

Gail Holmes

Rebecca and her father were very close, she’d could never remember her mother, she and her father had separated when she was very young, but it never bothered her not having a mum about, her father seemed to be well educated in all aspects of the female. Although as far as Rebecca was concerned she’d never known her father to date or even see another woman. They’d lived in the Cotswold, a part of England that was much loved but tourists and holidaymakers. Her College years had been trying, mainly because of her shyness with the opposite sex, at College she couldn’t get on with the boy’s at all, okay she was very beautiful, admired by all, the beauty of Rebecca was her colour, being that her father was born and bred in the Caribbean, his skin was fairly dark, but her mother was born in England, needless to say, Rebecca’s own skin was of a lovely bronzed effect, with blonde hair matched with her brown eye’s most of the girls envied her for her colouring and looks. Baccas, her father was a kindly person, Rebecca had wanted for nothing over the years, she had great respect for her father

Friends who were asked to her home, never regarded Baccas as her father, many thought of him as her step father, her own colouring was nowhere near as dark as his own.

It wasn’t until she’d left college that she took a liking to Jerry, they’d met at the gym she was one for workouts, her body honed to perfection, as a young woman, many a man lusted after her and her body. Jerry and her father got on well together, even went fishing, a fellow fisherman was just what her father needed, although it did become a problem to Rebecca from time to time, especially if she wanted to go out. Fishing was completely taboo to her, although she had gone with her father in her younger years.

Jerry had popped the question at the nightclub a couple of weeks ago, sex to Rebecca was out of the question, to many of her friends had informed her as to how painful it could be, having never had it, she was adamant, that she’d stay a virgin until much later in time, even until she married, her friendship with Jerry was close, but never had she allowed him sex, yes they’d petted but that was as far as it went. Never did she realise just as to how Jerry suffered; a finger that’s as far as she’d let him go, needless, when he got home he’d have a dam good pull on his cock. However she did enjoy his petting, it’s just that she felt she wasn’t ready yet to take it further.

Baccas was planning ahead, a surprise party for Rebecca was his prime idea, he’d invited some of her friends including Jerry, so far no one had let it leak out, Rebecca knew nothing of it. Jerry did speculate if this would be the time that she’d give in to him.

The morning of her birthday arrived, Rebecca had had a lie in, being her birthday and Saturday as well she considered it to be her right.

“Hi Dad, you didn’t mind me having a lay in did you?” Rebecca smiled sitting down in an armchair opposite Baccas.

Baccas looked up from over his paper easing his glasses down his nose. “Not at all sweetheart, big day for you today then, what are your plans?”

“Non really, I’m meeting up with Jerry at three this afternoon, I don’t know for certain as to what plans his made”

“I’ll get you a cuppa, it will freshen you up!” Baccas stood as he spoke placing his paper onto the coffee table in front of him.

Rebecca picked up the mail, which was lying on the table to the right of her, sorting out her own from them.

“Nice lot of cards!” Baccas inferred as he came back into the room, donning a tray with two cups of tea on it “More than I’d expected?” he implied, setting the tray down then easing himself back into his chair.

“It’s nice to think I’m so popular!” Rebecca smiled toward him. “There’s even one from Elaine, she’s in the states at present.

“I did wonder on that one, being as it was airmail!”

“It has a lovely verse in it!” Rebecca stood and walked over to his armchair sitting on its arm. “Here see what you think?” She handed him the card, whilst going through others.

Baccas read the words and was about to hand the card back, but as he turned toward her he couldn’t but help noticing the front of her housecoat had opened, he’d full view of her firm breast. It wasn’t as if he’d not seen them before as he had, but today she was of age. He did wonder if she’d give herself to Jerry today, the thought sent pulsations through his dormant cock. Suddenly Rebecca looked up from her card, noting that her father had not spoken, and he seemed transfixed. It was then she realised as to why.

“I’m sorry Dad, I didn’t realise!” Rebecca alleged apologetically pulling the flaps of the housecoat together as she spoke.

“Don’t be sorry sweetheart, it was a pleasure! You’ve grown into a beautiful young woman” Baccas crossed his legs as he spoke, in the hope that his erection had not been visible to her.


“I mean it, you are. I’m sure your mother would be proud of your looks! The world is your oyster now, you’re of the age were you can take decisions for yourself”

“What your saying is that I’m of the age of consent?” Rebecca smiled.

“Well that as well; but I didn’t like to say!”

“To hell with that Dad, I’m not going on the pill to alter my lifestyle, just because I’m of age as you put it!”

“Haven’t you thought about it, I mean you’re a very attractive young woman?”

Rebecca did think for a few moments before she replied, her thoughts went back to her college days and some of her girlfriends, they’d often informed her that sex was good, especially when a guy blew his load, the sensation was out of this world she’d been told. But she wasn’t going to go on the pill just for that.

“What girl doesn’t Dad, but as I said I’m not going on the pill just so a guy can take his pleasure from me!”

“You don’t have to go on the pill, there’s always condoms!” Her father suggested.

“From what I’ve heard, you only get half the pleasure with those. Most girls like to think they’d have the real thing!”

“I’m not with you, how say you the real thing?” Baccas hadn’t heard of this remark before.

“Come on Dad, the real thing, that’s when a guy cums, and does it inside a girl, that’s what’s meant by the real thing. If I have it that’s what I want!”

“Your saying that if you could have a guy cum up you without being on the pill, that would suit you?”

“T’would suit me fine, as long as I didn’t have to go on the pill, but to do that I’d have to make sure that the boy was unproductive before I started, and how would I know that?”

“I’ll agree with you there, but if you could have an infertile one, for the real thing as you call it, and use another with a condom; how would you feel then?”

“Dad, come on how can I do that, I mean who am I going to ask. No boy is going to tell a girl that are they?”

“Perhaps not, but there is another way!”

Rebecca looked into her fathers eyes, did he know something that she didn’t, how could this be possible, you’d have to find out someway, and how could you be sure, she contemplated. If a boy wanted her bad enough he’d say he was unproductive just to get into her knickers.

“Another way? I’m not with you?”

“Well it stands to reason, you’ve to find a fellow who’s had a vasectomy!”

“I’d still have to ask, wouldn’t I. You really think a guy would tell me that?”

“Well I would; to be honest, a lot of girls who are in the same mind as your own have gone for this alternative. They know their safe so to speak!”

“How do I find that out? D’you know of anyone?”

“As a matter of fact I do!”

“Dad, I can’t just pick anyone, I’d have to have some feelings toward him; even if it was for just once in a while! Who is this guy then?”

“You say it would have to be someone you’d feelings for?”

“Don’t beat about the bush; yes I’d have to feel that way of course!”

“Then I’m your man!”

Rebecca was somewhat taken a back by his proposal, yes of course she’d feeling for him he was her father, but sex with your father. However, who would know!”

“You’re telling me you’ve had the vasectomy?”

“Why yes, a matter of fact I have!”

“But why, I mean you and mother haven’t been together for years, why would you have that done?”

“T’was your mothers idea, she’d wanted but one child and that was you!”

Rebecca thought over his words, in some way the idea appealed to her, nevertheless she’d always been told that black men have to a large extent oversized cocks.

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