
Rape Bait

Superheroine Volunteers To Get Raped To Catch Rapists

M & M

Rape Bait

Chapter One

The Mayor’s Rape Plan & Negotiating A Cuckolding


The following story contains elements of an adult nature, and those under 21 years of age, or those who are offended by graphic fighting, bondage, non-consensual sex, rape and wonderfully extreme promiscuity, should read no further.

Everyone else, please proceed and enjoy the plights of our heroine’s as they look incredibly voluptuous, gorgeous and scantily clad, while they strive to make society safe from evil doers and, too often, get beaten, raped and totally debauched by their repulsive, disgusting opponents, in the pursuit of their worthy goals.

1. Rapist’s Sex Bait & Arranging For Payback (Cuckoldry):

Mike heard his secretary’s voice on the intercom announce, “The Governor is on line 2 for you Mr. Mayor.” Mike grabbed the phone and greeted his long-time political leader, ally, friend, and the Godfather of the Democratic Party, “Hello Governor.”

Bill’s voice boomed out in response, “Hey, mother fucker, those god damned rapists in your city have got me in a hell of a bind.”

“Ever since day before yesterday when State Senator Weiner went public with the claim that his wife was raped and beaten up by three guys in one of those cheap, fleabag motels you’ve got down there in San Diego, I have been getting nothing but grief from every newspaper, TV station and do-gooder in the whole god damned state.”

The angry Governor blustered on, “Of course that bastard Weiner didn’t bother to tell the press what really happened. That his wife let herself be lured to the motel room to cheat on her little dicked husband, and her blind date turned out to be three perverted rapists.”

When the aggravated Governor stopped to take a breath, the Mayor interjected, “Sorry about you getting caught up in this storm of bad publicity, Governor but, believe me, I have been catching the same kind of flack down here.”

“Well I don’t want to hear about your god damned problems, Mike, I want you to get off your ass and do something to catch those MILF fuckin’ rapists and get the heat off of me, and quick,” he barked. “This is an election year and I don’t need this kind of shit, right now.”

Choking down a shot of whiskey, the Governor went on, “Now have you got some quick answers as to how you are going to catch these assholes and get things back to normal, where it’s safe for wives to go out and cheat on their husbands in cheap motels, without the fear of being raped by some mother fuckin’ pervert?”

“Yes, Governor, I have come up with a plan that I guarantee is going to work, and I have already started putting it into action. And, my friend, I know that it is a plan that you are going to approve of, and enjoy the hell out of,” Mike promised.

“Great, tell me what you’re going to do, old buddy, and make me feel better about all this crap,” the Governor urged, his curiosity peaked?

“I am going to use one of our super heroines as sex bait to catch the pissant rapists, in the act of committing the crime,” Mayor Mike declared, proudly.

After spending a few moments savoring what the Mayor was proposing, the Governor’s face broke out into a broad grin and he said happily, “God damn I love the sound of the words superheroine sex bait and perverted rapists being used in the same sentence.”

“I thought you would,” Mike laughed, “that’s why I decided on using a superheroine as the cornerstone of my plan.”

Continuing to mull over the Mayor’s superheroine idea in his mind, the Governor asked, “By the way Mike, just to be perfectly clear, I am assuming that, by offering up the superheroine as sex bait, you mean that she is going to get beaten, fucked and be forced to perform all sorts of filthy sex acts, while she’s helping us catch these sick perverts?”

“That is exactly what I mean,” the Mayor crowed. “I knew that dangling one of our super babes out there as rape bait was exactly what you would want me to do, you raunchy, womanizing old SOB. I figured that, for the amount of flack we are catching, we deserve to have ourselves a little X-rated fun while we’re solving this problem for the citizens of our beloved state.”

“Damn, Mike, I love it. It’s hotter and dirtier than hell. Now tell me which superheroine you are planning to use for this disgusting, depraved job,” the Governor asked eagerly.” “None other than The Blonde Avenger,” Mike proclaimed.

“Oh man, what a perfect god damned choice. That smoking hot bitch has the best body I have ever seen. The rapists are going to love working that gorgeous, statuesque, super-hot bitch over, and degrading the hell out of her.”

The excited Governor hurried on, “Damn, I have been wanting to sink my gourd into that magnificent slut ever since I saw her super stacked curves, for the first time, at some fuckin’ awards banquet that one of those hair-brained, pansy sniffing, Hollywood “save the world” groups put on.”

”I remember, just like it was yesterday, that she was wearing a tiny little gold costume that showed off so much of her flesh that she looked like she was a walking advertisement for tits, ass and thighs.”

“Every cock in the whole god damned place had a boner, even the homos. She had such a sensuous look on her erotic face that it looked like she was begging to have a cock stuck in her mouth,” the Governor drooled, rubbing his crotch at the vivid memory.

His mind now racing, the Governor suddenly asked, “Damn, Mike, if I remember my facts right, isn’t she the one who’s married to that frigging asshole, Saul Feinberg.”

“You got it right, Bill, she’s Saul’s incredible beyond belief, trophy wife,” Mike confirmed.

“And wasn’t she your girlfriend, a long time ago?” “Yes she was.” “And didn’t you tell me that she fucks even better than she looks?”

“Best fuck I ever had, bar none, and her blow jobs are absolutely indescribable. The gorgeous honey even makes shaking hands sluttier than hell.”

The Governor’s demeanor suddenly brightened, and he said, “God damn, what a lucky fuckin’ break this rape problem might turn out to be for me.”

“Her being the wife of that rich Republican smartass could mean that I can take advantage of this rape epidemic situation and get me some payback for that shithead Feinberg always giving me a hard time, publicly,” he howled into the phone with glee.

His deeply felt anger returning, the Governor went on, with a nasty streak of venom, “As you well know, for years that lousy bastard, Feinberg, has given me nothing but grief with his non-stop public criticism of me and everything I do. Plus the pompous ass has financially supported my opponent in every election I’ve been in, and has never given my campaign a god damned nickel.”

Again choking on his anger, an anger that was apparently caused mostly by the fact that Feinberg had never put any money in the Governor’s coffers, the riled up Governor asked, “Does that rich prick know that his wife is a superheroine?” “Absolutely,” the Mayor affirmed.

“So the arrogant Republican, piece of shit is going to know that we have his wife staked out as sex bait for the rapists, and that she is going to get fucked over, but good, while she’s trying to help us catch these vicious perverts,” the Governor asked hopefully?

“Yeah, he will know. She has told me that she tells him every detail of what she does as a superheroine, blow by blow and in graphic detail,” the Mayor assured him. “She says that he loves to hear about all of it, and doesn’t consider what happens to her sexually, as a super heroine, as constituting her cheating on him.”

“Well, shit, that’s a hell of a note,” the Governor responded with disappointment. He thought for a minute, then said, “Well, even if Saul doesn’t consider her super heroine activities as being her cheating on him, at least he is going to know that I am the calling the shots on how his superheroine wife is being used and abused, and that I am the one responsible for making her go through all of the demeaning things she is going to be forced to do by these professional rapist creeps.”

“And knowing that will certainly fry his ass,” he concluded happily, smashing his fist down of the top of his desk, with a vengeance.

Lost in vindictive thought for a few moments, the Governor finally said to the Mayor, “Mike, if the Republican prick thinks that his wife’s superheroine activities don’t constitute cheating on him, then in order for me to be able to cuckold him, she’d have to agree to let me fuck her in her civilian role.”

“Sounds like that is the only alternative you’ve got, Bill,” the Mayor answered, nodding his head. “Well I’ve got no problem with that. She’ll just have to get fucked both ways, and I will enjoy making sure that the gorgeous cunt gets it both ways.”

With malice of forethought, he went on, “Well, there is no reason to waste any time. Since we are going to be working very closely with Mona, to solve this rape problem, there is no better time than today for me to nail her fantastic body and cuckold that Republican shithead, but good.”

Now having his thoughts crystal clear in his mind, the Governor went on excitedly, “So Mike, let’s do this, ole buddy. I am at my ranch about 20 miles north of you, and I’ll be free for the rest of the day, beginning at 2PM. You drive up here and meet me, then, and tell that gorgeous, blonde, superheroine Cunt to have her package of sex goodies here at the same time.”

“Then the three of us can have a nice little sit down meeting and discuss the full scope of your sex bait plan to catch the rapists. You can go over, with the two of us, all the dirty details of what her responsibilities will be, in performing her “I get fucked” rape bait role,” he said, with a ghoulish sound of pleasure in his voice.

“Now while you are telling us everything about the plan, I want to be feeling Saul’s trophy wife up and then proceed on to violating every hole she’s got, as I cuckold the hell out of her Jew bastard husband,” he said menacingly.

Speaking almost like a Mafia Boss, the Governor said, “By cuckolding the Republican hot shot bastard, I will prove again that nobody gets away with opposing and attacking me, Mike, and those who do try, end up paying one hell of a price for doing so, or at least their wives do.”

The impassioned Democratic Party Godfather then quickly softened his tone and said to his closest friend; “Now, Mike, I am going to need your help to pull this cuckolding off.”

“I know that you still have a thing going for your former girlfriend, The Blonde Avenger, but for me to get to do what I have in mind for today, I am going to have to count on you to sweet talk her into giving it up to me, and letting me cuckold her asshole husband. Now can I count on you to do that for your old political buddy?”

Mike let out a loud guffaw, and said, “So you are telling me that you want me to pimp her out to you?” “Yes,” the Governor admitted, just a little chagrined.

“Well, of course I will, Bill. You know I am on your team, first and foremost, and that no hot fuckin’ piece of tail will ever get in the way of that. I’ll pimp the gorgeous Cunt out to you, no matter what my feelings might be for her, and you can ball the hell out of her, any way you want, and I’ll watch you do it,” he promised his leader.

“Fantastic, now do you think that you can talk her into doing this on such short notice,” the Governor asked hopefully.

“Well, it may take some real arm twisting, on my part, but what will help me be persuasive with her is the fact that, being the pure female prick teaser that Mona is, when she finds out that a Governor wants her to give it up to him, I know that her ego won’t let her pass up the opportunity of adding you to her list of sexual conquests. Even if it means cuckolding her husband with someone he truly hates,” Mike said confidently.

“Even a woman as beautiful, confident and experienced as Mona, can’t ever pass up the chance to let a powerful man, who wants her body, real bad, take her and use her any way he wants too.”

“When it gets right down to it, like every other truly gorgeous, stacked woman, Mona, no matter her accomplishments, is a still a Cunt who can’t overcome the fact that she was put here on earth to be fucked, especially by powerful men.”

“So knowing all about her natural female vanity and ego weakness’s, ones that are shared by all females, I am positive that, with a little shove from me, she’ll give in to the temptation of you wanting to do her, and will end up agreeing to give you all the gratification you want, by willingly cheating on her husband, with you, and letting you cuckold the hell out of him, in spite of the fact that she knows that Saul hates your guts,” Mike explained to his mentor. “Believe me; the Cunt won’t be able to help herself.”

“So don’t worry about a thing, Governor, I am almost positive that Mona and I will be at your ranch at 2PM today and that it won’t be long after that, before you’ll have your shaft buried in some part of her body, cuckolding her husband like the god damned vindictive vulture that you are.”

The emboldened Governor, leapt out of his chair and yelled into the phone, “God damn I love the way all these gorgeous, round-heeled sluts think. The stupid bitches just have to give it up to a celebrity, no matter what. Jesus, is it ever great to be the Governor of California,” he laughed uproariously, with his hand wrapped around 12 inches of thick, rock solid meat.

2. Negotiating For A Cuckolding / The Cuckolding Wins:

The Blonde Avenger had showered, dried off, and then stepped into a pair of silky white bikini panties, put on white short-shorts, and then added a skimpy halter top and a pair of four inch, high heeled wedges to complete her home hottie outfit, when her secret cell phone rang.

She hit the on button and said, “Hello,” then heard a very familiar male voice say, “Hi, baby, how is the world’s most beautiful and best stacked woman.”

“Well I am just fine when I hear compliments like that, Mr. Mayor,” Mona purred sexily to her close friend and former lover.

“They are well deserved you sexy god damned fox,” he assured her, then added “and are you taking good care of my favorite pussy?”

“Of course I am, Mike, you know that I always do that,” she teased, “But I’m glad that you’re still interested in it.”

“So tell me, Mr. Mayor, are you calling just too sweet talk me, or do you have something else on your mind,” she asked teasingly?

“Unfortunately I have much more serious problems on my mind today,” he answered grimly. Then he asked, “Have you been seeing all the uproar in the news about the cheap motel rapes that have been going on all over San Diego?”

“Of course I have, it is on the news practically 24 hours a day. Is it as bad as the media makes it out to be,” she asked?

“Yes it is, and that is what I am calling you about. The press is after my ass about this rape epidemic and the Governor is catching all kinds of flack about it, as well. He is absolutely livid, and is demanding that I do something about it, and quick, so that he can get his ass out of a sling, with the election being so near,” Mike stated flatly.

He went on, “So I need your help with this thing, real bad, baby. I have put together a sex crime task force to deal with catching these rapists and I need you to take the lead role in making my plan work,” he informed her. “And, to be blunt about it, I am counting on you to fuck our way out of this problem.”

“Oh Mike, you make my rapist catching roll sound so tantalizingly wicked,” she laughed sexily. “You know that I will do anything you want me to do to get you and the Governor out in this crisis, no matter what it might take. So please tell me exactly what you have in mind for me to do in the lead role.”

“Well, first let me say that you are absolutely perfect for the job, and I knew that I could count on you to do this for me, baby. Now, specifically, my plan is to use you as sex bait to lure these damned rotten bastards into a trap, then let them clearly demonstrate, by the filthy, perverted things they do to you, that that they are really rapists.”

“All of the nasty things that they make you do will be captured on film, and that film will be used in court as evidence to put them away for good.”

“Now all of our reactive steps are already moving very fast and I have put a lot of actions into motion at the task force’s offices and, if things go as I think they will, your first rape bait assignment will probably come tomorrow night,” he advised her.

“Wow, it sounds like I will have my hands full in the rape bait sex role,” she said excitedly.”

Mike wryly corrected what she had just said, “No baby, it is going to be more like the rapists will have their hands full of you and you will end up being full of the rapists.”

“Now, my dear, this rape crisis matter is so important that the Governor is going to be directly involved in the conduct of the project and, in that capacity, he wants us to meet with him out at his ranch at 2PM today. He wants me to give him a heads up on the nitty gritty details of the plan, especially the part about what you are going to be doing.”

“So first I need to know if you can rearrange your schedule so that you will be able to meet me at the Governor’s ranch this afternoon.” “Of course I can Mike,” she responded, without hesitation.

“Wonderful. Now, to tell you the truth, sweetheart, the primary reason the Governor wants to have this meeting with us today, is so that he can meet you in person.”

“He has seen you on TV and in newspaper photos and from a distance, and he has been very, very impressed with your accomplishments and even more impressed with your body. Based on that, he wants to get to know you better, today, on both a professional and a personal level. And, honey, I do mean a whole, whole lot better,” Mike warned her.

“Wow, I am very flattered that a powerful man like the Governor wants to meet me up close and personal and really get to know all about me. It is going to be a real honor for me to meet him in the flesh,” she cooed excitedly.

“Let me ask you a question, beautiful,” Mike said. “Okay, fire away,” she responded. “Have you ever done a Governor before?” “No I haven’t, as a matter of fact,” she admitted.

“Well, would you like to do one today and add another powerful man to the many celebrity notches you already have in your belt? Because, if you are interested, you are going to get the opportunity to bag the Governor this afternoon at his ranch,” he advised her. “He really has the hots for your body, baby.”

Mike could tell from the pregnant pause on the phone line that Mona was intrigued by the idea of getting banged by the Governor, and was mulling it over in her mind, very carefully.

Seizing on this moment of opportunity, he said, “Now don’t make a hasty decision, baby, and while you are thinking this proposition over, why don’t you rub your clit and finger your pussy a little for me.”

“Okay,” she responded, almost absent mindedly, and quickly ran her free hand down inside of her short-shorts and panties, then slipped two fingers into her already dampening twat, and began strumming her clit with her thumb, as she thought over what Mike had just told her.

He could hear her begin to breathe more rapidly, so he quickly interjected, “Also keep in mind, Mona, that the Governor will probably be the President of the United States very soon, something that will put him first in line of the checkered list of celebrities that you have let screw you.”

She finally responded, “Well, that is a very tempting offer, Mr.

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