” I just hate being caught like that, unprepared.” Ali said as she started walking back to the main sanctuary. I followed along and put my arm around her.
“I have the tournament to go to this week. Brianna is coming so i will try and solve this before we get back.” Ali said.
“yeah? you are going to take care of this all by your self?” I asked.
“Yup, i am… cuz I’m a badass like that.”
“hey! you are in a church, watch the language.” I said as i swiftly gave Ali’s tight butt as playful swat.
Ali yelped but covered her mouth and started to laugh. We came back into the main service as the Pastor was finishing up his sermon…

When the service was over,(which it actually wasn’t as bad as i thought it might be) Tracy, Ali and I walked out into the warm day.
“Alright, Zach so?” Tracy asked.
“So what?” i asked as i looked back at her. she had a sheepish smile.
“what did you think?” She said as she slightly winced.
“Oh right sorry! it actually was nice.”
“Yeah?” she beamed with an almost little girls enthusiasm.
it was honestly adorable. Her smile reminded me of Ali’s
“Yeah.” i affirmed back.
“Yay.” she joked as she gave me a tight side hug.
she then passed Ali and i and unlocked the car before we piled in.
The car was burning up inside. Which turned out to be a blessing because it was inside and way from prying eye (besides mine) Ali again took off her sweater to show off her bouncy breasts tightly wrapped in her dress. Not only that but Tracy too unbuttoned her sweater as she blasted the AC in the car. she then rolled it off her tan shoulders. i was in the back behind the passenger seat to i could see Tracy’s 38 C cups bouncing as she tugged and tugged to get the sweater off her glistening skin. then i came up with an idea.
I shoved the seatbelt clip down in between the seats.
“Hey Tracy? i cant find the seatbelt thing.” i lied.
“oh Shoot, it gets stuck sometimes between the seats.” She said as she turned around to throw her sweater to the seat next to me.
“Really? I cant find it though.” I said as i faked struggling to find it.
“Okay hang on.” she said as she unclipped her seat belt and hopped her soft butt onto the center console so she could reach back to try and help. her blue eyes looked with fierce concentration to find it, it seemed as if she has had this problem many times. Which was okay with me because i got to watch her breasts struggle against her bra as she struggled to get the seatbelt fixed. After about a full minute of watching those wonderful feeders of children dance in front of me wile the AC blasted directly on them so her nipples eventually pressed out against her bra; i finally reached between the seats were her hand was and pulled out the belt clip from were i had tucked it. Wile i reached i didn’t pass up a chance to brush my hand against her’s her warm and soft skin was oddly soothing to touch.
“There we go. thanks, I’m so sorry i couldn’t get it on my own.” I laughed to myself.
“Zach, its not a problem. That thing is a pain. i don’t know how many times iv had to do that.” Tracy rolled her eyes as she hopped back into her seat.
We stopped for smoothies before going back to my house. But as we turned down my street we got bad news.
“Alison, honey, i am afraid we are going to have to reschedule you guys studying.” Tracy said.
“What? Why?” Ali said trying to hide her frustration.
“Hey don’t jump down my throat, i wish you would show this much energy towards studying all the time, i mean think-”
“Mom!” Ali cut Tracy off as she started to trail off into a lecture.
“Right, thats a whole other conversation. Your sister needs to get picked up her group got back earlier than expected and i don’t feel like going home and then coming this way to get you and then back tracking to go get her later.” Tracy said as she pulled into my driveway.
“but mom we need to study.” Ali said.
“Can you just trade notes?” i promise i will let you come back and study another time, but you are still grounded. so your ass is mine still. and your test is not until Friday so you will have time when you get back from soccer. and you are lucky i am letting you still go by the way.” Tracy said as she took another casual drink of her smoothie. maybe it was the dream i had or something else but Tracy was just turning me on this morning. She was giving Ali those playful “you know i am right” that Ali and Sara often used on me. and her lips bending around that little straw made me wish it was my finger she was sucking on. I snapped myself out of my daydream. i had to keep it together if i was ever going to try and have a successful relationship with Ali. Which was still far off anyway.
“I am not arguing but i would like it to be known that Sara does a bunch of stupid things and we BOTH get grounded, and SHE gets to go on a weekend retreat wile I DONT get to go STUDY when thats what i WANT to do.” Ali said stressing specific points.
“Alison, your sister is at a prayer retreat so she can sort some things out.” Tracy said. “Sorry Zach.” She added. She must have felt bad for bringing up Sara.
“IT”S AT THE BEACH!” Ali said as she through her hands into the air.
“Ali. Enough.” Tracy snapped back.
“It’s alright Tracy, can Ali come in for a just a few minutes so we can trade notes.” I said trying to be a peace maker.
Tracy and Ali both let out a frustrated sigh, in almost perfect unison. They were practically mirrors of each other, or even seeming like almost the same person just at different times like a crazy time travel movie. Ali being perky young, sexy like they girl you could have as a best friend but is the girl you dream of having in the bed, grey blue eyes, pouty little mouth with full lips and a natural smooth tan that blends into paler as she reveals more skin that she doesn’t show anyone. her mom is like a well aged version of her only with dark brown hair that is cut to hang midway down her neck just above her shoulders. with larger mature breasts and a body that is curvy, with natural wide hips.
Tracy relented to let us go into the house. Ali followed me to my door with her book bag over her shoulder. she looked disappointed.
“Damn it Zach today has turned into a shit day.” She said.
I opened the door and no one was home. Ali stepped in and closed the door behind her. As she turned around i pounced and wrapped her in my arms. I lifted her off her feet and kissed her sweet lips.
“We only have 5 mins tops.” I said.
Ali laughed and smiled “Well take me to your room right now boy.” She giggled before swiping her tongue across mine.
I swept her off her feet and took her down the hall into my room. i kicked the door shut as i playfully dropped Ali on to the bed.
I flung my pants off with lightning speed and i jumped on top of her.
“Weird. we have had sex twice but never in a bed.” i said.
“Zach? Five minutes remember get your head in the game.” Ali said as she grabbed my growing dick and started to stroke it.
I slid my hands up Ali’s dress. My fingers ran up her soft legs. i lightly gripped them as they gave way to the round soft mounds of her butt. She laughed as it tickled her, hair in her face and smile beaming. i squeezed her cheeks in my hands pulling them open and closed. ali put a hand on my neck and pulled me in for deep kiss. it was long and tender, her lips pecking at mine but never breaking connection once. she took her dress with the other hand and hiked it up all the way past her perfect little belly button. i kept playing with her ass as i pressed my lips into her neck. I moved my hands up her soft body to her breasts and i pinched on her nipples from outside her bra. My cock being stroked the entire time was ready and waiting. She pulled her panties farther to the side and whispered “Have sex with me right now.” I did not need to be told twice.

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