
Returning to School – Ellen

Returning to School – Ellen


My name is Greg. After graduating high school I moved to the mid-west for several years where I held a
number of less than great jobs and partied like crazy. Eventually, I moved back east, got a better job, and
started attending night-school at a local university. Eventually, I had taken enough courses and earned
grades good enough to get me into the full time program.

Soon after I started school full time, I broke off with my girlfriend of 3 years, and started hanging around
a lot more at school trying to take advantage of all it had to offer, and studying at the library. Soon I was
studying with my class-mates and doing class projects, but many of the people I was in class with were
unfortunately pretty immature. By the time I went back to school at this elderly age, I was ready to to do
the work, and especially since I was paying for it – work hard.

Eventually, I figured out who those were who were of my own general age group, as a number of them
were in my classes and back in school for the same reasons: it was time to start working on a real career
path for the long run. Eventually, I became friendly with my classmates, and we would often seek each other
out and join each other for lunch, or just to study with someone who was there to work. It was nice because
most of the folks my age were females, and most of them were really nice looking. Its notable that I also
sometimes took night classes to get the instructors I wanted.

I met Ellen at school – and from here on in, this story will be told from both our prospectives. Its a bit long,
but it sure was worth it – and this is how it was.


I’d been working for my fathers company in the office since I’d finished high school. I really hadn’t had
any idea of what I wanted to study, so going to work for the family business was a natural progression for
me until I got tired of working in the office as the head HR clerk after 8 years or so. I eventually had a chat with my dad, told him that I really wanted to do something more interesting, and wanted to work my way
into the finance department. But while my dad was receptive, and my managers (who played no favorites)
gave me good reviews, my father told me that I really needed to get moving with school and finish my degree.

Now I’d started taking night school classes at the local university and did well in my SAT’s, but since I’d
grown to like having my independence (I have my own apartment and no longer lived at home) going to school full time seemed like a difficult way to go, and I couldn’t afford to do both (keep my apartment and do
school full time). But one day while I was at work, my dad and I were having lunch, and he mentioned that
my mom was looking to leave the firm as she wanted to take on some volunteer work at the USO, because
my brother had joined the service and she felt she should do something for our servicemen and women.
When I suggested that I take over her job in finance, my father offered me a compromise: I could work
part time, and my mother would work part time – with me – showing me the ropes, and they’d help me
go to school full time (then I got to keep my apartment).

Since I’d been taking classes for a while, I had a good idea of how demanding that would be (VERY), but
figured that I could make it work since I was single after a fairly long relationship. My now ex boyfriend
and I simply weren’t going in the same direction intellectually – I was frustrated by his ever decreasing sex drive, and found more solace in my vibrator than I did him. So now that I was free of having to make a lot of time for him, I arranged to start school full time at the start of the fall semester, and started my transition at
work from HR administration over to the finance department. In the meantime, to jump start the beginning
of my new duties at work, I took a summer school class in finance.

Before I started school full time, I realized very quickly that I was attracting the stares of some of the
guys. Where I’m slim and exercise regularly, I had considered myself overly gifted regarding my breast size
(which were D-cups). Hence – I’m not really sure how it progressed, while I was in night school and later
during day classes I’d grown my brown-curly hair longer, started wearing my large framed glasses instead
of my contact lenses (my eyes otherwise got tired from all the reading), and also wore large, bulky button-
down shirts to draw attention away from my breasts. The unwanted attraction of the part of the juveniles
finally started to wane by the time I’d finished my freshman year and depleted pretty much altogether
by the time I was halfway through my sophomore year. I had at that point gotten used to a rather heavy
work (over 30+ hours a week) schedule, and full time course load. As a result, I didn’t have much time to
myself, but I was so heavily dedicated to my work and studies in school that it seemingly didn’t matter.
That started to change, when I started taking statistics in that second semester, when I noticed a guy
I hadn’t seen around before named Greg.

He was easily over 6 feet tall with a natural build – it looked like he had the kind of body shape similar to that
you’d expect of a swimmer, brown slightly curly hair, striking blue eyes, and a wonderful smile. I guessed
he was close to my age (28), seemed really smart, always prepared for class, asked really good
questions, and was very articulate. I’d begun to notice him more and more around campus, and I found
we shared more classes as the first week of the semester progressed, three in all.

I had made friends with some of the other women in my age group, and we had all noted the lack of available(age wise) men. The one guy that was available in our age group the first year I was in school had the same general mentality of the teenagers, and the other women considered him to be kind of a creep. Several of us were having lunch in the commuter cafeteria (where there was always a lot of room) when Greg walked in and got in line to get something to eat. One of the other women pointed him out and asked who he was, and I mentioned that he was in my statistics, history, and government classes. One of the others said he was in her astronomy class and that she’d learned from one of her friends that he was a computer science major (In that school, that was a tough set of courses). Anyway, he came back with a slice of pizza and a drink, sat at one of the tables near us, and gave us all a smile before settling in to eat and read.

Eventually, he’d recognized us from classes, got to know who we all were (and us him), and we all started
wondering if he was seeing anyone. One of my girlfriends found out that he was taking a calculus course at
night, and knew a married woman (Nancy – also in her late 20’s) in his class, who’d become friendly with him. Thats when we found out they’d become friends, and she’d found out in the course of their discussions that he’d broken off with a long-time girlfriend not too long before.

Anyway, he soon became part of our group, where we all found him charming, very funny, and really smart.
Eventually, we got to a point where we were wondering if he’d get around to asking any of us out, but it wasn’t easy to get him alone. Then one day I had been visiting one of my instructors, and noticed that Greg was in one of the statistics labs, working with one of the tutors. I still had a lot of work to do in statistics, and had my books with me. I saw the tutor get up and go off to see someone else, so I went in and sat at the same table with him and pulled my books out – he looked up at me, gave me a wonderful smile, and said “welcome to the party!”.

As the next hour went by, more and more folks gradually left (dinner was starting at the cafeteria, and since
we were both commuters that didn’t apply to us) and we were eventually left alone. Greg got up
to stretch, pace, and take a short break – so we started to chat alone for the first time. Indeed this was a very
interesting guy – he was a musician and in a band, didn’t have to work while in school, and mentioned that
shortly he was going to take off for the athletic center. I mentioned they had a real nice one, and that I used it
to work out and do aerobics. I got up and stretched long and hard – with my back turned to him, while he
mentioned that he used the pool (I knew it!) to swim laps and keep his head on straight – and was overdue
for a workout.

Anyway, we finished up, said good night and went our separate ways. It was getting late on a Friday,
and I headed back to my place for a date with my VCR, and later, my vibrator.

Several months went by where he and the rest of us all would get together to study, and as I got to know him
I’d found that he wasn’t just intelligent, he was brilliant. His course work earned the respect of all of his
classmates and his instructors, he had an aura of easy confidence and a wonderful sense of humor that
I found increasingly attractive. And then one weekend, after mid-terms, I was struck with a minor personal
disaster when my vibrator broke. All at once, I’d come to the realization that I was starving for male attention,
and that my vibrator, especially now that it was busted, was a poor substitute. And I started thinking about
Greg more and more – but realized also that he wasn’t likely to notice me when I’d gone to the trouble to
hide myself to prevent unwanted attention from the frat-boys. Now I had to figure out how I’d get him to notice me while not attracting unwanted attention from the others.

But then the semester ended, and we all went off to do whatever we did during the summer. For me, it
was working at my family business. Greg had mentioned he’d landed an internship at a local firm, and was
eager to get away from the grind of school.


I first met Ellen when I went to statistics class, which was a brutally boring and demanding class all at the same time. Being a requirement, it wasn’t like I could avoid it, so I resolved to still do the very best I could.

That first day, Ellen was sitting across the aisle from me, and she had this huge shock of brown curly hair
that had just slightly silvering accents. She also wore these enormous glasses, and a red button down shirt
that looked like something resembling a tent. I of course noticed all the girls I was in class with, being a
normal healthy male, and many of them while cute, were in many respects breathtakingly immature. Ellen
was clearly older than them, and when I looked at her hands and got a closer look at her (without being too
obvious) It seemed to be she was perhaps a lot thinner than I’d originally thought.

I soon found out that she shared three classes with me, and started to see her around more. Eventually, she
showed up at the statistics lab, where I sometimes went to study, because not only weren’t there many people there (and sometimes less noisy than the library), but the graduate student tutors were also there. Hence – if you had questions you could get answers quickly (and a few of them were pretty cute! – since I was older than the vast majority of underclassmen, the grad students were much more age appropriate and mature). Anyway, Ellen sat down at the same table I was sitting at, said hello and got to work. Eventually, everyone else left until it was the two of us, and we’d chat about various topics while taking the occasional break. Eventually, we both took off, and I went to the pool to swim a mile – which always seemed to help clear out my head. But one thing I noticed: when Ellen got up to stretch, she turned away and stretched her arms high almost to the lower beam of the ceiling (which was comparatively low), exposing not only that she was wearing black leggings, but when her oversized shirt lifted, it revealed that she had a most wonderful ass, nicely shaped hips, and a slender waist. That was when I realized she was wearing oversized shirts with lots of bulk, and was hiding what I suspected to be some impressive breasts.

I then looked at her even more carefully, and realized that under that pile of hair and huge glasses were some very nice eyes and a very pretty face. It was the librarian look, all prudish, but who then turns into a stunner when she removes her glasses, etc. I was becoming more intrigued – but had so much to do I tucked that nugget of information away for later use.

When the semester finished, I found myself working at an internship over the summer. After working all summer, I was still in school full time, but was now working as well. Pretty soon, I found myself completely engaged and working either at my job or school – and it was largely non-stop. Essentially, it got to a point to where I was either sleeping, going to/from school, in class, eating, or studying.

I went into the cafeteria on a Wednesday during midterms, and ran into Ellen. We’d gotten to know each other pretty well, and while she was still wearing the oversize shirts, but she’d gotten her hair styled, and was apparently wearing contacts. And I noticed, her blouse was smaller than the monster-sized shirts she always seemed prone to wear, and she looked really nice (and I told her so, which earned me a nice smile). We both got some coffee and hung around to do some work, and while taking a break, I’d mentioned how little time there was for anything other than school or work.


Getting back to school in the fall was something I’d been looking forward to, because while I liked working with the folks at my fathers company, I was really getting lonely, and wanted to get back with the folks that were my own age. I quite frankly, was very interested in seeing if Greg was still there, as the few guys I dated over the summer went nowhere.

He was there, still (apparently) not seeing anyone, and was looking great. As the semester wore on I found
out he was working (like me) and doing the same crazy hours I was. Hence, we started to occasionally
commiserate over the constant work/no play schedules we both shared.

Mom, who I was still working with at the office part-time, came by my desk, announced that she was
going to get her hair done at a different salon one of her friends had recommended. She asked me to come
along and I was kind of reluctant, but she took my head in her hands, and said: “Ellen darling, your father and I were discussing that you haven’t had a real boyfriend for ages, and part of that might be due to the fact that you’re hiding your self under a ton of hair…”. We can hardly see your eyes, and think you need to get out more. C’mon – I’ll call them and see if they have room – if so – you come with me and I’ll buy. They did and off we went. The salon was really nice – and the young lady who they assigned to me was super nice and very pretty – exactly what the doctor (well, my mom) ordered. After looking me over she suggested that I let her style my hair to frame my face and take better advantage of my features. As she cut my hair she mentioned that I was very pretty, and said I should consider something other that a XXL mans shirt for a blouse.

I told her about some of the creepier frat boys as school, and that I really didn’t want to draw that kind of
attention to myself.

She smiled and said “look – you can buy bras that de-emphasize the size of your breasts, and be more careful about what kind of clothing you choose. But there’s no reason why you can’t look pretty.” Anyway we continued chatting while she did my hair, and when she finished I had to admit it looked really nice. Then she mentioned “all you have to do now is get rid of those awful glasses.” I told he that I had contacts and she said that would likely make a big difference.

Later in the week (Wednesday), I ran into Greg in the cafeteria during a particularly long run of studying, work, and exams. I happened to take the advice from Jennie, and was wearing a smaller sized blouse (with a new bra), my contacts, and a set of new jeans. I was trying to see if he noticed the change, when he mentioned that my hair looked really nice. I gave him a big smile and said thanks – and mentioned that I was looking forward to the upcoming long weekend to catch up on sleep and maybe relax a bit.

Greg agreed and told me about more of his work schedule, plus school, and that time to relax was all too rare. So I nodded, and said that my co-workers and family wondered what I did for fun, to which I replied “social life – what social life? – all I seem to do is work, school, study, and sleep…”

Then Greg said – “hey – why don’t’ we sneak out Sunday afternoon and get a pizza? I know a great place on the other side of town, but its worth the ride. Can you go?”. I just about flipped, and tried to maintain my composure as my mind raced, and told him that I had stuff planned but that I thought I could get out of it… I excused myself to go to the powder room and make a phone call, turning myself away from him to squeeze between the tables. I picked up my purse, gave him a little smile, and walked off to the restroom area, where there was also a phone. I called my mom, who I had arrangements with to do some work, and said “mom – I need to get out of doing work on Sunday afternoon.”. She said “why – we really need to get the end of the month stuff squared away, and your dad is looking to finance the expansion of the office.”. I answered “mom, this guy I really like at school just asked me out for Sunday afternoon and…”. My mother cut me off and said “say no more – its about time – who is he?”.

I told her quickly about Greg – how I really liked him, he’s really smart, I’ve known him for a while and he’d literally just asked me out two minutes ago – and I was seeing if I could get out of what I had to do with her so I could go with him.

She told me to go for it.

I went back to the table, squeezed back in, smiled at Greg and said “we’re on”. He took down my address, I gave him my phone number, agreed to a 4:00pm time, and chatted a little more before we both decided it was time to go. He and I both walked out of the building where the cafeteria was and were both heading in the same direction. He walked me down to my car – both of us chatting all the way. I already knew I liked him, and that I was super busy. I also knew I was super horny and desperately needed to get laid. Hence – I really hoped this would work out.


So when Ellen mentioned how busy she was (I had done the same) and here we had a rare long weekend coming up, and might finally get a chance to relax a little. I hadn’t been seeing anyone steadily, and she popped out with a comment like “people ask me what I do for fun, and I’m like, social life? what’s that?'”

So I suggested that maybe we sneak off and get a pizza at a joint I knew on the other side of town on Sunday afternoon. She seemed to like the idea, but had to see if she could get out of whatever she had to do.

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