Reading Allowed, Pt.1
Reading Allowed, Pt.1
Sex Story Author: | zenmackie |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Marie thought wildly as the store owner, who now seemed bigger and even more enigmatic in the dim light, hustled |
Sex Story Category: | BDSM |
Sex Story Tags: | BDSM, Blowjob, Bondage and restriction, Coercion, Consensual Sex, Cruelty, Domination/submission, Erotica, Fiction, Humiliation, Male/Female, Oral Sex, Spanking |
By lamignonne and Zenmackie
She thought, for perhaps the 10th time since getting into the car, Just play it cool, but the more she admonished herself to act natural, the more self-conscious she got. When she parked her car at the bookstore and got out, she looked like any other undergrad with her backpack, jeans, and flip flops, bent on a night of study at the Barnes & Noble. No one had any reason to look at her—but she couldn’t help feeling that everyone in the parking lot, and then in the store, could tell that her pussy was already warming and twitching in anticipation.
She could feel it throbbing as she casually strolled down one of the aisles. Without meaning to, she saw her own plump pussy lips in her mind’s eye, delicately enclosed in her most adorable pair of panties, the pink lacy pair with the matching bra that she’d put on earlier in the evening—though she wasn’t quite sure why she had.
No one was going to see her lingerie. Marie didn’t have a boyfriend, wasn’t even dating anyone. In fact, she’d been spending more time with her professors lately than the students her own age. She was doing brilliantly in school—had turned in a paper just last week that her English Lit professor wanted her to try to publish. It was a particularly inspired explication that pointed out the rape imagery in the poetry of John Donne. Yes, that was her focus right now—school, and her backpack loaded with assignments.
There was just one thing to do first. Marie lingered in the literature section, letting her fingers skim along the rows of titles, pausing every now and then to take out a book and examine it, as if browsing. Except her heartbeat kept getting louder and louder as she progressed through the rows of alphabetized authors’ names… Porter… Pyle … Ratliffe … There. Ann Rice—The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty. With a quick look around, making sure she was unobserved, Marie soundlessly slid the slim book off the shelf with hands that had gone clammy. She clutched it against her chest, her arm effectively obscuring the title and plot synopsis on the back cover.
Marie made her way to a cluster of armchairs grouped invitingly around a little coffee table. There was an elderly woman already there, and Marie experienced an agonizing moment of indecision about whether to make eye contact with her. The old lady looked up and nodded at her, and Marie managed a weak smile as she slipped off her backpack and slid into the chair opposite. She carefully spread open her book on her knees, leaned forward, and began to read.
Despite her precautions, Marie hadn’t been entirely unnoticed by the staff and customers at the bookstore. Despite her unremarkable clothes, her blonde hair pulled back into two French braids, her petite, slender figure, and her pretty green eyes behind her glasses were enough to catch the attention of at least a few of the males present. Then there was the way her expression changed as she read. While Marie was reading about the Prince making Beauty walk naked alongside his horse, or tying her naked outside a tavern for the villagers to fondle and gawk at while he slaked his thirst inside, her eyes would grow rounder and rounder, and her skin would flush perceptibly. She appeared utterly absorbed in her dirty story, and to at least one interested observer, she seemed to be squirming a bit in her chair.
He knew exactly which book she was reading—and even had a fair idea of where she was in the story—because this wasn’t the first time he had observed her reading it.
And he was quite familiar with the book himself.
He wondered if she had any idea how obvious she was. The rhythmic way her legs moved slightly apart and then together, slowly or quickly depending on what she read, her occasionally ragged breathing and the way she unconsciously rubbed her palms against her thighs made her arousal evident to anyone who was paying attention.
He had been paying attention. Oh, yes. And he thought this might be the night he’d allow her to know it.
Marie finally tore herself away from the book, telling herself sternly it was time to get to work studying. But she was feeling pretty desperate. Her pussy was so hungry it was all she could do not to put her hand there and press for even just a moment to get some relief—and she knew she’d already been moving her hips while she read, wriggling her ass like some whore. Maybe she could step into the bathroom for just a minute… Get a grip, she thought.
She was ashamed at herself for feeling so out of control. Normally she managed everything and was so responsible, completing her assignments early, always making it to class on time—hell, she even ate a balanced diet. What was it about this book—this fantasy, the bound, naked, and helpless princess, that so obsessed her? Why didn’t she get this excited when boys her own age kissed her or fondled her, in their fumbling way, at parties or during the few dates she’d been on?
Pressing her hands against her burning cheeks for a moment, Marie prepared herself for the next challenge—putting the cursed book back where it went with no one the wiser. The old lady had left, but there was a middle-aged woman sitting next to her now, and a mother arguing with her teenaged daughter in an aisle nearby. One night, when there was a bigger crowd around her in this same store, she’d made a show of getting something out of her backpack and then discreetly shoved the book into the chair cushions out of sight rather than risk putting it back on the shelf. She’d agonized for days about what the store employee who’d found it must have thought, prayed whoever it was hadn’t noticed her sitting there earlier. But tonight the store seemed empty enough for her to risk it.
Taking care to hold the book so as to conceal its cover, Marie stood, shrugged her backpack on, and walked carefully in the direction of the Fiction section. With her arms crossed across her chest, she had to resist the urge to squeeze her own breasts—and was disgusted with herself for having the impulse in the first place. Truly, the sooner she got the book back in place and had some dry school text in front of her—preferably seated on a cold, hard chair—the better off she’d be. But she couldn’t rush this. She’d die of shame if anyone found out what she’d been reading so raptly.
Marie was relieved to see that the Ann Rice row was empty. Without relaxing her guard, she made straight for the telltale gap where she’d removed the Beauty story from the tightly packed shelves. No one was in sight—this was not the moment to take her time pretending to browse. Gingerly, without making a sound, she reached up and slid the book back into place—and suddenly knew there was someone right behind her.
Her breath catching in her throat, Marie spun around in panic, only to find herself staring at a very near, very male chest.
Above that chest was a dark, close-trimmed beard, shot through with gray, within which was a mouth with a slight, ironic smile.
But it was the eyes that gripped her and held her there, speechless. Not that there was anything particularly special about his eyes, in and of themselves; they were blue-gray and bright with intelligence beneath heavy eyebrows and a broad forehead. Their expression was friendly, with a hint of amusement.
But what was making it difficult for Marie to breathe was the overwhelming sense she had, from the way he was looking at her, that this man knew her—knew her in a way nobody else did; knew her better than she knew herself.
She knew who he was, though not by name. This was his store and he was usually there. He had often been at the register when she had bought books so there had been the kind of brief exchanges that accompanied such transactions. But she had never paid much attention to how he looked, other than finding him vaguely attractive in an older-guy kind of way, and wouldn’t have thought he had ever taken particular notice of her either.
Until now.
His voice, when he spoke, was casual—but somehow intimate, as if the two of them had had many conversations before.
“I see you’re an Ann Rice fan,” he said, glancing briefly at the shelf behind her.
Marie’s sense of panic ratcheted up a notch. Had she put the book all the way back onto the shelf? Had he seen?
“…And not an ordinary Ann Rice fan, either,” he continued, reaching over her head and plucking The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty from its place. “A…connoisseur, shall we say.”
And with that he flipped open the book, leaned towards Marie and to her astonishment read her a paragraph from the very page she had been reading. A paragraph that had made her flush when she had read it to herself, but now, hearing it read out loud to her by a man she hardly knew, struck her absolutely white.
Marie wanted to run. Brush past this man who knew too much about her, hurry out of the store and never return.
But then he closed the book and returned it to its place behind her. And when he lowered his hand he rested it lightly on her shoulder then placed his other hand on her other shoulder.
Holding her in his gaze he used his thumbs to slide the straps of her backpack off her shoulders. The sudden noise as it hit the floor made her jump, but he steadied her with his hands.
He leaned in close and said, “Stay here.”
Then he turned away from her, walked to the center of the store and announced, “Closing time, ladies and gentlemen. Closing time.”
Marie stood rooted to the spot, numb with shock. Good Lord, the worst possible thing had just happened. Not only had she been caught reading porn, but she’d been caught by him, the store owner, this—this magnetic man who was not going to let this go. She felt shaken to the core, recalling his voice in her ear, reading aloud the words, the images, that made her feel such powerful arousal. Oh, God, how did he know?
Suddenly Marie realized that she was standing there with her mouth hanging open. She became aware that the store’s customers were trickling out, some grumbling, but no one attempting to question the man’s announcement. And they were leaving her… alone with him. How much time had she wasted standing there like an idiot? He was close, but his back was to her. She should be long gone—surely there was a back door, or an emergency exit, or something.
Feeling strangely weak, Marie forced herself to move and started edging towards the opposite end of the aisle, away from him. That last command of his—stay here—kept echoing in her head, and she thought she could still feel his hands on her shoulders, holding her still. It had been a gentle touch, but, combined with the heat of his intense gaze, a compelling one. She had almost reached the end of the row, and was just about to duck around the corner and make a run for it, when he turned around and looked at her.
Marie felt pinned. And when he started striding purposefully towards her, she couldn’t help letting out a little squeak of terror. But he just reached down and grabbed her backpack off the floor where she had left it. Giving her that same twisted smile, he walked off with it, out of her sight.
Oh, shit. Now what? How could she have forgotten to pick up her bag? It had everything in it—her wallet, her keys, not to mention her expensive textbooks. She couldn’t just leave it here, even if she found another way out of this damn store. Get a grip, Marie, she said to herself. She was acting like a frightened child. So he embarrassed you—so what? She was just going to march right up to him and demand her stuff back. Just as soon as she could breathe again. She could hear the last couple of customers going out the doors. And then the lights went off.
Or most of them, at least. The soft, spot lighting in the caf?rea and the children’s section stayed on, plus a few scattered fluorescent lights, left on for security, she imagined. For a brief, crazy moment, Marie wondered if he’d just left her in the store alone—locked the door behind him and gone. But no, he’d told her to stay put, implying that they had unfinished business. Well, she wasn’t going to stay here, cowering in this dark aisle, for one second longer. She was taking control of this situation right now. Squaring her shoulders, she took three determined steps out into the store—and was promptly caught by the arm.
Jesus, how did he just come out of nowhere like that?
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